Re: [消息] Steinbrenner: Door 'not closed' on d …

看板MIN-Twins作者 (Schadenfreude)時間17年前 (2007/12/17 20:29), 編輯推噓6(602)
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※ 引述《dblsesame (sesame)》之銘言: : 標題: [消息] Steinbrenner: Door 'not closed' on deal for Santana : 時間: Sun Dec 16 06:03:54 2007 : : : : : : Upon word that the Minnesota Twins were considering dealing Johan Santana, : the New York Yankees jumped at the opportunity to land the ace. Then the : talks stalled. Now it appears the two teams are back at it. : : 當初雙城隊打算交易山大王的消息一傳出來的時候,洋基立刻行動想拿下這張王牌。談判 : 一度膠著。不過現在又有復甦的樣子。 : : The New York Daily News and The Star-Ledger of Newark, N.J. reported that the : Yankees and Twins have had "a couple of brief calls" recently and Yankees : senior vice president Hank Steinbrenner said Friday the door is "not closed" : for the Yankees to pull off the deal. : : 紐約每日新聞和紐澤西的星報都報導洋基和雙城最近有兩通簡短的電話。洋基小老闆星期 : 五說成交的門並未關上。 : : "It's up to Minnesota what they want to do and I assume they're still : thinking about trading him," Steinbrenner said, according to the Daily News. : "As far as what I'm going to do, I don't know. There's been a couple of brief : calls. The door's not closed. : : 「要看明尼蘇達打算怎麼做,假設他們還有交易的打算的話」,洋基小老闆對每日新聞說 : ,「至於我這方面,我還不知道。有兩通簡短的電話,門並未關上。」 : : "I'm still thinking about it." : : 「我還在考慮。」 : : Steinbrenner said general manager Brian Cashman talked to the Twins about : Santana "once in the last couple of days", according to the Star Ledger. : : 星報報導洋基小老闆說「最近兩天內」現金人有和雙城討論過山大王。 : : Santana, a left-hander who turns 29 in March, has a 93-44 record with a 3.22 : ERA in eight major league seasons and is owed $13.25 million next year. : Steinbrenner disputed a report in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune that said : Santana's agent has told interested teams such as the Yankees, Boston Red Sox : and others that Santana will require a seven-year contract extension worth : $140 million. Santana likely would want an extension in exchange for waiving : his no-trade clause. : : 山塔那,左投 ,三月滿29歲 ,在大聯盟8年, 戰績93勝44敗 ERA3.22, 明年年薪一千 : 三百二十五萬美元。 有關山大王的經紀人和洋基、紅襪等對山大王有意的球隊要求七年 : 一億四千萬的續約之說洋基小老闆不予承認。 : : "The Twins haven't told us that [about the $140 million], no," Steinbrenner : said, according to the Daily News. "We haven't talked to his agent directly, : either. We can't. And Minnesota's not going to call us and tell us." : : 「雙城没告訴我們這個。」洋基小老闆說 「我們不能也没有和他的經紀直接談。」 : : The Red Sox have reportedly offered a package that includes one of their top : prospects -- Jon Lester, Clay Buchholz and Jacoby Ellsbury -- but only one. : : 紅襪據說拿出包括他們最好的新秀來換: Lester, Buchholz, Ellsbury 但是只能選一個 : 。 : : The Yankees had proposed swapping pitcher Phil Hughes, center fielder Melky : Cabrera and a midlevel prospect for the two-time Cy Young Award winner. While : up-and-coming pitcher Joba Chamberlain was deemed untouchable, Steinbrenner : is coming to grips with the possibility of losing Hughes. : : 洋基則提出Hughes牛奶弟加上中級新秀一名。 雖然張伯倫不能碰,洋基小老闆終於能接 : 受失去Hughes的可能。 : : "That's something that I'll have to decide," Steinbrenner said, according to : the Daily News. "For the near future, we're in a no-lose situation, to tell : you the truth." : : : 「這件事我會决定。」洋基小老闆說 「不過說實話,這樣交易短期來說我們是不會虧本 : 的。」 : : Information from the Associated Press was used in this report. : : ----------------- : 希望没OP : 不知道洋基是真心的還是在幫忙抬價 : ----------------- : : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( : ◆ From: : ※ 編輯: dblsesame 來自: (12/16 06:08) : → siliver:應該是看紅襪的狀況來決定吧,看來能丟出最多..... 12/16 09:44 : → yujenzzz:襪襪有山王 WS無法擋啊 12/16 11:43 : 推 RollingWave:那勇士有三個cy十多年還只贏了一發... 12/16 14:10 : 推 abing75907:可能是被紅襪季後賽表現洗腦了吧 12/16 14:44 : → abing75907:以今年季後賽表現 在加個山王下去 很機車啊!! 12/16 14:45 : → abing75907:不過我看好老虎!! 希望 D-TRAIN能復活 12/16 14:47 : 推 yslin6:雖然90年代勇士有3個CYA,還有不次的其他投手,但是打擊太 12/16 23:51 : → yslin6:貧弱,投手再強也會有輸的時候。 12/16 23:52 ^^^^ Runs Scored Rank in NL 2005: 4th 2004: 5th 2003: 1st 2002: 8th 2001: 13th 2000: 6th 1999: 6th 1998: 3rd 1997: 3rd 1996: 4th 1995: 9th 1994: 5th 1993: 3rd 1992: 3rd 1991: 2nd Turner Field has played pretty neutral this last 15 years or so, compared to some of the NL bandboxes. 你要不要先回去練練啊, 胡扯也要扯成不要讓人家5分鐘就踢爆 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/17 20:41, , 1F
90年代有Ryan Klesko、David Justice、Fred McGriff、CJ、
12/17 20:41, 1F

12/17 20:44, , 2F
AJ、Javier Lopez...怎麼看打擊都不會弱阿 :D
12/17 20:44, 2F

12/17 21:26, , 3F
90年代的勇士...運阿0.0 那時的藍鳥XXOO 柯柯
12/17 21:26, 3F

12/17 21:31, , 4F
想到90年代 就想到Ryan最後一場No Hitter @.@
12/17 21:31, 4F

12/17 22:17, , 5F
90年代那一次封王的勇士 反而是9th
12/17 22:17, 5F

12/17 22:19, , 6F
12/17 22:19, 6F

12/22 11:16, , 7F
勇士季後打擊都是整體鳥或整體爆 ..
12/22 11:16, 7F

12/26 01:34, , 8F
12/26 01:34, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #17PckqN9 (MIN-Twins)