[情報] LCK最快明年實施工資帽

看板LoL作者 (無無)時間1年前 (2023/06/03 00:43), 1年前編輯推噓52(542110)
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Future Of Salary Caps In League Of Legends Esports According to sources close to the BLIX'S editorial team, the LCK is set to imple ment a Salary Cap in the near future. Although the exact timing of the implement ation cannot be confirmed, all indications point towards its full enforcement in the LCK as early as 2024. Regardless, a Salary Cap will, without a doubt, be im plemented in the LCK. 根據情報指出,各個跡象指明LCK最快將在明年引進工資帽 Similar salary regulations have been previously applied in other leagues, such a s the LPL and its previously reported Salary Cap. This model is currently being studied, and many similar measures are expected to be applied in the LCK. LPL也已經實施工資帽制度 LCK會去參考 One of the rules currently under consideration is a provision that is similar to the Franchise Tag system in other sports. It would force players to renew their contracts if their team increases their salary by 25%. In such a scenario, play ers cannot decline their team's proposal and must continue competing with them f or an additional year. 其中一項目前正在討論的規則是 如果母隊給出的合約加薪幅度超過25%的話 那選手不能拒絕這合約 It should be noted that this rule is only a proposition that was previously disc ussed and may not be ultimately implemented. 但這只是之前討論過的提議 不一定會真的放入最終規則內 Attempts were made to apply this salary cap in Korea before. In 2021, rumors eme rged regarding the implementation of a salary cap in 2022, but the proposal did not move forward. According to a past report by Upcomer, T1 stood as the "strong est opposing voice" to the proposed new rule. 2021曾傳說LCK打算引進工資帽 但最終並沒有付諸實現(T1強力反對) However, as of 2023, the rule has reportedly been approved, and progress is bein g made. 但到了2023年,各隊都接受了工資帽 Something that BLIX.GG's sources can also confirm is that a significant number o f high-level Korean players are starting to explore opportunities in the West or seek representation from agents in the West. 情報也指出,多位LCK頂級選手開始會去考慮西方戰隊的報價了 Currently, the most significant case is what is happening with the European Regi onal Leagues (ERLs). Although nothing has been decided yet, discussions are ongo ing to explore the possibility of implementing a rule to set a maximum operation al cost for esports organizations in some ERLs. This option is being considered in various leagues, such as the LVP (Spanish lea gue) and the LFL (French league), due to the shared concern about the current st ate of esports. In addition to imposing a maximum operational cost per club, var ious options are being studied to hopefully improve the economic situation, incl uding format changes in the ERL. 此外歐洲地區聯賽也在討論要設支出上限了 https://reurl.cc/DAZlYR 25%那規則是啥鬼… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1685724218.A.BA6.html

06/03 00:45, 1年前 , 1F
06/03 00:45, 1F

06/03 00:47, 1年前 , 2F
06/03 00:47, 2F

06/03 00:48, 1年前 , 3F
06/03 00:48, 3F

06/03 00:48, 1年前 , 4F
對啊 工資帽美其名是競爭平衡 其實就單純資方用來
06/03 00:48, 4F

06/03 00:48, 1年前 , 5F
06/03 00:48, 5F

06/03 00:49, 1年前 , 6F
不只防了外賽區ㄟ 你選手想降薪去別隊報團也沒辦法
06/03 00:49, 6F

06/03 00:51, 1年前 , 7F
像尺哥之前薪資不特別高 吃到這招就虧爆了
06/03 00:51, 7F

06/03 00:51, 1年前 , 8F
職業運動是真的為了平衡啦 但電競就==
06/03 00:51, 8F

06/03 00:51, 1年前 , 9F
那T1怎麼辦 李哥就吃光全部扣打了 剩下的要擺四張
06/03 00:51, 9F

06/03 00:52, 1年前 , 10F
06/03 00:52, 10F

06/03 00:52, 1年前 , 11F
對欸 這樣連自己降薪想走也走不了
06/03 00:52, 11F

06/03 00:52, 1年前 , 12F
06/03 00:52, 12F

06/03 00:52, 1年前 , 13F
LOL選手的薪資根本溢價太嚴重了 LCK一定有企業
06/03 00:52, 13F

06/03 00:52, 1年前 , 14F
EDG Guma
06/03 00:52, 14F

06/03 00:52, 1年前 , 15F
06/03 00:52, 15F

06/03 00:52, 1年前 , 16F
06/03 00:52, 16F

06/03 00:53, 1年前 , 17F
06/03 00:53, 17F

06/03 00:53, 1年前 , 18F
06/03 00:53, 18F

06/03 00:54, 1年前 , 19F
06/03 00:54, 19F

06/03 00:54, 1年前 , 20F
本質不太一樣吧 NBA上限是不想你豪門球隊砸大錢
06/03 00:54, 20F

06/03 00:54, 1年前 , 21F
06/03 00:54, 21F

06/03 00:54, 1年前 , 22F
早該有了 在沒辦法提高產值前 要長久發展只能降薪資
06/03 00:54, 22F

06/03 00:54, 1年前 , 23F
如果是單張合約上限 那企業也省不了太多吧
06/03 00:54, 23F
對啊 但去查LPL工資帽都只看到限個人薪水的 沒看到整個規則

06/03 00:54, 1年前 , 24F
06/03 00:54, 24F

06/03 00:54, 1年前 , 25F
06/03 00:54, 25F
cannot decline their team's proposal 內文是寫不能拒絕戰隊的合約

06/03 00:55, 1年前 , 26F
領少一點總比沒得領好 看看na
06/03 00:55, 26F

06/03 00:55, 1年前 , 27F
06/03 00:55, 27F

06/03 00:56, 1年前 , 28F
06/03 00:56, 28F

06/03 00:56, 1年前 , 29F
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/03/2023 00:57:43

06/03 00:58, 1年前 , 30F
06/03 00:58, 30F
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 06/03/2023 00:58:42

06/03 00:58, 1年前 , 31F
06/03 00:58, 31F

06/03 00:59, 1年前 , 32F
06/03 00:59, 32F

06/03 00:59, 1年前 , 33F
不過新人不都是低薪仔 這樣沒跟到這波通膨的薪資
06/03 00:59, 33F

06/03 00:59, 1年前 , 34F
06/03 00:59, 34F

06/03 00:59, 1年前 , 35F
06/03 00:59, 35F
還有 91 則推文
還有 1 段內文
06/03 08:19, 1年前 , 127F
06/03 08:19, 127F

06/03 08:20, 1年前 , 128F
06/03 08:20, 128F

06/03 09:20, 1年前 , 129F
換一個角度也能理解啦 多的是今年表現超神簽大約
06/03 09:20, 129F

06/03 09:21, 1年前 , 130F
明年換個版本就吃屎了 這點電競跟實際運動可不一樣
06/03 09:21, 130F

06/03 09:21, 1年前 , 131F
06/03 09:21, 131F

06/03 09:21, 1年前 , 132F
06/03 09:21, 132F

06/03 10:14, 1年前 , 133F
06/03 10:14, 133F

06/03 10:15, 1年前 , 134F
06/03 10:15, 134F

06/03 10:40, 1年前 , 135F
新人如peyz起薪都不高 加25% 就能留根本血賺
06/03 10:40, 135F

06/03 10:45, 1年前 , 136F
LOL電競選手的產值太低 資方會同意很正常
06/03 10:45, 136F

06/03 10:46, 1年前 , 137F
06/03 10:46, 137F

06/03 11:15, 1年前 , 138F
這產業就不賺錢 講實話就是不配領那麼多錢 那些籃
06/03 11:15, 138F

06/03 11:16, 1年前 , 139F
球棒球運動員薪水那麼高 是因為球隊聯盟本身都有賺
06/03 11:16, 139F

06/03 11:16, 1年前 , 140F
選手才能拿那麼多分潤 電競單純只燒錢沒賺半毛
06/03 11:16, 140F

06/03 11:16, 1年前 , 141F
好事吧 再通膨下去幾年小隊伍遲早也要倒
06/03 11:16, 141F

06/03 11:50, 1年前 , 142F
老實說看姑媽等直播 他們自己都懷疑過選手薪水過高
06/03 11:50, 142F

06/03 11:50, 1年前 , 143F
選手薪資就是被炒到太過離譜 我看好大家一起開福袋
06/03 11:50, 143F

06/03 11:51, 1年前 , 144F
只有有流量的Faker Deft這種有那種價值
06/03 11:51, 144F

06/03 12:20, 1年前 , 145F
06/03 12:20, 145F

06/03 12:20, 1年前 , 146F
06/03 12:20, 146F

06/03 12:20, 1年前 , 147F
06/03 12:20, 147F

06/03 12:22, 1年前 , 148F
06/03 12:22, 148F

06/03 12:44, 1年前 , 149F
06/03 12:44, 149F

06/03 12:45, 1年前 , 150F
真爽 老闆有錢就帶頭亂搞
06/03 12:45, 150F

06/03 13:09, 1年前 , 151F
NA也快窮死了 應該挖不太到吧
06/03 13:09, 151F

06/03 14:12, 1年前 , 152F
實力跟價格不對等 那就淘汰阿
06/03 14:12, 152F

06/03 14:14, 1年前 , 153F
沒那個實力卻要拿那個薪水 不就是為了吃流量?
06/03 14:14, 153F

06/03 17:51, 1年前 , 154F
25%好扯 如果有超級新人打出生涯年 明年直接被硬留
06/03 17:51, 154F

06/03 17:53, 1年前 , 155F
月薪五萬爆發打出生涯年 結果隔年被用6.25留下
06/03 17:53, 155F

06/03 17:54, 1年前 , 156F
再一年就被用78K留下 打完三年下滑直接丟掉 真好用
06/03 17:54, 156F

06/03 23:07, 1年前 , 157F
06/03 23:07, 157F

06/03 23:07, 1年前 , 158F
06/03 23:07, 158F

06/03 23:07, 1年前 , 159F
這樣新人反而會優先考慮去別賽區 過過水
06/03 23:07, 159F

06/03 23:08, 1年前 , 160F
領高薪再回來談 不過很可能就一去不回
06/03 23:08, 160F

06/03 23:08, 1年前 , 161F
06/03 23:08, 161F

06/03 23:09, 1年前 , 162F
如果說有超過一個價錢後才能用25%綁人 還好說
06/03 23:09, 162F

06/03 23:10, 1年前 , 163F
06/03 23:10, 163F

06/04 03:41, 1年前 , 164F
只會說壓榨勞方的應該對收支平衡一點概念都沒有 根
06/04 03:41, 164F

06/04 03:41, 1年前 , 165F
06/04 03:41, 165F

06/04 10:52, 1年前 , 166F
現在還有新人嗎 也沒人強迫你要打電競阿
06/04 10:52, 166F
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