[閒聊] TSM Bjergsen - AMA 於reddit

看板LoL作者 (為什麼貓都叫不來?)時間7年前 (2016/12/16 04:37), 7年前編輯推噓36(36012)
留言48則, 41人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來源:https://goo.gl/KAXAnw 鼻爾森睽違兩年的光陰(上次為2014年),再次於reddit開放AMA 夾帶著爾森的高人氣,有各式各樣的問題等著森可可 我選擇順序從上往下翻,以大略意思為主 我會盡量翻完,畢竟睡不太著(ry 但看來問題層出不窮,不過我會盡量。 排列順序由reddit最上留言往下翻譯↓ ≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡=≡= 問以黃色代替答以藍色代替※為換題記號 How do you think Riot should go about balancing assassins? What is your opinion on this as a mid laner? 你覺得Riot要怎麼做才能做好刺客的平衡?身為一位中路玩家,你對此有何意見? I don't really put thought into how Riot should be balancing stuff like the assassins, I more so see it as my job to adapt and do the best possible regardless of the meta, whether assassins are strong or weak. Sorry I can't be of much help. 我實在沒有想過Riot要如何平衡刺客,我更常將適應它當作自己的工作,然後力求在meta 中能有最好的表現,不管刺客是強是弱。抱歉,我沒辦法幫到你什麼。 How good was Faker's English? Faker的英文如何? It was actually pretty decent, only had to use the translator once to figure out what champions/masteries etc. He was easy to work with and just wanted to have fun in Tandem mode, seemed more competitive in the assassin mode. 實際上還不錯,只要翻譯一次就知道要選哪隻英雄、用什麼天賦等等。他是很好的合作夥 伴,而且他在雙人模式中只想要否放;他在全刺客模式中明顯比較具有競爭心。 Why didn't you guys pick Zed? 為什麼不選劫? I wanted to pick Zed both in the Tandem mode and the 5v5 Allstar mix but none of my teammates wanted to play any magic damage dealing champions and playing Zed with 5 physical damage is awful and not fun to play or watch. When Faker played Zed his team played Teemo/Brand etc. for magic dmg. 不管在雙人模式還是5V5全明星混合賽中我都想選劫,但是沒有任何一位隊友想要選AP輸 出的英雄,劫在全AD組合中表現很差,而且不好玩又不具觀賞性。 當Faker玩劫的時候,他隊友就會選下提摩、布蘭德這種AP輸出角。 Hey Bjerg, You've spoke about having issues with your wrists in the past so I have a few questions about them since I think it's an overlooked topic: 1) How are your wrists now? 2) What did you do to help your wrists? 3) What measures do you take to prevent more wrist injuries? 4) What tips can you give to people to prevent wrist injuries and to those who are struggling with bad wrists Also to clarify, I say 'wrist injuries' loosely, can be hand/wrist/forearm/elbow, that region. 嘿,森可可 你曾經提過你之前手腕的狀況,所以我有些疑問,我想這是長久以來都被忽略的問題: 1. 你現在手腕狀況怎樣? 2. 你做了什麼來治療你的手腕? 3. 你做了什麼措施以防止更多手傷出現? 4. 對那些想防止手傷以及正在跟手傷奮鬥的人你有何秘訣可以提供給他們? 我澄清一下,我說的「手腕受傷」,泛指手/腕/前臂/手肘,諸如這些地方。 1) My wrists are good now, I hardly ever have pain and if I do it goes away once I stretch consistently and sleep with my brace. 2) I went to physical therapy twice a week for rehab and stretched 4 times a day aswell as sleeping with a night brace and tried to make my computer setup more ergonomical. I felt like it wasn't helping me much honestly but eventually it went away, can't say exactly what helped it. 3) I started going to the gym to strengthen my arm/upper body because the more muscles you have the less it uses the small muscles around your tendons (not an expert but roughly how I was told by my PT.) Also still sleep with my wrist brace and should probably be doing more stretches than I am atm. 4) Pretty much all of the above ^^ 1. 我手腕現在很好,我很少會有疼痛。但如果我會痛的話,只要持續做手臂伸展,然 後帶著支撐器睡覺就能解決。 2. 我有去做物理治療,每周兩次復健療程、每天四次伸展運動,並戴著支撐器睡覺, 然後常是讓自己的電腦設置更符合人體工學。老實說我不覺得這樣做有幫到我很多,但疼 痛最後就這樣消失了,也不知道到底是哪個部分有所幫助。 3. 我開始去健身房訓練我的手臂以及上半身,因為只要擁有越多肌肉,就代表肌腱周 圍的小肌肉會更少被使用(我不是專家,但我的PT這樣跟我說)。另外,我依然戴著手腕支 撐器睡覺,並比以前做更多伸展動作。 4. 上述應該就足以說明囉^^ Hey Bjerg, long time fan. I was just wondering what you enjoy outside of the game. So much of your life is League of Legends, and you must like it to devote so much time to a video game. But, what're some things you love to do outside of your career? 嘿森可可,我是你老粉絲了。我想要知道你遊戲外的興趣。你的生活大部分都是英雄聯盟 ,想必你對電玩遊戲相當熱愛才願意投入這麼大量的時間。不過呢,除了工作外你還喜歡 做些什麼呢? Spending quality time with friends or my teammates, grabbing dinner or something and just relaxing and enjoying ourselves. Watching TV shows, regular stuff. 與朋友或隊友共度美好時光,一起吃晚餐之類的,單純放鬆和享受自我。看電視節目,一 直以來都是。 What are some of your favorite shows? 哪些電視節目你喜歡? Recently Mr Robot, Westworld and Black Mirror. 最近是Mr Robot、Westworld和 Black Mirror。 favorite offrole and offrole champ? :) 喜歡的中路外位置及英雄? :) Lee sin jungle, even when he isn't as strong as he is now I've always enjoyed playing him. 李星將狗,就算他不是像現在那麼強的時候,我依然喜歡玩。 What's your first impression of TL and IMT based off of their play in iem? I know it's an offseason event 在IEM交戰後,你對TL和iMT的第一印象?當然我知道這是休賽期比賽。 Didn't watch enough games since I've been with my family but rooting for my boys Goldenglue/Dardoch to do well. Also RO is cute <3 沒看夠多比賽來評斷,因為我一直陪著家人。不過我絕對全心支持好兄弟金色膠水和大大 顆,他們會表現良好。然後,Reignover很可愛 <3 Hi Bjergsen, I am a HUGE fan. My question is: Could you ever see yourself go back to Europe to play for an EU team if the offer was good (Lot of money+chance to compete for trophies), like if PSG decided to make a super team or something. 嗨爾森,我是大風扇(X)大粉絲(O),我的問題是: 如果EU隊伍開出很優渥的條件(很多錢且有機會奪冠),像PSG決定組一團大的,你覺得你 會不會回歐洲打比賽? ever know what the future might hold but I'm happy in TSM and I would count as an import slot now if I went to Europe I believe so it's not likely. Seems like every team wants 2 koreans, lol. 未來之事永遠無法知曉,不過我在TSM過得挺開心。而且我現在去歐洲算是外援,所以我 想可能性極低。看起來每個隊伍都想要兩個韓國人,廠廠。 Whos your favorite pokemon? 你最喜歡的神奇寶貝? Hauntzer. 夯斯特( tsm上路)。(我被騙qq) Besides Faker, which mid laner gives/gave you the hardest time in lane? 除了飛可,哪個中路給你的打線壓力最大? Crown xd 皇冠可可XD Hey Bjergsen, Was wondering after reading your story on how hard high school was for you and if you think a teacher clould have done something to help? I'm a 22 year old first year high school teacher and I don't want any of my students to feel like you did in school. How can I reach out and be more supportive, or what could a teacher have done to help someone in your situation more? Thanks for being so honest with us fans! 嘿 爾森,看完你高中時的艱辛故事後,我想要知道一點:你是否認為做為一個 教師那時應該做些什麼?我是一位22歲、年資僅有一年的高中教師,我不希望任何我的學 生經歷你曾經歷過的學生生活。 我該如何給他們更多的支持,或者身為一位教師,以你的情況而論,要怎麼給予幫助? 感謝你對我們鼻粉如此誠實! A teacher can definitely help and actually a teachers was one of the first to reach out to my parents and ask how I was doing and if I needed help because I wasn't talking to my parents about my life at school. The teacher wasn't able to fix my problem but set me on the right path, just look out for your students, you'd be surprised how good they can be at putting on a mask and just seeming happy without actually being it. 老師自然能幫到忙,實際上就是老師第一個接觸我父母並詢問我當時感受,以及我是否需 要幫助,因為我那時從沒跟我父母講過我的學校生活。即便那位老師無法解決我的問題, 但卻能指引我到正確的道路上,但請留意你的學生,你會很驚訝學生很會戴上面具,裝出 自己很開心的樣子。 Hey Bjerg, 1) What motivates you to keep on improving yourself as a player other than winning the world championship? 2) Do you think it's better for midlaners to have a wide champion pool(7+ Champions) for specific comps and lane matchups or a small champion pool( 3-5 Champions) consistenting only of Meta picks 3) For aspiring mid laners, is there any advice you can give them for improving other than watching VODS/Playing? 4) What role do you think is the best for learning Macro Play 5) Whats your favorite show that you can watch repeatedly and not get tired of? 嘿森哥 (1) 是什麼動機讓你做為一位選手持續精進自我,除了拿下世界冠軍以外? (2) 你是否認為作為一位中路選手,需要擁有很廣大的英雄池(超過7個英雄)來應付各 種情形,或者只要幾隻META角(3-5隻)就好? (3) 對於將來的中路選手,你有什麼建議,除了看比賽VOD以外? (4) 就練微操而言哪條路你覺得最容易練習的到? (5) 有什麼是節目你能一直看而不會厭倦? (回答英文太多,簡潔版面我就上中翻就好) (1) 專注在小部分我想有進度的事,像是一支角色、一個動作,比賽的特定部分。而版 本與遊戲的變動讓我覺得遊戲多了有趣,少了厭倦。 (2) 3-5隻META角。這取決於該META如何,以及多少counter pick你需要準備。不過如 果你是solequeue玩家就不用擔心這麼多,除了有些OP角只有一兩隻角色能打贏。 (3) 答案跟你聽過的一樣,看VOD。但我喜歡看其他人的VOD去學他們的基本技術、或 者對該角色對線其他角的進階對策,之後再看自己的─比較我跟他們的差距,以及自己有 何缺失。 (4) 我個人認為你能從打野學到很多,因為當你有很好的地圖觀的時候,對幾乎整張 地圖都有影響力。假設你去gank上路,即便成功了,這卻會讓你的下路線有被DIVE,或者 掉塔、被拿龍的風險,每件你在地圖一端做的決定都會影響另外一端的發展。 (5) 任何有Bo Burnham出現的節目。 Whats your opinion on forg1ven as a player and as a character ? 對Forg1ven做為一個選手跟一個「人」的看法? (他是不是歐美西門= =各種救援) Forg1ven as player seems really talented, he wasn't playing pro league and playing Overwatch, then got picked up by H2K again and performed with very little practice, takes a lot of talent to be able to pick the game up that easily again. Seems to perform pretty consistently, though mostly on autoattack focused champions Trist/Cait etc. As a character I can't say because I've never been his teammate, every time I talk to him online and in person he's extremely nice and respectful and obviously has much confidence. But I hate how people talk about how a person is in a team environment or how good a certain coach is when they in reality have no idea how it truly is unless they've played/worked with that person, so the only people who can comment on Forgiven as a teammate ARE his former teammates. Sorry for awful grammar, I'm just typing out my thoughts as they come. 他做為選手真的很有天分,他沒打職業然後一直玩OW,最後回到H2K。練習的很少卻仍有 好表現,並擁有很好的天賦去重新練起放棄過的遊戲。遊戲中他給我感覺很穩,但幾乎只 選普A型英雄,像小砲或凱特琳。 做為一個人我不好說,因為我從來沒當過他隊友,每次在網路上跟他聊的時候,他人都很 好、有禮貌,並有明顯相當有自信。不過呢,我非常痛恨有些人一直在討論一個人在團隊 氣氛中如何如何,或者教練怎樣怎樣。他們根本不知道實際狀況,除非他們曾經跟那人共 事過,所以只有Forg1ven的前隊友有資格評論他。 抱歉文筆差,我鍵隨意動。 =-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 先這樣,抱歉前面有些出錯,文筆也不甚好,望各位不吝指正。 - After all this time? 今生今世? Always. 永遠。 http://i.imgur.com/yeVLSSo.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1481834232.A.551.html

12/16 04:38, , 1F
Hauntzer OK
12/16 04:38, 1F
※ 編輯: yiwangneko (, 12/16/2016 04:43:00

12/16 04:44, , 2F
為什麼他現在回EU算外援? Riot的歸化認定優於國籍?
12/16 04:44, 2F

12/16 04:50, , 3F
12/16 04:50, 3F

12/16 04:53, , 4F
12/16 04:53, 4F
OK 醒了 改個

12/16 05:04, , 5F
12/16 05:04, 5F
...對齁 是鬼斯通

12/16 05:09, , 6F
12/16 05:09, 6F

12/16 05:35, , 7F
12/16 05:35, 7F

12/16 05:37, , 8F
Hauntzer LUL
12/16 05:37, 8F

12/16 05:39, , 9F
12/16 05:39, 9F
X推 letbeit : 推這篇 12/16 05:42

12/16 05:43, , 10F
要看最後印象阿XD 對MAPLE的最後印象是三等打出閃現
12/16 05:43, 10F

12/16 05:51, , 11F
他們很久沒在正式比賽對過了啦 不過他跟maple是好朋
12/16 05:51, 11F

12/16 05:51, , 12F
友阿 明星賽還抱抱
12/16 05:51, 12F

12/16 05:55, , 13F
12/16 05:55, 13F

12/16 06:00, , 14F
12/16 06:00, 14F

12/16 06:09, , 15F
12/16 06:09, 15F

12/16 06:21, , 16F
12/16 06:21, 16F

12/16 06:24, , 17F
12/16 06:24, 17F

12/16 06:49, , 18F
我鼻 <33
12/16 06:49, 18F

12/16 07:15, , 19F
12/16 07:15, 19F

12/16 07:26, , 20F
12/16 07:26, 20F

12/16 07:27, , 21F
12/16 07:27, 21F

12/16 07:27, , 22F
12/16 07:27, 22F

12/16 07:34, , 23F
李星那個翻錯了 他的意思是 就算李星不像現在這麼強
12/16 07:34, 23F

12/16 07:34, , 24F
李星那個翻錯了 他的意思是 就算李星不像現在這麼強
12/16 07:34, 24F

12/16 07:34, , 25F
勢 他也喜歡玩
12/16 07:34, 25F

12/16 07:35, , 26F
12/16 07:35, 26F

12/16 08:16, , 27F
鼻爾森世界賽被皇冠哥... 當然對皇冠哥有印象XD
12/16 08:16, 27F

12/16 08:18, , 28F
12/16 08:18, 28F

12/16 08:29, , 29F
推推 然後簽名檔我看不懂QQ
12/16 08:29, 29F

12/16 08:33, , 30F
12/16 08:33, 30F

12/16 08:46, , 31F
12/16 08:46, 31F

12/16 08:54, , 32F
12/16 08:54, 32F

12/16 09:18, , 33F
12/16 09:18, 33F

12/16 09:51, , 34F
12/16 09:51, 34F

12/16 09:52, , 35F
12/16 09:52, 35F

12/16 10:10, , 36F
感謝翻譯>_< 黑鏡真的好看
12/16 10:10, 36F

12/16 10:32, , 37F
NA的薪水比 EU 還要高 為什麼要放棄高薪回EU
12/16 10:32, 37F

12/16 10:32, , 38F
12/16 10:32, 38F

12/16 10:36, , 39F
鼻爾森也喜歡black mirror和mr robot!再加上westwor
12/16 10:36, 39F

12/16 10:36, , 40F
ld 喜歡的題材也是蠻明顯的
12/16 10:36, 40F

12/16 10:43, , 41F
推Black Mirror
12/16 10:43, 41F

12/16 10:58, , 42F
Haunter才是鬼斯通 Hauntzer是tsm上路
12/16 10:58, 42F

12/16 10:59, , 43F
鬼斯通 = haunter 他拿hauntzer開玩笑
12/16 10:59, 43F
耿鬼的都抱歉qq 我修正一下

12/16 11:14, , 44F
12/16 11:14, 44F

12/16 11:18, , 45F
12/16 11:18, 45F

12/16 11:43, , 46F
12/16 11:43, 46F
※ 編輯: yiwangneko (, 12/16/2016 13:19:29

12/16 13:28, , 47F
12/16 13:28, 47F

12/16 23:22, , 48F
xd不是XD的意思吧 是另一個表情
12/16 23:22, 48F
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