[閒聊] Olleh FB

看板LoL作者 (金羊)時間7年前 (2016/09/07 11:21), 7年前編輯推噓277(417140270)
留言827則, 532人參與, 最新討論串29/50 (看更多)
https://www.facebook.com/JJOOSUNG/posts/1774709932741699 Hi i am olleh . I am here to talk about my side. 今天要來講一下我的角度 Because I learned many things from last year , I decided to not post my feeling or my words on SNS. 因為去年發生的事 所以我決定不再把自己的心情自己的文字跟大家分享 So even i wanted to say it after many people got misunderstanding , I tried to not post anything. 所以就算是這次 我很想出來講 我還是嘗試不去發任何東西 But i already talked with dinter after he said on stream and solved his misunderstandings. 這次是因為在丁特實況後 我已經跟丁特溝通過了 而也解開了兩人之間的誤會 I will write only truths and here will be no any lies. 我只會說事實 這邊完全沒有任何謊言 1. I didn't want to play with dinter ? 為什麼我那時不想跟丁特一起打? = Last year when his play is not good , Our team was blaming him everytime. But I didn't blame and just tried to help him. 去年的時候他玩得很差,我們隊伍每次都在怪他,但我沒有怪責他,選擇了幫助他。 One day , Our korean coach decided to find korean JG and smurph joined our team. 但有一天,韓國教練決定要找新韓國JG,然後Smurph就加入了, And he asked dinter to quit or be coach. 之後韓國教練就叫丁特離隊或者做教練 At this moment , Dinter was considering to quit our team. 在那時丁特正在考慮要不要離隊 But i stopped him and talked with him to let him stay and play together. 我跟他講了很多之後 我停止了他離隊的念頭,讓他留下來一起繼續打 This time , I and Toyz started to argue with coach to protect dinter. 這時 為了保護丁特的位置 我跟toyz就開始跟教練吵架 Coach felt really bad at this situation , so we could not be together. 也因為這樣教練很生氣 This is why korean coach had to leave our team. 所以教練無奈之下決定退隊 But while smurph was in our team , Dinter started to grow up so fast. 當smurph在我們隊的時候,丁特開始打得很好 That was really good for us Although we lost our coach. 所以即使我們失去了教練,我覺得也未嘗不是一件好事 About this year. 關於這一年 After spring season , Rokenia was going to quit our team. 春季聯賽之後,rokenia準備離隊 Although i said i gonna be analyst or sub player , I couldn't stop him. 就算我已經跟他講我可以去當分析師或者我可以當替補 我還是沒辦法留住他 So this time our team decided to find New mid and found Gear. 所以我們隊就開始找新中路 而找到了gear At this moment our team wanted to bring wind with Gear because they were MID&JG duo for 1 year. 而那時他們想把wind一起帶來 因為他們已經在一起打了一年 But i said we don't need new jg , i believe dinter. 但是我跟公司說我們不需要新jg 我相信丁特 Sometime later , our team got big situation about ban&pick. 但日子久後 我們隊在BAN PICK上遇到了很大的問題 Cuz Enemy started to not give him Rexai or Gragas. 因為敵隊開始封鎖雷珂煞,酒桶 But this time i said to our manager We need new jg to let dinter grow up again like last year smurph. 所以這時我跟經理說我們需要新JG來刺激丁特 就像去年的侯補打野smurph and I asked dinter to play skarner or amumu or sejuani like his tank style and teamfight champion. 丁特很擅長坦型團戰角色 我叫丁特去玩史加納/阿姆姆/史瓦妮 (Last year I asked him to play wukong vs TPA match , when no one play wukong in the match. 去年對上tpa時 同樣我叫了他去玩沒人比賽在用的悟空 LINK = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQ-G6S4uyAQ)
But he didn't want to play and practiced kindred. 但他不想去玩,只練了鏡爪 I believed his kindred but that was not his own style. 我清楚鏡爪不是丁特擅長的 So i asked other champs but nothing changed. 所以我嘗試去叫他玩別的,可是什麼都沒有改變 Before Playoff, I got an idea to let dinter kindred grow up. playoff之前 我想到了一套新套路讓丁特的鏡爪得到成長(遊戲) That was swap line after patch. 那是6.15版換路 So I discussed with dinter and we made our own strategy. 在跟丁特討論後 我們創造了我們的戰術 I think it was successful at first game of playoff. 我以為會很成功 ( 第一場對上ahq ) But we lost. 但是我們輸了 Then i asked our team to let wind play scrim but we didn't do. 然後我叫隊伍去讓wind嘗試團練 但隊伍沒有同意 Before 3 days of playoff, We met same situation that enemy always ban Gragas and Rexai in scrim. 在第二張門票開打的三天前 當我們團練時 我們遇到了同樣的bp狀態 就是敵隊一直封鎖 雷珂煞還有酒桶 We couldn't make our ban pick well. 我們沒有辦法去做任何bp So i asked our team to use wind once time . 所以我認為該讓wind嘗試參加團練 "If Wind is not good enough , just keep going with dinter." (+ I've never said that i will go to korea if we don't use wind. ) "如果wind打不好 我們就繼續用丁特" (+我從來沒有講過 如果不用wind 我會帶雷神回韓國) And we played with wind , and He played very well with many champs. 然後我們就跟wind一起團練 而wind團練時打得很好 也會玩很多角色 So that was not my only decision . Our team decided it. 所以那不是我的決定 那時我們隊的決定 I have no power to control our team . 我完全沒有權力去操縱隊伍 How i could control our team? Even they were finding new support after 1 lose. 連輸了一場後 他們就找新輔助 那我怎麼可能有權力去控制隊伍 You guys can hear our voice talk after LMS match. 每次比賽後 大家可以聽到mic check 2. About raison's stuff. 關於雷神 When raison really wanna quit our team because of money. 當雷神因為薪水問題很想離隊的時候 I talked with him a lot to not let him go . 為了不讓他走 我跟他聊了很多 I didn't tell any lies or hide anything. 我沒有說謊沒有隱瞞任何事實 To not let him go away, I tried to stopped him by saying I can give you my salary. 為了不讓他走 甚至跟他說了我可以給你我的薪水 Here is translation of picture. 這裡是照片裹的翻譯後內容 Raison : Now i cannot communicate with company well. I am sorry to let you get pressure. 雷神:現在我完全沒辦法跟公司溝通 對不起我的事讓你得到壓力了 I will try to find the way to quit our team. I think It's not right that you pay for me. 我會找辦法離隊 我覺得你付薪水給我是不對的事 Olleh: I don't care of it. I brought you. you think i cannot do this for you? 歐雷:我不在意那些錢,是我帶你來的 你覺得連這些事我都不能為你做嗎 Raison: Hmm. Ah but It's your money.. 雷神:嗯。。。。但這是你的錢 + When i brought Rokenia for spring, I was already ready to be a sub. 當時rokenia來我們隊打春季賽的時候 我早就準備好去當替補 I already told them that i will let you guys play and i gonna help our team behind. 也跟rokenia raison說過 我會讓你們兩個打 我去當後勤就好 Although you guys sent many bad words to me , i don't hate you. 雖然你們傳了很多難聽的話給我 但我不討厭你們 I live in Taiwan and love here. 我住在台灣 我也愛這裡 This is why i could stand for Taiwan before. 這也是為什麼受訪時我會為台灣發聲 Thank you for reading my post. 謝謝 P.S To not make any trouble of story , i asked Toyz before i mention him. http://imgur.com/a/Czx6X -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1473218512.A.CD1.html

09/07 11:22, , 1F
09/07 11:22, 1F

09/07 11:22, , 2F
09/07 11:22, 2F

09/07 11:22, , 3F
09/07 11:22, 3F

09/07 11:22, , 4F
09/07 11:22, 4F

09/07 11:23, , 5F
09/07 11:23, 5F

09/07 11:23, , 6F
09/07 11:23, 6F

09/07 11:24, , 7F
如果是這樣 為什麼隊友都幫丁特說話 為什麼鍾老闆要
09/07 11:24, 7F

09/07 11:24, , 8F
09/07 11:24, 8F

09/07 11:24, , 9F
09/07 11:24, 9F

09/07 11:24, , 10F
09/07 11:24, 10F

09/07 11:24, , 11F
09/07 11:24, 11F

09/07 11:24, , 12F
嗯 呃 我想聽培生怎麼說
09/07 11:24, 12F

09/07 11:24, , 13F
09/07 11:24, 13F

09/07 11:24, , 14F
09/07 11:24, 14F

09/07 11:24, , 15F
09/07 11:24, 15F

09/07 11:24, , 16F
09/07 11:24, 16F

09/07 11:24, , 17F
09/07 11:24, 17F

09/07 11:24, , 18F
09/07 11:24, 18F

09/07 11:25, , 19F
排版分行一下好不好啊 很難讀
09/07 11:25, 19F

09/07 11:25, , 20F
來囉來囉 互咬
09/07 11:25, 20F

09/07 11:25, , 21F
09/07 11:25, 21F

09/07 11:25, , 22F
09/07 11:25, 22F

09/07 11:25, , 23F
抱歉 你沒有信用了
09/07 11:25, 23F

09/07 11:25, , 24F
09/07 11:25, 24F

09/07 11:25, , 25F
09/07 11:25, 25F

09/07 11:25, , 26F
09/07 11:25, 26F

09/07 11:25, , 27F
09/07 11:25, 27F

09/07 11:25, , 28F
09/07 11:25, 28F

09/07 11:26, , 29F
09/07 11:26, 29F

09/07 11:26, , 30F
09/07 11:26, 30F

09/07 11:26, , 31F
09/07 11:26, 31F

09/07 11:26, , 32F
09/07 11:26, 32F

09/07 11:26, , 33F
啊 買珍珠紅茶拿鐵 一杯55 雞排一片50 OuO
09/07 11:26, 33F

09/07 11:26, , 34F
09/07 11:26, 34F

09/07 11:26, , 35F
09/07 11:26, 35F

09/07 11:26, , 36F
09/07 11:26, 36F

09/07 11:26, , 37F
09/07 11:26, 37F

09/07 11:26, , 38F
09/07 11:26, 38F

09/07 11:26, , 39F
兩邊各說各話 比八點檔還好看
09/07 11:26, 39F
還有 748 則推文
還有 4 段內文
09/07 14:40, , 788F
根本沒敢解釋帶整隊進房間 要丁特不打 威脅要離開
09/07 14:40, 788F

09/07 14:43, , 789F
季後賽完還有抓馬 真棒
09/07 14:43, 789F

09/07 14:43, , 790F
刪文就輸啦 拜託戰力強點好不好
09/07 14:43, 790F

09/07 14:51, , 791F
說實在的 這些 完全沒回應到...爆料的也都很空泛
09/07 14:51, 791F

09/07 14:55, , 792F
09/07 14:55, 792F

09/07 14:58, , 793F
這回合 丁特 Win!
09/07 14:58, 793F

09/07 15:03, , 794F
沒截圖,不然下面的回覆更好笑 XD
09/07 15:03, 794F

09/07 15:07, , 795F
隊友幫誰看不出來嗎 當我們雷神喔
09/07 15:07, 795F

09/07 15:12, , 796F
09/07 15:12, 796F

09/07 15:24, , 797F
09/07 15:24, 797F

09/07 15:24, , 798F
09/07 15:24, 798F

09/07 15:30, , 799F
09/07 15:30, 799F

09/07 15:31, , 800F
09/07 15:31, 800F

09/07 15:35, , 801F
有刪嗎 我怎麼fb還有看到
09/07 15:35, 801F

09/07 15:36, , 802F
結論 :奪特他媽的只會酒桶 雷柯薩
09/07 15:36, 802F

09/07 15:55, , 803F
當初JJ的事也是相同的說法 笑死
09/07 15:55, 803F

09/07 16:03, , 804F
09/07 16:03, 804F

09/07 16:10, , 805F
角池太爛 不就大家都知道了嗎
09/07 16:10, 805F

09/07 16:11, , 806F
09/07 16:11, 806F

09/07 16:27, , 807F
09/07 16:27, 807F

09/07 16:48, , 808F
09/07 16:48, 808F

09/07 16:57, , 809F
不信 疑點太多了
09/07 16:57, 809F

09/07 17:40, , 810F
別唬了 還是繼續搭公車吧
09/07 17:40, 810F

09/07 18:22, , 811F
其實關於這次事件我比較信墮特 看其他隊友反應就知
09/07 18:22, 811F

09/07 18:27, , 812F
兩邊都不信 很煩欸一直洗板
09/07 18:27, 812F

09/07 18:28, , 813F
09/07 18:28, 813F

09/07 18:28, , 814F
09/07 18:28, 814F

09/07 18:32, , 815F
我清楚鏡爪不是丁特擅長的 <- 這句反了
09/07 18:32, 815F

09/07 18:33, , 816F
09/07 18:33, 816F

09/07 19:23, , 817F
09/07 19:23, 817F

09/07 20:19, , 818F
09/07 20:19, 818F

09/07 21:51, , 819F
墮特讓我難以相信 只好信你了
09/07 21:51, 819F

09/08 01:01, , 820F
丁特就是個廢物 全哪隊哪隊雖
09/08 01:01, 820F

09/08 01:01, , 821F
09/08 01:01, 821F

09/08 01:05, , 822F
09/08 01:05, 822F

09/08 01:34, , 823F
09/08 01:34, 823F

09/08 03:12, , 824F
09/08 03:12, 824F

09/08 10:56, , 825F
09/08 10:56, 825F

09/08 19:41, , 826F
09/08 19:41, 826F

09/12 21:54, , 827F
09/12 21:54, 827F
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