Re: [情報] WorldsTop 20: 10 PawN / 9 Clearlove已回收

看板LoL作者 (Argonium)時間8年前 (2015/09/27 11:50), 編輯推噓22(2208)
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難得今天沒人翻譯,小弟就來獻醜了, 若有錯誤煩請鄉民指證<(_ _)> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #10 Pawn PawN is a selfless player. Just as he puts his team before himself in real life, he prioritizes his teammates above himself on the Rift. Pawn是一名無私的選手, 不論是在遊戲中抑或是在日常生活中,他總是把團隊的利益考量放在比自身的更前面。 A nagging medical issue kept PawN sidelined at the end of the LPL 2015 Spring Split, and he was eventually hospitalized before the start of Edward Gaming's Playoff series against Team WE. Edward Gaming started their substitute, U, in PawN's place, but losing their star mid laner proved too much for EDG. They went on to lose the first game. Seeing his team in despair, PawN messaged his coach from the hospital. "EDG needs me." 因為自身的健康狀況,Pawn在LPL春季賽末期並未能下場比賽, 甚至在季後賽EDG與WE的比賽前還住了院。 EDG讓U去替補Pawn的位置,但相較之下, 在中路這條線上終究還是少了一名明星選手的加持。 他們輸掉了第一場比賽。 看到隊伍整體的低落,Pawn就在醫院傳了訊息給教練: 「EDG需要我!」 Despite the pain, PawN rushed from the hospital to the venue and managed to make it in time for the final game of the series, where he led his team to victory. 儘管帶著病痛,Pawn還是從醫院匆忙的趕到了會場, 並趕上了系列賽的最後一場比賽,帶領隊伍獲得了勝利。 PawN's international experience and seemingly endless champion pool have been a huge boon for EDG. Sure, he can make flashy plays on Azir and Fizz, but he can also play utility mages like Lulu and Orianna to protect his ADC Deft. Even on playmaking champions, PawN spends time getting his side lanes ahead. Pawn在國際賽的經驗,以及深不見底的口袋角色池, 對EDG來說是個不小的福音。 他可以用阿祈爾或飛斯打出一些精彩的play, 也可以用露璐或奧莉安娜這些功能性的法師去保護自家的後排ADC,Deft。 即使是玩一些自己肥起來可以靠操作毀滅世界的角色, Pawn依舊投注不少時間與心力去幫上下兩路滾優勢,而不是自肥。 Earlier this year at the Mid-Season Invitational, PawN surprised everyone when he pulled out a pocket pick Morgana to counter Faker's iconic, and then-undefeated, LeBlanc. The key word being then undefeated. 在今年稍早MSI的比賽中, Pawn從口袋裡摸出魔甘娜去counter Faker象徵不敗的勒布朗, 並且不敗。 (這裡的英文雙關梗有沒有大大有更好的翻法QwQ) And although PawN has ventured into stranger territory with more unconventional champion picks like Lux, Veigar, and Gangplank, he often earns the attention of the opposing jungler, which frees up Edward Gaming’s other lanes. 雖然Pawn有時候會拿出一些不常出現在大型比賽中的角色, 像是拉克絲、維迦、剛普朗克等, 他依舊可以吸引對面JG的注意,讓上下路減輕了不少的壓力。 Winning the 2014 League of Legends World Championship on Samsung White wasn't enough for PawN. Neither was winning the 2015 Mid-Season Invitational. He's looking for another international title, and if EDG takes home the Summoner's Cup, he'll be the first player to win three major international tournaments. 只在2014時以SSW隊員身分贏得世界賽冠軍,是無法滿足Pawn的, 就算是多贏了一個2015的MSI也一樣。 他希望達到更高的成就, 而如果EDG贏得了這次的比賽,他將成為第一個贏得三個大型國際賽冠軍的選手。 "I'm going to win this year's World Championship as well." --Pawn 「我將會再次贏得這次的比賽。」 --Pawn "In the end, PawN has his goal set. He believes that EDG has the potential to be stronger than Samsung White -- and he wants to prove it on the World stage." --by Rachel Gu 「最後,Pawn訂下了他的目標。 他認為EDG有潛力超越SSW,而他將會在這次的世界賽中證明這一點。」 --by Rachel Gu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #9 Clearlove Affectionately called "captain" by his peers, Clearlove controls the match from start to finish with his shot-calling and his ability to focus down priority targets in team fights. 頂著隊長的頭銜, Clearlove以各種關鍵性的call,以及在會戰中精準擊火主要目標的能力, 控制著整場遊戲的每分每秒。 While he hasn't always been the strongest early-game ganker, Clearlove knows how to dictate the pace of the game, often giving priority to his bot lane. Deft isn't a lane bully by any stretch, but with jungle pressure from Clearlove, Deft is able to pull ahead and become the late-game carry that EDG needs to secure victory. 雖然他並不是每次都在早期就去gank,確保線上優勢的玩家, 但他總是能掌握著比賽的節奏,並把重心放在下路居多。 Deft也不是一個省油的燈, 藉著Clearlove給對面下路的壓力,Deft可以取得優勢並成為毀滅世界的carry, 確保EDG取得勝利。 In Champion Select, Clearlove chooses champions that suit his team's win conditions. Once a farm-heavy carry jungler, Clearlove's priority has shifted to tankier utility picks like Gragas and Rek'Sai. Regardless of the champion he locks in, Clearlove is a playmaker, one of the primary engagers on Edward Gaming. In the LPL Spring Split, he had a terrifying 91.7% win rate on Nunu, dismantling the opposition with his counter-jungling and AOE ultimates in team fights. 在選角上,Clearlove總是配合隊伍的陣型來選擇最適合的英雄。 若是需要大量農的carry型JG角,他會把選擇放在功能性坦型JG, 如古拉格斯或雷珂煞。 不論他選擇什麼角色,他總是能打出精彩的play, 並成為連結團隊的主要核心。 在LPL春季賽中,他的努努有著91.7%的恐怖勝率, 靠著反野能力以及R的範圍傷害去瓦解對方的隊伍。 In the Summer Split, Clearlove favored the Void Burrower. Rek'Sai provided a clear way to engage onto the backline during skirmishes. Once there, he provided damage and crowd control to distract the opposing frontline into focusing him instead of his carries. Clearlove's main objective is to prioritize single targets, knowing exactly which champions pose a threat, and which champions don't. 在夏季賽中,Clearlove對虛空穿梭者這隻英雄有著特別的青睞。 雷珂煞提供了一個簡單明瞭的方式,在小規模會戰中去突破敵人的防線。 他能夠提供傷害以及群控,藉此吸引對面前排的注意, 讓自家後排能夠更有效的輸出。 Clearlove的主要目標是先把重心放在單一目標上, 他知道哪些英雄足以構成威脅,而哪些不會。 This year will be Clearlove's third appearance at the World Championship. For older fans he might be better known for his history of success in China. But despite overwhelming success in domestic competition, he's had mixed results in international competition. 今年是Clearlove個人第三次出戰世界賽。 對於舊有的粉絲來說,他們可能對於他先前在中國打出的戰績較為耳熟能詳。 儘管過去在區域賽以壓倒性勝利出線,他的國際賽戰果卻截然不同。 In 2015, Clearlove and EDG won the Mid-Season Invitational, solidifying his place as a world class jungler. But that isn't enough for him. Clearlove wants to prove that Edward Gaming is the strongest team in the world. This time, he wants to win the 2015 World Championship. Clearlove與EDG贏得了今年的MSI優勝,坐穩了世界級實力JG的位置, 但這對他來說還不夠。 Clearlove想要證明,EDG是世界上最強的隊伍, 而贏得這次的世界賽正是一個最好的方式。 Editor's Note: This article previously contained a factual error related to the number of appearances by Clearlove at the World Championship. It also incorrectly characterized his international experience. This has been corrected. Lolesports regrets, and apologizes for, the error. 原編者註記: 此篇文章先前對於Clearlove國際賽經歷的描寫及記錄有些錯誤,現已更正, 對此感到萬分後悔與抱歉。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 祝各位中秋節快樂~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

09/27 11:52, , 1F
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09/27 12:15, , 10F
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09/27 12:23, , 11F
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09/27 12:24, , 12F
then undefeated 不是雙關 只是強調當時不敗但是遇
09/27 12:24, 12F

09/27 12:24, , 13F
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09/27 12:32, , 14F
EDG does not need U
09/27 12:32, 14F

09/27 12:33, , 15F
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09/27 12:35, , 16F
翻的很好 感謝
09/27 12:35, 16F

09/27 12:39, , 17F
09/27 12:39, 17F

09/27 12:40, , 18F
後面那句說emphasis是"當時" (亦即比完就不成立了)
09/27 12:40, 18F

09/27 12:42, , 19F
then-undefeated → then undefeated
09/27 12:42, 19F

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09/27 14:05, , 26F
樓上怎麼用輪的去算.. 那啥時輪到NA
09/27 14:05, 26F

09/27 14:08, , 27F
FAKER那邊應該是翻成 當時未嘗敗績的LB
09/27 14:08, 27F

09/27 14:09, , 28F
"當時"啦 嘲諷點就是 不過也就是當時啦
09/27 14:09, 28F

09/27 14:16, , 29F
09/27 14:16, 29F

09/27 14:52, , 30F
使用魔甘娜反制 Faker 那「曾經」不敗的勒布朗
09/27 14:52, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #1M1sUDVy (LoL)
文章代碼(AID): #1M1sUDVy (LoL)