Re: [外絮] TiP中路 小微笑疑似代打,可能面臨禁賽?消失

看板LoL作者時間8年前 (2015/07/24 11:21), 8年前編輯推噓47(591239)
留言110則, 66人參與, 最新討論串3/4 (看更多)
說明稿來啦~ In the last few days, our mid laner XiaoWeiXiao has recently come under accusations of ELO boosting. The situation has since been under investigation by Riot Games. During this time, XiaoWeiXiao has been suspended. Effective immediately, Gate will substitute as our starting mid laner, with Adrian returning as support. As Hunter Leigh (@RiotHebble) has announced, XWX has indeed confirmed this misconduct and we, Team Impulse, are writing this statement to inform the community of the event that has transpired, and to also offer a sincere apology to our fans, our team, and to Riot Games. XiaoWeiXiao would like to issue an apology first and foremost to Riot Games for taking part in conduct that can actively undermine the integrity of professional and competitive gaming. He has since taken full responsibility for his actions. He still wants, more than anything, to play for his team in NA LCS to go to Worlds, but understands that the severity of this situation may not allow him to do so. For that, he is sorry to his team and his fans. He wanted the opportunity to address the issue personally, and has provided us with a direct response to the community. 最近幾天齁,我們家的小微笑被指控代打. 啊拳頭社就開始調查,然後XWX當然也就暫時不能打比賽惹 Gate會立即當我們的中路,Adrian回歸support 就如R社員工所說,XWX的確是代打惹Q_Q 而我們,Team Impulse也在此發佈說明稿通知各位事情的確發生了,也在此向各位道歉 QQ XWX也希望先向各位和R社道歉 他很清楚的知道自己破壞了作為職業選手該有的操守,他也會承擔所有責任 不過不管如何,他還是想為他的隊伍在NA LCS上場打進世界賽(Toyz表示發夢吧你幹 不過他也了解這件事情的嚴重性,應該也上不了場了. 在此,他真的覺得很對不起他的隊伍和粉絲 他想親自說明一下這件事情 以下是他的說明稿 大家好,我是TiP的小微笑,非常對不起大家。因為我的無知,並沒有意識到代練是一件 非常嚴重的事情,導致了這件事情的發生。我向大家保證,這是我第一次也是最後一次發 生這樣的事情。這裡向廣大粉絲,我的隊友以及Riot表示深深的歉意。對不起大家讓大家 失望了。 Translation— Hi, I’m TiP XiaoWeiXiao, I feel very sorry to everyone. Because of my ignorance, I did not realize ELO boosting is a such severe incident, so it happened. I assure you guys, this was the first time and last time I would ever do such thing. I sincerely apologize to all of our fans, Riot Games, and mostly my teammates. Sorry, I didn't live up to your expectations. To our knowledge, this is XWX's first and last offense—this was an isolated incident that neither the players, management, nor the organization as a whole were aware of or involved in. Alex Gu, General Manager of Team Impulse, would like to stress that our organization takes ELO boosting and other misconducts seriously, and that our staff will make sure this scenario is never repeated in the future. We will make certain of this by continuing to educate and monitor our players closely, routinely ensuring that our players are in full understanding of the code of conduct Riot Games has provided, as well as our own organizational policies. Acknowledging the severity of XWX's actions, we are considering our own punishment. However, as always, we will remain a support system to our players through this process. We would like to thank our fans for their continued support, and we hope that this incident will serve as an example for not only our players to operate in a more professional manner, but also continue a larger conversation of what should and should not be done in a competitive environment, on or off the stage. 就我們所知,這是XWX第一次和最後一次犯下這種錯誤 這是一次個別的事件,其他的選手,管理層,或是整隊TiP都沒參與這次的代打事情(Rush表示:幫切割拜託QQ Alex Gu,TiP的總經理想表示我們TiP對於代打或是其他不端正的行為看得很嚴重. 也希望我們其他的員工確定這種事件以後不會再發生 我們以後會各種教育和監視我們的選手,確保他們都了解Riot Games和我們公司自己的規則 對於這次XWX事件的嚴重性,我們公司也在考慮如何懲處他. 不管如何,我們還是會支持他渡過這次的事件 我們想感謝粉絲的不離不棄QQ 也希望這次的事件能作為借鏡,讓我們的選手擁有作為職業選手該有的態度 也希望他們了解在電競的環境裡,到底什麼該做,什麼不該做 不管是在台上還是台下 ============================================================================= 就這樣~不過RIOT還沒說要如何懲處就對了 幹 Raison去年代打都1年了 自己家的NA LCS都S5了還代打 不罰個2年好意思嗎 補一下Reddit的推文 [–]TakeTheLantern 181 points 4 hours ago If he doesnt get banned, Toyz is going to have something to say about this lol 他如果沒被ban,熊王大概就有幾句話要說囉 [–]V0LTED 28 points 4 hours ago I feel one of the few reasons Riot won't cut XWX any slack for this is because of the backlash that will happen from Toyz. permalink 我覺得Riot對XWX下手絕對不會輕,不然稍微輕一點Toyz會各種鬧(原文是會有反彈的效果 [–]LoneDragoon 20 points 4 hours ago They are just gonna dig up some shit about Toyz,, ban him as well and taint his reputation. 他們大概會挖Toyz之前幹過的壞事,把他一起給BAN了而且還能讓他名譽掃地 太神喇 [–]A_Wild_Blue_Card 48 points 4 hours ago* There is this hilarious video: Toyz reveals Elo boost prices Good luck! PS.- This video might demonstrate why Toyz is so popular. Almost impossible to taint his reputation: he's THE TW Champion and well, he's epic. 這裡是Toyz之前超搞笑的影片 PS:這影片大概說明了為啥Toyz這麼流行,幾乎無法讓他名譽掃地 而且還是台灣冠軍,根本就是史詩級的人物 影片在這 不得不說Toyz目前還是台港澳在國外最紅的選手R -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/24 11:23, , 1F
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07/24 11:23, , 3F
07/24 11:23, 3F
※ 編輯: oprengar (, 07/24/2015 11:24:16

07/24 11:24, , 4F
絕對要關的比雷神久 顆顆
07/24 11:24, 4F

07/24 11:24, , 5F
07/24 11:24, 5F

07/24 11:24, , 6F
笑死人啦 每個都裝作不知道很嚴重啦 怎麼不吃屎
07/24 11:24, 6F

07/24 11:24, , 7F
有悔意 重罰三場
07/24 11:24, 7F

07/24 11:24, , 8F
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07/24 11:24, , 9F
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07/24 11:25, , 10F
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07/24 11:25, , 11F
07/24 11:25, 11F
完全正確R 說他在26服沒代打我還真不信 ※ 編輯: oprengar (, 07/24/2015 11:26:01

07/24 11:25, , 12F
07/24 11:25, 12F

07/24 11:25, , 13F
自己的問題 只接CN的代打很難?接啥NA代打
07/24 11:25, 13F

07/24 11:25, , 14F
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07/24 11:26, , 15F
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07/24 11:26, , 16F
CN代打是合規的阿 不會被抓
07/24 11:26, 16F

07/24 11:27, , 17F
07/24 11:27, 17F

07/24 11:27, , 18F
要輕判了... 這聲明感覺一整個就是re好的
07/24 11:27, 18F
※ 編輯: oprengar (, 07/24/2015 11:34:18

07/24 11:28, , 19F
小微笑:國服都不抓 來美國第一次就被抓
07/24 11:28, 19F

07/24 11:28, , 20F
經理對代打看的很重? 我記得錢不是匯到經理的帳戶嗎
07/24 11:28, 20F

07/24 11:28, , 21F
07/24 11:28, 21F

07/24 11:29, , 22F
雷神業餘就1年監 這現役職業沒一年以上說不過去
07/24 11:29, 22F

07/24 11:29, , 23F
搞不好最後說啥 因為是中國來的不懂規矩 就輕判放過
07/24 11:29, 23F

07/24 11:29, , 24F
07/24 11:29, 24F

07/24 11:29, , 25F
還不快比照NA選手 Aphromoo NyJackie判刑
07/24 11:29, 25F

07/24 11:30, , 26F
07/24 11:30, 26F

07/24 11:30, , 27F
小微笑:你們職業哪個沒代打過 出來講啊
07/24 11:30, 27F

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07/24 11:32, , 34F
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07/24 11:32, , 35F
是在選手期間代打 S5的時候
07/24 11:32, 35F

07/24 11:33, , 36F
重判2年,但可以繳罰金抵銷判決 選我選我
07/24 11:33, 36F
還有 34 則推文
還有 2 段內文
07/24 11:57, , 71F
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07/24 11:58, , 75F
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07/24 11:58, , 76F
雷神還有問候對方how r u
07/24 11:58, 76F

07/24 11:58, , 77F
沒完整的機制電競就是家家酒不是運動 偉災rito
07/24 11:58, 77F

07/24 11:58, , 78F
他沒強到riot ban了他 有人得冒著和riot官方過不去
07/24 11:58, 78F

07/24 11:58, , 79F
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07/24 11:59, , 80F
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07/24 12:00, , 81F
但小微笑是NA在籍選手 不然如果NA禁賽還能跑到EU打
07/24 12:00, 81F

07/24 12:00, , 82F
反正被抓禁賽 就專心接代打的單吧(XDDD)
07/24 12:00, 82F

07/24 12:00, , 83F
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07/24 12:01, , 84F
大家都很懂看風向的 沒人會再敢用他的
07/24 12:01, 84F

07/24 12:02, , 85F
代打本來就犯規了 還想再找XWX根本就是跟R社對幹XD
07/24 12:02, 85F

07/24 12:03, , 86F
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07/24 12:03, , 87F
基本上只要Riot判多久 他就會在全球聯賽一起禁多久
07/24 12:03, 87F

07/24 12:04, , 88F
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07/24 12:04, , 89F
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07/24 12:05, , 90F
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07/24 12:05, , 91F
口袋沒問題 溝通沒問題 實力屌打2/3隊伍中路
07/24 12:05, 91F

07/24 12:05, , 92F
R社最好不要給我大小眼 吃相難看
07/24 12:05, 92F

07/24 12:06, , 93F
講難聽點除了西門跟Maple 要說誰一定贏他還難講
07/24 12:06, 93F

07/24 12:09, , 94F
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07/24 12:34, , 95F
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07/24 12:35, , 96F
Alex Gu&Rush還想切割喔
07/24 12:35, 96F

07/24 12:36, , 97F
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07/24 12:37, , 98F
中國選手說第一次代打就被抓 有誰信?
07/24 12:37, 98F

07/24 12:38, , 99F
07/24 12:38, 99F

07/24 12:38, , 100F
Rush也有牽扯喔!!?? 只知道肥仔代打經理代收$$
07/24 12:38, 100F

07/24 12:41, , 101F
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07/24 12:46, , 102F
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07/24 12:50, , 103F
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07/24 12:57, , 104F
那Rush感覺滿好切割的 就說XWX揪低端場雙排玩一玩
07/24 12:57, 104F

07/24 12:57, , 105F
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07/24 13:17, , 106F
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07/24 13:25, , 107F
07/24 13:25, 107F

07/24 14:30, , 108F
先猜輕判 然後韓國團隊跟NA團隊是不一樣的
07/24 14:30, 108F

07/24 15:05, , 109F
07/24 15:05, 109F

07/24 15:17, , 110F
那個經理明顯很有事吧 這樣還能切割喔
07/24 15:17, 110F
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