Re: [外絮] Power Ranking 排名 6/23消失

看板LoL作者時間9年前 (2015/06/24 16:47), 9年前編輯推噓18(19111)
留言31則, 25人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
我這篇將貼上原文以及我的翻譯 讓我來替大家試著翻譯看看吧~ Just when we thought things had settled into something resembling a natural order, the paradigm shifted yet again. This week we saw major upheavals in both China and Korea, and the result has left the international landscape an unstable landslide of teams shifting all around. Marquee matches around the world continue this week with CLG vs. TSM, H2K vs. Fnatic, Vici vs. Qiao Gu, and Jin Air vs. Najin. Each of these matches gives us another piece to solve the puzzle that is the 2015 League of Legends season. Come take a glimpse at what changed this week... 當我們認為大局已經進入了比較沒有變數的時候,整個環境卻又巨變了。這個禮拜我們在中 國區與韓國區都看到排名巨幅的上升,這造成了在國際排名上無法阻止的大洗牌。 在這個禮拜世界各地都有倍受矚目的對決,CLG vs. TSM, H2K vs. Fnatic, Vici vs. Qiao Gu, and Jin Air vs. Najin 等等的決戰都賦予我們解開《英雄聯盟》2015賽季這個 謎團的拼圖。 讓我們一瞥這個星期的變化... KOREA 1.( - ) SKTelecom T1 (7-0) [14-2] 2.(+1) KOO Tigers (5-3) [12-8] 3.(+3) Najin e-mFire (5-2) [11-6] 4.(+1) Jin Air Green Wings (5-2) [11-5] 5.(-3) CJ Entus (4-3) [9-9] 6.(-2) KT Rolster (5-2) [11-6] 7.(+2) Anarchy (2-6) [8-13] 8.(-1) Samsung (2-6) [7-12] 9.(-1) Incredible Miracle (2-5) [5-12] 10.( - ) SBENU Sonicboom (0-8) [1-16] There are some pretty abrupt changes here. In past rankings, we've touched upon the KOO Tigers' resurgence, and they appear to have regained their pre-IEM Katowice form finally. On the other hand, CJ Entus has hit a wall and have lost three straight matches to land at 4-3. This isn't to say that CJ Entus is a bad team -- from 2nd to 6th place in LCK is challenging to rank. KT hasn't looked as impressive as they did, but they are still a solid team. Jin Air and Najin are starting to live up to the potential we've seen in them with ADC stars Woo-hyung "Pilot" Na and Gyu-min "Ohq" Oh on a tear. Jin Air has a doubleheader of difficult matches coming this week against Najin and SKT that will show us the pecking order of the top teams in Korea. Finally, we'd like to add that Anarchy is finally showing some of its teeth that we saw at the beginning of the season. If they can keep their momentum going, they might find a way to sneak into Playoffs. 韓國 這邊有一些滿突然的變動。在過去的排名之中,我們提到了KOO Tigers的再度崛起,他們 看樣子終於回到了他們在IEM卡托維治站之前的模樣了。在另一端的CJ Entus撞上了一堵牆 便連敗了三場對決,使得他們的戰績落在4–3。 這並不能判定CJ Entus就是一支不好的隊伍–要將LCK的2到6名做個排名是具有挑戰性的。 KT看起來並沒有跟之前一樣令人難以忘記,但他們還是支很有實力的隊伍。Jin Air和 Najin開始表現出我們認為他們在擁有ADC明星Woo-hyung "Pilot" Na和 Gyu-min "Ohq" Oh應有的連勝潛力。 這個禮拜Jin Air將會有兩場硬仗而分別是對上Najin和SKT,這也會讓我們知道LCK前段班 的強弱次序。 最後我們將加上Anarchy 終於開始露出像他們在季賽剛開始的那種獠牙,如果他們可以持 續這種動力,他們是很有機會找到擠進季後賽的道路的。 CHINA 1.( - ) Edward Gaming (5-2-3) 2.(+1) Qiao Gu (4-0-5) 3.(+1) Snake (3-2-5) 4.(-2) Invictus Gaming (5-4-2) 5.( - ) OMG (3-1-6) 6.(+1) Vici Gaming (2-1-7) 7.(-1) LGD Gaming (2-3-5) 8.(+3) Masters 3 (3-2-5) 9.( - ) Team King (1-5-4) 10.( - ) Royal Never Give Up (2-3-5) 11.(+1) Team WE (1-5-4) 12.(-4) Unlimited Potential (1-4-5) This isn't the first week where Invictus dropped some games and looked vulnerable. But this time we can't rationalize it nearly as much and have dropped the team accordingly. QG is now the last team to not drop a set, but we don't know how long that will last. Their form is good, but they remind us of Snake last season -- a team without much growth potential. EDG remains 1st despite their recent struggles -- most of it can be attributed to their continued roster experimentation. However, if they continue to demonstrate weakness, someone could overtake them. The biggest move this week is Masters 3. They're coming off one of their best weeks of the season, going 2-0 over IG, 1-1 with Vici, and 1-1 with QG. Eo-jin "Dade" Bae looks to be rounding back into his MVP form, and if he can re-emerge as the superstar he once was, Masters 3 could upset teams in the Playoffs. 中國 這並不是IG第一次輸掉了幾場並看起來相當的脆弱,這一次我們無法將其合理化因此這隊 就被降下去了。 QG是現在最後一支沒有敗績的隊伍了(這邊的敗績是指在BO2 中0:2便會獲得一敗的敗績 )。他們有良好的型態,但是這也令我們想起上一季的Snake–一支沒有什麼成長潛力的 隊伍。 EDG近期在測試他們的陣容所以打得有些掙扎但他們仍保時第一。如果他們持續的暴露出 他們的缺點,別人是有可能取代他們的。這禮拜最大的變動就是Master 3,這是他們在這 賽季表現最好的一週,對上了IG打出2–0、與Vici和GQ都打成1–1。 Eo-jin "Dade" Bae看起來要拿回他MVP的身手了,如果他可以重現以前的明星麼樣,那 麼Master 3便有辦法在季後賽中成為其他隊伍擔憂的目標。 NORTH AMERICA 1.(+1) Counter Logic Gaming (7-1) 2.(+1) Team Dignitas (6-2) 3.(+1) Team SoloMid (6-2) 4.(-3) Team Liquid (5-3) 5.( - ) Gravity (5-3) 6.( - ) Team Impulse (4-4) 7.( - ) Enemy Esports (3-5) 8.( - ) Cloud9 (2-6) 9.( - ) Team8 (2-6) 10.( - ) Team Dragon Knights (0-8) Maybe things aren't so bad in North America after all. While we still don't think there are many (if any) teams ready to break down international walls, some good teams are starting to emerge. We think. Last week we thought Team Liquid was the "Prince who was Promised," before they disappointed with a 0-2 week that could have catapulted them to powerhouse status. But now we hang our hat on CLG, who despite one early loss have looked like the team to beat in North America. Their slight stumble against TDK gave us pause on moving them to 1st, but honestly Dignitas hasn't looked as good in its losses, and TSM is suffering from inconsistency. Of course, now we'll get to test our new North American heroes, with CLG taking on TSM in a match that always proves entertaining. It's about this time in the split where CLG throws against TSM, tilts off, and finishes just outside Worlds. It's now or never, CLG. Time to flip the switch and finally live up to the potential you've always had. 北美 或許北美區並沒有那麼的糟糕,我們依然沒辦法打破國際的高牆,但是我們認為一些強隊 開始浮現出來了。 上一週在我們認為Team Liquid是可以將自身投入到強隊之中那個"命中注定的王子",但 這周卻失望的拿到0:2的戰績。我們現在將帽子扣到CLG之上,儘管他們在早期輸掉了一 場比賽,他們看起來像是大家在北美想擊敗的那支隊伍。Team Dignitas 在對上TDK的時 候顯得有些蹣跚所以我們中止了把Dignitas移到第一的打算,認真來說Dignitas在輸掉的 時候並沒有表現得那麼好,而TSM一直有著表現不穩定的困擾。 當然我們現在拿到測試新的北美英雄CLG的機會,當CLG對上TSM的時候將會一如往常的非 常精彩。在季賽的這個時期正是CLG對上TSM會在那邊送的時間點,接著變弱,最後只能站 在世界賽的門口外面。CLG快趁現在啊不然就永遠無法了,該是打開開關並表現出你們原 有的潛能的時間了。 EUROPE 1.( - ) Fnatic (8-0) 2.(+1) H2K (7-1) 3.(-1) Origen (6-2) 4.(+1) Unicorns of Love (4-4) 5.(+2) Gambit Gaming (3-5) 6.(-2) Giants Gaming (4-4) 7.(+2) Elements (2-6) 8.(+2) SK Gaming (2-6) 9.(-3) ROCCAT (2-6) 10.(-2) Copenhagen Wolves (2-6) In Europe we go from one marquee match to another, but there's other movement in the region that needs explaining first. Throughout the beginning of the season, we saw new lineups struggle with their small roster changes while teams that had built-up synergy win. This week that finally changed. Gambit, Elements, and SK Gaming all had pretty good weeks, while Giants, ROCCAT, and CW all faltered. Whether this is a one-off occurance or an indication that change is coming remains to be seen. At the top of the region, though, we have three titans -- H2K, Fnatic, and Origen. We've seen Origen's weakness in side-wave control and teamfighting manifest in the past few weeks, but they still remain a top team. For H2K and Fnatic, we still haven't found a weakness. Both teams look nigh unbeatable right now. Lucky for us we get to see them play each other this week. The winner of this match will truly have survived a gauntlet. 歐洲 我們在歐洲看到了一場又一場的頂尖對決,但是我們必須先解是一些現象。 在季賽一開始,一些隊伍會因為選手替換造成困擾,而其他比較有向心力的隊伍會獲得勝 利。這些常態在這個星期終於有所改變,Gambit、Elements和SK Gaming都打出不錯的成 績,而Giants、ROCCAT和CW都被動搖了。到底這只是個異常的現象或是改變真的到來還是 有待觀察的。 但我們在這個區域的頂端有著三名泰坦,分別為H2K、Fnatic和Origen。我們看過了 Origen的一些弱點,但他們還是一支頂尖隊伍。我們仍然無法找到H2K和Fnatic的弱點。 在近期這兩支隊伍都顯得無法阻擋,幸運地我們在這一週即將看到他們碰頭,獲勝的隊伍 將真正地在嚴厲的考驗下存活。 TAIWAN 1.( - ) ahq e-Sports Club (7-0-0) 2.( - ) Flash Wolves (5-1-2) 3.( - ) Midnight Sun (2-2-4) 4.(+1) Hong Kong Esports (1-1-5) 5.(-1) Assassin Sniper (2-3-2) 6.( - ) Machi Esports (1-3-3) 7.( - ) Taipei Assassins (1-3-4) 8.( - ) Logitech Snipers (0-5-3) I may sound like a broken record here, but ahq is fantastic. They had their hardest test of the season so far against TPA where by sheer force of will, Xing Lei "Chawy" Wong almost carried TPA to a victory in Game 1. In the end though, ahq's superior teamfighting had the last word. We're beginning to wonder if anyone in Taiwan will prove a match for the still undefeated ahq. Hong Kong Esports made the biggest strides of any team this past week, with Stanley finally deciding that he could stop feeding the poor and hungry on the Rift. Their place in 4th isn't a certainty, but they are steadily improving to be one of the better teams in the region. 這或許聽起來像是個過於美好的紀錄,但ahq真令人難以置信。在對上TPA的第一戰時遭遇 了他們本季最嚴厲的考驗,Xing Lei “Chawy” Wong靠著他自身的意志差一點就帶領TPA 獲得這場勝利。最後ahq以較為優秀的團戰帶走了這場,我們開始懷疑在台灣地區是否有 隊伍能夠與現在未嘗一敗的ahq抗衡。 在上一週Hong Kong Esports是向前跨了最大一步的隊伍,Stanley終於決定他不再送他的 頭給這飢餓的峽谷了。他們第四名的定位並不是確定的,但他們穩定的進步使他們置身於 比較強的隊伍當中 五大區之外我就不多做翻譯了,直接跳到國際排名。 INTERNATIONAL 1.( - ) SKTelecom T1 (7-0) 2.( - ) Edward Gaming (5-2-3) 3.(+6) KOO Tigers (5-3) 4.(+1) Qiao Gu (4-0-5) 5.(+11) Najin e-mFire (5-2) 6.(+2) Fnatic (8-0) 7.( - ) ahq e-Sports Club (6-0-0) 8.(+6) Jin Air Green Wings (5-2) 9.(-3) Snake (3-2-5) 10.(+3) H2K (7-1) 11.(-8) CJ Entus (4-3) 12.(-8) Invictus Gaming (4-2-3) 13.(-2) Origen (6-2) 14.(-4) KT Rolster (5-2) 15.(-3) OMG (3-1-6) 16.(NEW) Counter Logic Gaming (7-1) 17.( - ) Flash Wolves (3-1-2) 18.(+2) Vici Gaming (2-1-7) 19.(-4) LGD (2-3-5) 20.(NEW) Masters 3 (3-2-5) What the hell happened!? Najin +11? CJ and IG -8? KOO +6? Yes, this and more. I stated it in the Korean section, but I'll reiterate it here. KOO Tigers are for real and are in their Spring Split peak form again. The team has been improving their mechanics and practicing with new vigor lately and it shows in their game results. As far as Jin Air and Najin, both Ohq and Pilot are becoming true stars of Korea. CJ has lost three straight games and IG has been extremely shaky, which is why they've fallen so dramaticaly, which brings us to the Western teams... Fnatic has potential to be a Top 4 team internationally, and some members of the panel think they are a serious threat to go even higher. While their play is not perfect in the Samsung White sense of the word, it is as close as we've ever seen from a Western team, and among the best we've seen from anyone other than SKT or EDG in 2015. Not only that, but they haven't yet hit their ceiling. H2K looks similarly impressive, to a lesser extent, and also has a lot of room to grow. KaSing and Huni are likely the leading candidates for MVP in Europe right now, and you only need to watch their games to see why. Just as we said above, China and Korea are shifting, but Korea's 2nd through 6th Place are all in the same general area, which is reflected in the array of Korean teams in the Top 20. But as Masters 3 and Counter Logic Gaming can attest to, there is room for new challengers. 國際排名 發生了什麼事情?Najin +11?CJ和IG -8?KOO +6? 是的,還有更多。我在韓國篇時有提到過,我在此將再度說明:KOO Tiger是來真的,而 他們也回到了他們春季賽的巔峰狀態。最近這隊拿出了新的上進心然後在他們的技巧上有 所進步,而這些都是反映在戰績上的。至於Jin Air跟Najin,兩位新ADC Ohq跟Pilot的表 現讓他們即將成為韓國真正的明星之星 。CJ連續輸掉了三場而IG看起來特別的抖,這也是他們掉了一大截的理由,這也讓我們來 帶到西方的隊伍… Fnatic有世界前四的潛力,有些小組的專員甚至認為他們可以走得更遠。以Samsung White的角度來看,他們沒有完美的處理,但這是一支最接近他們的西方隊伍,在強隊中 除了SKT或EDG以外最接近的。除此之外,他們還沒達到他們的巔峰。H2K看起來也非常的 強,但是稍稍弱的一點,他們也是有許多的進步空間。KaSing和Huni是目前歐洲MVP的最 佳人選,你只要去看他們的比賽你就會了解為什麼了。 如同我們上面訴說的,中國和韓國正在改變,但是韓國的2至6名都在差不多的區域,這說 反映了在世界前20名有如此多韓國隊伍,但是Master 3和CLG都有證明自己的機會,世界 前20強還是有容納新挑戰者的空間。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 小弟第一次翻譯 請各位不吝指教 謝謝大家~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

06/24 16:48, , 1F
好是好 但是上面已經有全文了
06/24 16:48, 1F
我在第一篇po的時候想說沒有我就來翻譯一下 翻譯完才發現別篇有翻譯好的 T.T

06/24 16:49, , 2F
06/24 16:49, 2F

06/24 16:49, , 3F
06/24 16:49, 3F

06/24 16:50, , 4F
06/24 16:50, 4F

06/24 16:51, , 5F
06/24 16:51, 5F

06/24 16:51, , 6F
FN沒有比AHQ強= =
06/24 16:51, 6F
※ 編輯: Whatsupp (, 06/24/2015 16:55:43

06/24 16:52, , 7F
給你個安慰推 不過上面有全文還有顏色 有點慘
06/24 16:52, 7F
感謝安未推 小弟蔡逼八不太會上色.. 該來研究一下了

06/24 16:52, , 8F
06/24 16:52, 8F

06/24 16:55, , 9F
上面也不算全文吧 兩個都沒翻外卡 不過還是感謝翻譯
06/24 16:55, 9F
翻譯筆我想像中還花時間 翻完台灣就不太想翻了 下次試試看可不可以全部翻完

06/24 16:55, , 10F
06/24 16:55, 10F

06/24 16:56, , 11F
#1LYaMOJ8 (LoL) 不是同串的有啦
06/24 16:56, 11F

06/24 16:56, , 12F
沒差吧 排後面一點 比賽贏不是比較爽?
06/24 16:56, 12F

06/24 16:56, , 13F
sorry! 原來講外卡..orz
06/24 16:56, 13F

06/24 16:57, , 14F
既然覺得比較強 那還不如等打臉排名 更爽不是
06/24 16:57, 14F
※ 編輯: Whatsupp (, 06/24/2015 17:00:57

06/24 17:02, , 15F
Power Ranking、紅帖、PBE、patch改動都有人固定翻
06/24 17:02, 15F
※ 編輯: Whatsupp (, 06/24/2015 18:18:12

06/24 17:04, , 16F
06/24 17:04, 16F

06/24 17:06, , 17F
06/24 17:06, 17F

06/24 17:07, , 18F
推 辛苦翻譯
06/24 17:07, 18F

06/24 17:08, , 19F
06/24 17:08, 19F

06/24 17:24, , 20F
06/24 17:24, 20F

06/24 17:28, , 21F
推 謝謝翻譯
06/24 17:28, 21F

06/24 17:29, , 22F
有翻譯就給推 謝謝分享
06/24 17:29, 22F

06/24 17:29, , 23F
06/24 17:29, 23F

06/24 17:36, , 24F
06/24 17:36, 24F

06/24 17:37, , 25F
06/24 17:37, 25F

06/24 17:38, , 26F
了 這樣就可以和上面番的做明顯的區隔
06/24 17:38, 26F
我在下面又了發一篇把外卡的翻譯補起來了 可以去看看

06/24 17:53, , 27F
fnc換了洨王子 比那鐵背好太多了 所以才排上去吧
06/24 17:53, 27F
※ 編輯: Whatsupp (, 06/24/2015 18:21:14

06/24 18:52, , 28F
06/24 18:52, 28F

06/24 18:59, , 29F
WE IEM前才換人 好意思拿出來講
06/24 18:59, 29F
※ 編輯: Whatsupp (, 06/24/2015 20:14:43

06/24 23:19, , 30F
有通順翻譯 加油 推推
06/24 23:19, 30F

06/25 02:22, , 31F
06/25 02:22, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1LYcwMfW (LoL)
文章代碼(AID): #1LYcwMfW (LoL)