[閒聊] TPA vs SHR reddit 翻譯消失

看板LoL作者時間9年前 (2014/09/19 00:51), 9年前編輯推噓81(89884)
留言181則, 89人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
http://redd.it/2grfq7 這邊照順序擷取一些下來和鄉民分享 "Are you guys still with me?" - Joe Miller 沒看英文台不清楚 @@ get 5k gold lead farm for 30 mins vs late game team comp lose game 五千經濟領先,然後對後期團戰陣容農三十分鐘=輸遊戲 Joe Miller MVP 同第一則 I was waiting the entire game for Insec to get Insec'd. 我就在等insec表現 TPA didn't deserve to win that game. That was so frustrating watching them do nothing and letting Royal scale hard. This was hands down the most infuriating game i have ever watched. This kills my hype for TPA, their shotcaller need to grow balls. EDIT: Corn is god awful on Ori. TPA的努力不夠,看著他們什麼也沒做就讓皇族一直農農農,實在很失望。這是我看過最 讓人生氣的比賽了,他們的caller要大膽一點呀。 Wow TPA did not know how to close that game out TPA不知道該如何終結比賽... I was rooting for TPA, I wanted the story of the underdog winning, just like they did in S2. But to be honest it was a very frustrating game to watch… TPA never pressure their lead, didn’t played safe but scared/insecure… They need to man up and pull their shot calling together :(! 我希望能再看見underdog奪冠的故事,就像s2的時候一樣。不過誠實的說,這場比賽讓人 看得很挫折,TPA沒有善用他們的優勢,他們需要一個人來作終結比賽的call。 TSM must be licking their chops right now. XDDD Buy a fucking void staff. You had the money. 買虛空阿!!! Such a disappointing throw from TPA. They had it, then did literally nothing for 15 minutes vs. Ori Cait Ryze Kha. So disappointing. 令人失望的throw game... 整整十五分鐘什麼都沒做... TPA = Team Pussy Actions. Cmon wtf, all that beautiful vision control early game, MAN THE FUCK UP DO SOME DAMAGE!! GET A DAMN VOIDSTAFF!! TPA前期打出那麼漂亮比賽... 買虛空阿!!! what a horrible game. No way royal should have won that. If either TPA or royal gets out of group it'll be a free bye to the semi finals if they play like that. 一種糟糕的比賽,沒道理皇族贏的。如果TPA和皇族出線的話,他們很難走的更遠。 Bebe went full Zuna at the end. What the fuck did Bebe do here? bebe你... You have a lee sin and a syndra, two great champions for creating picks around baron. And they place janna and lucian clearing wards there all the time and leave the syndra wave clearing mid and eternally getting caitlyn ultied so shes half hp and has to base or risk dieing. If lucians mid he lifesteals that poke, syndra is in FoW(cant be poked) and is dangerous threat to them rewarding around baron. I genuinely dont understand what they were trying to do. Bebe seemed to just get annoyed at this and traded himself for the support eventually. http://imgur.com/fPGLxcs
50 minutes in, no Void Staff, and what the hell is goin on with that other Needlessly Large Rod?!?! 你的虛空呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1411059078.A.B16.html

09/19 00:51, , 1F
雙手轉出來的自信 就像冰一樣脆弱
09/19 00:51, 1F

09/19 00:52, , 2F
沒自信 今天一大敗筆
09/19 00:52, 2F

09/19 00:52, , 3F
09/19 00:52, 3F

09/19 00:53, , 4F
樓上是桶不桶 煩不煩
09/19 00:53, 4F

09/19 00:53, , 5F
領先2萬都不上高地了 不意外
09/19 00:53, 5F

09/19 00:53, , 6F
09/19 00:53, 6F

09/19 00:53, , 7F
09/19 00:53, 7F

09/19 00:53, , 8F
09/19 00:53, 8F

09/19 00:54, , 9F
真的 這種輸法超悶..
09/19 00:54, 9F

09/19 00:54, , 10F
果斷巴龍逼團 或五人集結拿塔 絕對都比分推好
09/19 00:54, 10F

09/19 00:54, , 11F
09/19 00:54, 11F

09/19 00:54, , 12F
真得很不爽! 本來有機會小組第一,就這樣放棄
09/19 00:54, 12F

09/19 00:54, , 13F
09/19 00:54, 13F

09/19 00:54, , 14F
3根大棒 秒不掉半個人
09/19 00:54, 14F

09/19 00:54, , 15F
09/19 00:54, 15F

09/19 00:54, , 16F
09/19 00:54, 16F

09/19 00:54, , 17F
09/19 00:54, 17F

09/19 00:54, , 18F
真的是腦殘 不出void staff...
09/19 00:54, 18F

09/19 00:55, , 19F
grow balls比較像是叫人膽子大點,滾雪球是snowball
09/19 00:55, 19F

09/19 00:55, , 20F
加油加油 還有機會
09/19 00:55, 20F

09/19 00:55, , 21F
09/19 00:55, 21F

09/19 00:55, , 22F
09/19 00:55, 22F

09/19 00:55, , 23F
中路那個拉基 統神比他強二十倍
09/19 00:55, 23F

09/19 00:56, , 24F
中期之後開始龜.. 跟GPL一樣 拿出點勇氣與自信吧
09/19 00:56, 24F

09/19 00:56, , 25F
09/19 00:56, 25F

09/19 00:56, , 26F
09/19 00:56, 26F

09/19 00:56, , 27F
09/19 00:56, 27F

09/19 00:56, , 28F
鄉民罵bebe,結果外國人批最大的是早晨... XDDDD
09/19 00:56, 28F

09/19 00:56, , 29F
09/19 00:56, 29F

09/19 00:56, , 30F
09/19 00:56, 30F

09/19 00:56, , 31F
09/19 00:56, 31F

09/19 00:56, , 32F
假如今天皇族先領先八千 肯定不會給對手 苟延的機會
09/19 00:56, 32F

09/19 00:56, , 33F
09/19 00:56, 33F

09/19 00:56, , 34F
09/19 00:56, 34F

09/19 00:57, , 35F
09/19 00:57, 35F

09/19 00:57, , 36F
09/19 00:57, 36F

09/19 00:57, , 37F
09/19 00:57, 37F

09/19 00:57, , 38F
09/19 00:57, 38F

09/19 00:57, , 39F
不是怕沒信心開戰 是怕以後急了亂開戰
09/19 00:57, 39F
還有 102 則推文
還有 1 段內文
09/19 01:15, , 142F
剛看完皇族對TSM的比賽啦 皇族的打法對照TPA
09/19 01:15, 142F

09/19 01:16, , 143F
就是打臉 小龍?我讓給你啊 我直接衝中路拆塔
09/19 01:16, 143F

09/19 01:16, , 144F
TPA其實可以贏的 拿到優勢有自信點開戰終結比賽呀!!
09/19 01:16, 144F

09/19 01:16, , 145F
秒不了人的星朵拉 跟SUP沒兩樣
09/19 01:16, 145F

09/19 01:18, , 146F
一直做視野 保護龍等小優勢 時間一分一秒過去
09/19 01:18, 146F

09/19 01:18, , 147F
09/19 01:18, 147F

09/19 01:20, , 148F
早晨的星朵拉真的廢 大絕不放能生利息喔?
09/19 01:20, 148F

09/19 01:20, , 149F
09/19 01:20, 149F

09/19 01:20, , 150F
皇族也不用打好 求穩就贏了 皇族也知道自己後期超猛
09/19 01:20, 150F

09/19 01:21, , 151F
建議去看皇族vsTSM 我相信很多人沒看到這場
09/19 01:21, 151F

09/19 01:21, , 152F
這場皇族的call的方法和交戰意識 對照TPA就是照妖鏡
09/19 01:21, 152F

09/19 01:23, , 153F
09/19 01:23, 153F

09/19 01:24, , 154F
09/19 01:24, 154F

09/19 01:24, , 155F
早晨整場在農兵 農兵 還是農兵
09/19 01:24, 155F

09/19 01:24, , 156F
09/19 01:24, 156F

09/19 01:24, , 157F
09/19 01:24, 157F

09/19 01:25, , 158F
金人沒開過 冥火秒不掉
09/19 01:25, 158F

09/19 01:26, , 159F
09/19 01:26, 159F

09/19 01:26, , 160F
09/19 01:26, 160F

09/19 01:32, , 161F
09/19 01:32, 161F

09/19 01:34, , 162F
同意去看SHR打TSM那場 同樣領先8K 處理方式高下立判
09/19 01:34, 162F

09/19 01:35, , 163F
TPA在優勢時的處理意識 確實還差一線隊伍一截
09/19 01:35, 163F

09/19 01:36, , 164F
09/19 01:36, 164F

09/19 01:36, , 165F
希望TPA有自信點 別總是優勢還拖後期給對手反擊機會
09/19 01:36, 165F

09/19 01:43, , 166F
TPA兇不起來呀 看對方守得不錯就怕了 看得很無
09/19 01:43, 166F

09/19 01:43, , 167F
09/19 01:43, 167F

09/19 02:21, , 168F
珍娜事後看真的不是個好pick 也可能是早晨打太爛
09/19 02:21, 168F

09/19 02:22, , 169F
09/19 02:22, 169F

09/19 02:31, , 170F
09/19 02:31, 170F

09/19 02:32, , 171F
09/19 02:32, 171F

09/19 02:34, , 172F
09/19 02:34, 172F

09/19 02:56, , 173F
恩 你英文可以學好一點再翻譯 :)
09/19 02:56, 173F

09/19 03:21, , 174F
TPA前面都打得很好 太沒自信了 加油吧
09/19 03:21, 174F

09/19 03:35, , 175F
09/19 03:35, 175F

09/19 09:08, , 176F
Are you guys still with me XDDDDDDDD
09/19 09:08, 176F

09/19 09:36, , 177F
09/19 09:36, 177F

09/19 10:23, , 178F
看到昨天TSM 今天應該要很有自信會出線了吧
09/19 10:23, 178F

09/19 10:41, , 179F
09/19 10:41, 179F

09/19 11:17, , 180F
我看得氣到彈起來 …我說腳
09/19 11:17, 180F

09/19 11:48, , 181F
我同意 就算是為了擴大優勢被反打還不會這麼氣
09/19 11:48, 181F
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