[英雄] bigfatlp's ryze do da damages

看板LoL作者 (小偷先生)時間12年前 (2011/11/07 18:04), 編輯推噓15(15022)
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忘了附上出處 http://clgaming.net/guide/U 附上原文,如有不小心辭不達意,請幫忙糾正一下,萬分感恩! 購物順序 起手 藍寶+2水 早期 女神之淚、鞋、催化神石、冰川護甲 核心道具 水星之鞋、遠古意志、冰霜之心、女妖面紗、虛空法杖 選擇道具 瑞萊的冰晶節杖 如果你很有錢,你可以完成這隻 大天使之杖 符文 紅法穿*9 黃法力值成長*9 藍法力值成長*7 藍法穿*2 紫跑速*3 技能順序 Q > E > Q > W > Q > R Q > E > Q > E > E > E R > W > W > R > E > E 介紹 **update*OH AND I SMART CAST EVERYTHING, its too good on ryze. if u wanna get sexy at ryze u should start trying out smart cast with him. es very good. i completely use Q W E as the smartcast button, i dont use no alt or shift or ctrl shit! 智能施法對雷茲實在太棒了!如果你想要玩出風騷的雷茲,你一定要用智能施法。我Q、W 、E都是用智能施法,不用多按ALT、SHIFT或是CTRL。 Runes I use 2 different set of runes for ryze, mana per level, pene, movement speed~ or pene, movement speed/MR/armor quint, armor mr yellows n blues vs wheover i am, or only use one and the other use mana per level! 我的雷茲有兩套不同的符文,成長法力值、法穿、跑速或是法穿、跑速/魔防/紫物防,黃 藍的物防或是魔防,取決於對手,有時候只會用一種,其他就用成長法力值 技能順序 sometimes i go q e q w so i can haras from max range all the time, sometimes i go q w q e~ its what u need for who ur going up against Q > E > Q > W 可以讓你用最大距離來騷擾對手,有時候會用 Q > W > Q > E,視對手而 定。 召喚者技能 most of the time u can always run ignite flash. but if u want to be an ultimate bruiser and oponents have a lot of zergy assassin/dpsybruisers, u can counter them and make them unable to zerg any one on ur team by taking exhaust instead of ignite and remember to get exhaust mastery ofx if u do take it 大部份用點燃跟閃現。但是你如果想當個”終極大男”或是對方有很多刺客/DPS大男大 女,你可以帶上虛弱讓他們虛掉。如果有帶虛弱,記得天賦致殘也要點。 道具 if u dont need the extra sustainability u buy tears first and as many pots as u think u may need. or else u can get cata first. get boots~ then finish the other ~cata/tear, and get little fh shield shit and depending on who ur opponents are decide how early to buy mercs, or if they really have absolutely zero cc and not even much magic dmg, u can buy sorcs for big damageees. then u can go spell vamp////finish FH if they have more ad////finish banshees if they have dangerous ap THEN BUY W/E U WANT, void when u see peeps start stackin that mr 如果不需要額外的持續力,可以先買女神之淚,不然催化神石也行。 買雙鞋之後完成 催化神石/女神之淚,之後買冰川護甲,看看對手是誰,來決定要何時出 水星鞋,(像是對方有努努的大絕),或是你也可以買法師之鞋衝傷害。 之後你可以買 法吸血 / 冰霜之心(如果對方很多ad) / 女妖面紗(如果對方很多ap) 之後想買什麼隨便,但是小心對方堆魔防 會戰 never try to always start dpsing with Q then blah blah blah, or else ur bound to miss a shitload of kills, sometimes u must W first. such as flash W (if u flash and try to Q first then W, most of the time enemies will get to flash away too) try to always go for squishies of course, but ur a faggoty hero and u do a shitload of dmg to tanks also, so u can peel while killing tanks easy most of the time in even games, decide well whats better vs ur opponents according to how threatful each of them are 別老用Q來開始會戰,不然你一定會損失一堆殺人數,有時候你必需用W起手。像是閃現 +W (如果你閃現後要先Q再W,大部份對手也會閃現跑走) 儘量瞄準軟皮,儘管你是個娘炮英雄,還可以對坦克做出大量傷害,而且在大部份勢均力 敵的遊戲,你可以把對方的坦克隔離出來。該做什麼,取決於什麼對敵方最有威脅。 初盤 ur not the stronkest champ, but u can haras/kill fairly often. and before u get ur fairly thing u can always ask for blue and just completely shit on people~~ BUY LOTS OF HEALTH POTS! they op. 你不是最強壯的英雄,還是可以騷擾或”常常”撿人頭。可以請隊友幫拿藍buff,還有記 得,要買很多很多回血藥水,這op啦! U CAN GANK VERY WELL to0 go rape kids, pay attention to where people ward and avoid warded entrance to gank (low elo scrubs never ward both entrenches). or if u know for sure someone didnt ward and is overextended or no flash (so u can flash W gank him) then go rape himm~~ remember not to lose too much exp in ur own lane by leaving too long and it all dying to tower 雷茲可以強姦很多小朋友,要注意對方在哪邊埋眼,然後不要從那邊經過去殺人。(低elo 區都沒人在埋眼的啦)。甚至你知道有些人沒埋眼,兵線又推太遠或是沒有閃現(你就可以 閃過去w gank強姦他了。記得別讓自已線上的經驗都送給塔了。 遊戲中期 once u get ur core items and maybe mercs too ur in boss mode, if the game is still going fairly even. dont be a pussy and kill shit, u do infinite damages and tanky and can CC and can initiate. tell ur team to gather and start some fightz when possible 如果你的核心裝都出了,也買了水星之鞋,你就開啟了魔王模式,如果遊戲還是勢均力敵 別當隻膽小的貓咪,大開殺戒吧。你可以製造大量的傷害,能坦又能控場,還能開戰。跟 你的隊伍說集合,然後在合理的時候會戰吧。 終盤 u run into a team fight and stand there spamming dps rotation or chase/zone out players while making sure catching whoever u can (hopefully aim for threats (squishies to kill or to peel bruisers off ur teamates)) with W or Flash-W basically... and spam the shit out of ur buttons and be manly (ryze is true man) 在會戰時製造dps,或是在追逐/驅逐戰儘可能的抓到每個目標。(瞄準的目標是可以造成 敵方威脅的,像是抓軟皮或是把大男驅離你的隊友身邊。)用w或是閃現+w,然後像個男人 一樣戰鬥吧(雷茲是個真男人!) and remember once u get wota and u press ur ulti, u can almost instant full heal. dont be a puss! calculate that shit in and bait people all day err day 一但買到遠古意志,按下大絕幾乎會瞬間滿血,所以別當隻小貓。算好後就等人上鉤吧。 結論 l0l dat it faceroll keyboard go~~! 用臉去滾鍵盤也會贏啦! and a game of rape to go with this sexy guide http://www.own3d.tv/clgame#/watch/265174 附上強姦人的影片 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/07 18:07, , 1F
ryze啊 之前低等最愛的英雄 可是前期真的不好農
11/07 18:07, 1F

11/07 18:08, , 2F
by bigfatlp
11/07 18:08, 2F
※ 編輯: thiefman 來自: (11/07 18:13)

11/07 18:15, , 3F
全LoL最真男人的法師 硬幹魂~~!
11/07 18:15, 3F

11/07 18:16, , 4F
11/07 18:16, 4F

11/07 18:17, , 5F
硬幹超爽 無腦滾鍵盤也能ACE
11/07 18:17, 5F

11/07 18:18, , 6F
Ryze 全遊戲裝滿推塔最慢的英雄!
11/07 18:18, 6F

11/07 18:20, , 7F
11/07 18:20, 7F

11/07 18:20, , 8F
11/07 18:20, 8F

11/07 18:20, , 9F
這影片蠻熱的 應該是今天或昨天的實況
11/07 18:20, 9F

11/07 18:22, , 10F
11/07 18:22, 10F

11/07 18:25, , 11F
11/07 18:25, 11F

11/07 18:38, , 12F
11/07 18:38, 12F

11/07 18:42, , 13F
ultimate bruiser是終極大男 不是什麼大絕反制者
11/07 18:42, 13F

11/07 18:42, , 14F
"大絕反制者"翻的怪怪的 翻個超級大男就可以了吧
11/07 18:42, 14F

11/07 18:43, , 15F
11/07 18:43, 15F
已更改囉,謝謝 :) ※ 編輯: thiefman 來自: (11/07 18:53)

11/07 18:47, , 16F
普攻超不痛 除非你裝備都滿了 水滴劍+三像YA
11/07 18:47, 16F

11/07 19:02, , 17F
玩雷茲有時候全場都死光只剩自己 但連一座塔都推不掉
11/07 19:02, 17F

11/07 19:06, , 18F
League of 大男
11/07 19:06, 18F

11/07 19:09, , 19F
11/07 19:09, 19F

11/07 19:25, , 20F
league of footman
11/07 19:25, 20F

11/07 19:43, , 21F
11/07 19:43, 21F

11/07 19:48, , 22F
11/07 19:48, 22F

11/07 19:48, , 23F
11/07 19:48, 23F

11/07 19:53, , 24F
每一下Q多29 應該還是有差
11/07 19:53, 24F

11/07 19:55, , 25F
11/07 19:55, 25F

11/07 19:55, , 26F
不過他應該是全遊戲拆塔最爛的 沒AD也沒AP XD
11/07 19:55, 26F

11/07 20:09, , 27F
當然還是要給他一點缺點啊 不然就應霸了
11/07 20:09, 27F

11/07 20:09, , 28F
把水滴堆滿之後變成水滴劍 另一格三相之類的就ok (?)
11/07 20:09, 28F

11/07 20:10, , 29F
11/07 20:10, 29F

11/07 20:25, , 30F
11/07 20:25, 30F

11/07 20:26, , 31F
隊上沒三個CC大男 根本不敢出雷老
11/07 20:26, 31F

11/07 20:26, , 32F
問一下 雷老頭要用什麼特化符文@@
11/07 20:26, 32F

11/07 20:29, , 33F
mana阿...又不貴,比那些820的便宜多了= =
11/07 20:29, 33F

11/07 20:52, , 34F
早期裝備那邊好像有誤 應該是催化不是賢者
11/07 20:52, 34F
已訂正,多謝 ※ 編輯: thiefman 來自: (11/07 21:29)

11/07 21:55, , 35F
11/07 21:55, 35F

11/07 21:56, , 36F
11/07 21:56, 36F

11/07 21:57, , 37F
調了智能施法了我想.. XD
11/07 21:57, 37F
※ 編輯: thiefman 來自: (11/08 17:03)
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