Re: [心得] Basic guide to mid lane by ErgonMagi

看板LoL作者 (我的腳)時間12年前 (2011/10/26 21:34), 編輯推噓19(19018)
留言37則, 23人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
Early Game 初盤 In my opinion, early game is where an ap carry decides how they will be playing late game. It is a crucial part of the game for you, and you need to identify a few key points before you are ready to lane. 以我看來,遊戲初期很大程度決定了你在後期的樣子,所以這也是遊戲中最重要的一部分 ,所以在對線前需要搞清楚幾個關鍵點 Firstly, look at the enemy mid lanes items. Do they have health pots? This is a pretty important part of your thinking, beecause if you are up against a champion who bought and then you are unlikely to be able to harass them down easily, and should focus on keeping your cs up, and wait for a jungle gank. However, if they started with a dorans item, and you started with boots 3x health pots, then you are at a distinct advantage. Any damage you do to them at the early stages of the game will not regenerate very quickly, meaning you can harass the enemy, and take equal damage, and then health pot back to full, suddenly giving you a massive lane presence, and allowing you to deny cs to the enemy, and even go for a kill. 首先看你的對手的裝備,特別是有沒有帶紅水,因為如果他們有帶,代表你沒辦法 很有效的騷擾他們,那你就該把重心放在尾刀上並等待江狗的幫忙,但如果他們帶的是 多藍系列而你帶了鞋+3水,那你就極端有利了,你的傷害(即便只是一下普攻) 對手也沒辦法很快回復過來,這代表你可以騷擾對手,即便吃到同樣傷害你也可以 喝水補回來,你甚至可以嘗試去zone out對方甚至拿人頭。 Another thing that is important, and that I sometimes forget, is to check the enemy summoner spells. It is important to know whether the enemy is going to ignite you and you must be ready for the bonus damage, or if he will exhaust and you will suddenly be committed to a fight you cant win, or even if he has teleport and all your harass was just a waste of mana. Keeping these things in mind can make the difference on when you decide to fight. 另外一件我也容易忘記的是去確認對方的招喚者咒語,知道你的對手能不能用點燃撿你 尾刀是很重要的一件事,或是他能不能突然丟你一個虛弱逼戰,或是他帶了傳送讓你的 掃擾都是浪費魔力而已,記住這些會有所幫助。 Also, examine who the enemy teams jungler is, and, if you know, estimate when he will gank, and how strong the gank will be. For example, if the enmy team has a , he is a very aggressive ganker, and they are very strong ganks in early game. This means you will have to play very safely, and make sure you never overextend without knowing where shaco is. 同樣,要確認對方的江狗是誰,可以的話,估算對方的gank時機以及強度,例如對方 江狗是蝦口,那你就要小心早期(lv2)的強力gank了,就更要小心注意不要在沒地圖 資訊下過度推線。 On the other side, if the enemy has a , you can play a bit more aggressively. Warwick is a slow jungler, and doesnt have any realy gap closer or cc until level 6, meaning for you to be caught out by him would require you to be almost turret diving. This means until you are about level 7, you can safely play aggressively without too much to worry about the jungler. 如果對方是狼人,那你就可以比較侵略一點,因為狼人速度不快,6級前也沒有切入跟cc ,除非你dive不然實在很難被他抓到,你大概7級前都可以比較侵略而不用擔心被肛。 Finally, Take a look at who the enemy mid lane is. Identify whether they are likely to harass you based on the thought process you just went through on whether to harass them. You need to know whether they can outdamage you early game, or whether you have the advantage. You need to understand where their champions strengths lay, such as s massive close range burst, or s long range harass. Each of these champs needs to be played against differently, and your own ideas on how to beat them will come with experience. 最後就是看你的對線對手是誰,是侵略型或是保守型的角色,必須要能夠清楚知道他們 可以比你多做出多少傷害或是你有優勢,了解對方的強勢在哪(ex:annie近距離瞬間 爆發,或是brand遠距離的不斷騷擾等),對不同類型的角色需要有不同的玩法,這需要 經驗。 TL;DR check pots on each side, check enemy jungler, check enemy summoner spells and check who the enemy is. all of these change how you should be playing. Whether you should be harassing or whether you should focus on your cs. 確認水量、對方江狗、對方召喚者咒語、對線角色,這四件事會告訴你該打侵略還是 專心尾刀。 NOTE: harassing does not mean neglect your cs. It means that you should be denying the enemy champion of their cs, and trying to gain an advantage by sending them back to base. There is NO POINT in harassing an enemy champion back to base if they are 50cs ahead of you because of it. 注意:騷擾不代表忽略你自己的尾刀,而是減少對方的尾刀,並在把對方趕回家時取得 優勢,如果對方比你多撿了50隻,那較就算對方被你趕回家也撐不上是騷擾。 Your Duty to the Team 你的責任 This is a part of the game that many players forget about. Generally a good mid is measured by how much cs they get compared to the enemy, how many kills they gets, how much DEEEEEPPPPSSSS they put out. These are not all the signs of skill though. Some important things you need to do for your team are: 很多玩家常會忘記中路的責任,好的中路的通常反應在:兩邊的cs量比、人頭比、破塔。 但這不是全部,還有一些你需要做到的: 1: Ward your own lane Many people believe that the support and jungler should leave their lane and jungle, traipse through the river, and put a ward in the brush for you. If they do that, how nice of them. If not however, it is not their fault you get ganked. On your first trip back you shoujld try make sure you have enoughgold to buy the items you want + . This way you can ward either side of your lane, and get back to csing/harassing safely. 1.插好你的眼 很多人會假定江狗或是奶媽會離開他們溫暖的線上或是叢林千里迢迢幫你插下一根眼, 如果他們真的這麼做,代表你有燒好香,如果沒有而你被肛也不是他們的責任,在你 第一次回家時應該要確保你有足夠的錢買裝跟兩根眼,這樣你就可以顧好你的兩側然 後放心的農 (我個人是只買一根插在對方四鬼入口,然後遠離另外一側) 2: Try and gank other lanes This is another thing mid lane should be doing. Every now and then, push your lane out a bit and then run back. The enemy might even think your recalling. You should then head to top or bot lane, whichever needs more help, and gank them. This allows your allies to flourish as well as you, and also inspires a bit of confidence in you from your team. Every team works better if they have faith in the ability of their team mates. Also an early kill is awesome XD 2.嘗試肛爆其他路 這是中路的另外一個責任,任何時候你把線推過去然後往回走出對方視線,對方很可能會 假定你回家,你就可以趁機往兩邊走,這讓你的隊友可以可以輕鬆一點並且增加對你的信 心,這會讓團隊更棒,如果能夠早早拿到人頭就更棒了。 3: Help your team if they are caught by the enemy There are cases when the enemy jungler might be roaming in your own teams jungle, and your jungler finds them. It is NOT the junglers job to single handedly defend the ENTIRE jungle from the enemy. Get of your pedestal and get to them to help. You might even get a kill or assist out of it. 幫忙被抓到的隊友 對方的江狗可能會到你家叢林亂晃,當發現時你不應該放你家江狗跟對方單挑,你應該 做好趕過去的準備。 4: Dragon Dragon is an important part of the game, not only as the global gold, but as a morale boost for your team that you are doing things right, and a good teamwork exercise. When the jungler calls to do dragon, inconspicuously (sneakily) leave your lane and go help. 4.龍 龍很重要,不只是190*5+25,而是拿到龍帶來的全隊士氣提升,也是一次很棒的團隊練習 ,當江狗ping的時候,悄悄的離開你的線過去幫忙吧! Team Fights 團戰 Every role has a job to do in a team fight. For the ap carry, its kill the enemy squishies. Many times in a team fight your allies will get stuckk focusing the tank. This is not ideal, but you can work with it if you have to. The ap carry is solely designed to get past the tank and kill the enemy ap carry, support and ad carry. If you are super fed then you can probably do this alone. If not, try and make an opening for your tesm to jump onto the enemy squishies. This can be achieved in a number of ways. Here is a list of each mainstream ap carry and their main ways to get to squishies with your team. 每個角色都有他在團戰時該做的事,對ap carry來說就是殺爆對方薄皮嫩雞,團戰 的時候你的對友可能會被對方坦克牽制住,這不好,ap carry的角色設計就是繞過坦克 殺掉對方的薄皮,如果你超肥你可以自己單幹完成這件事,如果不行,試著創造機會 讓你的隊友可以切進去,下表是常見ap carry該如何去做這件事 : Unless the enemy team has oracles or a pink ward, just jump at the squishies, chuck your shroud down and feast. akali: 除非對方有真知或是真眼,不然你就只要衝進去就對了(wtf) : Anivia takes some skill to initiate with. You can either lob a q over at the squshies, because a sloow and stun are great ways to isolate the squshies. Or, if you feel up to it, you could go for a clutch wall and split the enemy team so that your team can easily pick of half at a time. anivia: 需要一點技巧開戰,朝著薄皮丟Q用緩速跟暈眩來打開局面或是用W分割對方陣容 : Build your stun up, then either run at/flash at the enemy squishies (after telling your team you are going to) and tibberf*** them. The aoe stun is more than enough to get your team in on the action. annie: 集好暈,然後告訴你對友你要衝了之後就閃現進場用熊砸對方的臉,你隊友就可以進場囉 : I dont play brand much, but in most cases, you can just lob your pillar of flames at the enemy (yes i know that lob doesnt really apply to this spell but you get the point) If you land it then you can do a lot of damages, and then try land a q on them. Or you could flash closer and mash all the buttons at once and click someone. brand: 我不常玩火人,但通常來說你可以一直丟w,有機會接個Q,或是乾脆閃現進場把你 全部招式一股腦丟出去就對了(.......) : You can either stun the enemy tanks and your team can walk past them for easy kills, or set yourself up with flash or good positioning to stun the enemy squishies. Either one will be a good move. That or you could slow them with miasma. cass 你可以直接暈掉對方坦讓你的隊友大搖大擺走過去,或是找機會暈對方薄皮,就算失誤 至少也會緩到 : not really a mainstream ap carry but it can work. However if you need ot be told how to intiate as cho i dont think you should be playing him... cho 不算常見的ap carry,但也算是可行的角色,不用講解,如果你需要講解那你 還是別玩他吧(....) : AP galio is great at this part. Flash and ult and watxh your team and your ult decimate them. galio 閃現R : This guy seems to be an easy question. However, positioning the ult is quite hard. I recommend using your bodyslam and/or flash to get close enough to bomd just behind or between the squshies, knocking them away from their allies or into the fight. gragas 關鍵點就是R,但難度很高,所以我建議用E或是閃現到近距離的狀況再丟,打亂對方陣容 : The equivalent of a suicide bomber. Chuck your wall down toggle on e and run at them, if you die just keep hitting them and ult before your passive wears off. karthus 自殺炸彈,丟w然後開著e勇敢衝上去找個風水寶地死 : just trololol them. jump in use q and e, jump out, jump in and q again. If they get frustrated enought o chase you your doing your job and your team can kill the rest of them. kassadin 就是不斷調戲對面,跳進去跳出來跳進去跳出來,打我阿笨蛋,如果你成功激怒對方 來追殺你,你就成功了(LOL) : Wait for the cc to get used if possible, thjen shunpo/flash to the squshies and ult. kat 等對方cc放掉,就進場收割囉 : Flash in and ult, then zhonya if possible. kennen 閃現R接小金人(個人不推薦啦) : jump over to them, q then r then e then ignite and then press w again to jump out. You should decimate one of the squishies. leb 跳進去丟完招後w出來,通常這樣就人頭到手了 : Land your snare and e, and then ult if u feel its necessary. Your team should go in with the snare. lux 用你的QE,有必要時丟R,有綁到人你隊友就會上了 : Put your pool down in the area the enemy is fighting in if it is confined. This forces them to move out of it or take a lot of damage. If they are out in the open, try to harass the enemy down with your malefic visions and silence, and when their cc is down, pool under someone and ultimate them. This gives your team a large opening. malz 把你的w丟在會戰點逼迫對方移動,或是用你的QE去騷擾,當對方cc沒了就WR : Throw your saplings everywhere in the fight, and try isolate an enemy squishy with your snare. Put your ultimate down around yourself when you reach the target and your team should follow. maokai 用力丟小樹,用你的w去綁住薄皮,綁到人時R丟在你身邊,你隊友就知道該上了 : I refuse to acknowledge this guy as an ap carry. Not a real issue, but my opinion is he doesnt fill the role as well as many other champs. mord 我拒絕把這傢伙當成ap carry : TROLOLOLOLOLOLZ flash into themiddle of the enemy team with your spell shield on, put your pull down, start your ult then zhonya if you have it. morg 閃現E自己然後開R小金人 easy mode : Generally its easiest if one of your tanks inititiates and you shield them and then use your ultimate to disrupt the enemy team. Otherwise, you can use command:attack to move the ball into the enemy team then command:dissonance and then command:shockwave ori 如果你的坦能開戰,就是盾你家坦然後適時開R,不然就是QER : Use your ultimate down the middle of the team and try split them with it. rumble 用你的R切開對方陣容 :snare anyone that overextends, tanks included, and then as the team rushes forward to help swap focus to the squishies and try burst them down. ryze: 綁對方敢站出來的,坦也照綁,衝上去後記得換目標輸出 : Try and land your nevermore, or if you are tanky enough just use your ult and run at them. Slow someone with laser bird and do as much damagge as you can. swain 綁準一點,如果你夠坦就直接開R衝上去 : Try and use a quick gold card on an overextended enemy and burst them with your wild cards. TF 光速金牌發給任何趕站出來的,然後QQQQQQQQ : Put your event horizon down in the teamfight and stun everyone or as much as you can. veigar E到盡量多人 : Run in and use your transfuse, tides of blood and ult then pool and watch your team shred the enemy. vlad 衝進去丟光你所有招 : Double time bomb the closest person, speed up your ranged ad or tank and be ready to ultimate whoever is targeted. zilean 對你最近的人QWQ,E你的ad carry或坦,然後準備上R Ok bare in mind that these are situational tactics, and that they are also my opinion. I do not play all of these champs all the time, but i have played them all at some point. Feel free to use any of these tactics or disregard them as you please. 這些都是某些情境下的戰術,我並沒有每隻都認真在玩,但都有玩過一點點, 如果你要用或是不同意我的看法都ok(......) Also you may argue about a few ap champs i left out, but i dont think i missed any major ones, and if i missed some minor champs please let me know :) 如果你覺得我有漏掉某些ap英雄,我相信主要的應該都有列到啦 Aggression and Passivity 衝還是龜? Most people that play mid play because they enjoy the 1v1 experience and believe they can beat the other person. This naturally forms as aggression, meaning you spend a lot of time openly fighting eachother. 很多人玩中路是因為他們喜歡1v1並相信自己單挑無敵,這就是衝,你會花很多時間 去戰對方 However, there is nothing worse for your team if you go aggressive, and die, then come back and try again, and die again, and continue on this pattern. 如果你很衝然後死了一遍又一遍,對你的隊伍來說沒有比這更糟的了 You need to judge at the start of the game whether you or they have the upperhand in lane. look at their base stats to find their runes and look at their items as well as their likely level one spells and what they level up. 你需要在遊戲開始就衡量,看對方的stat可以推測對方符文、看對方起手裝跟技能、 甚至升級點哪招 This helps you decide whether you should be aggressive or passive. 這會幫你決定你要衝還是龜 Also, if you die to your opponent, they have the advantage from then on. You CANNOT keep running at them saying it was bad luck etc. They are now ahead of you, and you should call for ganks to help even things out again. The MOST annoying thing for your team is when you refuse to admit you need help and keep feeding the enemy mid lane. Calm down, and stop being aggressive. Sit back and cs, or ask for a lane swap. This will feel like giving up but all your doing is preserving the chance for your team to win. You will be much better off later if you just play a bit more passively. 如果你死了,對方就會開始取得優勢,不要嘴炮說對方只是運氣好然後重覆這行為, 因為對方已經有等級/金錢上的優勢了,你應該要call gank看能不能扳平局面, 最讓人不爽的是你拒絕承認你需要幫忙並不斷的feed,冷靜點吧,專心尾小兵, 或是要求換路都會好一點,但至少幫你的隊伍保留點勝利的可能,龜一點,後期還有機會 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wodejiao 來自: (10/26 21:49)

10/26 21:37, , 1F
不知道原文作者elo多少 不過會遇到帶多藍mid的...
10/26 21:37, 1F

10/26 21:37, , 2F
10/26 21:37, 2F

10/26 21:39, , 3F
帶多藍中路 HSGG也會做喔 不需要以偏概全
10/26 21:39, 3F

10/26 21:40, , 4F
10/26 21:40, 4F

10/26 21:40, , 5F
10/26 21:40, 5F

10/26 21:46, , 6F
HSGG上次實況才說Solo Mid Doran都是Noob...
10/26 21:46, 6F

10/26 21:46, , 7F
10/26 21:46, 7F

10/26 21:48, , 8F
而實際上我自己的經驗 也覺得他說的沒錯 Solo Mid帶
10/26 21:48, 8F

10/26 21:48, , 9F
多藍 會讓戰術或者跟Jungle配合的多樣性少很多
10/26 21:48, 9F

10/26 21:48, , 10F
10/26 21:48, 10F

10/26 21:49, , 11F
10/26 21:49, 11F
※ 編輯: wodejiao 來自: (10/26 22:23)

10/26 21:52, , 12F
他講的很好啊 中路其實就是農農 然後適當支援
10/26 21:52, 12F

10/26 21:54, , 13F
推推推推推 出裝真的不代表一切 雖然我覺得有差
10/26 21:54, 13F

10/26 21:57, , 14F
推推 謝謝翻譯 很有用
10/26 21:57, 14F
※ 編輯: wodejiao 來自: (10/26 22:34)

10/26 22:34, , 15F
魔豆怎麼了 XD
10/26 22:34, 15F

10/26 22:34, , 16F
10/26 22:34, 16F

10/26 22:36, , 17F
10/26 22:36, 17F

10/26 22:40, , 18F
10/26 22:40, 18F

10/26 22:45, , 19F
10/26 22:45, 19F

10/26 22:46, , 20F
10/26 22:46, 20F

10/26 22:56, , 21F
多蘭漲價前可以多帶一水 475後就劣勢盡顯了
10/26 22:56, 21F

10/26 22:59, , 22F
10/26 22:59, 22F

10/26 23:09, , 23F
10/26 23:09, 23F

10/26 23:34, , 24F
10/26 23:34, 24F

10/26 23:40, , 25F
10/26 23:40, 25F

10/27 00:08, , 26F
10/27 00:08, 26F

10/27 00:20, , 27F
mord已死 有事燒紙
10/27 00:20, 27F

10/27 01:32, , 28F
新手問 mord是什麼呢!?
10/27 01:32, 28F

10/27 01:32, , 29F
為什麼妳們的推文都那麼齊= =
10/27 01:32, 29F

10/27 01:54, , 30F
本來就沒有不能帶多藍 只是能帶的時機比較少而已
10/27 01:54, 30F

10/27 01:55, , 31F
:應該想想為甚麼要帶多藍 而不是推名人說這樣帶是noob
10/27 01:55, 31F

10/27 01:59, , 32F
10/27 01:59, 32F

10/27 04:53, , 33F
IF你帶多藍,一定要帶火。衡量jun 然後拼一波你死我活!
10/27 04:53, 33F

10/27 04:54, , 34F
10/27 04:54, 34F

10/27 04:56, , 35F
10/27 04:56, 35F

10/27 04:57, , 36F
10/27 04:57, 36F

11/04 07:22, , 37F
11/04 07:22, 37F
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