Re: [情報] Patch + 新英雄

看板LoL作者 (凡事互相效力)時間13年前 (2010/09/08 12:02), 編輯推噓-33(306313)
留言106則, 31人參與, 最新討論串1/1
New Skins in the Store Cowgirl Miss Fortune Waterloo Miss Fortune Veigar Greybeard Shurima Desert Zilean Commando Garen 新皮膚不翻譯 v1.18.13 You can now request a trade with other players at the end of Draft Mode 你可以在draft結束之後跟其他玩家交換角色(不然我不知道要trade什麼鬼) Updated the integrated Adobe Air runtime to version 2.0 Added new bundle images to the Store League of Legends v1.0.0.100 Miss Fortune - The Bounty Hunter 好運小姐 賞金獵人 Strut (passive): Miss Fortune’s movement speed increases the longer she doesn ’t get attacked. 被動:跑得快,效果類似五速鞋 Double Up: Fires a bullet at an enemy, damaging them and bouncing to another enemy behind them, dealing even more damage. 跳彈:射出一發貫穿彈,後面被打得那個比較痛 Impure Shots: Miss Fortune passively deals increased damage to an enemy the more times she attacks them. Can be activated to give increased attack speed and lower healing received by targets that she attacks. 打得痛:打一個人越多次,傷害就越增加,主動是增加攻速跟降低治療 Make It Rain: A flurry of bullets is fired into the air which soon land at a target location, dealing damage and slowing enemies inside of it over a few seconds. 彈雨:就船長的大的縮小版 Bullet Time (ultimate): Miss Fortune hysterically unleashes a massive barrage of bullets into a cone in front of her, channeling for a few seconds and causing large amounts of damage to enemies. 子彈時間,射出一個ASHE散射大小左右的彈幕,持續幾秒 本次更新著重ROOT效應跟SUP什麼鬼效應 這兩個效應使某些移動技能無效,也使得MR鞋子跟CLEANSE略被削弱 Akali Fixed a display error with Twin Disciplines and death recap Shadow Dance can no longer be cast while rooted 胸部 飛踢不能在被綁的時候發動 Alistar Headbutt can no longer be cast while rooted Unbreakable Will tooltip corrected to state that it removes all crowd control but not all debuffs Pulverize tooltip corrected to not imply that enemies do not take damage until they land. Base attack speed and attack speed per level increased to be approximately at the level of Rammus 牛牛 撞人不能在被綁的時候發動 現在大絕會顯示移除掉所有的CC 並非所有的debuff(毒傷之類的) 鎚地板的tooltip更新 基礎攻擊跟攻速改得跟烏龜差不多(就不能實際說個值嗎-_-) Amumu Bandage Toss can no longer be cast while rooted. Curse of the Sad Mummy corrected to state that enemies are rooted and cannot attack or move Cursed Touch Magic Resistance reduction reduced to 15/25/35 from 20/30/40 繃帶在你被綁的時候不能射了 現在大會說被綁的敵人不能移動跟攻擊了(不是純root嗎-_-) 被動的降抗效果降低了 Annie Corrected the buff tooltip on Molten Shield so it correctly states that all attackers receive magic damage 安妮 現在火盾真的會讓所有攻擊受到反彈傷害了 Cho'Gath Fixed a display error with Vorpal Spikes and death recap Feral Scream silence duration reduced to 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3 seconds from 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds Feral Scream cooldown reduced to 13 seconds from 16 seconds 異形 修正e的顯示錯誤 現在鬼叫的沉默持續時間下降 鬼叫的cd下降 Corki Attack range increased to 550 from 500 Valkyre can no longer be cast while rooted Missile Barrage reload time reduced to 10 from 14 Attack speed per evel increased to 2.3 from 1.86 飛機 攻擊距離提高到550 不能在被綁的時候飛走了 r的補彈時間縮短四秒 攻速成長提昇 Dr. Mundo Infected Cleaver cost changed to 50/60/70/80/90 from 30/50/70/90/110 Dr. Mundo is now healed for half of the ability cost when Infected cleaver strikes a target Burning Agony cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 20/27.5/35/42.5/50 Masochism cost changed to 25/35/45/55/65 from 15/30/45/60/75 Sadism now returns 40/55/70 percent of Mundo's health instead of 50/50/50 萌多醫生>_^刀 丟刀子的血量調整 現在如果丟到人,自己會補一半花費在丟刀的血 W的血量消耗下降 E的血量消耗上升 大絕回血的速度提昇 評語:IG沒改,基本上在55應該還是悲劇,33聽說蠻神的,這樣改應該還是神 結論:無關痛癢(roku出來面對) Ezreal Base damage reduced to 45 from 47.6 Damage per level reduced to 2.6 from 3 Attack Speed per level reduced to 2.8 from 3.22 Arcane Shift can no longer be cast while rooted Mystic Shot damage reduced to 35/55/75/95/115 from 40/65/90/115/140 Essence Flux mana cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120 打臉ez 基礎攻擊下降 傷害成長下降 攻速成長下降 跳走不能在被綁住的時候施放 Q的傷害下降(就很痛那招) E的MANA COST下降(黃波) Gangplank Fixed a display error with Grog Soaked Blade and death recap Fixed a bug where Gangplank's passive would be replaced with the Grog Soaked Blade debuff text when struck by another Gangplank 預計人氣下降的男海盜 修正技能顯示錯誤 Garen Courage maximum armor/magic resistance reduced to 5/10/15/20/25 from 7/14/21/28/35 蓋輪 W被動的增加抗性效果下降 Gragas Fixed a display error with the tooltip on Barrel Roll's self buff Body Slam can no longer be cast while rooted 酒桶 不能在被綁的時候用肚子頂走了唷 Heimerdinger UPGRADE!!! tooltip updated to correctly state that the slow is actually 20/25/30 not 25/30/35 修正大的黑心緩速,其實沒有緩字面上那麼多 Kassadin Nether Blade's level up tooltip now correctly states the increased mana cost Riftwalk can no longer be cast while rooted 修正E技能沒有顯示升級會多花魔力這件事情 不能在被綁住的時候用R跳走囉 評語:依舊是個跳跳虎 Katarina Shunpo can no longer be cast while rooted 悲情卡塔 不能在被綁的時候用E跳走 Karthus Wall of Pain's level up tooltip now correctly states the increased slow amount 卡薩斯 現在牆壁會說緩多少 Kayle Reckoning's debuff and death recap tooltips have been corrected 天使 修正死亡顯示的錯誤 Kog'Maw Living Artillery's buff on Kog'Maw now correctly states that the increased cost per stack is 40 大男毀滅者小嘴嘴 現在大會說你在短時間內放每個STACK要多花40魔力 Malphite Unstoppable Force can no longer be cast while rooted 石頭人 不可阻止之力現在可以被阻止了喔>_^ (前幾個PATCH好像白痴) Malzahar Call of the Void cooldown reduced to 9 seconds from 10 seconds Null Zone mana cost reduced to 80/95/110/125/140 from 90/105/120/135/150 Null Zone no longer places a blank buff on Malzahar Malzahar's Voidlings will now attack the target affected by Malzahar's most recently cast Malefic Visions Nether Grasp now suppresses summoner spells in addition to stunning the target Nether Grasp range increased to 750 from 650 馬雜哈 沉默牆壁CD下降 髒地板MANA COST下降 髒地板不會在馬雜哈身上放一個空BUFF 現在蝦蝦會攻擊有瘟疫DEBUFF的人 R現在會有抑制效果,不能被MR鞋子減免,也不能被CLEANSE解掉 現在R的距離從650提升到750 Master Yi Wuju Style tooltip simplified Alpha Strike can no longer be cast while rooted YI大師 阿法不能在被綁的時候用 Nasus Fury of the Sands buff on Nasus no longer incorrectly states that it grants increased attack speed SUSAN 他大其實沒有加攻速,技能上面寫的是騙人的 Nidalee Pounce can no longer be cast while rooted Cougar form's tooltip now correctly mentions the 10% bonus dodge chance Nidalee gains in Cougar Form Corrected a display error with Takedown and death recap 奶大力 被綁不能跳 貓型態現在會說有10% DODGE的BUFF 修正貓型技能的死亡顯示 Pantheon Corrected a display error with Pantheon's auto attack and death recap. Aegis of Zeonia can no longer be cast while rooted Grand Skyfall can no longer be cast while rooted 潘三 被綁不能暈人 被綁不能跳人 Poppy Heroic Charge can no longer be cast while rooted 趴皮 被綁不能推人 Shaco Deceive can no longer be cast while rooted 蝦口 被綁不能跳 Shen Shadow Dash can no longer be cast while rooted Stand United can no longer be cast while rooted 大忍者 SHEN 被綁不能嘲諷 被綁不能大人(大人,我只是要上個盾 過份嗎) Sivir Typos corrected in the level up tooltips for Spell Shield and Boomerang Blade. 戰爭主母Sivir 修正回力標跟護盾的打字錯誤 Soraka Starcall debuff now correctly states that it can stack up to 20 times 現在會說q可以疊到20層了 (跑都來不及了還給你Q) Taric Imbue base heal reduced to 80/120/160/200/240 from 100/145/190/235/280 Imbue ability power ratio increased to 1.1 from 0.9 寶石騎士 補血量又砍,但是AP比例提高 (一般沒什麼出AP裝備的空間) Tristana Rocket Jump debuff now correctly states the slow amount Rocket Jump can no longer be cast while rooted 泡娘 火箭跳現在會講緩多少 火箭跳現在被綁不能用 Tryndamere Spinning Slash can no longer be cast while rooted 大刀 被綁不能轉走 Twitch Spray and Pray buff no longer incorrectly states that he does reduced damage during Spray and Pray 老鼠 現在大不會他在大的時候被降傷害了 Twisted Fate Gate can no longer be cast while rooted; Destiny can still be cast while rooted. 卡牌 被綁不能飛 Veigar Fixed a typo in Event Horizon's tooltip 小法師維嘉 修正打錯字 Vladimir 吸血鬼 Hemoplague's debuff will now grant assists even if it does not deal damage to the target 現在大的DEBUFF會幫助你賺到助攻 Warwick Blood Scent is now a toggle Infinite Duress can no longer be cast while rooted 阿狼 現在被動可以開關 被綁不能跳人 (等等,他大絕的sup效應呢-_-?) Xin Zhao Audacious Charge can no longer be cast while rooted 趙信 被綁不能衝人 Summoner Spells Flash can no longer be cast while rooted Teleport can no longer be cast while rooted 被綁不能傳送 被綁不能flash Items Sheen, Lich Bane and Trinity Force's "reservoir" system has been removed. These items will now strictly respect the cooldown time between procs. The cooldown has been reduced to 2 second delays between procs from 3 seconds. sheen跟他升級上去的兩樣裝備的機制有更換 現在發動會有兩秒的delay跟3秒的cd Spirit Visage redesigned Comprised of Null-Magic Mantle, Ruby Crystal, and 375 recipe cost. +30 Magic Resist +200 Health UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 12% and increases your healing and regeneration effects on yourself by 20%. sv甲已經重新設計了 現在要紅寶石跟小魔抗斗篷還有375的配方費 效果+30mr +200 hp 降低12% CD跟增加治療回血效果20% Tear of the Goddess New Recipe: Meki Pendant + Mana Crystal + 205G. Now gives 350 Mana and 7 Mana Regen per 5 New Item: Manamune Recipe consists of Tear of the Goddess + Long Sword + 500 recipe cost. + 350 Mana + 7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds + 20 Attack Damage UNIQUE Passive: 2% of your maximum mana is converted to attack damage. UNIQUE Passive: Whenever your champion attacks, they gain 1 max mana (2 second cooldown.) Whenever your champion uses an ability, they gain 4 max mana (3 second cooldown.) Bonus mana caps at 1000. 水滴:現在配方改成回魔棒跟水晶+205g 現在給350魔力跟7mp5 新裝備:manamune 配方是水滴+長劍+500配方 被動:2%的魔力換成攻擊力 被動:當你英雄攻擊會得到一點魔力(2秒cd) 當你放招式會得到四點魔力(3秒cd) 上限1000魔力 Randuin's Omen tooltip updated to state the correct slow amount Guardian Angel now revives Champions at 750 health and 375 mana instead of 40% health and mana 復活甲現在固定給750血量跟375mana 而不是原本的40% Regrowth Pendant cost reduced to 435 from 450 現在回血牌價格下修,出門可以多帶一罐水 Philosopher's Stone has a new recipe: Faerie Charm + Regrowth Pendant + 185 recipe cost. 哲學家之石:配方改成小回魔+回血牌子+185元 (好像便宜不少) General Abilities with movement or teleport based components now cannot be cast while rooted. 一般來說移動技能被綁不能用了 Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser, Infinite Duress and Nether Grasp now properly suppress and stun their targets. urgot的大 阿狼的大 跟馬雜哈的大 現在都有抑制效果 使mr鞋子跟cleanse無效 Suppression prevents summoner spells from being cast, and makes the ability immune to duration reduction effects such as that granted by Mercury's Treads. Towers currently attacking a champion will no longer respond to further calls for help from other champions. 塔不會因為接下來打塔下英雄的人換了而切換目標了 Improved many of the "playing as" and "playing against" tips that display in death recap. 更新怎麼玩角色跟怎麼對抗角色的小提示在死亡顯示當中 Updated the splash logo that appears upon loading into the game client to match the new League of Legends logo Fixed a bug that caused purple cannon minions to deal and receive normal damage from towers. Fixed a bug that caused super minions to receive normal damage from towers. Sound 多了一些聲音跟修正聲音問題 Urgot Added a second taunt Rammus Fixed a bug causing the Powerball sound to continue after Rammus hit his target Fixed timing issues with basic attacks Vladimir Tweaked volume level of skill sounds Xin Zhao Tweaked volume level of skill sounds -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/08 12:08, , 1F
Make it rain應該是整個範圍都有緩到 不像船長靠運氣
09/08 12:08, 1F

09/08 12:09, , 2F
unstopppable是說不能cast 但是施放中不會被定吧..
09/08 12:09, 2F

09/08 12:10, , 3F
09/08 12:10, 3F

09/08 12:11, , 4F
09/08 12:11, 4F

09/08 12:11, , 5F
09/08 12:11, 5F

09/08 12:13, , 6F
09/08 12:13, 6F

09/08 12:13, , 7F
sheen那個是機制改變 然後cd降到2s
09/08 12:13, 7F

09/08 12:16, , 8F
09/08 12:16, 8F

09/08 12:22, , 9F
miss胸部出來以後 阿卡莉的胸部稱號該讓賢了
09/08 12:22, 9F

09/08 12:28, , 10F
AKALI胸部真的有很大嗎@@? 我怎麼一直看不出來
09/08 12:28, 10F

09/08 12:30, , 11F
09/08 12:30, 11F

09/08 12:35, , 12F
09/08 12:35, 12F

09/08 12:35, , 13F
Mundo的E血量消耗比較不一樣 前兩級上升 後兩級下降
09/08 12:35, 13F

09/08 12:38, , 14F
09/08 12:38, 14F

09/08 12:47, , 15F
09/08 12:47, 15F

09/08 12:48, , 16F
樓上 是Akali....(無誤
09/08 12:48, 16F

09/08 12:51, , 17F
09/08 12:51, 17F

09/08 12:52, , 18F
channeling 的意思應該是可以中斷的
09/08 12:52, 18F

09/08 12:58, , 19F
09/08 12:58, 19F

09/08 12:59, , 20F
09/08 12:59, 20F

09/08 13:00, , 21F
09/08 13:00, 21F

09/08 13:08, , 22F
09/08 13:08, 22F

09/08 13:09, , 23F
字面上是寫詠唱數秒後造成傷害耶 應該是像Nunu那樣
09/08 13:09, 23F

09/08 13:09, , 24F
09/08 13:09, 24F
※ 編輯: yzpdal 來自: (09/08 13:10)

09/08 13:11, , 25F
09/08 13:11, 25F

09/08 13:12, , 26F
09/08 13:12, 26F

09/08 13:15, , 27F
09/08 13:15, 27F

09/08 13:15, , 28F
噢噢! 了改 那可能他的channeling有double meaning
09/08 13:15, 28F

09/08 13:58, , 29F
好運姐要多少IP買阿?? 感覺比Urgot好用 我猜6300
09/08 13:58, 29F

09/08 14:00, , 30F
09/08 14:00, 30F

09/08 14:14, , 31F
trade會不會是說打完以後可以換別的角色玩? XD
09/08 14:14, 31F

09/08 15:58, , 32F
噢 因為像fiddles大絕也是顯示channeling...XD
09/08 15:58, 32F

09/08 15:59, , 33F
萌多的手工圖超萌的!! sivir可以改名戰爭苦主了吧
09/08 15:59, 33F

09/08 16:21, , 34F
09/08 16:21, 34F

09/08 17:28, , 35F
09/08 17:28, 35F

09/08 17:29, , 36F
這patch根本是變相強化morgana 都夠無恥了還強化
09/08 17:29, 36F

09/08 17:30, , 37F
是要你ban morgana的意思。
09/08 17:30, 37F

09/08 17:39, , 38F
老實說root的改變最早amumu buff那次就改過
09/08 17:39, 38F
還有 28 則推文
還有 1 段內文
04/11 13:26, , 67F
04/11 13:26, 67F

04/11 13:27, , 68F
04/11 13:27, 68F

04/11 13:29, , 69F
04/11 13:29, 69F

04/11 13:30, , 70F
04/11 13:30, 70F

04/11 13:32, , 71F
04/11 13:32, 71F

04/11 13:33, , 72F
04/11 13:33, 72F

04/11 13:35, , 73F
04/11 13:35, 73F

04/11 13:36, , 74F
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04/11 13:38, , 75F
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04/11 13:39, , 76F
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04/11 13:41, , 77F
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04/11 13:43, , 78F
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04/11 13:44, , 79F
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04/11 13:46, , 80F
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04/11 13:47, , 81F
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04/11 13:49, , 82F
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04/11 13:50, , 83F
04/11 13:50, 83F

04/11 13:52, , 84F
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04/11 13:53, , 85F
04/11 13:53, 85F

04/11 13:55, , 86F
04/11 13:55, 86F

04/11 13:56, , 87F
04/11 13:56, 87F

04/11 13:58, , 88F
04/11 13:58, 88F

04/11 13:59, , 89F
04/11 13:59, 89F

04/11 14:01, , 90F
04/11 14:01, 90F

04/11 14:02, , 91F
04/11 14:02, 91F

04/11 14:04, , 92F
04/11 14:04, 92F

04/11 14:05, , 93F
04/11 14:05, 93F

04/11 14:07, , 94F
04/11 14:07, 94F

04/11 14:08, , 95F
04/11 14:08, 95F

04/11 14:10, , 96F
04/11 14:10, 96F

04/11 14:11, , 97F
04/11 14:11, 97F

04/11 14:13, , 98F
04/11 14:13, 98F

04/11 14:14, , 99F
04/11 14:14, 99F

04/11 14:16, , 100F
04/11 14:16, 100F

04/11 14:17, , 101F
04/11 14:17, 101F

04/11 14:19, , 102F
04/11 14:19, 102F

04/11 14:20, , 103F
04/11 14:20, 103F

04/11 14:22, , 104F
04/11 14:22, 104F

04/11 14:24, , 105F
04/11 14:24, 105F

04/11 14:25, , 106F
04/11 14:25, 106F
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