[閒聊] 托雷斯比卡羅爾還不值的理由

看板Liverpool作者 (Berlin)時間11年前 (2013/01/04 16:46), 編輯推噓8(803)
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出處: http://ppt.cc/TJiV Liverpool and Chelsea both spent huge in the January transfer window of 2011 - Both have been flops but who has been worse? 兩位都是水貨,但誰灌水灌比較多? It provided a superb memorable deadline day's entertainment two years ago but for fans of Liverpool and Chelsea the results since have been no laughing matter. 當初都是雷聲大但雨點小 Andy Carroll is looking like a purely disastrous buy - £35 million Kenny Dalglish elected to spend on the striker, a transfer budget the Reds could only dream of this transfer window. 現在要有3500萬英鎊的預算根本是作夢 That money of course came because they sold Fernando Torres to Chelsea for £50 million, and the pressure was on to quell the fans wrath by buying a replacement. 其實也是因為賣掉托雷斯拿到一筆錢,不買人說不過去 Carroll was the flavour of the month at the time and Liverpool got suckered right in. He is currently on loan at West Ham on their treatment table having scored just once this season and is not expected to return until the end of the month. Right now it looks as though Liverpool would be fortunate to get £10 million for him. 卡羅爾當初算是熱門的標的,利物浦也下單成功。卡羅爾去西漢姆聯至今只進一球也 因傷要待月底才能復出。現在看來利物浦寧願以1000萬英鎊將他出售 While the football world is likely pretty united in agreement Carroll's transfer to Liverpool has been a monumental failure - Fernando Torres switch to Chelsea has been arguably more ruinous. 當全世界都認為卡羅爾的利物浦之旅是個災難,然而托雷斯的藍橋登基有過之而無不及 Torres' poor form since arriving at Stamford Bridge has overseen the sacking of three talented managers, and Chelsea fail to win a Premier League title since his arrival. 三個教練被火、車車拿不到聯賽冠軍,托雷斯不用負責嗎? First to go was Carlo Ancelotti, the 2010 double winner, fired because he couldn't get Torres and Drogba firing in unison. His replacement Andre Villas-Boas tried but struggled to get Torres anywhere near his best, and also ended up getting the chop. 安切洛帝和博阿斯都被托雷斯害得捲鋪蓋 Roberto di Matteo may have won the Champions League, but this season became exasperated with Fernando Torres to the point he dropped him in their crunch game with Juventus. Chelsea lost and he was fired within hours. 狄馬特奧雖然帶隊拿下歐冠冠軍杯但也被托雷斯拖累 Now up is Torres' former boss Rafa Benitez - If anyone can get the best out of him then its him - If he can't then its pretty certain the Spaniard is a lost cause. 現在是貝帥。球員表現的好與壞他都要付全責。 If last night's performance against QPR was anything to go by, the future is bleak for Torres and Benitez. If Torres doesn't buck his ideas up then Rafa will likely be out on his ear come May, a fourth manager to take the brunt of his poor form. 如果照之前的經驗看來,對游民的失利會對兩位西班牙人的未來蒙上陰影。如果托雷斯 無法保持狀態,那麼貝帥一定逃不了五月走人的命運。 And that is why Torres is a more costly failure than Carroll. Not only was he more expensive, but he arrived with a greater reputation and has been a larger disappointment. 以上就是托雷斯比卡羅爾更不值的原因。不僅花費更高且帶來更大的失望。 Chelsea's staunch commitment to him through his inconsistency is hampering the club, and has seen three bosses sacked and you wouldn't bet against a fourth. 切爾西對托雷斯的護航妨礙了球會,也導致最近幾任、甚至馬上就要面臨第四任主帥 的離開。 Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't show the odd flash of his old self. At least Carroll has been consistently poor - Torres flattering to deceive just gets everybody's hopes up, and makes his inevitable return to his mediocre form even more difficult for fans to stomach. 卡羅爾至少還沒有大放光芒過,比起來托雷斯下墜的速度帶給人們更多的失望。 Who has been the worst buy? Carroll or Torres? 所以哪個轉會比較失敗呢? ------------------------------- 這篇寫的觀點有夠偏頗,不過看看也好,我覺得卡羅爾除了球衣賣輸托雷斯外 其他地方並不會輸給托雷斯。 1.年紀:托雷斯無論實力或者身價絕對是賣在生涯的最高點了,但卡羅爾雖然我們     買貴,但就實力來看還有成長的空間,況且卡羅爾很有可能是未來英格蘭     國家隊的主力前鋒。 2.風格:兩者的風格不一樣,托雷斯通常是當最後一腳的終結者,卡羅爾可以給雷     納當作球門球的目的,也可以擺渡幫隊友製造空間,防守時也多了一道空     中屏障,因此我不覺得區區以進球數字比較兩人的表現是恰當的。從卡羅 爾去西漢姆第一場沒助攻也沒有進球紀錄,但是被評為MOM就可窺知一二。 3.隊友:切爾西和利物浦的整體實力在這兩年有段不小落差是不爭的事實,卡羅爾     不是蘇亞雷斯那種能個人突破的前鋒,托雷斯有一群世界級的隊友護駕,     卡羅爾當時只有沒狀態的唐寧、亨德森、斯匹靈和受傷的傑隊等的支援,     我想這也影響了卡羅爾的發揮,尤其他剛為紅軍出賽也是傷癒復出。 4.教練:由於托雷斯的實績和阿布的愛好,歷任教練皆想盡方法為其打造適合的戰     術,然而卡羅爾在紅軍後期是有一場沒一場,狀況好還要坐板凳,即使去     年年中乍暖回春也無法獲得穩定的出賽機會,足總杯的亮眼替補成為他最     後的代表作。這賽季又遇到追求地面傳導的羅傑斯,還沒在正式比賽用過     就租借去西漢姆聯。是說最近幾場並不像剛開始那麼全面的地面傳導,也     開始交互運用後場起球跟大腳轉移,加上唐寧跟恩里克回升的狀態,真的     很希望卡羅爾能有機會回來再試試。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/04 17:07, , 1F
01/04 17:07, 1F

01/04 17:15, , 2F
回不來了 因為他可以籌到一定的錢
01/04 17:15, 2F

01/04 17:16, , 3F
01/04 17:16, 3F

01/04 21:38, , 4F
我也希望C9可以回來 有速度型再加高中鋒會很威啊
01/04 21:38, 4F

01/04 21:44, , 5F
01/04 21:44, 5F

01/04 22:45, , 6F
01/04 22:45, 6F

01/05 02:20, , 7F
01/05 02:20, 7F

01/05 02:26, , 8F
01/05 02:26, 8F

01/05 03:16, , 9F
01/05 03:16, 9F

01/05 04:17, , 10F
XD一件紐卡 三件利物浦 一件英格蘭而已 (英格蘭本來兩件
01/05 04:17, 10F

01/05 04:17, , 11F
但是KITBAG把我寄丟了 之後要訂已經沒得訂了
01/05 04:17, 11F
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