[新聞] 球員傷勢

看板Liverpool作者 (爬樹阿)時間12年前 (2012/09/24 22:24), 編輯推噓9(906)
留言15則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/16 (看更多)
http://ppt.cc/PDkJ The 22-year-old suffered a knee injury during Sunday’s 2-1 defeat at home to Manchester United and underwent scans on Monday morning. He has since taken to Twitter to reveal he will not be appearing for the Anfield club again until 2013. He wrote: "What I can say is its not the worst injury I've had, and for sure I'll be fighting for my place next year when I'm back fitter and stronger!" Reds boss Brendan Rodgers is also anxiously awaiting news over Daniel Agger's fitness, after the defender was forced off during the United loss. Agger is feared to have suffered medial ligament damage in his left knee and, if that proves the case, he will join Kelly for a lengthy spell on the sidelines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 簡單來說 凱莉得面對職業生涯以來最嚴重的傷病 今年賽季可能全部報銷 而阿格的左膝傷勢可能也會使他加入凱莉放長假的行列 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/24 22:26, , 1F
09/24 22:26, 1F

09/24 22:26, , 2F
09/24 22:26, 2F

09/24 22:28, , 3F
09/24 22:28, 3F

09/24 22:34, , 4F
09/24 22:34, 4F

09/24 22:35, , 5F
盧萌 阿格 凱利...天啊 Orz
09/24 22:35, 5F

09/24 22:38, , 6F
09/24 22:38, 6F

09/24 22:45, , 7F
中衛照 BR 的態度 應該是上 Coates 反正 Agger 每年一個月
09/24 22:45, 7F

09/24 22:45, , 8F
09/24 22:45, 8F

09/24 22:46, , 9F
是基本款開始 起跳增加 剛好磨練新人
09/24 22:46, 9F

09/24 23:43, , 10F
09/24 23:43, 10F

09/25 00:17, , 11F
http://tinyurl.com/d5277zh 詹俊講解的賽前YNWA
09/25 00:17, 11F

09/25 00:17, , 12F
大家看看吧 非常感人 告慰96利物浦球迷亡魂
09/25 00:17, 12F

09/25 00:46, , 13F

09/26 17:00, , 15F
09/26 17:00, 15F
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