[新聞] 官網:Comolli: Jordan, strategy, Ngog

看板Liverpool作者時間13年前 (2011/06/10 14:57), 編輯推噓13(13012)
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原文來自官網:http://0rz.com/ImAfWf In a fascinating interview following the signing of Jordan Henderson, Director of Football Damien Comolli spoke to Liverpoolfc.tv about how good the 20-year-old can become, our transfer strategy this summer and the future of David Ngog. 以下是Comolli對於Henderosn的轉會以及N'gog未來的說明。 The Frenchman also revealed what was said between Henderson and Kenny Dalglish with regards first-team opportunities, and explains why he personally spoke to Steven Gerrard ahead of any potential move for the midfielder. Comoli也表示和國王及Henderson間提到了他在一軍的機會,同時也解釋了為什麼他在選 擇任何潛在的中場球員時會先會見傑隊。 There has been a lot of talk about this transfer over the last few days and about potential fees. How pleased are you that it's finally done? 過去幾天,對於這個轉會的價錢有許多的傳聞,你有多高興這個交易終於完成了呢? I'm very pleased because he was one of the targets we had and when you get your first target it's always a good sign because you think the others will come through as well. We are very, very pleased. He has got all the skills technically that we needed. He's good with the ball, he's creative, he's got good passing, he's physically very good. That's everything we wanted in a midfielder and he's versatile as well. For Kenny he will be the player we wanted. On the fee, I've read and heard a lot of things. There was a lot of speculation on how much we would pay for Jordan and none of the figures I've seen are correct so far. We've paid a price that we are comfortable with, otherwise we would not have done the deal. 我非常高興他是我們的目標之一,而第一筆交易總是很好的,因為你也會想到接下來有可 能會到來的人。我們非常非常高興(看得出來XD),他有著我們所需要的所有技巧,他腳下 功夫十足,有創造力也有很好的傳球,同時身體條件也很好,這是我們想要的多才多藝中 場型球員,對Kenny來說,他會是我們要的球員。至於費用方面,我聽到了很多關於我們 會付多少錢的猜測,但我聽到的沒有一個數字是對的(難不成是20M又1塊之類的XD),我們 付了一個我們自己很滿意的價錢,要不然也不會成交的。 你有跟Jordan長談過嗎?你有信心他的心態上足夠使他成為一個偉大的利物浦球員嗎? Definitely. It is very difficult to believe you are talking to a 20-year-old. You think you're talking to a 25-year-old. He's very passionate about football, very committed, a top professional. He's the type of player who'll stay behind after training and do extra work. When you talk to him it's not about money or anything related to off the pitch. Everything is on the pitch: where am I going to play, have I got a chance to play, where can I develop most as a player. Kenny and I were very impressed with that and his commitment and passion for the game. 這是毫無疑問的。你很難相信你是在跟一個20歲的小夥子聊天,你會認為他大概已經25歲 了(有差嗎XD),他對足球很熱衷,且蓄勢待發,十足的職業球員。他是那種會自己留下來 額外訓練的球員,當你跟他討論時,這一切不是關於錢,也不是任何跟球場上無關的事, 全部都關注在場上的事:我將在哪比賽、我有沒有機會上場、哪裡可以使我得到最大的發 展。Kenny和我都對於他的熱情和他的承諾感到印象深刻。 He's only 20-years-old and people talk about his potential but do you see him as a player for now, someone who can slot straight into the team? 他才20歲而已,而人們正談論著他的潛力,但你是否把他視為一個即戰力? Oh yes, he is definitely a player for now. Obviously it's up to Kenny to decide but we see him as a player for now. In all the talks Kenny had with him he said, 'If you come you will be very, very, very much a part of my plans.' We know we are building for the future, a bit like with Luis and Andy in January, but we are also signing a player who is going to be effective from day one. 那當然,他現在絕對是個即戰力。當然這也要看Kenny的決定,不過我們現在都把他視為 一個隨時能上場的球員。在會談上,Kenny對他說:如果你過來,你將會是我計畫裡一個 非常非常非常重要的一部分。我們都知道我們在建立球隊的未來,像是1月時引進了蘇蘇 和Carroll,同時我們也想簽下一個從第一天就充滿著影響力的球員。 He's only going to blossom playing next to players like Steven Gerrard, isn't he? 他將會在像傑隊之類的隊員旁學習並且大鳴大放對吧? Absolutely. I think that was a key factor for him. I spoke to Stevie about Jordan before we signed him. Stevie was very positive because obviously they have been together in the England camp. I know Jordan really appreciated the fact he was able to play next to Stevie with England. He will learn from players like Jamie Carragher or Stevie or Dirk Kuyt. I think he looked into the history of the club as well. 完全正確。我想對他來說這會是一個關鍵。我和包子在簽下Jordan之前曾討論過他。包子 對他有非常正面的評價,因為他們曾經在國家隊的訓練營相處過。我知道Jordan非常珍惜 在國家隊時能夠在包子旁學習。他將會向其他的球員學習,像副隊、包子或阿靠。我想他 也會研究球隊的歷史。 How good can he become? 他會變得多好? That's so difficult to say. I don't know. He's only 20-years-old but he's already played for England, a full international, and that's a massive achievement. What he will be, we don't know - but we know he's already a very good player. We think he's going to be a top player and that's all that matters. We don't want any negative pressure around him. We just want him to come and give us the qualities and skills that he's got, and to enjoy his football. 這很難說,我也不知道。他才20歲就已經為國家隊效力過,完整的國家隊資歷,這是一個 很大的成就。他會變成怎麼樣?我們也不知道,但我們知道他已經是一個很棒的球員了。 最重要的是,我們認為他會成為一個頂尖的球員。我們不想要給他太多負面的壓力,我們 只希望他的到來能給我們帶來他所擁有高質量的足球技巧,同時也享受他自己的足球。 There is talk of us targeting the best young English talent this summer - is that the strategy? 有人說我們今年夏天的目標是英格蘭中最有天賦的年輕球員們-這是我們的策略嗎? Yes and no. It's not because a player is English and young that we are going to go for him. We go for a player because he ticks all the boxes. It's what we need at this time in this window. If a player is English or British or has played in the Premier League we'll look at that over someone who is abroad but it could be any nationality as long as they tick the boxes and is what we need for this window and going forward. 是也不是(好,那這一題跳過 ㄎㄎ)。不是的原因在於我們要的球員並不僅僅是年輕的本 土球員就好了,而是因為他有著滿滿的優點,這才是我們在這轉會時期所需要的。如果一 個球員是本土球員或在英超踢球,我們也會看看其他在國外踢球的球員,不限定任何國籍 只要他也有同樣的優點,而那也是我們需要的我們也會去接觸他。 We've completed a major transfer early in the summer. We haven't seen that a lot at Liverpool over recent years - again, is that a strategy? 我們在夏天的初段就完成了一個很大筆的轉會,這在近年來的利物浦身上並不多見,同樣 的,這也是我們的策略嗎? That's the way I personally like to work. The earlier the better because we can then readjust our strategy or decide we aren't going to do any more - which won't be the case now! I didn't know it wasn't the case before but it's certainly something we are trying to do. 這是一個我個人做事偏好的方法。越早越好,因為我們可以重新調整我們的策略或往後不 需要再做的決定-但現在還不到這個時候。我不知道以前是不是這個樣子,但現在這是我 們試著去做的方向(意思是很快就又會有新消息了嗎?) Just finally, how will this deal impact upon the future of David Ngog? 最後一問,這個交易對Ngog的未來是如何呢? Sunderland have had a strong interest in David, so we've agreed to let David speak to Sunderland about his future to see if he's interested in going there. They've expressed a strong interest, so we'll see what's next for him. 黑貓隊Ngog的興趣很濃厚,所以我們同意讓黑貓跟Ngog有所接觸(所以是沒有一起打包囉) ,也看他自己是不是有興趣想去。黑貓表現出對Ngog有很濃厚的興趣,所以就讓我們看下 去吧。 網誌版:http://0rz.com/V3Hdml -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome Jordan Henderson !!! -- ┌────────────────────────────────────╮ ███◣ ███◣ ███◣ ███◣ █▌▌◣ ███◣ ██◣ ██◣ ████ ████ ██▌█ ███▄ █▌▌█ ███▄ ███ ███ ███▄ ██▄█ ███◣ ███▄ ████ ███▄ ███ ███ ◥██ ◥█ █ ◥█▌█ ◥███ ◥███ ◥███ ◥███ ◥███ ╰───────────────────────────────Farewell─┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Farewell 來自: (06/10 14:59) ※ 編輯: Farewell 來自: (06/10 15:00)

06/10 17:08, , 1F
翻譯感謝 是說這個...怎麼有一種總監大人跟國王沒有真正在
06/10 17:08, 1F

06/10 17:08, , 2F
溝通的感覺... orz
06/10 17:08, 2F

06/10 17:10, , 3F
06/10 17:10, 3F

06/10 17:23, , 4F
06/10 17:23, 4F

06/10 17:29, , 5F
這沒什麼好猜的 不在其位 不謀其政 國王有自己的工作權限
06/10 17:29, 5F

06/10 17:53, , 6F
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06/10 17:54, , 7F
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06/10 18:57, , 8F
我怎麼看起來這是大家(總監 教練 傑隊)都有在溝通的感覺
06/10 18:57, 8F

06/10 18:59, , 9F
夏天才剛開始 相信達格利什爺爺 亨利伯伯 還有科莫利叔叔
06/10 18:59, 9F

06/10 19:00, , 10F
06/10 19:00, 10F

06/10 19:02, , 11F
話說...其實Henry比Kenny老 ^^"
06/10 19:02, 11F

06/10 19:14, , 12F
06/10 19:14, 12F

06/10 21:56, , 13F
Kenny: 放個暑假,過份嗎?
06/10 21:56, 13F

06/10 22:35, , 14F
06/10 22:35, 14F

06/10 22:41, , 15F
06/10 22:41, 15F

06/10 22:50, , 16F
我是覺得Keeny信任科茉莉 科茉莉也知道Kenny的想法
06/10 22:50, 16F

06/10 22:51, , 17F
06/10 22:51, 17F

06/10 22:52, , 18F
他選人能力也很厲害) 很放心的讓科茉莉主導整個轉會運作
06/10 22:52, 18F

06/10 23:00, , 19F
06/10 23:00, 19F

06/10 23:00, , 20F
06/10 23:00, 20F

06/10 23:01, , 21F
06/10 23:01, 21F

06/10 23:18, , 22F
重點是John Henry是全權放手給下面的在辦事的 他不會做任何
06/10 23:18, 22F

06/10 23:18, , 23F
干預 在轉會運作上 而且是全力支持那種
06/10 23:18, 23F

06/10 23:20, , 24F
老闆不過大干預 NESV良好傳統 未來是可以期待的
06/10 23:20, 24F

06/11 08:37, , 25F
06/11 08:37, 25F
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