Re: [分享] ubuntu 桌面將轉用Qt/QML

看板Linux作者 (ccc)時間11年前 (2013/03/07 11:34), 編輯推噓4(4025)
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※ 引述《kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾風炭)》之銘言: : 更多延伸閱讀: : Mir的計畫 : : Wayland開發者對Mir的意見 : : : Phoronix上面對於Mir的報導 : ---- : 一面倒的不看好 然後Wayland那邊的人對Canonical非常不爽 這篇 lwn 文章有提到 為什麼不用 Wayland 我知道大部分的人都看不到 所以我把相關的內容貼出來 突然發現 我可以建個 link 給非 subscribe 的人看 試試看吧 :p Ubuntu unveils its next-generation shell and display server In evaluating the options, Canonical decided that the X server needed replacing, and that Wayland was not viable for running on handheld devices. The new solution, Mir, is designed to run both on the system-on-chip (SoC) hardware found in phones and on standard desktop graphics hardware. The port of Unity from the OpenGL-based Nux toolkit is a reversal of sorts, Ries noted, but when Ubuntu halted work on its previous Qt-based implementation of Unity (the "fallback" mode for systems without sufficient graphics power to run Nux-based Unity) it did so in large part because Qt's future was uncertain. The project was in the midst of a hand-off from corporate owner Nokia to a community-governed council, and it was not clear that the Qt-based Unity would offer a comparable feature set to the OpenGL version. Now that Qt is in a stable and healthy position, Ubuntu has resumed work on the Qt-based Unity. 簡單的說 就是 Wayland 在手持式裝置上是不可行的 要滿足 C 社目前的目標 必需要自行開發一套能在各個平台上跑的 compositing window manager 至於為什麼之前有用 Qt 來寫 unity 後來放棄 然後現在又開始用 Qt 原因是之前 Qt 被 Nokia 買走 對於 Qt 的前途 走向不明 所以放棄 Qt 版的 unity 現在 Qt 是 open project 發展的很穩定 所以重新使用 Qt 來寫 unity 然後也提到另一篇 blog 條列了很多項目說明 為什麼要做 Mir 最後 文章很長 我還沒看完 上班先 :p Canonical's Chase Douglas subsequently did join the Wayland mailing list, and on at least one occasion he weighed in on a design issue. The topic was touch input support in particular, in February 2012, and Douglas did not seem pleased with Wayland's touch event handling, noting specifically that it would not work when the user was sending touch events to more than one application. Most mobile platforms do not support having multiple foreground applications, but the tablet builds of Ubuntu Touch do. Touch event handling is an interesting case to consider. The Mir wiki page cites input event handling as one of the project's points of disagreement with Wayland. It goes into frustratingly little detail on the subject, but Ubuntu is clearly interested in multi-touch and gesture recognition support due to its push on tablets and handheld devices. It debuted a multi-touch and gesture input stack with the release of Ubuntu 10.04, which it still maintains. Wayland, meanwhile, has stayed focused primarily on the desktop. In August 2012, there was an effort to revive the dormant weston-tablet-shell, although based on the commit logs it has been receiving less attention subsequently. -- KDE 固定聚會:每週二晚上在 Mix Coffee & Tea (與 TOSSUG 一起) KDE Taiwan G+: KDE-TW Froum:!forum/kde-tw My Blog: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/07 11:39, , 1F
對 然後這一段後來被刪掉....
03/07 11:39, 1F

03/07 11:40, , 2F
03/07 11:40, 2F

03/07 11:40, , 3F
03/07 11:40, 3F

03/07 11:48, , 4F
對啊 我也很懷疑 C 社有這樣的人力做這麼大的 project 嗎
03/07 11:48, 4F

03/07 11:49, , 5F
後面還有提到 wayland 沒辦法處理複雜的輸入方式
03/07 11:49, 5F

03/07 11:49, , 6F
03/07 11:49, 6F
※ 編輯: AceIan 來自: (03/07 12:30)

03/07 12:41, , 7F
多點觸碰跟手勢也是放棄 Wayland 的因素之一
03/07 12:41, 7F

03/07 12:46, , 8F
感覺 Xorg 要淘汰還有很長的路要走 orz
03/07 12:46, 8F

03/07 12:48, , 9F # Mir on the converged codeb
03/07 12:48, 9F

03/07 12:48, , 10F
前兩天剛結束的 UDS 討論
03/07 12:48, 10F

03/07 12:51, , 11F
重點是他們被Wayland倒打一耙 Wayland其實已經把他做完了
03/07 12:51, 11F

03/07 12:51, , 12F
03/07 12:51, 12F

03/07 12:52, , 13F
03/07 12:52, 13F

03/07 12:52, , 14F
有討論的 link 可以看嗎?
03/07 12:52, 14F

03/07 12:52, , 15F
03/07 12:52, 15F

03/07 12:53, , 16F
我有貼阿 Phoronix的連結有
03/07 12:53, 16F

03/07 13:11, , 17F
說不懂 Wayland 的是 Enlightenment 的人 他看完 Mir 對
03/07 13:11, 17F

03/07 13:11, , 18F
Wayland 的說法之後說的
03/07 13:11, 18F

03/07 13:12, , 19F
phoronix 把參與 Mir 開發的人都列出來看 真是不錯的作法
03/07 13:12, 19F

03/07 13:12, , 20F
我也很好奇 這群人能使出些什麼東西來 特別是用 C++ :p
03/07 13:12, 20F
※ 編輯: AceIan 來自: (03/07 13:21)

03/07 13:21, , 22F
突然發現 我可以建個 link 給非 subscribe 的人看 試試看吧
03/07 13:21, 22F

03/07 13:50, , 23F
不懂 Wayland 不是 Wayland 的開發者說的?
03/07 13:50, 23F

03/07 14:20, , 24F
正確來說 Canonical以外的人都在補這群人刀
03/07 14:20, 24F

03/07 14:21, , 25F
OSS為了Wayland已經丟了非常多人力進去 Canonical找一堆
03/07 14:21, 25F

03/07 14:21, , 26F
03/07 14:21, 26F

03/07 14:21, , 27F
最大的問題就是:AMD/NV肯不肯買帳 連他們自己都承認
03/07 14:21, 27F

03/07 14:22, , 28F
AMD/NV可能根本不甩 因為到時候其他人大概都用Wayland
03/07 14:22, 28F

03/08 02:10, , 29F
03/08 02:10, 29F
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