Re: [閒聊] Linus:「KDE好難用阿,我跳Gnome啦!」

看板Linux作者 (寬寬)時間15年前 (2009/02/21 11:12), 編輯推噓5(505)
留言10則, 7人參與, 最新討論串5/5 (看更多)
dogtsing: 有啊,報導裡有提到啊 Another open-source project that underwent a big change was KDE with Version 4.0. They released a lot of fundamental architectural changes with 4.0, and it received some negative reviews. As a KDE user, how has this impacted you? I used to be a KDE user. I thought KDE 4.0 was such a disaster, I switched to GNOME. I hate the fact that my right button doesn't do what I want it to do. But the whole "break everything" model is painful for users, and they can choose to use something else. I realize the reason for the 4.0 release, but I think they did it badly. They did so may changes, it was a half-baked release. It may turn out to be the right decision in the end, and I will retry KDE, but I suspect I'm not the only person they lost. I got the update through Fedora, and there was a mismatch from KDE 3 to KDE 4.0. The desktop was not as functional, and it was just a bad experience for me. I'll revisit it when I reinstall the next machine, which tends to be every six to eight months. The GNOME people are talking about doing major surgery, so it could also go the other way. 原來他用Fedora啊... 前一陣子看到Wikipedia裡KDE4的介紹,心血來潮的裝了下去, 但不知道為什麼裝起來後亂七八糟的,後來就砍掉了... -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kuan 來自: (02/21 11:14) ※ 編輯: kuan 來自: (02/21 11:17)

02/21 11:48, , 1F
02/21 11:48, 1F

02/21 11:51, , 2F
其實我現在Debian跟Ubuntu都改用KDE4.2了,很棒呀 XD
02/21 11:51, 2F

02/21 13:48, , 3F
ubuntu+kde4.2 現在不錯用!!
02/21 13:48, 3F

02/21 16:29, , 4F
02/21 16:29, 4F

02/21 16:30, , 5F
02/21 16:30, 5F

02/21 18:01, , 6F
Fedora 向來是問題最多的Linux 吧
02/21 18:01, 6F

02/21 19:30, , 7F
02/21 19:30, 7F

02/21 20:37, , 8F
XFCE不知道是否因為GTK核心,在我小筆電還跑輸KDE3 ..
02/21 20:37, 8F

02/22 13:02, , 9F
02/22 13:02, 9F

02/22 13:03, , 10F
02/22 13:03, 10F
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