[閒聊] KFMA Day 2014的歌單

看板LinkinPark作者 (碘化鉀)時間10年前 (2014/05/27 21:44), 編輯推噓2(201)
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想跟大家分享 這是LP今年5/24在KFMA的歌單 http://tinyurl.com/qz5bemz (詳細請見這個連結) Act I The Catalyst / The Requiem (Mashup Intro) Guilty All the Same (Live Debut) Given Up (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note) Points of Authority One Step Closer (Ext. Outro) Act II Blackout (Intro and Partial Bridge … more) Papercut (No Second Verse or Second Chorus) With You (No Second Verse or Second Chorus) Runaway (Through First Chorus Only; … more) Wastelands (Live Debut) Castle of Glass (Experience Version w/ … more) Leave Out All the Rest / Shadow of the Day / Iridescent (Ballad Medley) Act III Robot Boy (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only)) Joe Hahn Solo (w/ Victimized (Mike Shinoda … more) Burn It Down Waiting for the End (Apaches Intro w/ Until It … more) Wretches and Kings / Remember The Name / Skin to Bone (Nick Catchdubs Remix) Numb (Numb/Encore Intro/Outro) In the End (Mike on guitar for the first time ever) Faint (Ext. Outro) Encore: Until It's Gone (Live Debut; Ext. Catalyst + No More Sorrow Mashup Intro; Ext. Outro Transition) A Light That Never Comes (Until 1st Chorus) Lost in the Echo (Shortened) Crawling (Until 1st Chorus) New Divide (Shortened) What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge) Bleed It Out (Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ … more) 不但聽到了目前的兩首新單曲以及上篇提到的 Wastelands 也出現了一些比較少演唱的歌曲,例如Runaway、Blackout、The Catalyst等 其中Robot Boy更是從來沒有在Live上演唱過的歌曲 (雖然這次也是只有前奏XD) 最讓我驚訝的是 Wretches and Kings / Remember The Name / Skin to Bone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylEgEe4oUzg
這次的歌單出現了許多未曾嘗試過的組合和Intro/ Outro互相混搭 再次可見LP在歌單編排上的用心 感覺2014-2015的巡演應該相當有趣~ 最後我要說,Mike唱Rakim的段落真的也很有氣勢,一點都不遜色!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LinkinPark/M.1401198249.A.A2A.html

05/28 01:53, , 1F
推整理 也推live編曲 真是熱血沸騰淚流滿面
05/28 01:53, 1F

05/28 01:58, , 2F
我好想聽Robot Boy的live喔喔喔喔
05/28 01:58, 2F

05/28 02:49, , 3F
我也好想聽Robot Boy現場的啊啊啊
05/28 02:49, 3F
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