Re: [外電] Some news - Head coach

看板Lakers作者 (大麥克)時間9年前 (2014/07/24 01:58), 編輯推噓27(27042)
留言69則, 30人參與, 最新討論串1/1 As most of the basketball world focuses on free agency and Kevin Love trade rumors, there is an extremely important trial going on regarding Donald Sterling and the sale of the Los Angeles Clippers. 當全NBA都在關心Love的交易同時 另一齣戲碼也悄悄上演 就是Donald Sterling和NBA之間的戰爭 Sterling continues to fight to keep the team and the longer this drags out, the more things begin to get uncomfortable for the NBA and the Clippers themselves. 然而Sterling只要拖越久 對NBA和快艇都是種傷害 Yesterday, interim Clippers CEO Dick Parsons testified that head coach Doc Rivers would leave the team if Sterling was still the owner. With that possibility, Grantland’s Bill Simmons appeared on The Herd and believes that the possibility of Rivers could be the reason the Lakers haven’t hired a coach yet: Another conspiracy theory that I don’t think is a conspiracy theory, this is clearly why the Lakers are waiting on not hiring a coach. They must feel like they have a chance with Doc Rivers if this keeps dragging on. This is an intriguing theory as no one understands why the Lakers have not hired a coach, especially after having interviewed Byron Scott three times already. Doc River放話說只要Sterling下季繼續當老闆他就會離隊 而湖人遲遲沒決定總教練人選有一種可能就是在等Doc "雖然聽起來這是個很荒謬的推測 但是湖人都面試Byron Scott這麼多次還不決定總教練人選實在奇怪 所以在等Doc的說法是有可能的" Rivers is one of the best coaches in the NBA, and has shown that he can turn around a franchise and change the culture. Lakers fans may not care for him too much after his stint with the Boston Celtics, but Rivers’ coaching acumen and ability to motivate is one of the best in the NBA. Make no mistake, Byron Scott is still the favorite to land the job, but just like a superstar player, a big-time coach can make a huge difference. At the least, this would explain the Lakers delaying a coach hiring for this long. 也許湖人球迷並沒有太關注Doc 畢竟他以前是死對頭老賽的教練 不過Doc確實是能夠改變球隊的名教頭 現在獲得湖人總教練機會最大的當然還是Scott 不過這樣的一個Rumor也大概可以說明為什麼湖人遲遲不決定了 -------------------------------------------------- 這大概只是記者臆測而已 看看就好XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

07/24 02:02, , 1F
應該謀摳靈吧… 萬一官司要打兩年勒…
07/24 02:02, 1F

07/24 02:03, , 2F
這事看起來會拖很久 不可能吧
07/24 02:03, 2F

07/24 02:11, , 3F
07/24 02:11, 3F

07/24 02:14, , 4F
07/24 02:14, 4F

07/24 02:45, , 5F
07/24 02:45, 5F

07/24 02:45, , 6F
07/24 02:45, 6F

07/24 03:00, , 7F
Doc綠血情節很重 湖人最好是因為他一值在那等
07/24 03:00, 7F

07/24 03:17, , 8F
別這麼說 也許真的有可能阿! Doc有說她想帶大城市球隊
07/24 03:17, 8F

07/24 03:19, , 9F
都離開波士頓了 綠血人咧
07/24 03:19, 9F

07/24 03:34, , 10F
這血綠綠的家伙 在湖人休息室藏硬幣 把湖人退休球衣拿
07/24 03:34, 10F

07/24 03:34, , 11F
下來 可不認為他會退掉快艇職務
07/24 03:34, 11F

07/24 03:37, , 12F
Eric Pincus覺得Doc不會來,因為他在快艇有較多的人事權
07/24 03:37, 12F

07/24 05:40, , 13F
07/24 05:40, 13F

07/24 05:41, , 14F
07/24 05:41, 14F

07/24 08:18, , 15F
記者腦補而已 Doc喊罷工也只是放話施加壓力給聯盟
07/24 08:18, 15F

07/24 08:21, , 16F
反正史考特可有可無 等確定真的沒人選再叫他來就好XD
07/24 08:21, 16F

07/24 08:23, , 17F
除非有巔峰期KOBE LBJ MJ 不然好教練比什麼都重要
07/24 08:23, 17F

07/24 08:25, , 18F
07/24 08:25, 18F

07/24 08:56, , 19F
綠血人?那Bill Sharman跟Rick Fox是怎麼回事?XD
07/24 08:56, 19F

07/24 09:02, , 20F
連PP都被賣了 對綠血展現忠誠好像沒什麼用
07/24 09:02, 20F

07/24 09:29, , 21F
早就沒綠血人了 Doc還不錯 來吧
07/24 09:29, 21F

07/24 10:36, , 22F
DOC會丟掉快艇這一盤好菜來湖人重建嗎? 除非他真的很討
07/24 10:36, 22F

07/24 10:36, , 23F
07/24 10:36, 23F

07/24 10:46, , 24F
Rivers比較難啦,除非Jim Buss讓他當副GM
07/24 10:46, 24F

07/24 11:10, , 25F
07/24 11:10, 25F

07/24 11:11, , 26F
07/24 11:11, 26F

07/24 11:11, , 27F
年限是一定有影響的 所以也有可能,但不至於拖這麼久
07/24 11:11, 27F

07/24 11:11, , 28F
07/24 11:11, 28F

07/24 11:16, , 29F
有可能啊 湖人之前和丹東尼提前分手也是這原因
07/24 11:16, 29F

07/24 11:18, , 30F
07/24 11:18, 30F

07/24 11:19, , 31F
要簽 Scott 5 年,那我寧願看 madsen 撐一年
07/24 11:19, 31F

07/24 11:44, , 32F
07/24 11:44, 32F

07/24 11:52, , 33F
給SCOTT 5年 我寧願把錢拿去投資Luke 讓他慢慢練XD
07/24 11:52, 33F

07/24 12:37, , 34F
07/24 12:37, 34F

07/24 12:38, , 35F
07/24 12:38, 35F

07/24 12:38, , 36F
07/24 12:38, 36F

07/24 12:39, , 37F
07/24 12:39, 37F

07/24 12:39, , 38F
我猜最後還是會雙方妥協簽4年,我猜關鍵是最後一年TO PO
07/24 12:39, 38F

07/24 12:39, , 39F
所以聽聽就好,湖人的乳摸會多到讓你麻木的 XD
07/24 12:39, 39F

07/24 12:40, , 40F
07/24 12:40, 40F

07/24 12:41, , 41F
Rivers是不用想了 現在可能是Karl or Scott 選一個
07/24 12:41, 41F

07/24 12:41, , 42F
07/24 12:41, 42F

07/24 12:42, , 43F
07/24 12:42, 43F

07/24 14:34, , 44F
07/24 14:34, 44F

07/24 14:35, , 45F
但我也不覺得Karl適合我們就是了 對彼此都是傷害
07/24 14:35, 45F

07/24 14:54, , 46F
最適合的還是Nash 清空間 又有教練 德高望重
07/24 14:54, 46F

07/24 16:49, , 47F
不太可能 別忘了Doc去快艇的條件之一是兼管理職
07/24 16:49, 47F

07/24 17:28, , 48F
07/24 17:28, 48F

07/24 17:28, , 49F
07/24 17:28, 49F

07/24 17:30, , 50F
Karl不會不適合吧? 把09年金塊那套搬過來應該OK
07/24 17:30, 50F

07/24 17:31, , 51F
07/24 17:31, 51F

07/24 17:31, , 52F
不過這陣容最好的核心打法 應該是擋拆吧
07/24 17:31, 52F

07/24 17:48, , 53F
07/24 17:48, 53F

07/24 17:49, , 54F
07/24 17:49, 54F

07/24 17:55, , 55F
Scott在騎士執教的表現 讓我覺得超鳥
07/24 17:55, 55F

07/24 17:56, , 56F
07/24 17:56, 56F

07/24 18:12, , 57F
07/24 18:12, 57F

07/24 18:12, , 58F
純粹就看球迷想看好他或看壞他而已 好壞兩面都有
07/24 18:12, 58F

07/24 18:26, , 59F
07/24 18:26, 59F

07/24 19:45, , 60F
我湖現在的戰術大概有三種 亂刀流 微擋拆 老大刷
07/24 19:45, 60F

07/24 19:45, , 61F
07/24 19:45, 61F

07/24 22:04, , 62F
07/24 22:04, 62F

07/24 23:09, , 63F
07/24 23:09, 63F

07/24 23:37, , 64F
07/24 23:37, 64F

07/24 23:42, , 65F
07/24 23:42, 65F

07/24 23:42, , 66F
07/24 23:42, 66F

07/24 23:43, , 67F
07/24 23:43, 67F

07/24 23:45, , 68F
07/24 23:45, 68F

07/25 10:20, , 69F
就看會不會受傷呀 所以不受傷才是最重要的
07/25 10:20, 69F
文章代碼(AID): #1Jp_V3Ic (Lakers)