[外電] Some News - LAL vs SAS

看板Lakers作者 (飛柳)時間10年前 (2013/11/03 11:34), 編輯推噓31(31021)
留言52則, 30人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文網址:http://ppt.cc/7lcj The prevailing takeaway from the Los Angeles Lakers' first two games is that they aren't as brilliant as they looked against the Los Angeles Clippers and not as miserable as they appeared against the Golden State Warriors. 對前兩場 LAL 賽事的普遍看法是,他們並不像對上 LAC 時那般的卓越,也沒有遇到 GSW 看起來的那般悲慘。 Friday's 91-85 loss to the San Antonio Spurs, a game that turned when the Spurs went on a 7-1 run with the score tied 80-80 late in the fourth quarter, showed that you should put even less stock in that back-to-back that started the season. For the Lakers to realize themselves as the competitive basketball team they hope to become this season, they need to learn how to win, and a big part of that is learning which players they are going to win with. 在 Lakers 成為他們本季預期般有競爭力的球隊前,學習如何贏球是必要的,特別是要以 甚麼樣的陣容贏球。 Let's start with the personnel problem. 讓我們從個人問題開始。 Lakers coach Mike D'Antoni's plan for an 11-man rotation is already proving to be easier said than done, and he's the first to admit it. 很明顯 Lakers 教練 Mike D'Antoni 計畫執行的 11 人輪替,用說的還比較容易,而他 也率先承認了。 "I have to get it done, in the sense of how we can't fall too far back [in the standings]," D'Antoni said. "We have to get a set group and go with it. We'll get there as quick as we can." 「為了不[在排名中]落後太多,這點我必須做好安排,」 D'Antoni 表示,「我們必須找出 穩固的陣容並貫徹之,這目標要盡快達成。」 The most glaring bench blunder Friday was Jordan Hill inexplicably sitting the entire game, finally getting his number called and playing like a banshee with five points, four rebounds (including three offensive) and an assist (to Wesley Johnson for a wide-open corner 3-pointer to get L.A. going), all in the fourth quarter. 最明顯地調度錯誤,是 Jordan Hill 莫名其妙地在板凳區幾乎坐滿全場,終於好不容易 有上場時間後,繳出五分、四籃板(其中三個是進攻籃板)及一助攻( Wesley Johnson 的 一記三分球),這些表現都集中在第四節 "I guess Coach Mike just wants to see what other rotations are out there and just see what he could find," Hill said. "I just waited my turn until he called my name." 「我想 Mike 教練只是想嘗試更多不一樣的組合,並期待有所發現,」 Hill 說,「在被 叫上場前,我只能等待需要我的那一刻。」 Once D'Antoni settles on which names he'll consistently call in the fourth -- hearing him say Hill, Johnson, Pau Gasol, Steve Nash and Jordan Farmar doesn't sound too bad right now -- it will be up to them to settle the execution problem. 當 D'Antoni 排出他常在第四節調度上場的陣容時 ---- 當下從他嘴裡聽到 Hill 、 Johnson 、 Pau Gasol 、 Steve Nash 和 Jordan Farmar,那感覺還不賴 ----執行面 的問題就只能依靠這些傢伙解決了。 "We have to understand and learn what we're going to run down the stretch when the game is on the line, when it's a tight game like it was [Friday], see what our go-to plays are, what we feel more comfortable and what we're most effective with," said Gasol, who finished with 20 points and 11 rebounds but was as much to blame as anyone for the Spurs' spurt in the fourth, as he missed a free throw during the run and didn't close out hard enough on Boris Diaw's game-sealing 3-pointer. "So, that's what we have to learn. This is the first close game that we played during the season against a team with very experienced and high-quality players that they can really resolve in those situations like Tony [Parker] and Manu [Ginobili]." 「當賽事不利時,我們必須了解並學習該如何在最後階段衝刺,像今晚這樣僵持的比賽, 找出我們最佳的Play,我們最能適應且最有效率的打法,」 得到 20 分、11籃板成績的 Gasol 表示,但第四節他的表現跟其他人一樣不如人意,當他關鍵時候兩罰一中,「所以這是我們必 須加強的。這是本賽季第一次比數拉鋸的比賽,而對方是一隻有著像 Tony [Parker] 和 Manu [Ginobili]等經驗老到且極具能力的球員,他們很快便進入狀況。」 Normally, the Lakers have that guy Kobe Bryant to lean on in the fourth quarter. For better or worse, at least Bryant's presence gives some order to things. It might be "hero ball," but it's a direction, an identity. He will gladly take the responsibility to organize things through him when the game is on the line. The Spurs, who were missing Tim Duncan on Friday because of a chest bruise, still had a system in place that settled them in closing time. 通常 Lakers 在第四節還能依靠 Kobe Bryant 。不論結果,至少 Bryant 的出場能讓比 賽照一定步調進行,或許會執行「 hero ball 」,但這至少是一個方向,或說一直以來 都會如此。他很樂意在情況危急時,跳出來接管比賽。而馬刺在 Tim Duncan 缺席的情況下,依舊能在 比數拉鋸時照自己的步調走。 "That commonality," said Nash, who sat out the fourth quarter because he had aggravated one of his quads, so he wasn't helping the continuity cause either on this night. "Even without Timmy, they had five guys out on the floor that all played together last year. 「即便沒有 Timmy 在場,他們仍有五個在去年一起打了整季的球員。」 Nash 表示,他 因傷勢加重而缺席第四節。 "On the one hand, it's extremely frustrating because we had the chance to beat a good team. On the other hand, at the end of the game it's not a huge surprise that we're left trying to figure some things out while they're a well-oiled machine." 「我們一方面感到十分沮喪沒能掌握機會擊敗一支強隊,同時也不意外當我們還在摸索時 ,對方已經是馬力全開了。」 The Lakers, meanwhile, are still a pile of parts that D'Antoni is trying to fit together. 與此同時 Lakers 還是一隻等待 D'Antoni 能有所整合的隊伍。 It's not that they can't work, either. That Clippers game showed how different things can be when the Lakers are making shots -- 14-for-29 on 3-pointers instead of 8-for-27 makes the final score look a heck of a lot different. And even against San Antonio, the Lakers led by 15 in the first half. 這不代表這支球隊無法運作。從對上 Clippers 的比賽可以看出當湖人手風順時情況有多 大的不同,三分球 29 中 14 和 27 中 8 讓最後比分有著極大的差異。就算是面對 San Antonio 的比賽, Lakers 也在上半場曾領先達十五分。 "We gave up that lead in the second quarter in the most critical moment of the game when we could have actually stepped it up a notch and kind of increased the lead and build on it," Gasol said. "But we allowed them back in the game. They made their run." 「我們在第二節關鍵時刻失去了領先地位,而當下我們本來可以加緊努力,來維持並穩固 領先。」 Gasol 這麼說,「但我們卻讓他們有機會奪取勝利,而他們也把握住了。」 Now the Lakers must make their recognition, make their rotation and begin to make their reputation as the team they hope to become. 現在的 Lakers 必須打出自己的球風,找到適當的輪值名單,並名符其實地成為他們希望 成為的隊伍。 有錯請不吝指正。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/03 11:42, , 1F
很疑惑為啥不早點把Hill 換上來。
11/03 11:42, 1F

11/03 11:48, , 2F
11/03 11:48, 2F

11/03 11:48, , 3F
11/03 11:48, 3F

11/03 11:49, , 4F
然後聽說Nash腿被撞得不太舒服 活動不順
11/03 11:49, 4F

11/03 11:52, , 5F
11/03 11:52, 5F

11/03 11:55, , 6F
Gasol Kaman 牌子大 給他一點時間安排
11/03 11:55, 6F

11/03 11:58, , 7F
Nash 應該是結束了 衰退比預期快 這筆交易完全失敗
11/03 11:58, 7F

11/03 12:00, , 8F
本來就是拼去年一年 誰知道效果不好囉
11/03 12:00, 8F

11/03 12:26, , 9F
11/03 12:26, 9F

11/03 12:34, , 10F
老納傳球能力不會退的 可能要是兩套攻擊戰術 白人組以傳
11/03 12:34, 10F

11/03 12:35, , 11F
球和內外搭配來彌補沒切入的缺憾 活力組再打丹東尼原戰術
11/03 12:35, 11F

11/03 12:36, , 12F
老納只要不切 邊線球和小球都還是頂級水準~
11/03 12:36, 12F

11/03 12:48, , 13F
Nash的傳球還是很神 可是運動能力跟準頭都下降太多 哀
11/03 12:48, 13F

11/03 13:14, , 14F
11/03 13:14, 14F

11/03 13:21, , 15F
11/03 13:21, 15F

11/03 13:42, , 16F
冷笑話死都要擺雙控球 不要只想進攻面 防守就太矮勒= =
11/03 13:42, 16F

11/03 13:42, , 17F
丹東尼真的很無言 腦袋都後知後覺的
11/03 13:42, 17F

11/03 13:51, , 18F
說好這季歡喜看球 就別想太多啦
11/03 13:51, 18F

11/03 14:25, , 19F
歡樂看球也是要看年輕人阿 不然看老摳摳被虐無法歡樂
11/03 14:25, 19F

11/03 14:25, , 20F
連三場板凳效率遠大於先發 是該調整陣容
11/03 14:25, 20F

11/03 14:25, , 21F
喔算了 反正冷笑話遠永都有他自己的一套...
11/03 14:25, 21F

11/03 14:37, , 22F
11/03 14:37, 22F

11/03 15:17, , 23F
11/03 15:17, 23F

11/03 15:40, , 24F
11/03 15:40, 24F

11/03 16:06, , 25F
Hill沒受傷的話 這樣上場時間太少了
11/03 16:06, 25F

11/03 16:13, , 26F
關鍵時刻 少了24號戰術相當的麻煩阿...
11/03 16:13, 26F

11/03 16:52, , 27F
11/03 16:52, 27F

11/03 17:15, , 28F
11/03 17:15, 28F

11/03 17:55, , 29F
歡樂看球 不期不待 渡過重建期八字訣
11/03 17:55, 29F

11/03 18:46, , 30F
11/03 18:46, 30F

11/03 19:27, , 31F
冷笑話: 以前大家都叫我不要七人輪替 現在卻QwQ
11/03 19:27, 31F

11/03 19:32, , 32F
炒掉冷笑話 免費換台冰箱給你 無痛升級 保證夠冰
11/03 19:32, 32F

11/03 19:44, , 33F
11/03 19:44, 33F

11/03 20:23, , 34F
沒kobe 倒數階段的關鍵球 缺點立瑪畢露 完全沒人可以
11/03 20:23, 34F

11/03 20:23, , 35F
執行 稍微被防守者對上就只好改變講好的進攻戰術 下場
11/03 20:23, 35F

11/03 20:23, , 36F
11/03 20:23, 36F

11/03 21:41, , 37F
現在不是黑暗期嘛xd 大家討論的很值著
11/03 21:41, 37F

11/03 21:57, , 38F
問鄉民戰績為何物 難叫人歡樂看球阿...XD
11/03 21:57, 38F

11/03 23:05, , 39F
11/03 23:05, 39F

11/03 23:08, , 40F
11/03 23:08, 40F

11/03 23:09, , 41F
明天打老鷹要贏阿 致少強度比較弱...
11/03 23:09, 41F

11/03 23:15, , 42F
冷笑話:24號戰術又可下達了 嘿嘿嘿!!
11/03 23:15, 42F

11/03 23:20, , 43F
11/03 23:20, 43F

11/03 23:20, , 44F
11/03 23:20, 44F

11/03 23:21, , 45F
11/03 23:21, 45F

11/03 23:27, , 46F
11/03 23:27, 46F

11/03 23:49, , 47F
科科 看清楚 丹東尼的爛了吧!! 快說我神預言~~~
11/03 23:49, 47F

11/03 23:51, , 48F
11/03 23:51, 48F

11/03 23:53, , 49F
11/03 23:53, 49F

11/04 00:48, , 50F
11/04 00:48, 50F

11/04 03:37, , 51F
mangojocker 希望明天他多上點。Orz
11/04 03:37, 51F

11/04 03:38, , 52F
的確是,而且那年他場均也就上 10 分鐘XD
11/04 03:38, 52F
※ 編輯: lokiishere 來自: (11/04 10:54)
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