[外電] Mitch向本季掙扎的D12做出保證

看板Lakers作者 (飛柳)時間11年前 (2013/02/21 10:21), 編輯推噓56(56083)
留言139則, 30人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The Los Angeles Lakers and Dwight Howard haven’t enjoyed the success many envisioned when the superstar center was traded to the prestigious franchise this past summer, but general manager Mitch Kupchak is determined to make the relationship work. 當這位巨星中鋒去年夏天被交易來到這隻有名望的球隊時,湖人與D12並未如預期般享受著 勝利,但GM Mitch Kupchak 決定要加強彼此的關係。 Kupchak appeared on ESPN Radio's The Herd with Colin Cowherd earlier today and made it clear that Howard will not be going anywhere at the upcoming Feb. 21 trading deadline (via Dave McMenamin of ESPN Los Angeles): Kupchak稍早時曾現身 ESPN 的廣播頻道 The Herd with Colin Cowherd 並表明 D12 在 交易大限內不會離開湖人。 We've been very consistent. We're not trading Dwight Howard. ... He will not be traded and there's nothing that anybody can do today to call me today and ask me, “Would you do this?'” and get a positive result. 『我們十分堅持,決不會交易 D12 ......他絕不會被交易,今天也沒有人有辦法影響我, 並在問到此交易案時得到肯定的答覆。』 After the season-long saga that the Orlando Magic and Howard went through— which culminated in the blockbuster deal that landed the big man in Los Angeles—it’s refreshing to see Kupchak stick with his prized offseason acquisition. 在經歷去年整季魔術與 D12 之間的魔獸人生後-尤其在之後這位長人投身洛杉磯的交易 案引發最高潮- Kupchak 出奇地執著在這名非季賽時的珍貴收穫。 Not only that, but the GM is confident that Howard will round into form and remain with the organization for years to come, which many have speculated won ’t be the case when he has the chance to walk away as an unrestricted free agent this summer (via McMenamin): 不只如此,GM 有信心 D12 將融入團體,並在未來幾年留在球隊。即便許多預測都認為 D12 很有可能在今年夏天拿到自由之身後離開球團。 It's hard to get talent in this league and to have a talent like Dwight Howard, we have no intention of trading Dwight Howard. He belongs to have his name on the wall [as a retired uniform] and a statue in front of Staples [Center] at some point and time. 『在這聯盟很難得到人才,尤其是像 D12 這樣的人才,我們沒有交易 D12 的想法, 他值得在某個時機點將名字留在這(退休球衣)並在 Staples (球場) 豎立屬於自己的雕像 』 Howard has struggled to mesh with his star teammates in Mike D’Antoni’s system, and is averaging 16.3 points, 11.8 rebounds and 2.3 blocks over 48 games—disappointing numbers by his standards. D12 為在 MDA 的體系下融入他的明星隊友而奮鬥著,這四十八場的比賽中交出平均 16.3分、11.8籃板、及2.3阻攻的成績,相較於他的標準還有待進步。 However, Kupchak sees this dip in production as a result of offseason back surgery, which he feels takes at least a year to fully return from. The GM is positive that the 27-year-old center will have a “100 percent recovery,” (via McMenamin). 然而 Kupchak 將之歸因於背部手術的結果,GM 保證這位27歲的中鋒將獲得百分百的復 原。 McMenamin also noted that the Lakers are fully prepared to offer Howard a five-year max contract extension, which would provides the big man with extra incentive to remain in Southern California. McMenamin同時也提到,湖人已經準備要提供 D12 五年的頂級合約,這也讓這位長人有更 多動機留在南加州。 With the Lakers sitting at 25-29 following the All-Star break, Howard and his teammates will need to play with urgency over the next 28 games to ensure a playoff berth in the stacked Western Conference. 湖人至今戰績 25勝29敗,D12 和他的隊友將在剩下的 28 場比賽為確保西區季後賽的席 位而奮戰。 Regardless of their postseason chances though, the public has been made aware that Howard will remain a Laker, at least until July. With full support from the organization, there is also a stronger possibility that the big man elects to sign a long-term extension. 先不論他們進軍季後賽的機會,球迷要明白 D12 至少到七月都依舊是湖人的球員。 在球團全力的支持下,也很有機會讓這名長人簽下長約。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/21 10:23, , 1F
02/21 10:23, 1F

02/21 10:23, , 2F
完全不認為湖人會想交易他 同樣也不認為他會走
02/21 10:23, 2F

02/21 10:23, , 3F
歡迎Dwight Howard打臉XD
02/21 10:23, 3F

02/21 10:25, , 4F
不認為DH會走+1 可是湖人現狀真不知道怎樣才有救
02/21 10:25, 4F

02/21 10:26, , 5F
個人認為DH會走 先不論他跟老科到底如何..
02/21 10:26, 5F

02/21 10:27, , 6F
他就是融不進這團隊 都有Nash了..他還..哀
02/21 10:27, 6F

02/21 10:27, , 7F
湖人應該是不會主動放他走 但他自己怎麼想就不一定了
02/21 10:27, 7F

02/21 10:28, , 8F
湖人應該也給DH交易否決權的 安他的心
02/21 10:28, 8F

02/21 10:28, , 9F
說實在的這季就算勉強進季後賽 以比賽內容來看
02/21 10:28, 9F

02/21 10:28, , 10F
02/21 10:28, 10F

02/21 10:28, , 11F
我個人認為還是先安撫DH 簽下去養傷展望明年比較實際
02/21 10:28, 11F

02/21 10:28, , 12F
02/21 10:28, 12F

02/21 10:28, , 13F
他不走 Nash kobe都還有兩年約 接下來好像不會比較好
02/21 10:28, 13F

02/21 10:29, , 14F
和平在這季已經有改善了 現在看DH...
02/21 10:29, 14F

02/21 10:29, , 15F
顆顆 當然囉 誰會打自己臉呀 第二中鋒換第一中鋒耶 還嫌
02/21 10:29, 15F

02/21 10:29, , 16F
118M/5years + 交易否決權 足夠留得住dh了
02/21 10:29, 16F

02/21 10:30, , 17F
Mwp真的要先交易掉 他的兩光外線 配上DH根本悲劇
02/21 10:30, 17F

02/21 10:31, , 18F
MWP有改善? 是比去年好啦 但是整個球隊節奏還是被他搞
02/21 10:31, 18F

02/21 10:31, , 19F
亂..拜託 交易掉八
02/21 10:31, 19F

02/21 10:31, , 20F
看外電說 湖人簽下dh 原陣容不變的話 要繳80M豪華稅?XD
02/21 10:31, 20F

02/21 10:31, , 21F
MWP功力還是有個幾成 但他完全不適合現在的湖人...
02/21 10:31, 21F

02/21 10:32, , 22F
02/21 10:32, 22F

02/21 10:32, , 23F
02/21 10:32, 23F

02/21 10:32, , 24F
02/21 10:32, 24F

02/21 10:32, , 25F
02/21 10:32, 25F

02/21 10:33, , 26F
整體年輕化很重要 mwp Kobe Nash gasol都太老
02/21 10:33, 26F

02/21 10:33, , 27F
MWP:現在都是Kobe Pass me the ball !
02/21 10:33, 27F

02/21 10:33, , 28F
118M/5years + 交易否決權...有這樣的價值嗎
02/21 10:33, 28F

02/21 10:33, , 29F
DH簽下去一定會用特赦吧 不然豪華稅繳死人了
02/21 10:33, 29F

02/21 10:34, , 30F
no trade clause 是要符合一定條件的
02/21 10:34, 30F

02/21 10:34, , 31F
02/21 10:34, 31F

02/21 10:34, , 32F
MWP Gasol至少會走一個
02/21 10:34, 32F

02/21 10:35, , 33F
MWP換成瑞士刀-沙發樓下 就真的完全是理想!
02/21 10:35, 33F

02/21 10:35, , 34F
02/21 10:35, 34F

02/21 10:35, , 35F
02/21 10:35, 35F

02/21 10:36, , 36F
補個消息 Gasol今天用拐杖走進locker說他復健的很好
02/21 10:36, 36F

02/21 10:36, , 37F
DH變空氣沒什麼 更想看DH把Kobe擺平 顆顆 bj4
02/21 10:36, 37F

02/21 10:36, , 38F
我是覺得季後操作大概 全力留DH 之後聆聽Pau的報價(可能動
02/21 10:36, 38F

02/21 10:37, , 39F
或等季中) MWP會被特赦....
02/21 10:37, 39F
還有 60 則推文
02/21 11:20, , 100F
02/21 11:20, 100F

02/21 11:20, , 101F
其實東區這些年年輕化,未來性看來比西區優~溜馬 七六人 騎士
02/21 11:20, 101F

02/21 11:20, , 102F
02/21 11:20, 102F

02/21 11:22, , 103F
後場自己選吧 湖人王牌後場都自己養的
02/21 11:22, 103F

02/21 11:27, , 104F
下張後場鬼牌應該是交易或FA 等到有籤再養出來DH都要退化了
02/21 11:27, 104F

02/21 11:29, , 105F
02/21 11:29, 105F

02/21 11:29, , 106F
所以 Mitch今天是不會有動作了是嗎..?? 好歹換換血
02/21 11:29, 106F

02/21 11:30, , 107F
沒辦法最該換血的是後場 但沒人吃的下
02/21 11:30, 107F

02/21 11:31, , 108F
02/21 11:31, 108F

02/21 11:32, , 109F
那也是整個陣容配給他轉 極限就是那樣
02/21 11:32, 109F

02/21 11:33, , 110F
火槍兵才是那年魔術的主體 前峰控球的p&r
02/21 11:33, 110F

02/21 11:34, , 111F
那樣足夠了 現在的我們配套問題還更要命
02/21 11:34, 111F

02/21 11:35, , 112F
我們配不出來那樣 光Kobe mwp兩人的三分就沒法給他空間
02/21 11:35, 112F

02/21 11:35, , 113F
講以前多強有啥用 Pau以前還不是神
02/21 11:35, 113F

02/21 11:36, , 114F
02/21 11:36, 114F

02/21 11:36, , 115F
況且27了 我寧願拿這錢等KI 哈哈
02/21 11:36, 115F

02/21 11:36, , 116F
02/21 11:36, 116F

02/21 11:37, , 117F
我看了這季我很懷疑他能跟誰配合 還是滾回魔術隊吧
02/21 11:37, 117F

02/21 11:38, , 118F
02/21 11:38, 118F

02/21 11:38, , 119F
02/21 11:38, 119F

02/21 11:58, , 120F
聽說DH的魔術只打過一次總冠 這敢出來說嘴??? 誰都知道魔術
02/21 11:58, 120F

02/21 11:58, , 121F
要贏 主要是看火槍兵和2000萬的發揮 DH講穿了 就是防守和籃板
02/21 11:58, 121F

02/21 11:59, , 122F
中樞 進攻上DH就是需要配合 他的單打真的蠻囧的
02/21 11:59, 122F

02/21 13:07, , 123F
現在還有沒有人要只提肩膀然後忘記背部手術的? ^^
02/21 13:07, 123F

02/21 13:08, , 124F
02/21 13:08, 124F

02/21 15:11, , 125F
02/21 15:11, 125F

02/21 16:15, , 126F
樓樓上明明就版友=.= 來那麼多次....
02/21 16:15, 126F

02/21 16:21, , 127F
LBJKO你也被講過反串 別以為我忘了XDY
02/21 16:21, 127F

02/21 17:08, , 128F
LBJKO是標準專業反串阿,還自己推過自己是湖迷 來引戰XD
02/21 17:08, 128F

02/21 17:31, , 129F
02/21 17:31, 129F

02/21 17:52, , 130F
02/21 17:52, 130F

02/21 18:46, , 131F
02/21 18:46, 131F

02/21 20:31, , 132F
後場有Nash+Kobe DH也該知足了
02/21 20:31, 132F

02/21 20:41, , 133F
這麼說也是 我還被說過假清高XDD
02/21 20:41, 133F

02/22 04:51, , 134F
我上面放炮的內容都是之前在這版推文過的 甚至SULICon大
02/22 04:51, 134F

02/22 04:52, , 135F
前幾篇也推過很類似的內容 那個誰 別搞笑裝可愛了好嗎?^^
02/22 04:52, 135F

02/22 04:53, , 136F
兩年半前批評KB打法會被打成酸酸 那現在批評DH也順便一下
02/22 04:53, 136F

02/22 04:53, , 137F
吧 我在講的就是這件事呢 偏偏Mitch就說了DH是因為受傷所
02/22 04:53, 137F

02/22 04:54, , 138F
以表現不如預期 如何? 愛被打臉嗎? 假如你前面沒對DH表現
02/22 04:54, 138F

02/22 04:55, , 139F
感到不耐 那我就不是在說你 這麼愛回啊?
02/22 04:55, 139F
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