[外電] Ramon Sessions will not exercise optio

看板Lakers作者 (Take a break ,ok?)時間12年前 (2012/06/20 00:59), 編輯推噓51(53252)
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Ramon Sessions will not exercise option to stay with Lakers http://ppt.cc/zbpX Point guard Ramon Sessions will not exercise a player option to stay with the Lakers and will become a free agent, The Times has learned. 沙宣不想要執行球員選項待在湖人 他想要試水溫 ( 被西河打爆怎麼試? ) Sessions would have earned $4.55 million next season but chose to test the market. There’s still a chance that Sessions will return to the Lakers by signing a contract, but there’s no guarantee of it. 假設他繼續待湖人 就可以拿到 US$ 4,550K 但是他選擇去試水溫 但是還是可以把他簽回來 不保證就是了 ( 原PO NT$22*12K 表示:) “Ramon has carefully considered this decision,” said Sessions’ agent, Jared Karnes. “He had to make a career decision and ultimately decided to do what was best in providing stability and longevity for him in the NBA, and this could only be achieved through a multi-year contract.” 經紀人(的荷包)說:沙宣很仔細的考慮過個這DECISION !!! 他必須要做出對他NBA生涯最好的、最能長久的、最穩定的抉擇 當然這表示"林北要長約" ===========================後面就在講沙宣在打怎樣怎樣========================= Sessions, 26, started off well with the Lakers after being acquired at the trade deadline, averaging 13.7 points and seven assists as a starter in 23 regular-season games. He tailed off in the playoffs, however, his numbers dropping to 9.7 points and 3.6 assists a game and 37.7% accuracy. He had never been to the playoffs in four other NBA seasons spent mostly as a backup. He had until Wednesday to decide on his option. Free agency begins June 30 at 9 p.m. The Lakers acquired Sessions from Cleveland on March 15 for Luke Walton, Jason Kapono, under $1 million in cash and a first-round pick that turned out to be 24th overall. The Lakers also received seldom-used forward Christian Eyenga in the trade. The Lakers now have only one point guard under contract next season. Steve Blake has two more years and $8 million remaining on his deal. Darius Morris took the unusual step of signing a one-year deal as a rookie and is a restricted free agent after playing only 19 games with the Lakers. Sessions suggested he would not exercise his one-year option in an April interview with The Times, hoping to work out a multi-year deal with the Lakers after becoming a free agent. “I want to be here. I don’t know what that means or how that’s going to happen,” he said at the time. “It ain’t no secret. I’ll tell anybody that. I tell Mitch Kupchak. I tell my agent. I want to be here. Period. For a long time.” Sessions has been with three other teams in his NBA career — Milwaukee, Minnesota and the Cavaliers. ========== 以上的重點是:下一季湖人只有一個簽約PG 史提夫‧黑 ============== 基本上也不期待能簽回來了 沒空間也沒錢,整個就是時候要大破大立了... 重點整理: 林北要長約 & 目前為止下季PG"只有" 小黑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/20 01:01, , 1F
06/20 01:01, 1F

06/20 01:07, , 2F
ㄎㄎ了...拿選秀權換的,這下子PG??? Gasol掰定了...
06/20 01:07, 2F
市場上有的自由控球: Nash, Andrew Miller, Felton, Jameer & Lou Williams 該祈禱老納低薪求冠棄火來湖人嗎... 一想到人家要低薪求冠第一個想到一定是熱火...就悲劇 哀 我倒是蠻看好雷射槍來湖人...畢竟KB有蒐集仇人的前科XDDD ※ 編輯: LAKERsBryant 來自: (06/20 01:10)

06/20 01:09, , 3F
慢走不送 看交易之神變魔術囉
06/20 01:09, 3F

06/20 01:10, , 4F
別擔心 老魚下季就回來了!!
06/20 01:10, 4F

06/20 01:11, , 5F
Mitch: Show time.
06/20 01:11, 5F

06/20 01:14, , 6F
06/20 01:14, 6F

06/20 01:14, , 7F
06/20 01:14, 7F

06/20 01:15, , 8F
06/20 01:15, 8F

06/20 01:15, , 9F
雷槍那怨念滿深的 來的機率有夠低 起碼咩棒 阿泰這幾個跟
06/20 01:15, 9F

06/20 01:16, , 10F
06/20 01:16, 10F

06/20 01:21, , 11F
我覺得續簽機率不低耶 他是PlayOption在交易來之前早就知
06/20 01:21, 11F

06/20 01:22, , 12F
到了 不續約 交易來只用不到半季
06/20 01:22, 12F

06/20 01:25, , 13F
雷槍絕不可能來 他不僅僅是場上的仇人了吧
06/20 01:25, 13F

06/20 01:33, , 14F
06/20 01:33, 14F

06/20 01:34, , 15F
06/20 01:34, 15F

06/20 01:34, , 16F
湖人有空間 他有鳥權 還有試水溫本來就很正常不用過度解讀
06/20 01:34, 16F

06/20 01:37, , 17F
06/20 01:37, 17F

06/20 01:37, , 18F
有鳥權 不續約的話 湖人更沒空間找其他人
06/20 01:37, 18F

06/20 02:40, , 19F
還好 今年FA能用的控衛很多
06/20 02:40, 19F

06/20 02:50, , 20F
不好 因為湖人沒有薪資空間了 fa的控衛再好跟我們無關
06/20 02:50, 20F

06/20 02:51, , 21F
樓上說到重點了 除非湖人能用交易搞來大咖 不然續約是
06/20 02:51, 21F

06/20 02:51, , 22F
比較保險的手段 其他人 湖人只能用小中產跟老將約 根本就
06/20 02:51, 22F

06/20 02:51, , 23F
06/20 02:51, 23F

06/20 03:00, , 24F
基本上依照傳統 FA都會提提湖人 可是呢...題歸提...
06/20 03:00, 24F

06/20 03:11, , 25F
06/20 03:11, 25F

06/20 03:39, , 26F
06/20 03:39, 26F

06/20 03:41, , 27F
我是說 可以吸引到一些像想奪冠的 還有中產
06/20 03:41, 27F

06/20 03:45, , 28F
現在的湖人 已經不是想奪冠的第一選擇了
06/20 03:45, 28F

06/20 03:48, , 29F
過去強的時候 老將第一選擇也不是湖人阿
06/20 03:48, 29F

06/20 03:54, , 30F
去熱火雷霆不是很好 一堆生化人年輕人罩你 來湖人幹麻
06/20 03:54, 30F

06/20 03:54, , 31F
06/20 03:54, 31F

06/20 03:55, , 32F
自盡嗎 這是現實 湖人只是抬價用的
06/20 03:55, 32F

06/20 03:55, , 33F
06/20 03:55, 33F

06/20 03:56, , 34F
06/20 03:56, 34F

06/20 03:57, , 35F
06/20 03:57, 35F

06/20 04:22, , 36F
尷尬了...PG之路 遙遙無期
06/20 04:22, 36F

06/20 06:35, , 37F
雷槍來 老實說我覺得幫助也不大 KG可能還比較好
06/20 06:35, 37F

06/20 06:36, , 38F
雷槍今年連三分都爆了 來到射手墳場會復活嗎= =a
06/20 06:36, 38F
還有 29 則推文
06/20 12:42, , 68F
06/20 12:42, 68F

06/20 12:43, , 69F
第一年打季後賽 怯場表現不佳完全可以理解...沒啥好苛責
06/20 12:43, 69F

06/20 12:43, , 70F
這種東西需要經驗 沙宣才第一次打季後賽
06/20 12:43, 70F

06/20 12:44, , 71F
至少這季能看到他 算很賺了~
06/20 12:44, 71F

06/20 12:44, , 72F
肖想明星有用嗎 除非交易來 否則大賽型你有錢簽嗎
06/20 12:44, 72F

06/20 12:45, , 73F
其實只要那個te換阿哩沙的交易成功 把沙宣簽回來就很夠了
06/20 12:45, 73F

06/20 12:50, , 74F
人很多時候都是這樣~拿到時 不懂珍惜 打壞時 嫌得要死~
06/20 12:50, 74F

06/20 12:51, , 75F
要是沒他來 後場是老魚+小黑 第一輪可能被泰勞炸翻...
06/20 12:51, 75F

06/20 12:51, , 76F
06/20 12:51, 76F

06/20 12:53, , 77F
06/20 12:53, 77F

06/20 12:54, , 78F
沒時間發揮他價值時 那敢出手也沒用
06/20 12:54, 78F

06/20 13:08, , 79F
06/20 13:08, 79F

06/20 13:09, , 80F
06/20 13:09, 80F

06/20 13:12, , 81F
06/20 13:12, 81F

06/20 13:12, , 82F
06/20 13:12, 82F

06/20 13:36, , 83F
06/20 13:36, 83F

06/20 14:21, , 84F
06/20 14:21, 84F

06/20 14:21, , 85F
06/20 14:21, 85F

06/20 14:23, , 86F
06/20 14:23, 86F

06/20 14:25, , 87F
現在的問題是 嫌沙宣不好 但沒空間簽更好的
06/20 14:25, 87F

06/20 16:07, , 88F
是說第一輪也確實被炸得很慘XD 但老魚在 會補得更慘
06/20 16:07, 88F

06/20 16:08, , 89F
06/20 16:08, 89F

06/20 16:21, , 90F
06/20 16:21, 90F

06/20 16:22, , 91F
不要不較好 他在小牛就被戰很兇 來到我們這 會更慘...
06/20 16:22, 91F

06/20 16:24, , 92F
許多版友要求很高 罵的時候決對更難聽....
06/20 16:24, 92F

06/20 16:51, , 93F
他切入不錯 但根本沒外線 加上季後賽被打爆 續約難
06/20 16:51, 93F

06/20 16:59, , 94F
不續約他才奇怪 前提是沒有重磅交易 不然我們要用小黑當主pg
06/20 16:59, 94F

06/20 17:02, , 95F
要不拿Conely跟Lowry 這種心臟大的才有用 機會沒把握 跳出
06/20 17:02, 95F

06/20 17:03, , 96F
去就別簽了 Mitch的風格不是這樣 肯定會有好交易
06/20 17:03, 96F

06/20 17:04, , 97F
Kobe的時間已經不多 都表明他沒耐心了 還期待沙宣第二年季
06/20 17:04, 97F

06/20 17:04, , 98F
後賽會表現得更好 萬一落空呢? 不是這樣賭的 交易來隨插
06/20 17:04, 98F

06/20 17:05, , 99F
即用得球員 趕在季後賽衝跟拚才有用 Mitch一定想法跟我一
06/20 17:05, 99F

06/20 17:05, , 100F
樣 看下去就知道 今年暑假湖人肯定大搬風了
06/20 17:05, 100F

06/20 17:06, , 101F
想大交易 也要別人肯啊 偏偏湖人現在籌碼很少
06/20 17:06, 101F

06/20 17:06, , 102F
最大的籌碼Bynum 小老闆又不願意動
06/20 17:06, 102F

06/20 17:06, , 103F
趕快搬風 我期待Bynum出去很久了 mitch不要讓我失望
06/20 17:06, 103F

06/20 19:36, , 104F
我覺得真的是防守體系問題 我們對上雷霆也沒切爆他
06/20 19:36, 104F

06/20 19:37, , 105F
06/20 19:37, 105F

06/25 01:20, , 106F
06/25 01:20, 106F

09/11 06:30, , 107F
自盡嗎 這是現實 湖人 https://daxiv.com
09/11 06:30, 107F
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