Re: [新聞] 小飛俠:下次對上雷霆,我會很激動!

看板Lakers作者 (我要盡全力幫忙KOBE老大)時間12年前 (2012/03/23 01:21), 編輯推噓21(21022)
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看到中文這篇文章,剛好我的湖人隊今晚對戰雷霆,結果: 文末也有一些關於Odom的消息 原文: Lakers guard and former teammate will play against each other when Oklahoma City visits L.A. on March 29. Fisher was traded to Houston on March 15, waived by the Rockets, and signed by the Thunder on Wednesday. 前湖人後衛將會在美國時間3/29與他的新球隊:雷霆隊在LA進行交易後的第一場比賽。在 3/15交易大限前,湖人把Fisher交易到火箭,之後火箭馬上將Fisher買斷,而Fisher在禮 拜三與雷霆隊簽約。 Reporting from Dallas — Despite all the accolades for Ramon Sessions, the Lakers haven't forgotten about Derek Fisher. 達拉斯報導 儘管湖人在歡喜聲中得到了Ramon Sessions,但是他們卻沒有忘記Derek Fisher。 They were well aware he signed with Oklahoma City for the rest of the season. 湖人這方已經知道Fisher這位前隊友已經與雷霆隊簽約,將為雷霆效力接下來的球季。 They'll see him March 29 when they play host to the Thunder, as if that game needed any more story lines. 湖人將會在3/29在與雷霆之戰,與這位前隊友對頭,這為這組對戰增添更多話題。 "It's going to be emotional, I'm sure, for everybody, him and I in particular, " Kobe Bryant said. Kobe說:『我肯定的是,對於每個人來說,這都會讓人感到很激動,特別是對於他以及我 。』 Or as Metta World Peace said: "Kobe and Fish … mmm mmm mmm. Didn't they win five rings together?" 另外,就像MWP說的:『Kobe和Fisher.....恩......... 他們之前不是曾一起拿過五枚戒 指耶?』 Fisher had five points and an assist in 19 minutes of his first game with the Thunder, a 114-91 victory Wednesday against the Clippers. Fisher在今日雷霆與快艇之戰,第一次代表雷霆上場,出賽19分鐘,拿到5分和1助攻。雷 霆並且以114比91打敗快艇。 Fisher and Bryant have continued to talk almost daily since the Lakers traded Fisher and a first-round pick March 15 to Houston for reserve forward Jordan Hill. The Rockets bought out his contract, he cleared waivers earlier Wednesday and was able to play after signing with Oklahoma City. Fisher與Kobe在交易後,還是幾乎每天都有聯絡,其中這個交易內容為湖人送出Fisher以 及明年第一輪選秀權,然後拿到火箭的前鋒球員:Jordan Hill。隨後,火箭買斷了Fisher 的合約,所以Fisher可以與雷霆簽約,為其效力。 "The Thunder needed him," Bryant said. "He brings a lot of stability and obviously veteran leadership, and he can make big shots." Kobe說:『雷霆需要像Fisher這樣類型的球員。他能為雷霆這隻球隊帶來穩定,以及建立 起領導的風範。他還可以在適時投進關鍵球。』 Fisher and Bryant won't be friends March 29. Fisher和Kobe在3/29的對戰將不會顧彼此的朋友情誼 "We don't get five championships by being sympathetic towards each other," Bryant said. "He understands that. He switches off of me in the post, it's going to be problems. I'm sure he'll put an elbow right in my back. That's why we love each other." Kobe說:『如果我們對彼此仁慈,我們過去就不會拿下五個冠軍。他明白我說的。他甚至 會在防守時對上我,這可能是個問題,不過我確定他會把手肘架在我背上,全力防守。這 就是我們彼此喜愛對方的原因。』 Fisher acknowledged he was surprised by the Lakers' trade but didn't seem ready to talk about it in-depth. Fisher對於交易還是感到很不可置信,但是他目前沒有打算對此說些什麼。 "At the right time, I'll be able to make statements and say things related to the Lakers and my teammates and guys I used to play with," he said. Fisher說:『我會在正確的時間點去說明這一切狀況,包含談論到湖人以及我過去相處的 湖人隊友。』 Odom continues to struggle Odom還是打的很糟糕 Dallas fans have started booing Mavericks forward Lamar Odom, who continued to struggle since the Lakers traded him three months ago. 達拉斯的球迷開始對Lamar Odom開始不耐煩了,因為自從達拉斯得到Odom之後,Odom的表 現一直不好。 "That's just stupid," Bryant said. Kobe說:『這聽起很愚蠢。』 Odom had one point, one rebound and one assist in 24 minutes of the Lakers' 109-93 victory Wednesday. 在今天達拉斯小牛與湖人隊戰中,Odom上場24分鐘,但只拿到1分,1籃板以及1助攻,最終 結果,小牛以109比93輸給了湖人隊。 Bryant said he was "pleasantly surprised" the Mavericks hadn't figured out how to use Odom. Kobe說他很"驚訝且開心"的知道小牛還不了解怎麼去讓Odom幫助這隻球隊。 "I hope they don't unlock that mystery," he said, smiling. "I know how to use him and use his skill set and this, that and the other." Kobe微笑的說:『我希望他們不要找到那個秘密。我知道怎麼讓Odom的技巧融入我們這隻 球隊,並且讓一切都更好。』 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/23 01:27, , 1F
03/23 01:27, 1F

03/23 01:31, , 2F
03/23 01:31, 2F

03/23 01:36, , 3F
領底薪 盡釋前嫌? 這豁然輪...
03/23 01:36, 3F

03/23 01:43, , 4F
03/23 01:43, 4F

03/23 01:44, , 5F
03/23 01:44, 5F

03/23 01:55, , 6F
03/23 01:55, 6F

03/23 02:40, , 7F
03/23 02:40, 7F

03/23 03:05, , 8F
今年到期 但是我們應該沒空間簽ODOM 而且前提要他想回來...
03/23 03:05, 8F

03/23 03:41, , 9F
叫老科溫情喊話一下 搞不好有機會
03/23 03:41, 9F

03/23 03:41, , 10F
但說實在的 以現在的打法和陣型來說 Odom幫助有限
03/23 03:41, 10F

03/23 04:11, , 11F
怎麼會幫助有限? Murfy跟McRoberts都沒真正融入過吧?Odom
03/23 04:11, 11F

03/23 04:12, , 12F
打替補配Barnes + 沙宣(or Blake)很穩的
03/23 04:12, 12F

03/23 09:13, , 13F
有Sessions 確實就跟開季說Odom發揮會被限制不一樣
03/23 09:13, 13F

03/23 09:19, , 14F
03/23 09:19, 14F

03/23 09:19, , 15F
03/23 09:19, 15F

03/23 09:20, , 16F
03/23 09:20, 16F

03/23 09:23, , 17F
03/23 09:23, 17F

03/23 09:23, , 18F
03/23 09:23, 18F

03/23 09:24, , 19F
03/23 09:24, 19F

03/23 09:25, , 20F
03/23 09:25, 20F

03/23 09:26, , 21F
大鼻今年打這樣算很好了吧? JMR其實只是能力問題~
03/23 09:26, 21F

03/23 09:26, , 22F
03/23 09:26, 22F

03/23 09:26, , 23F
以體能論n+搞不好有機會 看這個暑假他能做到怎麼樣
03/23 09:26, 23F

03/23 09:26, , 24F
03/23 09:26, 24F

03/23 09:27, , 25F
03/23 09:27, 25F

03/23 09:27, , 26F
這些籌碼還是會補今年交易沒補到的SF 大鼻我認為可以留
03/23 09:27, 26F

03/23 09:28, , 27F
morris其實也可以慢慢養 他現在有個老師可以給他學習了XD
03/23 09:28, 27F

03/23 09:28, , 28F
如果練起來對我們也是好事 練不起來就算了損失不大
03/23 09:28, 28F

03/23 09:29, , 29F
說到Morris,昨天雖然只上兩分鐘 但似乎盤球情況好很多
03/23 09:29, 29F

03/23 09:30, , 30F
對阿看起來好多了 多加油吧展望下一季
03/23 09:30, 30F

03/23 09:30, , 31F
03/23 09:30, 31F

03/23 09:36, , 32F
內線雙塔續留的話,真的也頂多花花底薪簽替補 大鼻夠用
03/23 09:36, 32F

03/23 09:36, , 33F
Hill就不知道有沒有表現機會 但看他的動作真的能留一下
03/23 09:36, 33F

03/23 11:06, , 34F
我覺得不會特赦阿泰 但真的很希望odom回還
03/23 11:06, 34F

03/23 11:26, , 35F
03/23 11:26, 35F

03/23 11:27, , 36F
不過除了三巨頭 + Sessions + Barnes以外的其實都能被取代
03/23 11:27, 36F

03/23 11:28, , 37F
阿平則是差不多可以特赦了 XD
03/23 11:28, 37F

03/23 11:44, , 38F
03/23 11:44, 38F

03/23 11:52, , 39F
現在看到Mitch 阿平指有特赦的話算是不及格XDD
03/23 11:52, 39F

03/23 15:51, , 40F
03/23 15:51, 40F

03/23 23:31, , 41F
推 沙宣真的威
03/23 23:31, 41F

03/24 15:12, , 42F
原PO ID-LamarOdom7 (我要盡全力幫忙KOBE老大)...笑死
03/24 15:12, 42F

09/11 06:08, , 43F
09/11 06:08, 43F
文章代碼(AID): #1FQr-fFQ (Lakers)
文章代碼(AID): #1FQr-fFQ (Lakers)