Re: [轉錄][新聞] 布萊恩認「獨」:我破壞球隊進攻

看板Lakers作者 (Shut The Fuck Up)時間13年前 (2011/01/04 21:22), 編輯推噓23(23025)
留言48則, 27人參與, 5年前最新討論串4/4 (看更多)

01/04 18:26,
禪師本來就很愛酸Kobe 習慣就好
01/04 18:26

01/04 18:26,
這幾場看到Gasol在高位被包得動彈不得 禪師自己也想想
01/04 18:26

01/04 18:26,
01/04 18:26 原文是這篇吧,節錄如下: "[Jackson] was right, I totally broke the offense, but I did it intentionally because I felt like we needed to get something started because what we were doing just wasn't working," Bryant said. "So, I tried to kick start it and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't but that's my responsibility. When it works out? Great. When it doesn't? I'll take the criticism for it, but I have thick enough skin to be able to do that. ... You just have to take the good with the bad. That's part of my job in the seat that I sit. "I was trying to win the damn game. We were playing like [expletive], we all were, so I was just trying to get something going, trying to pump a little energy to us and it just didn't work out. But Phil doesn't really care how many shots I take, he just wants me to take them inside of the offense. [Sunday] was one of those days where I was like, '[Expletive] the triangle, I need to get myself going and try to save this damn game,' and it just didn't work out." Kobe:Phil沒講錯啊...(中間略)。令伯我臉皮還夠厚啦,罵我我沒差( ′-`)y-~。 令伯目前的地位就是這樣,褒貶都要接受。 "我只是想把那他爹的球賽贏下來,我們打的跟(逼~)一樣,我只是想幫隊上加 點能量,但是沒成功。Phil並不真的介意我出手幾次,他只是希望我是在戰術     內出手。禮拜天我的確(逼~)了三角戰術,我只是想救救那場比賽,雖然沒成 功。" Bryant did not take offense to the message. "When you've been around Phil for as many years as I have, we all understand that he likes coaching publicly and I think it's important for the new guys to understand that -- Ron [Artest], Pau [Gasol], guys who kind of have issues with that," Bryant said. "You see myself, you see Fish [Derek Fisher], we understand that's how he coaches so it's fine. You just let him do his job and you go about your business." 對於Phil的言論,Kobe也不覺得是在幹樵他喔~ Kobe:"如果像我在他手下打滾這麼多年,就會知道那是他的老梗啦~那是他教球的方 式。但是像Ron跟Pau這種阿菜就會不懂他的梗啦~ 像我跟老魚這種(臉皮厚的?)就會懂那只是他激勵球員的方式而已。" -- 「你知道男人送衣服給女人是什麼意思嗎?」 >///< 。 。 讓我脫吧! 「不知道……」 討厭~ ╯ - 「就是有一天要親手脫掉。」 | | | | by Oeey -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/04 21:27, , 1F
禪師放話都是有一定含意低XD 我只有不爽他冰新人以及保守
01/04 21:27, 1F

01/04 21:28, , 2F
的調度罷了...JOE &沙沙 : 他酸你 代表你還有球打
01/04 21:28, 2F

01/04 21:30, , 3F
01/04 21:30, 3F

01/04 21:31, , 4F
01/04 21:31, 4F

01/04 21:31, , 5F
01/04 21:31, 5F

01/04 21:36, , 6F
01/04 21:36, 6F

01/04 21:38, , 7F
臉皮厚雙面刃 有時候也搞得湖迷很爽啊!
01/04 21:38, 7F

01/04 21:38, , 8F
01/04 21:38, 8F

01/04 21:44, , 9F
以前體力是鬼神級的 季前開刀少了訓練量應該有差吧
01/04 21:44, 9F

01/04 21:59, , 10F
我真希望酸民多看看原文...- -
01/04 21:59, 10F

01/04 22:07, , 12F
樓上的連結讓我很想打人 XDDD
01/04 22:07, 12F

01/04 22:11, , 13F
泰瑞是酸迷 擺明來亂的
01/04 22:11, 13F

01/04 22:15, , 14F
X的,我差點出去了(熱火更有冠軍相那裡) XDD
01/04 22:15, 14F

01/04 22:52, , 15F
這連結真的不錯笑 可惜字幕是中文 看誰有空翻成英文
01/04 22:52, 15F

01/04 22:53, , 16F
寄給湖人隊 看會不會加把勁打點
01/04 22:53, 16F

01/04 22:54, , 17F
加油啊 希特勒都那麼支持了 XD
01/04 22:54, 17F

01/04 22:57, , 18F
01/04 22:57, 18F

01/04 23:10, , 19F
01/04 23:10, 19F

01/04 23:12, , 20F
推 我猜明天不是助功模式就是耍幼稚不出手模式 很期待XD
01/04 23:12, 20F

01/04 23:14, , 21F
01/04 23:14, 21F

01/04 23:21, , 22F
01/04 23:21, 22F

01/05 00:05, , 23F

01/05 00:09, , 24F
不要哭 湖人都季後賽發威的 XDDD
01/05 00:09, 24F

01/05 00:13, , 25F
01/05 00:13, 25F

01/05 00:14, , 26F
01/05 00:14, 26F

01/05 00:14, , 27F
01/05 00:14, 27F

01/05 00:15, , 28F
LAL也真的太好萊塢了點... 連輸球都會搶鏡頭
01/05 00:15, 28F

01/05 00:39, , 29F
01/05 00:39, 29F

01/05 01:01, , 30F
01/05 01:01, 30F

01/05 01:34, , 31F
01/05 01:34, 31F

01/05 01:37, , 32F
我覺得他第三節打超好阿 問題在哪
01/05 01:37, 32F

01/05 01:39, , 33F
用誰換? 現在交易時機點很怪也不是禪師喜歡的
01/05 01:39, 33F

01/05 01:40, , 34F
01/05 01:40, 34F

01/05 01:46, , 35F
01/05 01:46, 35F

01/05 09:42, , 36F
算了吧 我可不想看到科科韓替補 老漁繼續先發的北七調
01/05 09:42, 36F

01/05 09:42, , 37F
01/05 09:42, 37F

01/05 10:36, , 38F
阿泰發飆了 搞不好真的拿他去換阿里殺回來>.<
01/05 10:36, 38F

01/05 10:44, , 39F
真的不想交易 但是如果真要的話目前就他的約最有價值
01/05 10:44, 39F

01/05 10:53, , 40F
Ariza命中率很爛耶 阿泰還比較好 不想要他回來- -
01/05 10:53, 40F

01/05 10:57, , 41F
01/05 10:57, 41F

01/05 10:57, , 42F
01/05 10:57, 42F

01/05 13:01, , 43F
整天哭哭老科第三節自幹的 好像前兩節湖人打多好一樣
01/05 13:01, 43F

01/05 17:43, , 44F
推翻譯, 如果沒有這麼多故作口語的用詞就更棒了
01/05 17:43, 44F

08/08 13:08, , 45F
08/08 13:08, 45F

09/11 02:23, , 46F
推翻譯, 如果沒有這麼
09/11 02:23, 46F

09/11 04:59, , 47F
09/11 04:59, 47F

12/11 19:51, 5年前 , 48F
12/11 19:51, 48F
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