[外電] Fisher set to begin next Lakers chapter

看板Lakers作者 (洛城浪子)時間14年前 (2010/07/24 18:21), 編輯推噓39(3904)
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Fisher set to begin next Lakers chapter 湖人新章開頭 : 老漁回歸 原文網址: http://sports.espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/columns/story?id=5405384 By Ramona Shelburne ESPNLosAngeles.com Archive Two things seemed inevitable in the Lakers' negotiations with Derek Fisher this summer: One, that he would eventually decide his heart and home were in Los Angeles, and two, that he would eventually have to sacrifice financially in order to stay. 今夏與Derek Fisher的談判中,有兩件事似乎是必然的: 一,他最終會決定洛杉磯是他的家,心之所嚮; 二,為了留下來,最終他會做出合約金額上的讓步。 After talking with him Friday morning -- his first interview since he agreed to a new three-year, $10.5 million contract with the Los Angeles Lakers on July 12 -- another inevitability should be added to that list: That he would get over whatever disappointment he initially might have felt, quickly. 星期五早上,Fisher接受了自7月12日簽訂來自湖人的合約之後, 簽完那份三年1050萬的新合約後的第一次採訪。 這次採訪之後,又有一件事得要被加到上述的”必然”清單: 他必須儘快從失望中恢復過來——不管是什麼樣的失望——而且要快。 Or rather, that he would convert that disappointment into motivation in about 24 hours. 或者說,他得在24小時內把失望轉化為動力。 "I don't want to say frustration, that's not the right word," Fisher said, when asked if he had been frustrated by the pace, or by the final terms, of his negotiations with the Lakers. “我不想說是挫敗,這個詞彙並不精準。”當被問到與湖人的談判進度, 或者最終金額是否讓他感到挫敗時,Fisher如此回答。 "I fully understand that this is a business and they have a job to do in terms of negotiating contracts and trying to re-sign guys. I fully respect it. “我完全理解這是一個商業的聯盟,GM有他們談判合約的立場和續約的任務。 我是很尊敬他們的。 "So for me it's about bringing that mentality in when I show up to work. It's about business and not as personal as you may think it is. You're here to do a job. For the next three years, I'm ready to do my job the best that I can do it and we'll still have largely the same goals as we've always had, which is helping the team and winning championships. Anything outside of that is not to spend time on." “所以說對我來講,打球時,合約的問題也就想想就過去了。 這是一個含有商業性質的決定而非針對我個人。你是來球隊打球的。 在接下來的三年,我已經蓄勢待發,要把我的份內事做到最好, 我們仍然會朝著一直以來的目標前進, 而那也恰好説明了我們能贏得冠軍的原因。 我不希望在除此之外的任何事上浪費時間。” Is Fisher happy to return to the Lakers? Yes. 回到湖人,開心嗎?當然。 Would it be a happier homecoming if, say, he were making as much as Steve Blake (four years, $16 million), who will likely be backing him up next season? 那如果拿到和明年替補自己的Steve Blake一樣多(4年1600萬)的話, 這會是一個更開心的回歸嘛? Gotta believe that'd be a "yes," too. 我們相信回答應該又是一個“當然”。 But this being Derek Fisher, his comments on Friday morning outside of his youth basketball camp at the Hanger Athletic Xchange in Hawthorne will likely be the last you'll ever hear on the issue. 但是作為Derek Fisher,星期五上午他在自己在Hawthorne的青年籃球訓練營— Hanger Athletic Xchange外的回答應該是他對這件事的最後一次談論。 On the day after he committed to return to the Lakers -- announcing his decision via his website and thanking Kobe Bryant for convincing him to return, but never actually mentioning the Lakers -- Fisher got back in the gym and started preparing for next season 在他宣佈回到湖人的第二天— 他透過自己的網站宣佈了這項決定,並且感謝了Kobe在他做出決定時所起的關鍵作用, 但是他沒有確切的提到“湖人”— Fisher回到了體育館,開始為下個賽季做準備。 "I got started about nine or 10 days ago," Fisher said. "That's all I know how to do. We've been talking to these kids [at camp] all week about being committed to something and having the right attitude about things, doing things in life that have meaning to you, doing the right things and persevering. “我從9或10天前就開始恢復訓練了,” Fisher說, “不懈怠是我知道(維持競爭力)的唯一方法。 整個星期我們都在指導那群小孩子,讓他們以正確的態度和身心投入球場, 做正確的事,做對自己有意義的事,做到忍耐和不屈不撓。 "So I'm right back at it and I'm committed to being the best that I can be. I didn't sign a three-year contract by accident. I fully expect to continue to help my team in a major way for the next three years." Fisher has always been a guy who plays with a chip on his shoulder, using comments or criticisms as motivation. “所以我馬上回來了,我努力的做到我所能做到的最好程度。 簽下這份3年的合約絕對不是偶然的。 我很期待在接下來的三年我都能用我的多年經驗和打球方式來幫助湖人隊。” Fisher一直都是一個帶著羈絆打球的人……他的羈絆就是對他的評價和批評, 那些會成為他新的動力。 He's never been the tallest or most athletic guy on his team. Never been the most talented or the most dangerous player on the court. And yet, really through sheer will, character and discipline, he became a five-time NBA champion, Kobe Bryant's most trusted confidant and an unquestioned leader of the Lakers. 他從來不是自己隊伍中最高的或者身材最好的, 從來不是場上最才華洋溢或者最有進攻威脅的人。 但是迄今為止,他以十足的意志力, 個性和訓練成為了可以一隻手戴滿戒指的成功籃球員, Kobe最信任的戰友,不容置疑的湖人隊領袖。 The Lakers, along with their new Eastern Conference rivals, the Miami Heat, recognized those traits and pursued him vigorously. LeBron James met him at the airport, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh called or text messaged him frequently. Heat president Pat Riley and owner Micky Arison met with him in Miami for more than three hours. 湖人和東區新勁敵邁阿密熱火同時注意到了Fisher的這些特質, 一起向他發起了猛烈的邀約。 LBJ在機場和他碰頭;Wade和Bosh不是打電話,就是發簡訊,和他保持聯繫; 熱火GM Pat Riley和老闆Micky Arison在邁阿密和他的會面長達3小時多之久。 On the Lakers side, Bryant reached out to him just about every day and general manager Mitch Kupchak personally let him know that the team considered him to be its top offseason priority. Fisher said he and coach Phil Jackson never got a chance to speak, "but we left messages for each other and knew where we were both at." 湖人陣營方面,Kobe幾乎每天都和他來幾次促膝長談, 總經理 Mitch Kupchak私下透露給他知道續約他是湖人今夏的首要任務。 Fisher說他和Phil倒是沒有機會交談, “但是我們都給各自留了些消息,以便瞭解我們現在談判的進度。” Other teams with championship aspirations, but maybe not a championship roster, called to discuss more lucrative deals. 其他有冠軍欲望但陣容較差的球隊則提出了更加誘惑人的合約。 But teams with already-bloated payrolls, weighed down by maximum contracts for their superstars and the dead weight of some bad contracts for their bench warmers, can offer only so much. 但是有些球隊有著早已突破天際的薪資, 他們為自己的王牌續了超大張的合約,或是被一些板凳上的爛合約扯後腿, 只能提供那麼多的錢。 The Lakers were unconstrained in what they could offer him because they had Fisher's Larry Bird rights. But whatever they offered him would be subject to a dollar-for-dollar penalty because the team is already well over the NBA's luxury-tax threshold. 湖人在能給Fisher的金額上不受限制,因為他們有著對Fisher的鳥權。 但他們每對Fisher多出一分錢就得交一分錢的豪華稅, 湖人早已超過了豪華稅的門檻。 In other words, loyalty always had to be counterbalanced by financial reality. And the question wasn't whether the team wanted to re-sign Derek Fisher but how much it wanted to re-sign him. 換個角度說,忠誠總是和經濟利益發生衝突。 問題不在於湖人想不想續約Fisher,而是他們多想續約Fisher。 In a perfect world, the Lakers would have rewarded Fisher with a new contract and a raise for helping them to three straight NBA Finals and back-to-back championships. 在一個完美的世界裡,湖人會給Fisher份漲薪的新合約, 以此感謝他幫助湖人連續三年進入總決賽外加對衛冕的卓越貢獻。 In a less-than-perfect-but-still-pretty-good-world, they would have paid him as much as they committed to Steve Blake next season, if only for the symbolism in that gesture. 在一個不那麼完美的但是還是不錯的世界裡, 湖人會至少提供Fisher像Steve Blake那樣的合約,即使這個動作象徵意義大於實際意義。 Instead, in the real world, both sides made a deal they could live with. 然而,在現實世界裡,雙方都作出了能讓自己能接受的決定。 Fisher sacrificed a little to stay where his home and heart are. The Lakers continued to stretch themselves financially in the pursuit of championships by re-signing Fisher and adding Blake, Matt Barnes and Theo Ratliff. Fisher做了些犧牲,使自己能留在心和家之所在; 湖人繼續在財政上節約開銷以應對冠軍的挑戰— 續約Fisher,簽下Blake,Matt Barnes和Theo Ratliff。 "I guess it probably just caused a little bit more delay and stress than all the people involved wanted to experience but I still think it worked out for the best," Fisher said. “我猜可能就比牽涉其中的人想像的要多一些延誤和壓力吧, 但我還是覺得這是最好的結局了。” Fisher說。 "It's something I can appreciate and live with and I'm excited about these next three years. I think we have a fantastic basketball team and a chance to be great for another three years and I'm excited about what I can accomplish off the court in the City of L.A. in the “這是一份我很樂意接受而且可以助我維持生計的合約, 我對即將到來的三年感到無比興奮。我覺得我們是一支卓越的隊伍, 可以再來一個三連霸。 我同樣對在未來三年在場外我能對LA帶來的貢獻無比興奮。" "I just felt strongly that with my relationship with Kobe and more importantly my relationship with this community and the City of Los Angeles, even more so than the team and the basketball ... those were all really important to me in terms of making the decision to choose the Lakers and stay here in Los Angeles." “我只是很強烈的感受到,和Kobe的關係—更重要的是和這個社區這座城市的的關係, 這甚至要超過了隊伍和籃球的重要性…… 它們都對我做出留在洛杉磯選擇湖人隊的決定影響深遠。” -- 3 Heat? :) -- 洛城 ███◣ 浪子 Los Angeles Boys ◢██◣ █ █ ◥█ φlin798183 ██ ██◤ █ ██◤ █◤◢█ █◣ ◢ ██◤ ◥ ◤ █ █ ◤ ◥█ ███◣ ███◤ ◢██ ◥██ ◢█◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/24 18:22, , 1F
外電魂 洛城男魂
07/24 18:22, 1F

07/24 18:30, , 2F
07/24 18:30, 2F

07/24 18:35, , 3F
漁夫乖乖 明年三連霸就不會在意了XD
07/24 18:35, 3F

07/24 18:40, , 4F
07/24 18:40, 4F
※ 編輯: LABOYS 來自: (07/24 18:43)

07/24 18:45, , 5F
3年10.5m 這個約熱火大概也出不了更多了 不錯啦:)
07/24 18:45, 5F

07/24 18:46, , 6F
老魚發言真的很得體 有了他 相信明年ㄗㄍㄐ又有關鍵鏡頭XD
07/24 18:46, 6F

07/24 18:47, , 7F
07/24 18:47, 7F

07/24 18:48, , 8F
07/24 18:48, 8F

07/24 18:51, , 9F
07/24 18:51, 9F

07/24 18:54, , 10F
07/24 18:54, 10F

07/24 18:54, , 11F
07/24 18:54, 11F

07/24 19:03, , 12F
Kobe:要找我不會四點來體育館?= =
07/24 19:03, 12F

07/24 19:05, , 13F
07/24 19:05, 13F

07/24 19:05, , 14F
07/24 19:05, 14F

07/24 19:19, , 15F
07/24 19:19, 15F

07/24 19:36, , 16F
魚哥( ′﹀‵)/︴<>< <>< <><
07/24 19:36, 16F

07/24 20:12, , 17F
07/24 20:12, 17F

07/24 20:30, , 18F
07/24 20:30, 18F

07/24 21:03, , 19F
推老漁 推原PO 另外「突破天際」XDD
07/24 21:03, 19F

07/24 21:07, , 20F
希望他能在湖人光榮退休 順便多拿幾個冠軍
07/24 21:07, 20F

07/24 21:13, , 21F
07/24 21:13, 21F

07/24 21:19, , 22F
07/24 21:19, 22F

07/24 21:19, , 23F
07/24 21:19, 23F

07/24 21:49, , 24F
糞板有消息說阿拓的Rudy要出走 難道? Walton犧牲for!!!!
07/24 21:49, 24F

07/24 21:52, , 25F
07/24 21:52, 25F

07/24 21:53, , 26F
要交易我們沒菜 他本人好像想回歐洲打球
07/24 21:53, 26F

07/24 22:04, , 27F
同區的拓荒者不太可能接受湖人給的報價 就算動到先發
07/24 22:04, 27F

07/24 23:12, , 28F
07/24 23:12, 28F

07/24 23:13, , 29F
07/24 23:13, 29F

07/24 23:15, , 30F
真的來就太棒了 哈
07/24 23:15, 30F

07/24 23:17, , 31F
Kobe快打電話給歐肥 叫他回來一起三連霸等退休
07/24 23:17, 31F

07/24 23:22, , 32F
07/24 23:22, 32F

07/24 23:28, , 33F
07/24 23:28, 33F

07/24 23:36, , 34F
07/24 23:36, 34F

07/25 00:21, , 35F
外電魂~~ 謝謝分享
07/25 00:21, 35F

07/25 01:03, , 36F
07/25 01:03, 36F

07/25 01:16, , 37F
Rudy沙沙或我疼換薪資不對等吧 他好像不到一百萬耶
07/25 01:16, 37F

07/25 01:22, , 38F
推老魚有義氣!!! 兩次三連霸都在老大身旁的真男人!!!!!!!!
07/25 01:22, 38F

07/25 02:25, , 39F
很哈RUDY,希望有機會到手 XD
07/25 02:25, 39F

07/25 08:46, , 40F
07/25 08:46, 40F

07/25 11:49, , 41F
07/25 11:49, 41F

07/25 13:49, , 42F
07/25 13:49, 42F

07/28 08:12, , 43F
07/28 08:12, 43F
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