Re: [外電] some news...

看板Lakers作者 (i7)時間14年前 (2010/07/17 01:19), 編輯推噓46(47125)
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NBA Trade Rumors: Could Carmelo Anthony To the LA Lakers Happen? By Hadarii Jones (Lakers Featured Columnist) NBA free agency and the offseason is a time for dreamers, and in the case of the Miami Heat, those dreams sometimes materialize into reality, as well as open possibilities which may not have existed before. Before LeBron James signed his name on the dotted line and cemented a concentration of stars in Miami, few observers felt the odds of it transpiring was real. But in the wake of that historic move, thoughts shift to other potential superstar pairings. 精彩的自由市場 當然最大消息就是LBJ到熱火組成三巨頭 Much of the talk recently has centered around Chris Paul, Carmelo Anthony and the various teams who could be in the running for each of the superstar's abilities. 不過最近正夯的是甜瓜還有章魚哥 The New York Knicks have dominated the conversation in regards to where Anthony may wind up, but if the Los Angeles Lakers are smart, they will recognize the opportunity that may have presented itself. 尼克是甜瓜的目標之一 不過湖人夠聰明的話 這是個推銷自己的好機會 Anthony will be an unrestricted free agent next season, and if his championship ambitions are the same as James', he should give the Lakers a long, hard look before thinking about the big apple. 甜瓜下個球季是無限制自由球員 如果他跟LBJ一樣渴望總冠軍的話 他應該要在考慮大蘋果之前多注意湖人一些 Most observers feel the Heat will eventually be the center of the basketball universe, and since it's unlikely Anthony can join that trio, he should consider the only team that stands between Miami and complete league domination, the Lakers. 目前大家都認為熱火才是籃球界的霸主 既然甜瓜沒有搭上車 那他更應該考慮可以跟熱火抗衡的球隊 那就是湖人 If Anthony decided to join the Knicks, he would run the risk of being a perennial doormat to Miami. However, if he chose to take his talents to Los Angeles, he could be a part of something which would be every bit as special as the Heat's trio. 如果加入尼克 那就有著被熱火當成肥料的風險 (好酸...) 不過加入湖人 會讓他跟熱火的三巨頭一樣特別 Of course this is only speculation and many may consider the idea of Anthony joining the Lakers implausible, but the history of the franchise and their current situation does leave a small window of possibility. 這只是推測 有這種想法也很荒謬 不過歷史上也不是沒有發生過 Los Angeles has long been a premier destination for the NBA's superstars, and a good bit of the Lakers' championship legacy has been formed by players who chose to ditch their teams in favor of the purple and gold. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaquille O'Neal, and Pau Gasol are three players who established themselves as stars of other teams, but found their legacies defined once they joined the Lakers. LA都是巨星們想要落腳的地方 而湖人的紫金軍團也總是有衝擊總冠軍的實力 天勾 俠客 嘎獸都是在別的球隊成為巨星 不過卻是在湖人找到他們想要的東西 Anthony could add his name to this list of superstar defectors, and like Gasol before him, he would likely see the immediate benefits of a decision to join Los Angeles. 甜瓜也可以跟上面的那些人一樣 他還可以去請教嘎獸咧 Gasol never managed to push the Memphis Grizzlies past the first round of the playoffs, but since he was traded to Los Angeles in 2007, the Lakers have made the NBA Finals each season, and won the last two championships. 嘎獸為灰熊盡心盡力 但就是闖不過第一輪 但加入湖人之後 馬上有總冠軍賽可以打 最近還拿下了二連霸 Anthony would be entering an even better situation than Gasol, and although the Lakers would have to do some very creative tinkering with their roster, it's not that far out of the realm of possibility. 如果甜瓜現在加入湖人的話 球員名單當然是比嘎獸剛來的時候好 雖然還是有些洞啦... It's doubtful the Lakers could make a deal for Anthony this season, but if the chance presents itself, are Lamar Odom, Shannon Brown, Josh Powell, and D.J. Mbenga expendable? 但是湖人會去交易甜瓜嗎?如果機會自己浮現的話 二哥 香濃 賈許 DJ會是籌碼嗎? Maybe the Lakers could subtract Odom from the equation and add Ron Artest, and the two recent Lakers' draft picks to make the deal even more attractive to Denver, who would be entering rebuilding mode if Anthony departed. 湖人也可能把二哥換成蓉蓉 再加上賣相還不錯的兩名新秀 這樣會比較吸引金塊 因為重建會比較快... The Nuggets have to be contemplating a sign-and-trade deal for Anthony, because if he refuses to re-sign, Denver could possibly lose the cornerstone of their franchise with no compensation at all. 如果留不住甜瓜 金塊勢必要先簽後換 不然就什麼都沒有了 What team in the NBA could afford to offer the same quality of players previously mentioned, in exchange for Anthony without ruining the composition of their team? 那有哪一支球隊可以提供像樣一點的包裹呢? Certainly not the Knicks, and all of the other players who are the same caliber of talent as Anthony have already been locked up in this year's tumultuous free agency period. 不太可能是尼克 而且跟甜瓜差不多等級的球員都在今年夏天被簽走了 A Lakers' line-up featuring Kobe Bryant, Gasol, Andrew Bynum, and Anthony would arguably consist of the top two or three players at their respective positions, and would send shivers of fear throughout the rest of the league. 湖人未來的三巨頭應該是Kobe Gasol Bynum 加上甜瓜並不會擠壓到其他人 而且這種陣容排出來應該是讓其他隊剉著等吧 Not even South Beach's super team could stand tall in the face of this roster, and ironically, it was Miami who made it possible to even consider this scenario at all. 就連東南方的明星隊也抵擋不住這樣的陣容 不過這些還是他們造成的 Before James and Chris Bosh joined Wade in Miami, many felt that all of the league's younger superstars would shape their own destinies separate from each other; but the course of the NBA has changed. 在LBJ跟龍王投靠Flash之前 大家都認為這些年輕的巨星會各擁一片天 不過時代變了 If Anthony's goal is to win championships, then his options are limited unless he goes to a team who is ready to compete for championships right now, a team like the Los Angeles Lakers. 如果甜瓜真的想拿冠軍 最好的選擇就是來湖人 原文: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 有點幻想 不過我喜歡 畢竟Kobe也有年紀了... 夏天來顆甜瓜也不錯 ps.禁轉總版 -- ◢███◣ 不想吃你的麥X勞,我也能去啃X基,肯很多的基基 ◤ ◥ █████ ▏▏▏▏ ◤ ◥ ┼ ┼█ 關我屁事.... ╲ ╱ ︳ 真的嗎? ▃ ▃ ▌◤ ◥\\ ▃ ◢ ◣ 皿 ◢◤φrathunter -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hfi780 來自: (07/17 01:21)

07/17 01:22, , 1F
老實說我也很喜歡甜瓜 被守住還能開心大笑 夠陽光
07/17 01:22, 1F

07/17 01:22, , 2F
07/17 01:22, 2F

07/17 01:31, , 3F
07/17 01:31, 3F

07/17 01:33, , 4F
07/17 01:33, 4F

07/17 01:34, , 5F
好吸引人,給金塊隊2~3年第一輪&第二論選秀權就好 (幻想)
07/17 01:34, 5F

07/17 01:34, , 6F
07/17 01:34, 6F

07/17 01:34, , 7F
07/17 01:34, 7F

07/17 01:36, , 8F
不太可能,甜瓜這麼有 GUTS,他可不是小峱峱。
07/17 01:36, 8F

07/17 01:36, , 9F
07/17 01:36, 9F

07/17 01:36, , 10F
07/17 01:36, 10F

07/17 01:36, , 11F
07/17 01:36, 11F

07/17 01:37, , 12F
07/17 01:37, 12F

07/17 01:40, , 13F
除非今年熱火一路贏到底 而且無人能擋 甜瓜才會考慮吧
07/17 01:40, 13F

07/17 01:40, , 14F
07/17 01:40, 14F

07/17 01:41, , 15F
07/17 01:41, 15F

07/17 01:42, , 16F
07/17 01:42, 16F

07/17 01:42, , 17F
今年輸掉才能動到阿泰老二 甜瓜也才有可能考慮來 算了XD
07/17 01:42, 17F

07/17 01:42, , 18F
07/17 01:42, 18F

07/17 01:43, , 19F
哇 那這樣酸民會大爆走 NBA又要隱版了...
07/17 01:43, 19F

07/17 01:44, , 20F
話說甜瓜應付區域防守真的很有一套 看他奧運打得虎虎生風
07/17 01:44, 20F

07/17 01:49, , 21F
哇靠 甜瓜來真的可以接棒了~ 真不錯
07/17 01:49, 21F

07/17 01:49, , 22F
07/17 01:49, 22F

07/17 01:51, , 23F
07/17 01:51, 23F

07/17 01:51, , 24F
07/17 01:51, 24F

07/17 01:52, , 25F
區域防守外線就要夠準 甜瓜外線奧運時超準..
07/17 01:52, 25F

07/17 01:58, , 26F
07/17 01:58, 26F

07/17 02:06, , 27F
安東尼來就可以接棒了 組AnthonyBynum連線再一個王朝
07/17 02:06, 27F

07/17 02:06, , 28F
說真的 我一直覺得ANTHONY比LBJ強...不管哪方面 除了
07/17 02:06, 28F

07/17 02:07, , 29F
媒體、當局還有運動用品商 喜愛程度
07/17 02:07, 29F

07/17 02:15, , 30F
二哥比較重要吧!! 不喜歡甜瓜(長得有點奇怪)
07/17 02:15, 30F

07/17 02:24, , 31F
07/17 02:24, 31F

07/17 02:34, , 32F
結果被八呢斯乎弄了 他根本沒做決定....X的
07/17 02:34, 32F

07/17 02:48, , 33F
07/17 02:48, 33F

07/17 04:02, , 34F
07/17 04:02, 34F

07/17 04:04, , 35F
07/17 04:04, 35F

07/17 06:42, , 36F
07/17 06:42, 36F

07/17 07:36, , 37F
07/17 07:36, 37F

07/17 07:59, , 38F 1:41這招超猛 2:44的出手跟剪接一樣快
07/17 07:59, 38F

07/17 08:00, , 39F
我也比較想要kd欸 總覺得kb退位 接下來應該就是kd的年
07/17 08:00, 39F

07/17 08:00, , 40F
代 直接跳過Queen LBJ
07/17 08:00, 40F

07/17 08:21, , 41F
07/17 08:21, 41F

07/17 08:41, , 42F
我也覺得很誇張 意淫文也不用這樣子
07/17 08:41, 42F

07/17 08:55, , 43F
07/17 08:55, 43F

07/17 10:17, , 44F
07/17 10:17, 44F

07/17 10:20, , 45F
KD喔..得分能力超群 但是幫隊友製造機會的能力太弱
07/17 10:20, 45F

07/17 10:20, , 46F
07/17 10:20, 46F

07/17 10:57, , 47F
07/17 10:57, 47F

07/17 10:58, , 48F
KD關鍵絕殺能力 有那實力不過應該要在多累積經驗和戰功
07/17 10:58, 48F

07/17 10:59, , 49F
來日方長 機會超多
07/17 10:59, 49F

07/17 11:01, , 50F
現在NBA都這樣玩喔= =?
07/17 11:01, 50F

07/17 11:11, , 51F
07/17 11:11, 51F

07/17 11:15, , 52F
07/17 11:15, 52F

07/17 11:18, , 53F
07/17 11:18, 53F

07/17 11:21, , 54F
07/17 11:21, 54F

07/17 11:22, , 55F
07/17 11:22, 55F

07/17 11:23, , 56F
finish的能力很強 但持球進攻就要看防守者了 一般來說
07/17 11:23, 56F

07/17 11:23, , 57F
是過的去 但遇到阿泰會干擾運球的就有困難
07/17 11:23, 57F

07/17 11:44, , 58F
07/17 11:44, 58F

07/17 12:27, , 59F
那練槍西都打包過來算了 = =
07/17 12:27, 59F

07/17 12:28, , 60F
越想越誇張 = =
07/17 12:28, 60F

07/17 13:20, , 61F
Melo很像足球的超級純種前鋒 碰球時間很少 得分超多
07/17 13:20, 61F

07/17 13:57, , 62F
07/17 13:57, 62F

07/17 14:24, , 63F
推足球前鋒 真的頗像
07/17 14:24, 63F

07/17 21:02, , 64F
07/17 21:02, 64F

07/17 21:05, , 65F
得分/持球時間 的比例來看 他應該是屬一屬二的
07/17 21:05, 65F

07/17 22:25, , 66F
這種描述讓我想到Jamison 持球時間最少的得分大將
07/17 22:25, 66F

07/17 23:15, , 67F
07/17 23:15, 67F

07/17 23:15, , 68F
07/17 23:15, 68F

07/18 00:39, , 69F
夠范特西 我喜歡XD 未來外線接班人選也是甜瓜或KD
07/18 00:39, 69F

07/18 01:06, , 70F
以前Jamison的大學報導 說他一場球得快30分 總持球時間
07/18 01:06, 70F

07/18 01:07, , 71F
07/18 01:07, 71F

07/18 01:56, , 72F
我以為文中翻譯的二哥是Gasol = =
07/18 01:56, 72F

07/19 07:08, , 73F
07/19 07:08, 73F
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