[外電] 還在怪哨音?

看板Lakers作者 (乳乳)時間14年前 (2010/06/07 20:44), 編輯推噓14(14013)
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Yes, the officiating was bad, but the Lakers lost Game 2 to the Celtics with mtheir casual attitude and lack of defense. By Bill Plaschke June 6, 2010 | 11:53 p.m. You were booing the wrong guys. 嘿,你噓錯人了吧。 The jeers and catcalls that rained down upon the three referees at the Staples Center on Sunday night were as misguided as a certain wacko's jump shot. 星期天比賽結束後,各界對這三個裁判的批評及不爽的聲音如雨後春筍般的冒了出來。 You should have been booing the Lakers. 你應該噓湖人才對。 Don't blame the whistles when the Lakers casually showed up whistling. Don't blame the zebras when the Lakers played defense like pigs. 湖人自己的防守濫成這樣,你還有臉去怪裁判啊。 You want to talk fouls? I'll show you foul — the final five minutes of the Lakers' 103-94 loss to the Boston Celtics in Game 2 of the now-even NBA Finals. 你想要談論犯規?我來重現這場"不公平"的比賽的最後五分鐘。 they trail by 14, they fight back to take a one-point lead with Figueroa Street rocking and the Celtics reeling, and what happens? 湖人從最多落後14分追到領先1分,讓Celtics知道我們不是鬧著玩的。結果呢? Rajon Rondo driving untouched up the middle happens. Kobe Bryant losing his jumper and his composure happens. Ron Artest losing his mind happens. A 14-4 Celtics run to end the game happens. Rondo切入沒人攔得住。Kobe不冷靜的跳投。Artest又心不在焉。比賽最後 Celtics以一波14-4結束了這回合。 For the first time this spring, no glittery strands of purple and gold fell from the Staples Center sky after a Lakers home playoff game. For the first time this spring, the confetti was replaced by confusion. 這是進入季後賽以來第一次湖人主場沒有灑下亮麗的紫金緞帶。也是這個春天以來 大量的五色碎紙被困或給取代了。 "We are a little uptight right now,'' said Lamar Odom in a quiet Lakers locker room afterward. "我們現在有點急了,"Odom比賽後再更衣室這麼說。 A little? Right about now, they should all be clenching their rings. They just lost their first game at home this postseason, and their first Finals game at home since Boston overcame a 24-point deficit to beat them here in Game 4 in 2008. They have now set it up so the Celtics could get hot and run them right out of the title in Boston without ever returning here. 只有一點?現在這個時候,湖人應該全心全意都在戒指上吧。他們輸了季後賽以來 首次的主場比賽,不要忘了08年的G4,Celtics可是在這落後24分的情況下逆轉了比賽。 這場沒贏下來,Celtics有機會甚至不需要回來這裡就贏得總冠軍。 I don't think that's happening. The Lakers still clearly seem like a better team, and should regain their fire now that they have been humbled. But it happened in Detroit in 2004, so this does make things a little more, um, complicated. 當然我認為這不會發生。湖人顯然還是一個比較好的球隊,也會把今天討回來。 但04年在Detroit這確實發生了,所以事情變得些許複雜了。 "Now we have a series," said Sasha Vujacic. "現在我們還有場硬仗要打,"Sasha這麼說。 Now? The Lakers should have realized this before Game 2, instead of clearly approaching this night as if it were just another routine step toward a second consecutive coronation. 現在?湖人早該在G2前就瞭解這件事了吧,而不是認為G2只是湖人前進加冕儀式 m的一個過程而已。 Yes, the officiating trio of Monty McCutchen, Mike Callahan and Ken Mauer were awful. Yes, they lost control of a game in which Artest fouled out, Bryant was knotted up with five fouls, and Lamar Odom essentially disappeared with five fouls. 對,這三個裁判McCutchen, Callahan和mauer很糟糕。他們讓這場比賽失去控制。 間接導致Artest的犯滿離場,kobe及Odom過早的五次犯規。 Yes, many of the calls were horrendous, and the officials deserved the boos and even Commissioner David Stern should have expected the heckling that accompanied his departure from the arena. 很多吹判都是很可怕的,裁判們被Boo是應該,總裁Stren也該有所表示。 mBut don't dare talk conspiracy. Don't dare talk ripoff. Don't even go there. 但不要認為這是有陰謀的,沒有人要陰你們。不要這樣想。 The officials may have been overwhelmed, but the Lakers were out-shot, out-rebounded, out-fought and, in the words of Shannon Brown, "they even outran us." 官方可能犯了些錯誤,但湖人投不進,沒籃板,沒拼勁。Brown說了一句話,"他們 甚至跑得都比我們快。" First, if anyone should be complaining about the officiating, it's the Celtics, who shot 15 fewer free throws while being called for just as many fouls. If the Lakers don't miss 10 of their 41 free throws — including five bricks by Artest who shrugged them up there as if he didn't even knew he was shooting free throws — then it's a better game. 首先,如果有人要抱怨裁判的話Celtics優先,他們的罰球比我們少了15個。 如果湖人不錯miss掉那41個中的10個--包括Artest可怕的3-8,他大概不知道自己 是在罰球吧-那這還是個不錯的比賽。 Second, it wasn't the officials who repeatedly drained three-pointers early, fighting through screens and finding open spots and setting an NBA Finals record with eight three-pointers nearly in the first half alone. That would be Ray Allen, who wasn't bumped this time by Derek Fisher because Fisher simply couldn't catch him. 再來,讓Ray Allen這樣締造NBA Final的半場三分球紀錄可不是裁判的錯喔,他們 可沒有讓三分線變比較前面或是幫助他製造空檔之類的。Fisher這場完全守不住 Allen Third, it wasn't the officials who drove through the Lakers lane late, scoring six consecutive points on layups — layups! — to give the Celtics a lead they never lost. That was Rondo, who nearly drove a foul-plagued Bryant out of his skin, causing much scowling at teammates who didn't cover his back. 接著,裁判也沒有讓湖人的防線跟紙糊的一樣,讓Rondo連續上籃得了六分。是上籃!! 這讓Celtics領先之後也再也沒落後了。Kobe因為犯規麻煩不敢貼太緊,而該補防 的隊友也都沒對上來。 "It has nothing to do with scoring — nothing," said Bryant. "It's all defensively. We gave them too many easy baskets and blew too many defensive assignments." "這跟得分一點關係都沒有---一點都沒有,"Kobe這麼說。"都是防守太差。我們讓 他們有太多輕鬆得分機會,很多該做的防守項目都沒做到。 Fourth, and finally, it wasn't the officials who lost their bearings so consistently, they ended up making one of 10 baskets while making several horrible plays down the stretch. That would be Artest, who, during one late possession, simply dribbled around and around before finally throwing up an awful jumper. 最後,不是裁判讓湖人在最後關頭亂成這樣,最後10投只中1,還有些非常不聰明 的出手。就是在說你,Artest。運球繞一繞後隨便投了一個糟糕的跳投。 "It's one of the more unusual sequences I've ever witnessed," said Lakers Coach Phil Jackson, who has seen approximately a billion NBA sequences. "這系列賽發生的事實在很不尋常,"Phil這麼說,一個大概看了幾百萬個系列賽 的人這麼說。 A few moments earlier, Artest had thrown away a pass with the Lakers trailing by one. 不久之前,當湖人落後一分的時候,Artest傳球把球給傳丟了。 Overall, the eccentric forward did exactly what that Celtics folks had hoped he would do in this biggest series of his series. He melted down. 從頭到尾這個古怪的前鋒完全稱了Celtics的意,Celtics就是想要Artest這麼表現。 What happened on the crazy dribble play, Ron? "I'm not sure." 那個恐怖的play是怎回事,Ron? "我不清楚。" Were you confused out there? "I don't know." 你當時很困惑嗎? "我不知道。" That makes as much sense as anything the Lakers said or did Sunday night, giving away the most precious of gifts at the worst of times to the most dangerous of teams. 這回答完全符合今晚湖人的表現。面對這麼危險的球隊卻在這麼關鍵的時間浪費 了這麼好的一個機會給他們迎頭一擊。 Yeah, the officials had a lousy game. But, no, they weren't the only ones. 裁判們搞砸了這場比賽。但他們不是唯一搞砸的。 http://0rz.tw/Ng07r -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/07 20:46, , 1F
阿泰那球硬要傳給耶穌= = 就失誤了 話說今天防守會很差嗎?
06/07 20:46, 1F

06/07 20:50, , 2F
只看第四節 最後還是有機會的 就只是...輸了
06/07 20:50, 2F

06/07 21:12, , 3F
推 翻譯辛苦了;這麼好的依個機會 挑個小錯字
06/07 21:12, 3F
※ 編輯: allqwdd 來自: (06/07 21:15)

06/07 21:16, , 4F
06/07 21:16, 4F

06/07 21:23, , 5F
06/07 21:23, 5F

06/07 22:12, , 6F
06/07 22:12, 6F

06/07 23:02, , 7F
06/07 23:02, 7F

06/07 23:11, , 8F
湖板的風氣風度還輪不到酸民來插嘴 甚麼咖阿?
06/07 23:11, 8F

06/07 23:15, , 9F
06/07 23:15, 9F

06/07 23:15, , 10F
06/07 23:15, 10F

06/07 23:47, , 11F
06/07 23:47, 11F

06/08 00:05, , 12F
vasia講個中肯話也中槍 acenova別反串好嗎 洩洩
06/08 00:05, 12F

06/08 00:31, , 13F
hijack881 我反串? 你確定你眼睛沒問題嗎?
06/08 00:31, 13F

06/08 00:33, , 14F
抱歉 我不該跟個只敢開上站8次的分身計較
06/08 00:33, 14F

06/08 00:41, , 15F
06/08 00:41, 15F

06/08 00:59, , 16F
06/08 00:59, 16F

06/08 03:15, , 17F
會怎樣嗎? 呵
06/08 03:15, 17F

06/08 11:23, , 18F
阿泰最後真是鬼上身~黏球亂跑亂丟? 老經驗控衛漁夫呢?
06/08 11:23, 18F

06/08 12:06, , 19F
沒有 只是讓我有點成就感低落
06/08 12:06, 19F

06/08 13:07, , 20F
billion 不是十億的單位嗎XD 更誇張
06/08 13:07, 20F

06/08 13:11, , 21F
06/08 13:11, 21F

06/08 13:13, , 22F
06/08 13:13, 22F

06/08 13:24, , 23F
So kind of you ^^
06/08 13:24, 23F

06/08 13:25, , 24F
06/08 13:25, 24F

06/08 16:19, , 25F
你跟hijack有啥關係嗎,不要害到我朋友的團好不好 =_=
06/08 16:19, 25F

06/08 16:21, , 26F
06/08 16:21, 26F

06/08 16:46, , 27F
回szuta大 跟你朋友無關,我只是看到別人急跳腳覺得無奈
06/08 16:46, 27F
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