[外電] Lakers paying for charges

看板Lakers作者 (La Jolla)時間14年前 (2010/06/02 13:15), 編輯推噓23(2307)
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Updated: June 2, 2010, 12:34 AM ET Lakers paying for charges By Shelley Smith ESPN http://sports.espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/news/story?id=5241219 The Los Angeles Lakers have never been known as a team that takes offensive charges. They are trying to change that. Last series, Phil Jackson called his big men "thin-chested" as a way of goading them into standing strong and taking a hit, and the team has been offering financial incentive -- $50 per charge. 湖人從來就不曾是個去做帶球撞人進攻犯規的球隊。PJ從上個系列賽就在調侃他們的大個 子說他們都「thin-chested」(胸膛薄弱之意),希望可以藉此激勵他們勇敢去做別人的 進攻撞人犯規。湖人也提供了經濟誘因,做一次50鎂。 "To motivate us in a way to take charges and getting away with it," explained Sasha Vujacic. And Vujacic says that the way the Celtics players play, the Lakers believe they could be in line to make some extra cash. 公主說「根據Celtics的球風,我們可能有機會撈到不少錢」 "Their whole team is kind of a charging possibility taking team. We just got to be smart," Vujacic said. "They are a very smart team that can go from block to a charge, so we've been working a lot on charges and how to take them and stuff, so we'll see. 公主又說「阻擋跟撞人僅一線之隔。我們有在練習如何做到帶球撞人。結果如何,我們等 著看。」 Assistant coach Frank Hamblin, who monitors the fines and payouts, said the team has been rewarding players for charges since late last season and the competition has intensified in the playoffs, although he admitted that "very few guys are getting charge money." "Luke got one the other night; it was kind of shaky but we gave it to him anyway," Hamblen said. "Fish is our best charge-taker so far." 助理教練Hamblin負責紀錄罰款和獎金。他說從上個球季末球隊就有在發帶球撞人的獎金 。但是真正拿到獎金的人不多 「LUKE那天有拿到,雖然有點模糊,但是我們還是給了他。目前為止,Fisher賺得最多。 」 The money comes out of a pool accumulated by players' fines, such as being whistled for an illegal defense, which costs a player $25. It is a fund, Hamblen says, to which Lamar Odom is the biggest contributor. "I mean, I just pencil him in every night for illegal defense," Hamblen said. "I ask him every night, 'Lamar, you know the illegal defense rules don't you?'" 獎金是從球員罰款支應的,例如被吹一次非法防守就25鎂。LO目前是最大的貢獻者。 Hamblin說「我根本就是每晚都記上他一筆非法防守。我每晚都問他,Lamar你知道非法防 守的規則吧?」 The charge-taking competition, however, has yet to involve Ron Artest, who said he learned from growing up on the New York playgrounds, that when you take a charge, fall and then call an offensive foul, well, bad things -- like serious bodily harm -- can happen. "I don't even know how to take a charge," he said. "To get the charge you have to fall. I'd rather not fall. You call an offensive foul, possibly be a fight. That's just how we grew up playing basketball." 但是,帶球撞人這個項目裡,ARTEST還未曾有參與到。他說從他在NY街頭球場學到,如果 你被撞倒,跌到地上,然後叫出進攻犯規,有可能會產生很嚴重的後果,例如身體上的 傷害。 ARTEST說「我甚至不知道怎麼去做帶球撞人。要做帶球撞人,你至少要跌到地上。我寧願 不跌到地上。叫進攻犯規,很有可能就導致幹架。這就是我以前打的籃球」 -- LO:「蛋!以前街頭籃球有誰敢吹我非法防守的阿,我用棒棒糖尻爆他的頭!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: claus 來自: (06/02 13:16)

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