[外電] 平地一聲雷!

看板Lakers作者 (good girl goes BAD)時間14年前 (2010/04/23 18:18), 編輯推噓12(12024)
留言36則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
完整原文:http://tinyurl.com/2b2dwx4 (有誤譯還請指正) (一字一句翻,轉發節錄請告知!) Kevin Durant wins duel with Kobe Bryant, and Oklahoma City gets back in the series with a 101-96 victory in Game 3. Kevin Durant贏了跟Kobe Bryant的死鬥 奧克拉荷馬以101-96回歸取勝 An entire arena bore down on the Lakers, if not an entire state, the noise and the jubilation making it easy to fathom what happened in a second half that changed a series. 福特中心對湖人有不良的影響, 聽場內觀眾的鼓譟和歡呼,就知道上下半場中間發生了影響整個系列賽的變化。 Kobe Bryant faded, Kevin Durant elevated and the Oklahoma City Thunder had the most important victory of its brief two-year existence, 101-96, moving within 2-1 of the Lakers in a first-round playoff series. Kobe Bryant變得虛弱,Kevin Durant卻變得更強, 僅短短2年NBA經驗,帶領雷霆取得中最重要的勝場,和湖人在首輪系列賽中2-1扳回一城。 It turned into Bryant vs. Durant, and it became a one-sided contest when it mattered most, the 21-year-old getting the best of the 31-year-old in the final 12 minutes Thursday at Ford Center. 一場Bryant vs. Durant的局勢完全一面倒, 福特中心最後的12分鐘場面是一個21歲小夥子撂倒了31歲的老道球員。 Bryant made two of 10 shots after Durant began guarding him in the fourth quarter. He finished with 24 points on 10-for-29 shooting. 第四節在Durant防守之下Bryant僅僅投10中2,終場29投中10以24分結束比賽。 "It was a matchup that caught me by surprise," Bryant said. "I think he did a great job." "這個對位讓我大吃一驚,"Bryant說"我覺得他做得很好。" Durant wasn't very accurate himself, scoring 29 points on eight-for-24 shooting , but he was better than Bryant down the stretch, making four of seven in the fourth quarter. Game 4 in the best-of-seven series is Saturday at Ford Center. Durant今天沒有比較準,29分是24投8中得來的, 只是在最後的勝負關頭表現的比Bryant傑出,最後一節投7中4。 The Lakers aren't panicking, but they're wondering aloud why they didn't get the ball more often to their big men. 湖人並不驚恐,他們比較想知道球為什麼總是傳不到大個子手上。 Andrew Bynum had 13 points on six-for-nine shooting and Pau Gasol had 17 points on seven-for-12 shooting. They each took two shots in the fourth quarter. 這場比賽Bynum拿了13分,Gasol投12中7得到了17分, 然而最後一節兩人總共只摸到4次球。 "Pau should definitely get more touches," Bynum said. "Every time he touches the ball, something good happens." "球應該多分一點給Gasol,"Bynum說"他只要拿到球,都會有好結果。" But the Lakers were lazy on offense, settling for 31 three-point attempts, tying for the most in a game in their playoff history. 只不過湖人對於專心得分似乎有點懶散,總共投了31個3分球, 是湖人所有季後賽裡投得最多的一次。 "That's way too many," Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said. "也太多了點,"湖人教練Jackson如是說。 Jackson also noted the disparity in free-throw attempts. Oklahoma City made 27 of 34, the Lakers made 10 of 12. Jackson也不忘提醒兩隊不一樣的罰球頻率,雷霆投34中27,湖人投12中10。 "The most outstanding stat is 34 free throws to 12, but that's not a reflection of the referees," he said, fully cognizant that he already has been fined $35,000 twice this month for criticizing referees. "非常傑出的記錄,34個罰球對12個嘛,當然這不是針對裁判。" 看來他充分了解到,對裁判的批評已經被罰了兩次3萬5鎂的事實。 Unfortunately for the Lakers, Thunder fans will be there again in Game 4, standing for entire quarters as they did in Game 3. 不幸地,對湖人來說,所有的雷霆球迷第四戰還是會像今天一樣站在這。 "It was one of the loudest crowds that I've played in front of in the postseason," Bryant said. "這是我打過這麼多季後,最激動的球迷了," Bryant說。 Lamar Odom continued to be a no-show in the series, scoring eight points in only 21 minutes of action, and Ron Artest had another bad night from long distance, making one of five three-point attempts. Odom持續上演低潮的戲碼,在21分鐘內只貢獻8分, 而Artest這晚命中率慘不忍睹,三分球只有投5中1。 But why didn't Bynum and Gasol get more chances? 那Bynum和Gasol怎麼沒有更多的出手機會? Jackson found fault with Bryant's teammates in the fourth quarter, not Bryant. Jackson比較挑剔Bryant的隊友,而不是他, "We wanted the ball going inside," Jackson said. "We didn't get the ball inside and it ended up in Kobe's hands and he was like, 'OK,' and he got into attack mode." "我們想要讓球傳進去,"Jackson說, "完全傳不進去的時候,最後球總會在KOBE手裡, 所以他覺得"喔,那好吧"地開啟戰鬥模式。" Said Bryant: "We've got to strategize to figure out how to get the ball to them." Bryant說:"我們還是有找到策略去讓隊友分到球。" The Lakers seemed fine in the first half despite the change in venue and the zillion-decibel increase from Staples Center. 湖人上半場似乎使比賽順利的進行, 除了在場中那些比在史代波中心還要誇張許多的噪音。 The Lakers scored the first 10 points and led at halftime, 50-43, Bryant scoring 14 points on fairly acceptable five-for-12 shooting. Durant at the time had eight points on two-for-10 shooting. 一開場湖人以10:0領先對手,領先到50:43時, Bryant以勉強可以接受的命中率12中5,取得14分。 But the Lakers were outscored in the second half, 58-46, unable to stop Durant or Russell Westbrook. 但是湖人下半場無力抵抗Durant跟westbrook,得58分的雷霆超過湖人的46分。 The victory was vitally important for the Thunder. After all, an NBA team has never come back from a 3-0 deficit to win a playoff series. 這場勝利對雷霆而言很重要,畢竟從來沒有球隊被3-0聽牌,還能贏回系列賽。 In the end, a fan held up a sign that said, "Thunder Never Tire." 比賽終了,球迷舉起"雷霆不息"的牌子。 It was appropriate. The Lakers blinked for the first time this series. 非常恰當,而湖人最終也被雷擊了。 完整原文:http://tinyurl.com/2b2dwx4 (有誤譯還請指正) (一字一句翻,轉發節錄請告知!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/23 18:23, , 1F
04/23 18:23, 1F

04/23 18:23, , 2F
沒關係 所有的挫敗都是為了讓湖人變的更強大
04/23 18:23, 2F

04/23 18:25, , 3F
阿鴨 少了一個3 謝拉謝啦~
04/23 18:25, 3F

04/23 18:28, , 4F
04/23 18:28, 4F

04/23 19:23, , 5F
個人對於吹判.....沒啥意見 除了2球 一是56秒的吹判和KB守
04/23 19:23, 5F

04/23 19:24, , 6F
KD那球 不然在對方主場多繳點學費是難免低 我也同意雷霆版友
04/23 19:24, 6F

04/23 19:24, , 7F
04/23 19:24, 7F

04/23 19:24, , 8F
的那篇文章 湖人禁區"根本"沒有去攻擊 因為我們那些後衛群
04/23 19:24, 8F

04/23 19:26, , 9F
球嘛交不進去=.= 要嘛投不進 禪師那些觀點 有對有錯 KB有
04/23 19:26, 9F

04/23 19:26, , 10F
許多球確實是對有拖到最後給他 但大部分那詭異的"5分鐘腦沖"
04/23 19:26, 10F

04/23 19:27, , 11F
才是葬送比賽的關鍵 假使他無法意識到禁區 才是這系列的關
04/23 19:27, 11F

04/23 19:28, , 12F
鍵(第一場明明很好的T.T) 那麼照他G2後的發言 湖人這系列
04/23 19:28, 12F

04/23 19:29, , 13F
得有心理準備打G7 硬投跟傳球都是種策略 但如何善用交叉
04/23 19:29, 13F

04/23 19:30, , 14F
使用才是重點(流川魂) 不是想酸KB 假使他後天不能照他賽後
04/23 19:30, 14F

04/23 19:30, , 15F
所言.....多傳禁區 讓GASOL(這系列最準的人)去主導 不好意思
04/23 19:30, 15F

04/23 19:31, , 16F
難聽點 他把湖人連霸的夢毀在自己手上 而總版酸的也沒啥錯
04/23 19:31, 16F

04/23 19:31, , 17F
手傷出手29球.........大哥 你在開玩笑吧 醒醒吧 KB
04/23 19:31, 17F

04/23 19:36, , 18F
還有 今天最後會輸有個很大的原因....協防後的籃板被灌到
04/23 19:36, 18F

04/23 19:36, , 19F
不用錢 進去幫你擦屁股了 那些後衛(KB)你馬至少卡位 製造個
04/23 19:36, 19F

04/23 19:37, , 20F
推人搶球 而不是滿腦想進攻 防守不做 幹譙這麼多
04/23 19:37, 20F

04/23 19:38, , 21F
還是希望星期天湖人能贏下G4 要是輸 G7或是淘汰不是夢
04/23 19:38, 21F

04/23 20:01, , 22F
"當然這不是針對裁判" 哈哈 禪師:我已經說不是針對你囉
04/23 20:01, 22F

04/23 20:07, , 23F
去年對阿爵不也是先輸第三場~~~ 下一場再拿出王者霸氣!
04/23 20:07, 23F

04/23 20:44, , 24F
04/23 20:44, 24F

04/23 21:34, , 25F
呵呵 禪師果然講話了 忿忿不平的人趕快看這篇吧
04/23 21:34, 25F

04/23 21:35, , 26F
LBJKO大 我覺得Phil這場其實就是心裡有底 XD(我比較黑心
04/23 21:35, 26F

04/23 21:36, , 27F
04/23 21:36, 27F

04/23 21:37, , 28F
04/23 21:37, 28F

04/23 21:54, , 29F
Rebounds~ Rebounds~ Rebounds~ 先數落完這個在數落別的吧
04/23 21:54, 29F

04/23 21:56, , 30F
04/23 21:56, 30F

04/23 23:10, , 31F
04/23 23:10, 31F

04/24 00:16, , 32F
04/24 00:16, 32F

04/24 00:20, , 33F
04/24 00:20, 33F

04/24 10:44, , 34F
出手不進才有籃板的機會阿 鞭籃板還不如檢討出手多的那位
04/24 10:44, 34F

04/24 14:34, , 35F
補充 出手多又不進的那位
04/24 14:34, 35F
※ 編輯: sheekat 來自: (04/24 23:08)

04/27 15:54, , 36F
04/27 15:54, 36F
文章代碼(AID): #1BqNFwRN (Lakers)