Re: [外電] Lamar Odom: Is It Too Late?

看板Lakers作者 ( )時間15年前 (2009/07/16 18:37), 編輯推噓10(1004)
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※ 引述《spock2230 (spock)》之銘言: : 沒有新消息,只不過補充一下外電相關報導罷了。 亂亂翻,加減看。 : : Lamar Odom: Is It Too Late? : By: Eric Pincus Last Updated: 7/15/09 4:46 PM ET : Assuming the Los Angeles Lakers cut guard Sun Yue before August 1st, they are : committed to 12 players for the 2009/10 season at a total payroll of $83.8 : million. 孫大聖八月一號說掰掰,預計開季時湖人有十二名球員,八千三百八十萬的薪資。 : Add in some $13.9 million in luxury taxes and the Lakers are on the hook for : $97.8 million. 加上要付出的一千三百九十萬豪華稅,球員支出來到了九千七百八十萬。 : Making an offer to free agent forward Lamar Odom took significant : deliberation between General Manger Mitch Kupchak and the Buss family. : Faced with the prospect of record overhead and a much tighter profit margin, : owner Dr. Jerry Buss was quoted by Kupchak as saying, "But we're so damn : competitive." 老闆和總管之間就LO的合約進行討論,面對緊繃的狀況(翻得很混) 老闆引用了總管所說的,我們還是這麼他喵的有競爭力。 : In giving Odom a chance to make at least $27 million over three years, the : Lakers felt they were doing the right by Lamar while making the sound : basketball decision despite the exorbitant cost. : Unless the Utah Jazz match Paul Millsap's offer sheet and the Portland Trail : Blazers turn their attention to Lamar, the Lakers may be the only team with : bidding power. 湖人認為給三年兩千七百萬已經仁至義盡。 除非宅爵跟進小米的約使阿拓必須轉移注意力到LO身上, 湖人也許是(市場上)唯一有權叫價的球隊。 : A $34 million Mid-Level Exception deal over five years from a team like the : Miami HEAT, still isn't close to what the Lakers have offered (even with the : state tax advantage in Florida - although that perk would be on just half : Lamar's salary, road games are taxed locally) : Odom's reluctance to take what the team considers a generous offer has led to : a stalemate. For now the Lakers have taken it off the table and are : considering other options. 就算熱火提出五年三千四百萬的中產,也沒辦法跟湖人相提並論, 即使佛州有稅務上的優勢,可以讓LO的薪水少砍一半。 在客場打球,課稅還是在地主所在地。 (請看總版#1ANlkcOw claus的文章)  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ LO不願意接受這份球團認為慷慨的合約讓狀況陷入僵局。 現在湖人(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧,而且決定考慮其他選擇。 : Strictly from a financial point of view, it makes sense to go after a veteran : like Joe Smith with a minimum contract despite the drop down in talent. : Smith is an experienced defender who could help behind Andrew Bynum and Pau : Gasol even if it's a net loss on the floor considering Lamar's versatility. : Odom at an $8 million starting salary would cost $16 million with tax and tip : the total payroll to $113.8 million. : Smith at the veteran's minimum would up L.A.'s payroll to $99.4 million. : Buss was willing to authorize that additional $14.4 million but to a player : who takes that as an insult? 從財務的觀點,找些有經驗的老兵給個最小的合約也是合情合理的, 如Joe Smith。他擅長防守,能幫助霸男及嘎獸, 雖然這樣勢必要犧牲能在球場上全面發揮的LO。 付給LO八百萬等於實質上要支出一千六百萬, 並讓球隊總支出到達 一億一千三百八十萬。 Smith頂多讓湖人總支出到 九千九百四十萬。 Buss願意接受只為了一個球員多付一千四百四十萬 的結果嗎? : In truth, average salary hasn't been an issue for some time. The debate has : always been about years. : It took some time to get L.A. to three years but they got there. Odom's camp : wants five. 事實上,錢不是問題,問題在年限。湖人出三年,LO想要五年。 : Five years would make Odom the lone Laker under a guaranteed contract in : 2013/14, with recently signed Ron Artest owning a player option. Committed : $10 million to a 35-year-old Odom when the team may be embarking on a rebuild : is not a consideration. 五年能讓LO身穿紫金戰袍到13-14球季,跟剛簽約的阿泰一起。 屆時LO三十五歲,有一千萬合約,在可能要重建的球隊中可能不再被考慮。 : Four years for Odom may be workable with Andrew Bynum's $16.1 million on the : team's option and just Luke Walton and Artest locked in for a combined $13.1 : million - although adding in near $10 million for Odom could hamper L.A.'s : ability to reload. 給LO四年的約也許是可行的, 屆時加上霸男的有球隊選擇權的約,有一千六百一十萬, 加上天行者和(有球員選擇權)的阿泰,合計一千三百一十萬, --雖然能夠多給LO近一千萬,是超過了湖人的負荷能力。 (這裡需要請高手解釋一下) : There's a good chance the Lakers lock down Kobe Bryant until the end of the : 2014 season but Odom doesn't exactly have Bryant's cachet. : It comes down to the same decision the Boston Celtics had to make on James : Posey a year ago. They offered three years and Posey wanted four. Boston : passed and never found a suitable replacement. : Even without Kevin Garnett, would the Celtics have lost Game 7 to the Orlando : Magic if Posey was defending Hedo Turkoglu (25 points and 12 assists)? : 現在是個讓老大留到2014球季結束的好機會, 但LO並未確實擁有老大的保證。 ("but Odom doesn't exactly have Bryant's cachet.") 現在的狀況有如一年前的綠衫軍與Posey,綠衫軍提出三年,但後者想要四年。 綠衫軍放棄了而且沒有找到合適的代替者。 即使沒有了一打五(誤),在有Posey防守火槍兵(25分12助攻)的情況下 綠衫軍還會輸掉第七戰嗎? : Posey ended up struggling in New Orleans, ultimately having surgery to repair : a meniscus tear, but the Celtics may have given up a chance to win now : because of distant financial concern in four year's time. Posey最後因為動手術修復膝蓋半月板而結束了在紐奧良的球季, 但綠衫軍也許為了這四年的財務考量放棄了獲勝的機會。 : Odom is looking at his peers including Turkoglu, Ben Gordon, Andersen Varejao : and Andrea Bargnani (via contract extension) who were all recipients of big : dollars and years from their respective teams. Odom想和他的同儕如火槍兵,假摔王,Ben Gordon,Andrea Bargnani一樣, 從各自的球隊拿到肥約。 : Lamar is coming off a championship run. : There's no black and white answer. The Lakers and Dr. Buss aren't getting : outbid by a team with cap space. With revenue projections taking a dive next : year, the tax bill will only climb. LO正在脫離冠軍的行列。這沒有絕對的答案,湖人和老闆並未在薪資空間上得利。 當下季收入計畫出現下降時,稅單只會往上爬。 : Odom has had a mixed career as a Laker with unreached potential as a star : dogged by inconsistent play . . . but Lamar has always been also a positive : voice in the locker room. This year he accepted a demotion to the bench but : was such a key part of the rotation, he was just as responsible for the : championship as any starter. LO並沒有在湖人發揮出他明星等級的潛力,而且表現並不穩定。 但LO在更衣室裡總是發出正面的聲音, 他也接受了板凳的角色,但仍然是這個輪替中的關鍵。 他盡責地為冠軍付出,就跟任何先發球員一樣。 : In the end, there remains a viable chance the saber rattling ceases and both : parties hash out a compromise. : If not, finding a sign-and-trade could be quite difficult. The Lakers will : only take the perfect combination of players back both in talent and price. 最後,仍然有機會讓拔出咖哩棒互砍的雙方找出一個妥協方案的機會。 (按:這裡有本人的惡趣味,請多包涵) 如果不行,尋求先簽後換也是非常難的。 湖人將只找一個完美的球員能力與價格兼得的方法。 : The Chicago Bulls aren't likely to give up both Kirk Hinrich and Joakim Noah. : The Charlotte Bobcats aren't going to package Raymond Felton and Boris Diaw. : Rumors of a Miami offer including Michael Beasley and Mario Chalmers appear : to be nothing more than internet chatter. : For now, Kupchak will explore the options but instead of giving Odom leverage : via sign and trade, Mitch is more likely to explore minimum options like : Smith, Drew Gooden (a stretch at the price?) or Brian Skinner. 公牛不會同時放掉Hinrich and Noah, 山貓的也不會把Felton跟屌爺一起打包. 要熱火送出Beasley和Chalmers?想太多。 現在,總管要找到選項,除了先簽後換讓LO能有操作空間這一招。 總管更有可能尋求Smith,Drew Gooden或是Brian Skinner, : The end of this story hasn't been written but the desire remains on both : sides to get something done. : Unfortunately for Lamar, the Lakers are the team with the spending power. : Once Dr. Buss moves on, there may be no turning back and Odom could end up : in a similar position as Trevor Ariza . . . signing for less money in a : smaller market with a diminished chance at a second title. 故事還沒結束,但是雙方都有一些事要完成。 對LO來說不幸的是,湖人是擴張中的強權。 當老闆前進,他們就不會回頭,LO也就會落得Ariza一般的下場-- 在一個小的市場拿了一份小的合約,然後縮小了第二個冠軍的機會。 : (You can follow Eric Pincus on Twitter at -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/16 18:43, , 1F
07/16 18:43, 1F

07/16 18:47, , 2F
Buss都願意開4y36M不能開開看5y40M嗎 如果Odom這麼重視年數
07/16 18:47, 2F

07/16 18:48, , 3F
話說大班被買斷 有沒有可能老將簽他...
07/16 18:48, 3F

07/16 18:49, , 4F
07/16 18:49, 4F

07/16 18:50, , 5F
07/16 18:50, 5F
※ 編輯: ricebug 來自: (07/16 18:53)

07/16 18:51, , 6F
風險總是有的 不過要是為此而放棄Odom似乎也沒多划算
07/16 18:51, 6F

07/16 18:52, , 7F
07/16 18:52, 7F

07/16 19:43, , 8F
07/16 19:43, 8F

07/16 20:54, , 9F
只好開5y36M了 XD
07/16 20:54, 9F

07/16 21:45, , 10F
07/16 21:45, 10F

07/16 23:37, , 11F
07/16 23:37, 11F

07/17 02:51, , 12F
07/17 02:51, 12F

07/17 09:05, , 13F
07/17 09:05, 13F

07/20 06:25, , 14F
那只好開個5年39M了...年數夠 金額大 XDDDD
07/20 06:25, 14F
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