[外電] Lakers know the Spurs will hang tough

看板Lakers作者時間16年前 (2008/05/29 21:06), 編輯推噓27(27012)
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http://0rz.tw/5645K Lakers know the Spurs will hang tough 湖人知道馬刺很難搞定。 By Mike Bresnahan, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer May 29, 2008 One more victory, and the Lakers turn the defending NBA champions into ex-NBA champions. 再一勝,湖人就會把 衛冕冠軍 打成 「前」冠軍。 One more victory, and the Lakers can sit back, relax and treat one another to more team dinners as they await another opponent. 再一勝,湖人就可以好好坐下,放鬆心情全隊再一起吃個大餐,等著下一個對手出爐。 One more time and, well, if it does end up happening tonight at Staples Center, it probably won't come easily. 再一勝,嗯,如果今晚在 STAPLES CENTER 能再度取勝的話,可能不會太簡單辦到。 The Lakers have a 3-1 lead over the San Antonio Spurs, but there were few celebratory signs Wednesday at their practice facility. The reasons were many. 湖人系列戰以 3-1 領先馬刺,但是星期三(美國時間)在他們的練球時, 可沒有什麼令人開心的好兆頭。原因有很多。 The Spurs are the Spurs, a veteran team that could easily be tied with the Lakers in this series, if not the ones ahead, 3-1. (A front-page headline in Wednesday's San Antonio Express-News suggested as much, screaming "NO FOUL?" with a photo of the instantly infamous Derek Fisher-Brent Barry non-call at the end of Game 4. Indeed, the league ruled later Wednesday that a two-shot foul should have been awarded to Barry because his path was impeded by Fisher.) 因為馬刺就是馬刺。 一支身經百戰具季後賽經驗的的隊伍,他們至少應該輕鬆地與湖人打成平手, 但是系列賽湖人卻是以 3-1 領先。 (譯按:感謝 TsungHan、skywalker 意見,就先這樣翻好了給大家參考, 大家可以參照原文,並且對照上面兩位的推文解讀。) ( 星期三 San Antonio Express-News 頭版斗大地標題寫著:「沒犯規?」 旁邊放著一張當紅的照片: FISHER 和 BARRY 第四戰沒吹的那個犯規。 的確犯規了,聯盟在星期三已經宣告應該吹一個罰兩球的犯規,因為 BARRY 確實被 FISHER 阻擋了他的去路。 ) These Lakers are relatively new to this thing, having only a few players with legitimate deep-round playoff experience. (Said Sasha Vujacic: "It's crazy. Besides Kobe [Bryant] and Fish and Luke [Walton], we are like rookies for this kind of thing.") 湖人球員相形之下比較嫩,只有少數幾個球員有過後面幾輪季後賽經驗。 ( SASHA 說:「這太瘋狂了!除了KOBE、FISH、LUKE 之外,我們都是決賽菜鳥!」) And there's also that little thing from two years ago that might be tickling the backs of their minds. 而且,兩年前的經驗可能仍然讓他們感到芒刺在背,心中留下陰影。 Fortunately for the Lakers, only eight teams in NBA history have come back from a 3-1 deficit to win a best-of-seven series. 對湖人來說,好消息是 NBA 史上只有八支球隊能在七戰四勝制中以 1-3 落後扳回來。 Unfortunately for the Lakers, they were the most recent team to cough up a 3-1 lead, falling to Phoenix in the first round of the 2006 playoffs, though the distinction between those Lakers and these Lakers is obvious. 壞消息是,他們就是最近一支被逆轉的球隊,2006年季後賽輸給了太陽隊, 但是這兩支湖人隊的差別很大。 "I think the difference between that team and this team is we were so happy and excited -- we just couldn't believe we were up 3-1 against Phoenix," Walton said. "Last time, we kind of just assumed we were up 3-1, we were going to win. This time around, we know we've got to go out and win that fourth game." WALTON 說:「我想這現在這支球隊跟那時候相比,差別最大的是, 那時候很樂也很興奮,不敢相信會 3-1 領先太陽, 好像是覺得 3-1 領先了,就應該會贏。 但這一次,我們知道必需要走出那種心理,把第四勝拿下來。」 There are, though, plenty of factors weighing heavily on the Lakers' side. 不過有很多事實偏向湖人這一邊。 The Spurs have never come back from a 3-1 deficit in their history, going 0-6 when trailing in such best-of-seven series. 馬刺從來沒有從 1-3 落後中扳回來過,在七戰四勝制下他們的紀錄是 0 勝 6 敗。 More recently, the Lakers are 7-0 at home in the playoffs and have won 13 consecutive home games since a March 28 loss against Memphis. 而且最近湖人在主場季後賽七連勝,連季賽一起算是主場 13 連勝, 上次在主場輸球是 3/28 輸給灰熊。 The Lakers remain wary, however, hoping they feel a less anxiety-provoking emotion a few hours after tonight's tip-off. 湖人還是很小心翼翼的,不過希望再過幾個小時,今晚跳球後, 他們可以不要那麼緊張。 "When you face a team that's in a must-win situation, they just play desperate ball," Bryant said. "San Antonio, they're the champs. That's going to be the toughest of all to close out." KOBE說:「當你遇到這種被逼到死角、非贏不可的對手時,他們會孤注一擲, 馬刺隊,冠軍隊,那將會是最難收拾的對手。」 ------ After further review, the league acknowledged Barry should have received two free throws near the end of Game 4. 經過進一步的重審,聯盟承認第四戰最後 BARRY 應該被送上罰球線罰兩球。 Down, 93-91, the Spurs inbounded the ball from the side with 2.1 seconds to play. There was contact after Barry drew Fisher into the air with a pump fake above the three-point line, but the referees did not make a call. 93-91,馬刺在最後 2.1 秒有球權,在三分線之外 BARRY 假動作之後和 FISHER 有了碰撞,但是裁判並沒有吹犯規。 Barry was not in the act of shooting, but he would have received two free throws because the Lakers would have been over the limit for fouls in the quarter. BARRY 當時不是出手狀態,但是他應該可以罰兩球,因為湖人已經進入加罰。 Lakers Coach Phil Jackson acknowledged that Fisher bumped Barry on the play, though he noted that it should have had an asterisk next to it. PHIL 承認 FISHER 撞到了 BARRY , 雖然他注意到這球應該打個星號註明一下,裡頭有文章。 On the previous possession, a 17-foot shot by Fisher with 6.9 seconds left grazed the rim before hitting Spurs forward Robert Horry and falling out of bounds. The referees, however, said Fisher's shot was an air ball, leaving the Lakers with two seconds left on the shot clock. Bryant's hasty turnaround 16-footer was short, and the Spurs gained possession. 在前一個球權,6.9 秒時 FISHER 一個 17 呎跳投,在打到 HORRY 出界之前有擦到框, 但是當時裁判認為 FISHER 投了麵包,所以進攻時間只剩下 2 秒,KOBE 才會匆忙出手 一個 16 呎跳投,然後馬刺拿到球權。 "That ball should have been ours with a new 24-second clock," Jackson said. "It should have been our ball with them having to foul us at the end of the game to get the ball back, rather than us having to take a tough shot." 「那球應該要有新的 24 秒進攻時間的,」 PHIL 說:「最後我們應該有球權讓他們不得不對我們犯規,而不是匆忙的出手。」 ------ Bryant has only six free throws in four games against San Antonio, paltry numbers compared to the 96 free throws he shot in six games against Utah. KOBE 在這個系列賽四場比賽只有六次罰球機會,跟六場爵士系列賽的 96 球相比, 根本只是零頭,不值一提。 "That's one of the mysteries of the world," he said wryly Wednesday. KOBE 星期三挖苦地說:「這真是個世界級懸案。」 Jackson, who has referred to San Antonio forward Bruce Bowen as "Edward Scissorhands" in the past, took another hard look at Bowen's hands on defense against Bryant. PHIL 以前曾說過 BOWEN 是剪刀手艾德華,現在又提起那雙防著 KOBE 的手了。 "Bowen's faster than the eye . . . he's really quick with his hands," Jackson said. "He gets in and bothers, but he's back out before the shots are up usually. You've got to give him credit. He's obviously an illusionist at some level." PHIL說:「BOWEN 的動作快到你眼睛根本追不上,他下手超快,」 他伸進來弄你一下,但在你要出手的時候,他又把手縮回去了, 你真的要稱讚他,某種程度上他真的是幻覺派藝術大師。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: floriany 來自: (05/29 21:07)

05/29 21:11, , 1F
噗 幻覺派藝術大師
05/29 21:11, 1F

05/29 21:11, , 2F
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05/29 21:27, , 5F
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05/29 21:29, , 6F
幻覺派藝術大師 XD
05/29 21:29, 6F

05/29 21:30, , 7F
05/29 21:30, 7F

05/29 21:31, , 8F
裁判:那明天給KOBE罰90球 啾咪>.^
05/29 21:31, 8F

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05/29 21:36, , 10F
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05/29 21:36, , 11F
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05/29 21:36, , 12F
打成平手 , 這是我的解讀啦
05/29 21:36, 12F

05/29 21:38, , 13F
白癡聯盟不如把整場都看完 看湖人被少吹幾次
05/29 21:38, 13F

05/29 21:39, , 14F
就算不看整場 Fisher投籃後的24秒違例也夠清楚了
05/29 21:39, 14F

05/29 21:39, , 15F
不懂耶 他們怎麼還有臉對這件事發言 果然官大臉皮厚
05/29 21:39, 15F

05/29 21:40, , 16F
肯德基爺爺真幽默 幻覺派藝術大師....XD
05/29 21:40, 16F

05/29 21:44, , 17F
好文 湖人奪冠吧!!! 準備買啤酒慶祝
05/29 21:44, 17F

05/29 21:45, , 18F
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05/29 21:45, , 19F
series tied
05/29 21:45, 19F

05/29 21:47, , 20F
kb﹔各位觀眾 96比6 這就是馬刺厲害之處!!!
05/29 21:47, 20F

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05/29 22:18, , 27F
XD 爆炸的克林
05/29 22:18, 27F

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05/29 22:33, , 30F
[爆卦] 克林因感情因素而使出中國古拳法魚祥拳?
05/29 22:33, 30F

05/29 22:34, , 31F
[爆卦] 克林因感情因素而使出中國古拳法魚祥拳?
05/29 22:34, 31F

05/29 22:35, , 32F
[爆卦] 克林因感情因素而使出中國古拳法魚祥拳?
05/29 22:35, 32F

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05/29 23:00, , 36F
[爆卦] 克林因感情因素而使出中國古拳法魚祥拳?
05/29 23:00, 36F

05/29 23:00, , 37F
笑死我了 XD 漁祥泉 XDDD
05/29 23:00, 37F

05/29 23:49, , 38F
幻覺派藝術大師 XD 超酸 哈~
05/29 23:49, 38F
※ 編輯: floriany 來自: (05/30 00:12)

05/30 02:42, , 39F
05/30 02:42, 39F
文章代碼(AID): #18FgfmYg (Lakers)