Unforgettable 81

看板Lakers作者 (62分只是暖身而已)時間18年前 (2006/01/23 21:54), 編輯推噓8(804)
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http://www.dailynews.com/lakers/ci_3428482 By the end of the third quarter on Sunday night at Staples Center, the story no longer was Kobe Bryant rescuing the Lakers from an embarrassing loss to the Toronto Raptors. It was Bryant playing one of the greatest games in NBA history. The Lakers trailed by 18 points at the start of the second half and the crowd was ready to explode in boos when Bryant took over in a way even he never has. He didn't stop until he had written his name alongside only Wilt Chamberlain in the record books. 在禮拜天的 Staples Center 當第三節結束時,這次的故事不再是 Kobe Bryant如何 變身拯救湖人隊免於敗給多倫多暴龍隊,而是 Bryant 如何用他的雙手寫下NBA歷史上 那嶄新的一頁. 湖人隊在第三節剛開始時還以18分落後給多倫多暴龍,且場邊的觀眾 正用他們的噓聲表示他們的不滿,於是 Bryant 決定他要自己來接管比賽來回應觀眾的 不滿,用他從未有過的表現,不斷的得分,得分再得分,直到他的名字只排在Chamberlain 的下面時他才罷手 Bryant, scored 55 points in the second half and finished with an incredible 81 in the Lakers' 122-104 victory. The only player to score more in the NBA was Chamberlain on his immortal 100-point night in Hershey, Pa., in March 1962. Bryant,在下半場拿下55分並且在最後攻下81分率領湖人隊以122-104贏得比賽,在NBA 的史上只有 Chamberlain 在1962年的3月在 Hershey 單場100分的紀錄是贏過他的 'It hasn't really sank in yet,' Bryant said. 'We have four days off coming up here and I would have been sick as a dog if we'd lost this game. So I just wanted to step up and inspire them to play a better game and it turned into something pretty special. "我們沒有繼續連敗下去" Bryant 說 " 我們到面臨下一場比賽即將會有四天的休息時間, 假如我們輸了這場比賽的話,那我會失望的像個頹廢的狗,所以我嘗試加快自己的腳步, 並且鼓舞其他隊友努力打出一場漂亮的比賽,沒想到會轉變成非常特別的結局" 'Not even in my dreams,' Bryant added about scoring 80. 'It's something that just kind of happened, it just happened. It's tough to explain. I don't know, it's just one of those things.' "這並不在我的夢想裡面" Bryant 對他拿下 80分時補充說到 "但事情就這樣發生了, 無預警的發生了,這很難去解釋,我不知道該怎麼解釋,我只是這件事情的其中一部份" When he checked out with 4.2 seconds left, Bryant and Lakers coach Phil Jackson shared a hug. Jackson sat Bryant for the six minutes at the start of the second quarter and watched his team fall behind by 14 in the process. 當他在比賽剩下4.2秒時離開場上走向板凳區時,Bryant 和 Phil Jackson 緊緊擁抱了 一下,Jackson 讓第二節前六分鐘時都讓 Bryant 在場下休息,眼睜睜的看著球隊落後到 14分 'To be honest with you, that's not exactly the way you want to have a team win a game,' Jackson said. 'But when you have to win a game, it's great to be able to have that weapon to do it with. "老實說,那不應該是你去贏得比賽的方式" Jackson 說 "但是當你要贏得一場比賽時, 那卻又是你贏得比賽時所需要的關鍵武器" 'I've seen some remarkable games, but I've never seen anything like that before. I wasn't keeping track what he had and I turned to one of my assistants, I said, I think I better take him out now. I think this is a time where I felt the game is sealed.' "我看過一些在歷史上留下紀錄的比賽,但我從來還沒看過像這場比賽這樣的,我沒辦法 做正常的思考於是我轉向詢問我的助理教練,我對他說,我認為我最好把他換下來,因為 是時候了比賽都已大致底定" He said, I don't think you can. He's got 77 points.' So we stayed with it until he hit 80.' Bryant, who scored 62 points in a game last month, also eclipsed Elgin Baylor's 45-year-old franchise record of 71 points. The only players to break 70 in NBA history are Chamberlain, David Robinson, David Thompson, Baylor and now Bryant. 他跟我說,我不認為你該那樣做,他已經得77分了,因此我們應該把他留在那裡直到他得到 80分. Bryant,在上個月的比賽中單場得到62分,而且也對 Elgin Baylor 單場71分 這個保持45年的紀錄埋下伏筆,在NBA歷史上有單場得超過70分的只有 Chamberlain, David Robinson, David Thompson, Baylor 和現在的這位 Bryant 'That was something to behold tonight, I tell you,' Jackson said. 'That was at another level.' ",我告訴你,那是今晚值得去關注的事情" Jackson 說 "那是歷史上的另外一種層次" If ever there was a game for the Lakers to reach the midpoint of their season , this was it. Bryant very well could wake up this morning having stolen the stage from the Super Bowl matchup between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle Seahawks. 假如這是一場湖人隊所想要在這季所創造的比賽,那就是這場了, Bryant 精湛的表現 能夠在今天早上醒來時把在超級盃對抗的 Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle Seahawks 的報紙頭條整個都竊取過來 Bryant shot 28 of 46 overall, 7 of 13 from 3-point range and 18 of 20 from the free-throw line. He had 14 points in the first quarter, 12 in the second, 27 in the third and 28 in the fourth. Bryant 全場46投28中,三分球投13中7,罰球投20中18,他分別在第一節拿下14分,第二節 12分,第三節27分,第四節28分 But Bryant said a phone call he took' in the locker room ' from Magic Johnson might have meant the most' on the night'. 但是 Bryant 說對他來說今晚對他最有意義的還是在休息室接到也見識到他今晚表現的 Magic Johnson 恭賀的電話 'That meant more to me than the game itself because I idolized him as a kid,' Bryant said, 'and for him to call me and tell me what a great game it was and how proud of me he is, that meant more to me than 81 points.' "對我來說這超過這場比賽的意義,因為我從小就把他當作我的偶像" Bryant 說 "當他打 給我並且跟我說這是一場非常精采的比賽,而且以我為榮時,那比我得到81分還更有意義" 'Bryant led Lakers back from 18 points down in the third. When he cut the lane and dunked off a pass from Lamar Odom with 31.9 seconds left in the quarter, the Lakers led 91-85. Bryant had 55 points, the rest of the Lakers had combined for 36. Bryant 帶領球隊在第三節時從18分的落後開始追趕,在第三節還剩下 31.9秒時他從 罰球線穿過人群接獲 Lamar Odom 的傳球灌籃得分,這時候湖人以91-85領先,在這節 湖人隊拿下36分 Bryant capped the third quarter by jumping to get a hand on a Mike James pass in the backcourt, beating Jose Calderon to the ball and throwing down a two-handed dunk all alone to put the Lakers in front 87-85. Bryant 在第三節時抄走 Mike James 在空中要傳給 Jose Calderon 的球,並且一個人 帶到後場灌籃得分帶領湖人隊以87-85領先 He went 11 of 15 in the quarter - - making only one trip to the line - - and narrowly missed breaking the franchise-record 30 points in a quarter he set only last month against Dallas. 他在這節15投11中,在罰球線上只有一球失誤沒進,而且他也沒有突破他在上個月對上 小牛隊時單節得30分的紀錄 Unlike his 62-point game against the Mavericks, however, Bryant got to play the fourth quarter. Bryant also took 16 free throws in the third quarter of that game, unlike Sunday's game. 沒像上一場對小牛隊拿下62分的那場比賽一樣,這一次 Bryant 在第四節時有上場比賽, Bryant 並且在那場比賽第三節時就光罰球罰進16球 The Lakers endured one of their worst stretches of the season with Bryant on the bench to start the second quarter. They were outscored 10-3, fell behind 46-32 and watched as Kwame Brown twice was called for three-second violations camping in the lane. Bryant also said the moment he shared with Jackson coming off the court was something special. 湖人隊在第二節 Bryant 在場下休息時打出了他們這季極遭的表現之ㄧ的比賽,他們在 這段時間總共10投3中,Kwame Brown 甚至被吹了兩次籃下三秒違例, Bryant 也提到在這個特別的 時候他是如何跟 Jackson 分享場上特別的表現 'It's special because we've been through so much,' Bryant said. 'We've been through so many battles, we've been through so many things. It's special for me because when I try to play the game, I try to please him. If he's happy with my performance, it makes me happy because I learned the game from him. "這是非常特別的一件事情因為我們曾經經歷過許多事情" Bryant 說 "我們曾經一起 經歷許多場戰爭,我們曾經面對過許多事情,對我來說這是非常特別的事情,因為我試著 打好一場比賽,我試著去取悅他,假如他對我的表現滿意的話,那會令我非常高興因為 我是跟他學習如何打好一場比賽的" 另外在這篇外電中 http://www.dailynews.com/lakers/ci_3420026 最令我喜歡的一句話是當記者問到我們家的肯德基爺爺,老大跟MJ的比較時 他這麼說到 Said Lakers coach Phil Jackson of the Jordan comparisons: "Ever since Kobe's established himself, he knows that he's a different player, it's a different legacy, and he's going to have his own legacy and not have to be compared to Michael." "自從 Kobe 開始創造自己的紀錄後,他知道他是個不一樣的球員,他留給後人評價的東西 是跟MJ不一樣的,他想要去擁有他自己的評價,而不是樣樣都拿去跟MJ比較" 以下是我的感言,not Phil....XDDD so,不要再說kobe是MJ的接班人了,我知道MJ的偉大,我也知道他在歷史上的定位是沒辦法 去動搖的,所以大家因為緬懷他的偉大試著在現役的球員中,尋找他的影子,但就像 AI說的,我走我自己的路,所以kobe是kobe,MJ是MJ,不要再把接班人這麼沉重的光環 放在他的頭上了,現在的老大正在走他自己的路...  -- http://www.wretch.cc/album/coldbume -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/23 23:56, , 1F
01/23 23:56, 1F

01/23 23:58, , 2F
01/23 23:58, 2F

01/24 00:11, , 3F
01/24 00:11, 3F

01/24 01:41, , 4F
但看到科比的中距離 就會讓我想到喬丹
01/24 01:41, 4F

01/24 01:57, , 5F
01/24 01:57, 5F

01/24 09:45, , 6F
01/24 09:45, 6F

01/24 10:25, , 7F
第三段的sank in 是fully understand的意思
01/24 10:25, 7F

01/24 10:26, , 8F
kobe是說自己too excited to know what this game realy mea
01/24 10:26, 8F

01/24 10:27, , 9F
too excited to know what this game really meant to him
01/24 10:27, 9F

01/24 13:24, , 10F
謝謝指正 我在想想要怎麼修改比較好
01/24 13:24, 10F

01/24 22:15, , 11F
01/24 22:15, 11F

01/24 22:35, , 12F
01/24 22:35, 12F
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