Re: KOBE賽後的談話

看板Lakers作者 (你是我的誰)時間20年前 (2004/06/17 03:14), 編輯推噓7(7010)
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這編譯不知在作什麼文 (還是轉文者有貼錯?) 看看原稿 ( 的比對吧 ※ 引述《Jaydavid (kobe)》之銘言: : 香港時間6月16日上午,主場作戰的底特律活塞隊在NBA總決賽第四場以100比87擊敗了洛杉 : 磯湖人隊,從而以總比分4-1獲得了2004年NBA總冠軍。在賽後的新聞發布會上,湖人球星 : 高比-高比接受了採訪。 :   問:在總決賽前,你們普遍被看好,認為你們最終奪冠是無法阻擋的,但是現在……這 : 究竟是為什麼?你們考慮過會出現這樣的結局嗎? :   高比:我們隊中有許多年輕隊員,他們的表現都非常出色,像盧基﹒沃頓、卡里姆﹒ : 拉什等等,他表現得都比我們要好。 Q: The Lakers were such overwhelming favorites coming in, what happened and could you ever have imagined not being more competitive in a five-game series? Bryant: Well, you know, we had to play crucial parts of the game with some of our young kids because of a couple injuries that we've had. But, nonetheless, I felt like they got in there and gave us a great effort. I think Slava gave us good effort, Brian Cook gave us good effort, Luke Walton gave us good effort, Kareem Rush gave us good effort. They just played better than we did. 他這句話重點是在 "you know, we had to play crucial parts of the game with some of our young kids, " 然後後面說這些年輕球員很盡力, 結果被搞得意思完全不對, 甚至問 與答看起來牛頭不對馬嘴. :   問:這種結局對你來說是一個噩夢嗎?我的意思是說你是否考慮過會出現這樣的結局 : ? :   高比:這只是一次失敗而已,這沒有什麼。 Q: Could you have imagined something like this happening in your worst night- mare? Bryant: You know, when I dream, I dream about winning, always. It's never about losing. 然後請對照上面的翻譯. 差很多. :   問:對手的整體戰術非常奏效,這是否讓你們很頭痛? :   高比:是的,他們打得是整體籃球,每個人都能夠發揮,在這一點上,我們做得沒有 : 他們好。 Q: Is it fair to say the final analysis that five does beat two, and also, that the role players on this year's team are really not up to par with the role players on the 3-Peat teams? Bryant: No, I don't want to be harsh on my guys at all, I really don't. They came in there and gave us a great effort. I'm going to stands up for them. I go to bat with them, any situation, any game, any in the world. We didn't get the job done. They came in, they gave us good effort, they played their hearts out, they played as hard as they could possibly play. So, you know , I can't sit up here and say that they beat us five-on-two or anything like that. We all go out there and we all play for one another, and we didn't get it done. As a collective unit, we didn't get it done. 照順序排下來應該是番自這段問答. 如果原作想說什麼僅可直說, 不必假借翻譯 Kobe 說話的名義. 看看 Kobe 倒底在談些什麼. :   問:今天雖然你們失敗了,但是你說你還會回來的,是嗎? :   高比:是的 Q: Just to clarify, you still intend to opt out? Bryant: Yes. 這應該是這段, 翻譯的可能真的英文不好. 不然就是別有用心. :   問:那就是說你還想繼續和沙克合作下去是嗎? :   高比:是的,我在這個隊里打得非常愉快,我們彼此之間都相處得非常融洽,配合也 : 很默契,我很喜歡湖人,也希望繼續留在湖人隊中。 Bryant: I loved playing for Phil. I learned so much from playing for Phil and playing with Shaquille, too. I think we've got a lot of great things accomplished despite our differences that we've had in the past. We've played extremely well together. We've had an incredible run. So I would not be opposed to playing with them forever. It's just not up to me. It's not my decision. 上面是 Kobe 的回答. 懶得說了. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 06/16, , 1F
“ would not be opposed”不反對? 06/16, 1F 06/16, , 2F 06/16, 2F 06/16, , 3F
但是不反對不代表非常願意 06/16, 3F 06/16, , 4F
只不過是沒把話說死而已 06/16, 4F 06/16, , 5F
"不反對" 和 "非常願意" 應該差很多吧 06/16, 5F 06/16, , 6F
他當然要成為FA才有機會加薪 06/16, 6F 06/16, , 7F
還差真多 06/16, 7F 06/16, , 8F
現在問他要不要去哪隊他都會說不反對吧 06/16, 8F 06/16, , 9F
有啊 如果記者問爵士的話 06/16, 9F 06/16, , 10F
只有爵士嗎?另外 可以問一下為什麼是爵士? 06/16, 10F 06/16, , 11F
我想我知道了 因為那邊很荒涼^^" 06/16, 11F 06/16, , 12F
KOBE好像曾說過他不喜歡JAZZ對馬龍的方式 06/16, 12F 06/16, , 13F
原翻譯翻的會不會差太多阿... 06/16, 13F

03/11 11:42, , 14F
爽啦 湖人輸球哭哭狗鼻吃屎哈哈哈 強暴犯狗鼻
03/11 11:42, 14F

03/11 11:42, , 15F
爽啦 湖人輸球哭哭狗鼻吃屎哈哈哈 強暴犯狗鼻
03/11 11:42, 15F

03/11 11:42, , 16F
爽啦 湖人輸球哭哭狗鼻吃屎哈哈哈 強暴犯狗鼻
03/11 11:42, 16F

03/11 11:42, , 17F
爽啦 湖人輸球哭哭狗鼻吃屎哈哈哈 強暴犯狗鼻
03/11 11:42, 17F
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