Re: [榜單] Born This Way 銷量討論 by HDD

看板LadyGaga作者 (yumemi25)時間13年前 (2011/06/08 23:59), 編輯推噓11(1104)
留言15則, 14人參與, 最新討論串4/5 (看更多)
※ 引述《briansix (布萊恩)》之銘言: : 專輯銷售數字 跟 排名 真的有這麼重要嗎? : 重要的是gaga的音樂跟gaga本身帶給你什麼感受吧? : 若會因為銷售數字跟排名而影響喜不喜歡這個藝人, : 那我想充其量只是盲目的追求者吧, : 聽著她的歌帶給我生活下去的動力,日復一日, : 看著她的表演使我覺得她一定很努力很努力,因此我也要加油, : 欣賞著她千變萬化的造型,讓我覺得我也應該要做我自己, : 購買她的專輯,只是我對她微不足道的支持而已, : 我又不是她的唱片公司,幹麻這麼計較專輯銷售跟排名!! 原po是被 Gaga 稱讚的小怪獸喔!!
"You know why... You know why you are the coolest fans in the whole world? I'll tell you why. ‘Coz I wrote this song out of the deepest, most pure happiest place in my heart, and I don't want nothing from you. I don't want you to buy it. I don't want you to pay me anything to listen to it. I'm not even gonna put it on iTunes. I wrote this song because I wanted to write a great record, and I wanted you to hear it just because I love you, and I know that all you care about is music and freedom, and that's why you're the best fans, because you have... ‘Coz you don't care. You don't care about the radio. You don't care about televison. You don't care about charts or albums sold. All you care about is how punk rock you feel when you wake up in the morning." 我同意推文裡板友們說的,對流行歌手來說專輯銷售數字跟排名真的滿重要的。 不過我也同意原po,粉絲擔心這些沒有用啊, 討論無妨,但若因此讓自己不開心甚至起爭執,對銷售和排名有什麼益處呢? 不如做點有實質幫助或讓自己開心的事,我想這是原po的本意吧? 而且 Gaga 說過,即使她不紅了,她還是會繼續創作繼續表演,就像她成名前一樣。 所以哪天她真的不紅了我也不怕,反正擔心也沒用, 我喜歡的那麼多歌手、那麼多首歌都沒在排行榜上啊,習慣就好~ 能做的做一做,其他的就算啦, Let's focus on GaGa and just enjoy her music :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/09 00:01, , 1F
06/09 00:01, 1F

06/09 00:09, , 2F
樓上~~ (抱
06/09 00:09, 2F

06/09 00:14, , 3F
Gaga 是很強大的人, 她會知道怎麼做調整的, 不用太擔心
06/09 00:14, 3F

06/09 00:22, , 4F
她這回應讓我更愛她了 〒△〒
06/09 00:22, 4F

06/09 01:09, , 5F
06/09 01:09, 5F

06/09 01:33, , 6F
06/09 01:33, 6F

06/09 01:57, , 7F
06/09 01:57, 7F

06/09 02:11, , 8F
06/09 02:11, 8F

06/09 02:11, , 9F
06/09 02:11, 9F

06/09 09:17, , 10F
06/09 09:17, 10F

06/09 11:37, , 11F
請問how punk rock you feel 這句的意思 thx
06/09 11:37, 11F

06/09 13:56, , 12F
這回應也太感人 看得我都想哭了QQ
06/09 13:56, 12F

06/09 18:45, , 13F
06/09 18:45, 13F

06/09 20:48, , 14F
06/09 20:48, 14F

06/11 18:31, , 15F
06/11 18:31, 15F
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