[閒聊] 卜式幽默

看板L_Block作者 (帥勞勃道尼 >///<)時間13年前 (2011/02/19 21:11), 4年前編輯推噓9(908)
留言17則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
唉 果然隔了一陣子再來 這個板還是好冷清阿 >"< 不過不管怎樣還是先問個安 XD 話說最近我在向一位朋友推廣Block的書 擷取了一些Hit List裡 我覺得充滿笑點的段落給她看 像是 page 275 (我省略並修改了一些文句 應該不影響閱讀) Keller: That's the part I don't like. Throwing darts at a phone book. Dot: You don't throw darts at a phone book. You throw darts at a map. Keller: How would that work? Dot: It wouldn't, unless you were looking for a place to go. You throw a dart and it lands on some place, and you go there. But if what you're looking for is a person, you don't use darts. You take a phone book and flip it open at random and jab with your finger. Keller: That's what I ment = = Dot: You said darts. 另外還有 page 276 Keller: Some guy you know? Dot: Not a guy Keller: A woman? Dot: What are you, a sexist? It's an equal-oppertunity world. A woman has as much right to get killed as anybody else. 之後又大酸特酸了一下 policeman/policewoman 的梗 XD 我覺得Block最拿手的就是這些 廢話連篇的纏夾不清 XDDD 說實在的 還滿有桃谷六仙的風格 XDDD 每次看到這種句子 都會笑到不行 XDDD 不過我又認為 Block 的這種幽默好難定義 時常帶點諷刺, 但是又不太刺骨, 有點酸 有點像鄉民 但是又不會太極端 (比如說鄉民常常酸記者, Block也不例外 在240頁 Keller說了: "I think it makes it real.", Keller said. "You'll see some woman, her baby gets eaten by a coyote, and some reporter sticks a microphone in her face and asks her how she feels." "And instead of telling him to go fuck himself, like you'd think a normal human being would do--") 有沒有人要來定義一下呢? 還是就偷懶一下 稱之為 卜氏幽默? XD 也順便討論一下大家喜歡的句子或段落吧 -- 《It was, he noted, a two-and-a-half-car garage, which was handy, he thought, if you happen to have two and a half cars.》 □■Hit List■□ by Lawrence Block -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/19 23:46, , 1F
02/19 23:46, 1F

02/20 01:33, , 2F
推一下 XD
02/20 01:33, 2F

02/20 02:46, , 3F
可是 我比較喜歡史卡德系列的幽默~
02/20 02:46, 3F

02/21 11:59, , 4F
02/21 11:59, 4F

02/21 12:00, , 5F
02/21 12:00, 5F

02/21 12:01, , 6F
就算是讓人笑不太出來的困境也有辦法幽默 我好愛這點
02/21 12:01, 6F

02/21 14:52, , 7F
XD 我這兩天看'殺手打帶跑'也是噗雌連連 還覺得自己笑點太低
02/21 14:52, 7F

02/22 13:02, , 8F
卜氏幽默充滿人生哲理啊 我很愛XD
02/22 13:02, 8F

02/24 03:03, , 9F
Hit List 看完 現在在看 Hit Man (當初不清楚順序 好像看顛
02/24 03:03, 9F

02/24 03:03, , 10F
倒了 = =") 看到therapy那邊簡直笑死我 Keller太帥啦 XDDDDD
02/24 03:03, 10F

02/24 03:04, , 11F
我還把特別有感觸的段落都一個字一個字PO到個板 結果發現幾
02/24 03:04, 11F

02/24 03:04, , 12F
乎要製作整本電子書了 XDDDD)
02/24 03:04, 12F

02/24 10:59, , 13F
HIT MAN的確是先出的沒錯(中文版)
02/24 10:59, 13F

02/24 11:00, , 14F
這種嘴巴很賤(稱讚意味) 也是繼承冷硬派語不驚人死不休吧
02/24 11:00, 14F

03/10 01:51, , 15F
03/10 01:51, 15F

03/10 01:53, , 16F
03/10 01:53, 16F

08/05 21:21, , 17F
08/05 21:21, 17F
※ 編輯: Raist ( 臺灣), 11/15/2019 00:36:43
文章代碼(AID): #1DNy6JPL (L_Block)