[情報] 8/13道奇台灣業贈票活動

看板LA作者 (123])時間13年前 (2011/07/23 14:35), 編輯推噓3(302)
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道奇台灣夜臉書贈票活動開跑 想去的人到tourtaiwan的粉絲頁參加吧 這次的道奇台灣夜票包括限量毯子一件、20美金的食物和飲料兌換卷 當天還有20000張限量郭泓志海報贈送 購票網址:http://losangeles.dodgers.mlb.com/la/ticketing/taiwan.jsp Facebook 贈票活動辦法如下: Put on your Taiwan badge and come to the Dodgers Stadium! On 8/13, we want to celebrate Taiwan Night with you! Just follow the instruction below then you’ll get the chance to win Dodgers tickets and have a great time with us! Step 1. Go to http://www.picbadges.com/la-dodgers-taiwan-night-2/1952266/?&login=1#. Step 2. Click “add to your profile picture.” Step 3. Put on Dodgers Taiwan Night badge with your profile picture. Step 4. Then click “publish on facebook.” Step 5. Go to your facebook then choose the picture you just create as your profile picture. Step 6. Click “attend” the Taiwan Night event post on facebook. Step 7. Congratulation! You are officially one of our Dodgers Taiwan Night supporters and possibly the lucky winners to Taiwan Night event at the Dodgers Stadium. Rewards: 10 lucky winner will be randomly selected at the end of the event. 5 of you are the prize winners of “8/13 Taiwan Night Tickets for 2”, while the rest will be the winners for limited edition “Hong-Chih Kuo Bubblehead.” Event ends at 12:00PM PST August 1, 2011. All 10 lucky winners will be announced at 17:00 PST August 1, 2011. <Terms and conditions> 1. Each ticket package includes a Taiwan Tourism and LA Dodger dual logo limited edition fleece blanket and a $20 food voucher. 2. Location: Section: 8RS & 10RS 3. Only U.S. residents are eligible to participate the Tour Taiwan Fanpage event. 4. Participants MUST set the “Dodgers Taiwan Night” badge photo as their profile picture to be eligible for the lucky draw. 5. Tour Taiwan Fanpage will send out the prizes via courier to the 10 lucky winners by August 4, 2011. 6. Tour Taiwan Fanpage reserves all rights to monitor the page. 7. Tour Taiwan Fanpage will contact the 10 winners via Facebook message to get the contact information. Please keep checking your Facebook inbox if you are announced as the winners, or you can contact us at facebook@taiwantourism.us if you don’t receive any Facebook message from us. 8. Winners can’t be reached by 17:00 PST August 3, 2011 will be disqualified and lose their winning prizes. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/23 15:09, , 1F
"Only U.S. residents are eligible" ???
07/23 15:09, 1F

07/23 15:43, , 2F
where can i find the "attend" the event?
07/23 15:43, 2F

07/23 16:44, , 3F
07/23 16:44, 3F

07/24 02:15, , 4F
07/24 02:15, 4F

07/24 17:16, , 5F
07/24 17:16, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1EAcl8r2 (LA)
文章代碼(AID): #1EAcl8r2 (LA)