[閒聊] 小島E3訪談

看板Kojima作者 (魯凱)時間12年前 (2012/06/16 02:22), 編輯推噓13(1302)
留言15則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Hideo Kojima is seemingly stuck in a never-ending whirlwind of travel, events, and signings, on top of his duties as a producer at Konami. Despite his rigorous schedule, a handful of journalists were given the opportunity to discuss the 25th anniversary of Metal Gear, and per instructions, nothing more. Yet, he still manages to delve into the past, present, and potential future of the series that has influenced an entire generation of fans and developers. 身職在KONAMI的製作,小島秀夫看似沉浸在無止盡的奔波、事件、還有簽名的的漩渦之中 儘管他的行程是如此的密集,還是有少數的媒體獲得參與討論MGS 25周年紀念的機會。 不過小島仍然試著專注於探究這個系列作在過去、現今甚至可能的未來中,對整個世代的 玩家與開發者的影響 I think that you guys are doing a really great job doing a spin-off of a well-known series. How far do you go when doing that? I mean, it's not like it's [Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance], a Metal Gear spin-off that's attached to the series; it's a completely new genre. Do you enjoy going for a completely new genre? 我覺得你們對於這個知名系列的spin-off※實在太棒了,你們花了多少力氣去達到現在的 成果?我的意思是說MGRR不同於過去的作品,它是一個全新的遊戲類型,你們樂於往一個 嶄新的遊戲類型發展嗎? ※原文用的spin-off字典上的意思是指分公司,小弟我的解讀認為在遊戲媒體中的用法比 較介於重開機與續作之間的定義,就已MGRR為例,它是繼承MGS的劇情架構及一些設定但 並不屬於續作,可是又不算是重開機,一時不知道有什麼合適的中文名詞,所以就以原字 呈現。 感謝板友Rhevas建議spin-off可翻為"分支作品"或"外傳" Up till now, it's always been that with new Metal Gear entries. Whenever I've tried to hand it off to younger developers, perhaps they weren't able to handle the pressure, which is why I've always kept Metal Gear to myself up to this point. I thought that with Raiden as the main character, if it would be a spin-off, maybe there would be less pressure on the team and they could handle it. So, I handed it over to them, and they came up with the idea, actually, of the free cutting system and having it in an action game, and that's why I left it to them, and that's how the game got started. 對於Metal Gear的新要素一直都是如此。每當我試著將其交棒給年輕的開發者,或許是 因為他們無法承受這壓力,以前我只能將Metal Gear一手包辦,我想如果是spin-off的話 並且以Raiden當主角,他們的壓力或許就比較小一點並且應付得來,我給他們這個主意, 而他們就想出了動作遊戲搭配自由斬切的這個想法,所以我就交付給他們接手了,這遊戲 就是這樣開始的 How did you manage the translation of the HD remaster from the 4:3 format to the 16:9 widescreen format, in terms of internal changes? 你們是如何HD化原本4:3的格式將它拉成16:9的寬銀幕比例呢? It was actually a difficult process because once you make the screen wider, you end up seeing things that you shouldn't be able to see, which was actually a big problem in Metal Gear Solid 2, so we had to go through, scene by scene, and adjust things. One other thing we thought about doing, was putting a 3D camera in Metal Gear Solid 2, and bring it up to date that way, but unfortunately, since the game was originally designed with a top-down camera, once we brought it down to the player's level where you could look around and move, then it created a lot of problems in terms of seeing things that you weren't supposed to see, which is why we ended up sticking to the top-down camera. For each scene, to bring it up to HD standards in general, on in-game computers where you see lots of details within textures for example, at the time, we didn't really care what it said because you couldn't read it anyway, but now that we have such high resolutions, we had to go back and say, "OK, what was this thing supposed to say?" in terms of text, and we had to fix that. 這實際上是一個非常困難的過程,一但你將銀幕拉的更寬,你會看到許多本來不該看到的 東西,在MGS2中成為一個大問題,所以我們必須要一個個分鏡去調整,我們曾經試過直接 放上一個3D的視點在遊戲中,但不幸的是,因為原本的設計就是俯視,一但變成可以觀看 四周和移動的第一人稱視點,就產生許多玩家不應該看到的東西,這也是為什麼我們還是 改回俯視視角。在每個分鏡HD的過程中,以遊戲中出現的電腦畫面為例,過去我們不用管 畫面中到底要顯示什麼,反正玩家根本看不到,但現在解析度提升了,我們必須回頭解決 這些文字訊息的問題然後開始想:「好吧,現在電腦應該要說什麼?」 Staying on Metal Gear Solid 2, you know, a lot of work went into keeping the big reveal over playing as Raiden from fans, and not everybody took kindly to that switch once it happened. Were you surprised at the reactions, and do you have any regrets about that, and do you love Raiden? 在MGS2中,Raiden變成主角在粉絲中造成了很大的反應,而且不是每個玩家都喜歡這樣的 轉變,你對於這些反應很意外嗎?有沒有任何遺憾?喜歡Raiden這個角色嗎? (小弟翻的跟字面翻譯相差很多,因為直翻過來感覺超奇怪,所以就用了小弟我自己的 理解翻了) So, first of all, I want to make it clear that in the original Metal Gear Solid, Snake was this really awesome, legendary character. So to explain why I went with Raiden in part two, it made more sense that way. If you have this legendary character that comes into the sequel, and you explain that all of a sudden he dies, from a story perspective, it doesn't really make sense, and it feels out of place, so that's why we felt the need to introduce a new character to the story. Another level of that is we wanted new players to come in on Metal Gear Solid 2, so if we have new players coming in with this already established character, it just didn't feel like a good fit, so that's why we decided it would make more sense if you have new players coming in, to start them off with this new character, have them learn Raiden. As far as regrets, personally, I don't really like Raiden, per se, but Shinkawa-san really does like Raiden's character design. 首先我要先聲明在MGS1中,Snake是一個很棒的傳奇角色,這樣解釋Raiden在MGS2中更為 合理,如果你讓這個傳奇般的角色出現在續作中,但卻又突然發它便當,以故事的角度來 講說不過去,感覺非常不合理,這也是為什麼在劇情上我們需要一個新的角色,另外一點 則是我們希望有更多新玩家加入MGS2,但又要他們融入舊有的角色感覺不是很合適,所以 讓這些新玩家從一個新的角色開始,讓他們認識Raiden,會是一個比較恰當的方式。至於 說到遺憾,我個人真的不喜歡Raiden,但是新川桑倒是很喜歡Raiden的角色設計 For me, personally, the 25th anniversary has reinvigorated my interest in the Metal Gear series. Since you've taken on the role of producer, has the anniversary given you the motivation to get involved with the hands-on development of the future of Metal Gear? 對我個人來說,25周年紀念又重燃了我對Metal Gear系列的興趣,身為製作人的角色,這 次周年紀念有給你未來親自開發Metal Gear的動機嗎? I can't announce anything, but you know, I am making my own game right now, so I'm focusing on that. And, you know, I'm really busy with that project, so that's why I can't provide any new info. 我無法公布任何訊息(每次都這句…),但你知道的,我正在製作我自己的遊戲,所以我也 專注在那上面,為了這個計劃我也相當忙碌,這也是為什麼我無法提供任何新的資訊。 In the past 25 years, how has what influenced you changed from 1987 to now? What influences you now compared to what influenced you then? 在過去的25年中是什麼東西影響你?現今與過去影響你的事物有何不同? It's a hard question to answer, because I'm influenced by everything, you know, current events, things that are going on in the world, things that I've experienced with my family. All these things change, so everything is totally different. One thing that I do kind of regret is that I'm always so busy now so I don't have as much time for games as I used to. That's one thing I really want to try to do again, you know--play more games. 這很難說,任何事物都會影響我,現在發生的事物、我與家人的經歷,這些事情都會改變 ,所以所有事情都不同了。有一件讓我覺得比較可惜的是因為現在一直很忙碌,使得我少 了很多時間給遊戲,這是我一直很想可以再做到的──可以打更多電動。 When you started with Metal Gear, when you built that game, did you think it was going to spawn this franchise and a spin-off, or did you just do it as one game? 當你在製作Metal Gear的時候,你有想過往後會有這麼多後續的作品嗎?還是當初只計畫 一個單獨的遊戲? So, you know, I absolutely had no idea that it would take off the way it did, and I approached every game thinking it was the last one in the series. This is especially true with Metal Gear Solid 1, you know. When I approached the game and started making the game, I didn't give any thought to any kind of business after that, so you know, I just made the game I wanted to make. So what came after Metal Gear Solid 1? I got more involved with the production side of it, so from that point on, things began to change a little bit, and maybe you noticed a difference. 我絕對沒有想過會發展成現在這個樣子,我著手每個遊戲都當成是該系列的最後一個作品 ,特別是MGS1,當我開始動工時我壓根沒有任何後續的想法,我只做我想做的遊戲,所以 MGS1之後如何?我開始了更多製作人方面的工作,從那時起,事情開始有了些改變而或許 你注意到了那變化。 In your 25 years as a developer, you've developed a very passionate fan base. What does that mean to you personally in terms of pressure, but also, pride? 在你25年的遊戲開發生涯中,你建立起了一個非常熱情的粉絲基礎,這對你來說有什麼意 義?壓力?還是自豪? I wouldn't describe it as pressure, you know. Obviously I want fans of the series to appreciate each new chapter, but at the same time I kind of want to betray their expectations as well, so I'm always walking that fine line of keeping fans happy while shaking things up a bit, but I wouldn't describe it as pressure. It's something a little different. 我不會把它當成是一種壓力,很明顯地我想要讓粉絲們體會到每個新的開始,但同時我也 某種程度希望可以背叛他們的期待,所以我一直維持著讓粉絲們滿意卻又給他們一點驚喜 ,這與壓力有些不同。 There are always rumors about Metal Gear 5, and though I'm not going to ask about that, my question is, have you ever considered making a story that just focuses on the Cobra Unit from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater? 雖然一直有關於MGS5的謠言,但我不打算多問,我想問的是你有考慮過打造一個專注於 MGS3中眼鏡蛇小隊的情節嗎?(這樣不是繞一圈還是要問MGS5嗎…?) So, I think I did explain this before in a past interview, but after Metal Gear Solid 4, I did have a plan to make a game that focused on the Cobra Unit. It would focus on the young cobra unit as they stormed the beach of Normandy and that whole story, but, you know, I couldn't take that story and give it to the team because there's a little too much pressure, and the younger guys didn't feel like they could do it properly. That's why it became Rising instead. Personally, I really do like that [Cobra Unit] storyline. So, because the staff said, "No we can't handle that," it became a spin-off. 我想我在過去的訪談中解釋過,在MGS4之後我的確有計畫製作一個專注於眼鏡蛇小隊的 新遊戲,重心將會放在年輕時橫掃諾曼地海灘的眼鏡蛇小隊,但我沒辦法將這個故事交付給 工作團隊,不僅壓力太大,而且他們也自覺無法勝任,所以後來才成為MGRR。我個人很 喜歡這個情節,因為工作團隊表示:「不,我們沒辦法搞定」,所以就成了一個spin-off We have the HD collection on consoles, and the HD collection will soon be out on the Vita. My question is, do you have any plans for distribution of older, harder-to-find games, such as Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel for the GameBoy Color? HD版本已經出現在家機上,很快地也要在VITA上發行,對於更舊的遊戲有什麼計畫嗎? 例如Game Boy Color的Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel At the current point in time, no. We feel that we've covered the core franchise with revisiting the games in the HD collection as well as with Snake Eater on the 3DS. 現階段來說,沒有,我們認為HD版和3DS上的MGS3已經涵蓋了這個作品的核心了 So, why was the decision made to not include Twin Snakes in the HD collection? 那為什麼HD版中沒有加入Twin Snakes(孿蛇)? So you know, the thing with Twin Snakes, well, in regards to the original game, the graphics are very low quality, it would have been very hard to make an HD remaster of that game [Metal Gear Solid]. It would have been a total remake at that point. As far as why we didn't include Twin Snakes, that's a complicated situation. You know, it's a game, based on a game that I made, but it's not my game. It was by Silicon Knights. It's someone else's vision of my game. I felt that if I were to remake that, it wouldn't be my vision, and ultimately wouldn't be fair to the creators of Twin Snakes. 對於原來的遊戲(指MGS1)來說,畫質非常的低落,要將其HD化非常困難,幾乎要完全重製 ,至於為什麼沒有包含Twin Snake則是一個複雜的情況,它的確是一個根據我的作品所 開發出來的遊戲,但並非是我的遊戲,而是Silicon Knights公司的,是別人對於我的遊戲 的觀點,我認為如果我加入Twin Snake的話,那就不會是以我的角度出發,而且對於 Twin Snake的製作者來說也是不公平的。 In Metal Gear Solid 2, we saw a change from Metal Gear Solid, in terms of the complicated plot. Do you prefer the more interesting and complicated twists, or the lighter, straightforward style of storytelling? 在MGS2中,我們看到了一些不同於MGS1的改變,一些更複雜的情結,你比較傾向更錯縱 複雜的方式還是比較直接了當的敘述方法? It's not one or the other. I like both, and my approach, I was reacting to how fans responded. People loved the first MGS, and it had a fairly complicated story, but then I felt motivated to make something even deeper and complicated in MGS2, but then people said that maybe that's a little too complicated, so then I kind of pulled back and made it more straightforward, focusing on narrative in Snake Eater. But you know, either way, it's all different angles and perspectives on the story I want to tell. I don't want to focus on one or the other. I just want to tell the story that I want to tell. 這不是非黑即白的情形,我兩者都喜歡,我根據粉絲的回應來決定,大家都愛MGS1,而它 也有一個足夠複雜的故事,但接著再MGS2我想要做出某種更深更複雜的東西,不過人們 認為那有點太複雜了,所以在MGS3中我又拉回成更直接一點敘述方式,但不管如何這些都是 我想要訴說這故事的不同角度,我不想太堅持與某一種形式,我只想用我自己的方法說 故事。 小弟已盡我所能讓翻譯不離其意,有些字句不知如何解釋在不影響原意的情形下,請原諒 小弟我擅自省略,有任何批評指教都十分歡迎,雖然說好不容易潛龍系列有在E3中亮相, 不過好像也沒有太多的情報文,最後附上文章來源:http://tinyurl.com/7h3dnye -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jerryklu 來自: (06/16 02:30)

06/16 06:57, , 1F
06/16 06:57, 1F

06/16 07:17, , 2F
06/16 07:17, 2F

06/16 09:15, , 3F
06/16 09:15, 3F

06/16 09:46, , 4F
06/16 09:46, 4F

06/16 10:09, , 5F
06/16 10:09, 5F

06/16 12:22, , 6F
推! 不過有錯字~ 25周年影響你的現"金"與過去 還是推
06/16 12:22, 6F

06/16 12:36, , 7F
06/16 12:36, 7F

06/16 12:59, , 8F
06/16 12:59, 8F

06/16 13:02, , 9F
推熱血翻譯!! 這篇讚!!
06/16 13:02, 9F

06/16 13:13, , 10F
現金wwww 難怪覺得哪裡怪怪的
06/16 13:13, 10F

06/17 01:01, , 11F
06/17 01:01, 11F

06/18 14:26, , 12F
06/18 14:26, 12F

06/18 14:45, , 13F
06/18 14:45, 13F

06/18 21:01, , 14F
不止嫌 還直接讓他加入肛肛好的行列XD
06/18 21:01, 14F

06/19 19:56, , 15F
06/19 19:56, 15F
野生的大師出現了啊~~~~<(_ _)> ※ 編輯: jerryklu 來自: (06/22 17:09)
文章代碼(AID): #1Fsts2Nd (Kojima)