[外電] 老砍比惡整靠譜蘭,好戲還在後頭呢!

看板Knicks作者 (LarryC)時間11年前 (2012/12/13 13:55), 編輯推噓22(22016)
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Camby hazes Cope, and he's not done yet 老砍比惡整靠譜蘭,好戲還在後頭呢! Source: http://is.gd/BE71Kb By Jared Zwerling | ESPNNewYork.com The Knicks entered the season with an average age of 31.2 -- the oldest in NBA history. Even their youngest rookie, Chris Copeland, is 28 years old. 尼克以史上最高齡31.2歲進入新球季,甚至連最年輕的菜鳥克里斯.靠譜蘭也有28歲囉。 But in Marcus Camby's eyes, Copeland is still a rookie. 但是在老砍比的眼裡,靠譜蘭的菜味還是重得很吶。 This season, the backup center has been in charge of Copeland's rookie hazing. If you catch the young fella in the locker room before games, where he usually is watching film of the opponent, you'll see Camby's biggest influence. 在新球季裡,給新人震撼教育的工作落在了替補中鋒的手裡。如果你在比賽前能在更衣間 遇到這總是在觀看對手影片小伙子,你將親眼目睹老砍比的傑作。 Copeland has to bring a Disney Princess bright-pink backpack to every game. Camby said one of his daughters -- he has two, Maya and Milan -- actually thought it was for her when he bought it. 每場比賽靠譜蘭都背著大粉紅的迪士尼公主背包。有兩個小蘿莉(瑪雅和米蘭)的砍比說 "我買包包的時候,我女兒還以為是送給她的呢。" "She's like, 'Oh daddy, you bought me a new bookbag!'" said Camby, who did the same thing to Blake Griffin when he was a rookie in 2008 with the Clippers. "And I was like, 'Nah, that's for a guy on our team.' And she was like, 'But he's a boy.' And I was like, 'I know. He has to wear this bookbag.'" "'她高興的說,喔耶!爹地給我買了新包包耶! 我告訴她 '不是啦,這是給爹地隊上的菜 鳥背的' 她又跟我說 '可是他明明是男生呀' 我只好跟他說 '我知道,但是這菜逼八非得 背著它不可'"。而2008年還在快艇的砍比也對菜鳥幹籃哥做了同樣的好事。 At first, Copeland was embarrassed carrying the accessory, but he's now comfortable with it -- well, at least for the time being. 剛開始時,背著這大粉紅包的靠譜蘭覺得丟臉斃了,但是久而久之,他反而覺得背著它通 體舒暢、神清氣爽、自信瀟灑,連投籃都百發百中了呢。好啦,至少目前他感覺還不差。 "I have a good time with it, honestly," he said. "It took me so long to get here (to the NBA). I'm having fun with the whole process, even if it's at my expense. Everybody has a good time with it, but I can't wait to get rid of it." "老實講,我還蠻享受的呢" 靠譜蘭說"我花費了好久的時間才能進入NBA的世界,我享受 這裡的一切,好壞我照單全收。況且大家都很開心,但是如果可以的話,我恨不得現在就 丟了這蠢包包。" Copeland said he had never been hazed in his previous five years playing in the D-League, Belgium, Germany, Holland and Spain. He said it's more of an American tradition, which is why the team hasn't hazed rookie point guard Pablo Prigioni, a 35-year-old from Argentina. 靠譜蘭說在過去的五年裡從沒被新人震撼教育過,包括在NBDL、比利時、德國、荷蘭以及 西班牙。他表示這比較像是美國的傳統文化,所以35歲的阿根廷新人老PP就不用承受這一 切。 "It's a different culture," Copeland said. "I've taken part in some hazing, but I never got hazed. ... In the D-League [in 2006-07], I was a rookie, and they had me get some towels or something a couple times." 靠譜蘭說"這就是文化的差異囉,我曾經參與過惡整,但可從沒真正被惡整過吶。在NBDL 我曾是新人,但也不過就斟茶遞水送毛巾的小事而已" Fortunately for Copeland, Camby has gone light on the small forward, like also having him wear a tuxedo once to a home game with sneakers. 幸好靠譜蘭家裡有燒好香,老砍比對這小前鋒手下留情,像是只讓他在主場比賽穿著燕尾 服配球鞋。 "I've heard a lot of stories," Copeland said. "I won't say names, but they tell me stories of some of the stuff they had to go through. Like one guy had to wake up at six in the morning and go find like some Turkish coffee, for example." "我聽了好多故事了" 靠譜蘭說"我絕不會說漏嘴是誰,他們告訴我好多他們曾經經歷過的 故事,像是清晨六點被挖起床去買杯純正土耳其咖啡等等。" However, Copeland knows it's a long season. 不管如何,靠譜蘭知道球季還長的很。 "I'm sure there's a lot more things to come," he said, laughing. 他笑著說 "我肯定他們不會就此善罷甘休的" You better believe it. Hear it from Camby first. 你最好相信靠譜蘭。但我們先聽聽砍比怎麼說 "I'm looking into this costume he has to wear on that flight from New York to L.A. for Christmas," he said, speaking softly in the locker room before the Nets game on Tuesday, so Copeland couldn't hear about five seats away. "I'll take pictures and tweet it out. I gave him an option. I said, 'Do you want to be a bumblebee or a lady bug?' He chose bumblebee, so I'm going with the lady bug (laughs)." "我超期待聖誕節飛往LA路途上要給那小子穿的服裝啦" 週二對決籃網賽前的砍比在更衣 室輕聲細語的說著,就怕被相隔幾張椅子遠的靠譜蘭聽見。"我一定會照下來放在推特上 ,而且我還有給他選擇的權利吶。我問他是比較喜歡大黃蜂還是小瓢蟲?他說我是堂堂男 子漢,當然喜歡大黃蜂。哈哈哈..那我就讓他穿小瓢蟲。" 靠譜蘭表示: 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 Camby was never hazed because he was on the expansion Raptors team in 1996, but he's sure having fun with the process now as a veteran. 砍比的生涯從沒被惡整過,96菜鳥年的他待的是剛剛才成立的暴龍隊,而身為老將的他 卻很享受現在這一切。 "Everybody was new in Toronto, so I lucked out," he said, laughing. 砍比笑著說"在多倫多,大家都一樣菜,哈哈..超爽DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" 請雙手合十替靠譜蘭默哀......阿門! -- ◥◥◥◥◤◤◤◤ 哼,不痛不癢的,怎麼可能.. ◥▇▆▅▄▂◤ ●∕ . ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▆▅▄▃▂ ◤"" ╱) _ζ′ 啊啊啊啊啊啊!!! 你已經射了。 ▋◥◣▁◢◤╱ ▏ ∕╲ ▁▃▂▁ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▉ ▁◢/ ▇▆▅▆ gayb -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/13 13:58, , 1F
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12/13 14:02, , 4F
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12/13 14:08, , 6F
這篇真的很觸咪...小瓢蟲 哈哈
12/13 14:08, 6F

12/13 14:12, , 7F
http://twitpic.com/bb6ts3 附上老坎比挑的包包 XDD
12/13 14:12, 7F

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12/13 14:16, , 10F
http://tinyurl.com/b82yhlh 很壞的坎比!!
12/13 14:16, 10F

12/13 14:17, , 11F
還有早上6點被挖起床也超狠的XD 我肯定是翻臉了XDD
12/13 14:17, 11F

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12/13 14:39, , 18F
好用歸好用 但還是......http://i.imgur.com/CQppP.jpg
12/13 14:39, 18F

12/13 14:40, , 19F
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12/13 14:43, , 20F
靠XDDD 原來包包是坎比挑的XDDDD 超賤哈哈
12/13 14:43, 20F

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12/13 15:07, , 25F
難怪dj一早就搶著要翻這篇,果然跟你的形像很符合 XDDDDDD
12/13 15:07, 25F

12/13 15:09, , 26F
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12/13 15:15, , 27F
dj你超壞!! XDD 老坎比形象都快被破壞光啦 XD
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12/13 19:48, , 34F
還會讓他們幫忙拿行李打個小工 XD
12/13 19:48, 34F

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12/13 22:29, , 36F
我梭 有投有進啦...
12/13 22:29, 36F

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12/13 23:52, 38F
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