Re: [閒聊] No.48 Kostas Papanikolaou

看板Knicks作者 (lest83)時間12年前 (2012/06/29 14:44), 編輯推噓24(24030)
留言54則, 13人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
附上一些新聞 還有GG現身說法 Knicks pick Greek power forward; Nets add three in second round 尼克挑選希臘的PF(不過資料上說他是SF) 只翻重點 Papanikolauo will remain in Greece for at least the next season, but the 6-foot-8, 21-year-old, who plays for Olympiacos, has a buyout which could bring him to New York in 2013-14. "爸爸你夠老"下一季應該還會呆在希臘... 但6-8 21歲 的他 尼克可能會買斷它 讓他在2013-2014賽季可以過來(簡單說沒意外的話要下一年才看得到了= =) “We think he's a good player and we think he's going to get better,” said Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald. “We think it's an investment in our future. He's a guy who got better over the course of this season. He wound up being in the EuroLeague Final Four. GG:"我們認為他是個很棒的球員 而且還會變得更好" 我們認為這對於我們的未來是項投資 他這一季變得比之前更好了在歐洲聯賽" “Given where we are with our team and where we're trying to go, it's unlikely we were going to draft anyone at 48 who was going to step in and immediately contribute. So we felt this player would be a player who can grow overseas. He has at least one more year on his contract. We'll evaluate him next year and we'll decide when to bring him over. He's also a good asset because he is an excellent player.” "有鑒於我們現在的陣容 我們試圖去改善他 我們打算在48順位挑到一個可以 馬上加入然後做出貢獻這是不可能的 所以我們認為這名球員會在海外繼續成長 他的合約至少還有一年 我們會評估他明年的狀態 我們就會決定把他帶回來 他是個不錯的資產(投資) 因為他是個很棒的球員!" Grunwald said that the Knicks' salary structure was a factor, but that Papanikolaou was also the highest player on the board. But the Knicks' fate for 2012-13 wasn't going to rest on this pick. GG說:"尼克的薪資結構是個原因 但"爸爸你夠老"也是檯面上最高的球員 但尼克2012-13賽季的命運不是依靠在這之選秀上面 尼克的命運在鳥權聽證會上 “We want to keep [Lin and Novak],” Grunwald said. “We want to keep Landry and we want to keep JR Those are our four free agents that we want to keep. They're all valuable players.” GG說:"我們想要留下LIN跟NOVAK 也想留下LF跟JR 這就是我們目前的四大自由球員 他們都是有價值的球員!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glen Grunwald, in his first draft as general manager, used the 48th overall pick to select Kostas Papanikolaou, a 6-foot-8 forward who plays for Olympiacos in his native Greece. Grunwald made the pick with the understanding that Papanikolaou may not come to the NBA for another two years. 這是GG在尼克的第一戰 他選了希臘人 "爸爸你夠老" 但這個人這兩年可能都不會來 NBA(除非尼克明年買斷他 100萬美金) 題外話"爸爸你夠老"會打奧運(希臘國家隊) 有可能對上瓜瓜或LBJ..大家可以觀察一下XD 補充一下 Of course, the Knicks could have declared themselves winners earlier in the day when a source confirmed that the NBA and its players union were close to reaching a settlement in the Bird rights case. An agreement would all but assure two Knicks free agents, Jeremy Lin and Steve Novak, of re-signing with the club. 在尼克可以公佈他們選到誰的時候 有一個情報確認NBA聯盟幾乎已經跟工會 達成鳥權協議了 (這裡有點難翻)好像是再說規定照舊但確保尼克的揪咪林跟NOVAK得要重簽 An independent arbitrator ruled last week that Lin, Novak, the Clippers Chauncey Billups and Portland's JJ Hickson all retained their Bird rights despite being claimed off waivers last season. The league could have filed an appeal which could have thrown Lin's future up in the air. Had Lin and Novak been denied their early Bird rights it would have restricted what the Knicks could do in free agency. The club would have been forced to use its mid-level exception on Lin. 上禮拜鳥權聽證會決議LIN跟NOVAK等人可以有鳥權 但是因為聯盟的上訴而使他們的未來懸在空中 然後在說如果有鳥權尼克可以怎樣怎樣 沒有又要怎樣怎樣 Now, because Bird rights allow teams to exceed the salary cap in order to re-sign their own free agents, the Knicks can use their mid-level to make a run at Ray Allen, OJ Mayo, Steve Nash or Jason Kidd. 現在 因為鳥權可以讓隊伍超過薪資帽而簽回他們的受限制球員 尼克可以用 他們的小中產去追求其他的自由球員 Free agency begins at midnight July 1st and the Knicks will be busy the next few weeks with Lin, Novak, J.R. Smith, Jared Jeffries and Mike Bibby all free agents. 尼克接下來將會忙於去跟JR NOVAK LIN JJ BB簽約 在補充 Earlier in the day, the N.B.A. and its players union moved toward a settlement in the so-called Bird rights case that has temporarily clouded the future of Jeremy Lin, according to two people briefed on the talks. The most likely outcome is that Lin and three other NBA players — including the Knicks' Steve Novak — will retain some form of Bird rights, as affirmed last week by an arbitrator, according to one of the people briefed on the talks. NBA聯盟跟工會的協議 有兩個秘密人透露 目前最有可能出現讓LIN等4人保住 他們某些形式上的鳥權 不過協議還在繼續中 細節還在調整 An announcement could be made as soon as Friday, but no later than Saturday night, so that the affected players and their teams would have clarity before the free-agent period opened, at 12:01 a.m. Sunday. 最快會在禮拜五公佈 最晚禮拜六晚上前 The two people briefed on the talks asked for anonymity because negotiations were ongoing. 因為還再協議中 所以這兩個人說要匿名 “We are at the stage where we want to make improvements right away,” Grunwald said. GG說:"現階段我們必須馬上做出改善(那...何苦選個今年不會來的人呢GG...Q^Q)" 心得: 去年的尼克大家都說會選內線結果選香波 今年的尼克大家都說會選肉柱或PG 結果選個SF... GG:"愛我 或 噓我!" 紐約鄉民噓圖: 全場噓爆影片: 至於鳥權我有點看不懂到底是有還是沒有= = 就繼續不期不待吧...ˊ_>ˋ -- ─∥ ── ="’. ∵ ◆ ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ ‵、λ﹀ play with each _ ─-.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (06/29 14:53)

06/29 14:49, , 1F
推~謝謝翻譯 還有影片 XDD
06/29 14:49, 1F
※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (06/29 14:55)

06/29 14:57, , 2F
06/29 14:57, 2F

06/29 14:57, , 3F
話說助攻王也落選了 在不濟還是可以選秀外偷撿過來XD
06/29 14:57, 3F

06/29 14:58, , 4F
06/29 14:58, 4F

06/29 14:59, , 5F
06/29 14:59, 5F

06/29 15:35, , 6F
06/29 15:35, 6F

06/29 15:36, , 7F
06/29 15:36, 7F

06/29 15:36, , 8F Novak有去現場看
06/29 15:36, 8F

06/29 15:45, , 9F
主要是買斷應該也是明年的事 今年他幾乎不可能來了
06/29 15:45, 9F

06/29 15:47, , 10F
06/29 15:47, 10F

06/29 15:50, , 11F
06/29 15:50, 11F

06/29 16:07, , 12F
06/29 16:07, 12F

06/29 16:39, , 13F
06/29 16:39, 13F

06/29 16:41, , 14F
06/29 16:41, 14F

06/29 16:42, , 15F
永遠沒人懂尼克高層在想什麼 XDDD 話說當初還以為他們會挑
06/29 16:42, 15F

06/29 16:42, , 16F
06/29 16:42, 16F

06/29 16:48, , 17F
06/29 16:48, 17F

06/29 16:49, , 18F
06/29 16:49, 18F

06/29 16:49, , 19F
06/29 16:49, 19F

06/29 16:51, , 20F
尼克真的很愛讓人常常換眼鏡 XDDD 難怪紐媒常常愛猜尼克的
06/29 16:51, 20F

06/29 16:52, , 21F
走向 XDD 只是不知道猜中的機率是多少?! XDD
06/29 16:52, 21F

06/29 16:53, , 22F
06/29 16:53, 22F
沒記錯的話 我記得有一個最新的報導說尼克已經有跟NASH接觸了@@ 雖然來得機會很小0.0

06/29 16:53, , 23F
06/29 16:53, 23F

06/29 16:56, , 24F
06/29 16:56, 24F

06/29 16:59, , 25F
06/29 16:59, 25F

06/29 17:00, , 26F
拿高價簽約拳王也被笑 XDD
06/29 17:00, 26F

06/29 17:00, , 27F
所以這次還是先觀望好了 XDD
06/29 17:00, 27F

06/29 17:26, , 28F
這根本就是尼克高層的陰謀XD 他上場轉播都得叫尼克papa
06/29 17:26, 28F

06/29 17:45, , 29F
06/29 17:45, 29F

06/29 17:46, , 30F
明明就沒薪資空間了確選一個不能現在入隊的...很神奇 ="=
06/29 17:46, 30F

06/29 17:46, , 31F
這...如果是WALSH選的我會比較期待 現在就不期不待了看看
06/29 17:46, 31F

06/29 17:46, , 32F
06/29 17:46, 32F

06/29 17:47, , 33F
我還是搞不董到底選一個不能來的在幹麻 難道根CAP有關嗎@@
06/29 17:47, 33F

06/29 17:47, , 34F
06/29 17:47, 34F

06/29 17:48, , 35F
06/29 17:48, 35F

06/29 17:58, , 36F
我怎麼看新聞說 選這個到2013年尼克都不用付薪水??
06/29 17:58, 36F

06/29 17:59, , 37F
柏巴列高奧(Kostas Papanikolaou)在原本效力奧林匹亞科斯
06/29 17:59, 37F

06/29 18:00, , 38F
06/29 18:00, 38F

06/29 18:00, , 39F
06/29 18:00, 39F

06/29 18:00, , 40F
06/29 18:00, 40F

06/29 18:11, , 41F
06/29 18:11, 41F

06/29 18:12, , 42F
新聞是完全忽略要填滿12人...假如沒填滿12人有啥用= =
06/29 18:12, 42F

06/29 18:13, , 43F
06/29 18:13, 43F

06/29 18:14, , 44F
有簽不到人的情形發生...= =
06/29 18:14, 44F

06/29 18:19, , 45F
反正也許尼克高層就喜歡被噓阿,所以就看下去囉 XDDD 選秀
06/29 18:19, 45F

06/29 18:19, , 46F
結束後,換簽約人生要上映了 XDD
06/29 18:19, 46F

06/29 18:43, , 47F
06/29 18:43, 47F

06/29 19:20, , 48F
季末那個搞到最後也沒怎麼用= =還裁掉走路人QQ
06/29 19:20, 48F

06/29 19:21, , 49F
06/29 19:21, 49F

06/29 19:53, , 50F
06/29 19:53, 50F

06/29 19:55, , 51F
進球隊 所以選一個優比的pg倒是蠻聰明的決定,至少到時不
06/29 19:55, 51F

06/29 19:55, , 52F
06/29 19:55, 52F

06/29 19:59, , 53F
好像搞錯了,當我沒推文過吧= ="
06/29 19:59, 53F
※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (06/29 20:13)

06/29 20:26, , 54F
06/29 20:26, 54F
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