[外電] 拳王回陣,但球星們太晚下板凳

看板Knicks作者 (淡定~ 穩中求勝)時間12年前 (2012/03/12 13:30), 編輯推噓19(19018)
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剛那篇幾乎都在說76人, 所以再來挑選NYT其他關於昨晚比賽的新聞給大家 (然後有需要的人跟我一起學英文 XDDD) 鑒於相關新聞已經很多, 所以只節錄部分大家沒看過的 http://tinyurl.com/6u6jtz6 Chandler Returns, but With Stars Benched Late, Knicks Keep Losing 拳王回陣, 但尼克太晚才把球星們放回板凳所以輸球了 (照片 : 甜瓜, 阿罵 & 香波 <--暗指今晚最該被批評的) When time ran out on another halfhearted rally, as the minutes dwindled and the boos rained down, $37 million of star power sat fixed on the Knicks’ bench, the players’ expressions as sour as their performance. 當時間在另一次漫不經心的追分時刻流逝, 噓聲如雨般落下, 總年薪37百萬美金的 球星呆坐板凳, 他們的表情就跟今晚臭酸的表現一樣令人失望 Amar’e Stoudemire and Carmelo Anthony came to Madison Square Garden to revive the Knicks, but they could not save them from another humiliating defeat Sunday, nor stanch a losing streak that is threatening to ruin their season. 阿罵跟甜瓜回到MSG力圖振作, 但卻無法將尼克從另一場令人難堪的失敗中拯救出來. 止血失敗連敗不止, 威脅到到可能整季都要報銷 Coach Mike D’Antoni left his two biggest stars on the bench while his second unit staged a rally that fell short, leaving the Knicks with their fifth straight loss. It was an afternoon filled with boos, frustration and, in the final minutes, a round of “Fire D’Antoni!” chants — the first sustained chorus of the season. 冷笑話將他最大牌的瓜罵放下板凳乖乖看第二隊在第四節拼鬥, 但似乎太晚這樣做了, 最終尼克苦吞五連敗. 整個下午充滿了噓聲和挫敗, 最後幾分鐘, 整場一大群的球迷 大喊"火燒丹東尼", 是本季單場第一次喊的最久的聲音 If the Knicks (18-23) were not in a state of crisis after their 0-4 trip last week, they surely are now, with a mere one-game lead for the final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference and a six-and-a-half-game gap between them and the 76ers (25-17) in the Atlantic Division. 如果尼克不是處在上周客場四連敗之後的危機狀態的話(就好了), 現在尼克在東區排 行上僅僅領先(第九名)一場, 然後落後76人6場半 It could become worse quickly. The Knicks play in Chicago on Monday and finish the week with two games against the Indiana Pacers. 狀況可能更糟, 因為接著是vs公牛 & 兩場溜馬.. (八連敗??) It was another day of listless defense, unorganized offense and erratic play from the Knicks’ starters, who were largely responsible for Philadelphia’s winning the third quarter by 14 points, 38-24. 尼克先發們另一場散漫的防守, 自幹跟亂打, 先發們都是這場輸球的戰犯 The Knicks committed 16 turnovers, shot 41.3 percent and — despite the return of their defensive anchor, Tyson Chandler — allowed the 76ers to convert 50.6 percent of their field-goal attempts. 雖然拳王回來了, 但還是讓76人有50.6%的命中率, 尼克自身16失誤 & 41.3命中率 Anthony scored 22 points and was 5 for 13 from the field, but he and Stoudemire were two of the biggest culprits on defense. Jeremy Lin finished with 14 points and 7 assists, but he again struggled with his shooting (5 for 18) and turnovers (six). 甜瓜雖有22分但卻是13投中5, 然後他跟阿罵是防守上最大的敗筆 林書豪雖然有14分7助攻, 但再次的他僅有18中5的低命中率 & 6次失誤 Lin was one of three starters — with Chandler and Landry Fields — to play the entire fourth quarter, when the Knicks whittled the deficit to 10 points, from 21, by the final 1 minute 20 seconds. 林書豪協同拳王跟Landry打滿了第四節, 最後1:20時將21分落後追到了10分差 Although Stoudemire and Anthony were poor defensively, D’Antoni said he was not trying to send a message with the fourth-quarter benching. Instead, he pointed to the second unit’s brief rally.“These guys were fighting, they had us back,” he said. “I just didn’t feel like it was fair to them to take them out and try something else.” 冷笑話不想對沒防守的瓜罵第四節都沒上場表示看法, 取而代之的, 冷笑話說第二隊 有求勝心敢拼敢打, 也把球隊表現拉回正軌, 讓他們上場是公平的 In some quarters, Anthony is being blamed for the Knicks’ struggles because they have lost seven of nine games since he returned to the lineup. He heard scattered boos during introductions and more boos when he missed a 3-pointer on the fast break, when Fields appeared to be open. 某些時候甜瓜被抱怨是球隊近期低迷的主因, 因為他回來後九場輸了七場. 開場介紹 球員時就有些人噓他, 當快攻阿瓜不理會空檔的Landry卻自幹三分沒進時出現更多噓聲 Anthony insisted that the boos did not bother him, but he said they might have affected his teammates, saying, “Guys was putting their heads down, and they heard a couple of boos.” 阿瓜堅持說他沒被這些噓聲影響到, 但搞不好他的隊友有 “That just sucked the whole energy out on the basketball court,” he said. “ We can’t have that.” 瓜曰: 主場球迷要給我們愛呀~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/12 13:33, , 1F
03/12 13:33, 1F

03/12 13:36, , 2F
瓜:我自幹 你跑啥空檔? 快去搶板才對
03/12 13:36, 2F

03/12 13:37, , 3F
紐約球迷真不好惹 尼克球員真不好當 (煙~)
03/12 13:37, 3F

03/12 13:42, , 4F
就是有某樓這種言論來破壞版上氣氛 請去總板好嗎
03/12 13:42, 4F

03/12 13:43, , 5F
感謝辛苦翻譯:) 不過好像跟上一篇是同樣的來源....@@
03/12 13:43, 5F

03/12 13:43, , 6F
火燒丹東尼XDD 這樣的翻譯略為有趣
03/12 13:43, 6F

03/12 13:48, , 7F
真的耶, 跟上篇一樣來源
03/12 13:48, 7F

03/12 13:49, , 8F
火燒丹東尼 XD 不過知道意思就好了
03/12 13:49, 8F

03/12 14:04, , 9F
公牛 拓荒者 溜馬(B2B)連打兩場溜馬。
03/12 14:04, 9F

03/12 14:06, , 10F
03/12 14:06, 10F
尼克現在老八位置只領先公鹿一場 尼克接下來: 公牛, 拓荒者, 溜馬X2....實在凶多吉少阿 ※ 編輯: djviva 來自: (03/12 14:09)

03/12 14:08, , 11F
03/12 14:08, 11F

03/12 14:20, , 12F
03/12 14:20, 12F

03/12 14:24, , 13F
真怕周日就變成18勝27敗... 被公鹿&騎士趕過去 >"<
03/12 14:24, 13F

03/12 14:25, , 14F
03/12 14:25, 14F

03/12 14:32, , 15F
03/12 14:32, 15F

03/12 14:34, , 16F
相比尼克接下來的艱辛, 公鹿/騎士很有機會周末搶走第八名..
03/12 14:34, 16F

03/12 14:50, , 17F
CHENDLER好好休息吧 磨合的路還很長 不急於一時
03/12 14:50, 17F

03/12 14:53, , 18F
03/12 14:53, 18F

03/12 14:53, , 19F
希望季賽末能保住老八, 然後順利磨合, 打出精彩的季後賽...
03/12 14:53, 19F

03/12 14:59, , 20F
03/12 14:59, 20F

03/12 15:06, , 21F
03/12 15:06, 21F

03/12 15:09, , 22F
03/12 15:09, 22F

03/12 15:09, , 23F
03/12 15:09, 23F

03/12 15:09, , 24F
拳王應該是他自己也有積極要求要上場的 QQ
03/12 15:09, 24F

03/12 15:17, , 25F
冷笑話已經講了 拳王自己要上場 他才會派他
03/12 15:17, 25F

03/12 15:17, , 26F
03/12 15:17, 26F

03/12 15:18, , 27F
03/12 15:18, 27F

03/12 15:18, , 28F
現在上的每一場都是傷上加傷 昨天的alleyoop
03/12 15:18, 28F

03/12 15:18, , 29F
感覺他就是痛到不行 又傷到一次
03/12 15:18, 29F

03/12 15:19, , 30F
03/12 15:19, 30F

03/12 15:45, , 31F
03/12 15:45, 31F

03/12 15:46, , 32F
呃是丹 我恍神了
03/12 15:46, 32F

03/12 16:15, , 33F
看成火燒 安東尼XD
03/12 16:15, 33F

03/12 16:16, , 34F
03/12 16:16, 34F

03/12 19:53, , 35F
03/12 19:53, 35F

03/12 20:00, , 36F
可以看fox 他們很挺甜瓜的
03/12 20:00, 36F

03/12 20:48, , 37F
03/12 20:48, 37F
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