[外電] 最重要但沒人談論的球員-Ben Mclemore

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Source:Sactown Royalty http://goo.gl/Pfc3W4 Ben McLemore's the most important Sacramento King that nobody's talking about Ben McLemore:最重要卻沒人談論的國王球員 When it comes to the Sacramento Kings, everyone has a favorite talking point. There's Cousins-Karl, Rajon Rondo, Vlade's ballsy move to clear up space, Vivek's ownership style, and that's just scratching the surface of the last few months. 當人們說到國王隊,每個人都有喜歡談論的部分,卡爾表弟的關係、Rondo、老迪的操作 、阿三的管理風格等等,但這些都是過去幾個月發生的事情的表面而已。 But why is nobody talking about Ben McLemore? 但為什麼都沒有人提到Ben呢? To be fair, McLemore hasn't done a whole lot to garner national attention. McLemore's rookie year was particularly rough, with his shooting numbers almost historically low for the amount of shots and minutes he got. He was also everywhere and nowhere on defense at the same time. He couldn't dribble the ball if it didn't involve a clear path to the hoop and he could barely finish at the rim if it didn't involve dunking. 客觀地說,Ben是沒有做什麼值得全國注意的事,他的新人年尤其艱困,以他的出手數跟 上場時間來說,命中率數據幾乎是歷史性的低,在防守端也沒起到作用。沒有明確的切入 路徑他就不會運球,不灌籃的話他也幾乎無法進攻籃框。 Things changed greatly last year. McLemore came back a much more well-rounded player, having worked on all aspects of his game. His True Shooting Percentage (which takes into account 3 pointers) jumped up 7%. He got more creative around the basket: his FG% from 0-3 feet jumped from just 60% to 71.1%. Defensively, he went from a huge liability to one of Sacramento's more enthusiastic defenders, although he still lacked the experience or consistency to be considered a good defender. 但上一個球季一切都不一樣了,Ben成為了一個全能球員,在各個層面都有所貢獻,他的 TS%成長了七個百分點,在籃框附近的攻擊手段也變多元,0~3呎的投籃中率從60%成長到 71.1%。在防守端,即使經驗跟穩定性讓他還稱不上是一個好的防守者,但至少從一個累 贅蛻變成國王隊最熱衷的防守者之一。 Overall, McLemore's sophomore outing was a pleasant surprise for Kings fans, who finally got to see some of the promise that led to his lottery selection. His growth last year is a big reason I'm looking forward to seeing how he comes out of the gates this year, especially since the third year of a player's career is typically where you see a big leap. 整體來說,Ben的二年級賽季是球迷的一個驚喜,國王迷終於在他們眾多樂透選秀中又看 到了希望,他的成長讓我期待他接下來的突破,尤其第三年是傳統上的新秀爆發年。 McLemore's biggest problem to date has been consistency. We've seen stretches (especially last year) when he couldn't miss and would look like the second coming of Ray Allen... for a quarter. Then he wouldn't score for the next 20 minutes. If Ben can achieve that consistency and become a force on both ends for the entire time he's on the court, or at least most of the time, that's a big boost to Sacramento's productivity from an existing player. It's also a promising sign for Sacramento's long-term future, as the Kings haven't really had a hit in the lottery since DeMarcus Cousins. Ben目前最大的問題是穩定性,我們在上季可以看到在這一節化身成雷阿倫,然後在接下 來20分鐘都神隱,如果Ben如果可以把他的表現延伸到整場比賽,或至少大部分時間,那 國王就可以從現有球員身上得到相當大的貢獻,這也帶給國王隊未來的希望,這隻隊伍從 表弟之後,在樂透選秀都沒有什麼大的斬獲。 There's some promising signs that Ben can make the "third-year leap". For one, he's a notoriously hard worker, even attending Summer League mini-camp this year of his own volition just to be able to work out with the guys. From what I have heard behind the scenes, he's one of the most familiar faces at the Kings' practice facility during downtime. Ben also finally has some veteran mentors to help him and learn from this year, as the Kings added guys like Marco Belinelli and Caron Butler. 從一些徵兆可以看出Ben會在第三年爆發,第一,他的勤奮眾所週知,他參加了夏季聯盟 的mini camp,只為了能夠跟他的隊員們一起訓練,從我聽到的消息,他是在休息時間最 常出現在練習場館的臉孔。此外,他終於有一些老將可以當作他的導師,像是義大利人跟 吸管哥。 I can't wait for October to get here. This has been an exciting summer for Kings fans, as the team has added talent all across the board. If Ben can make the jump himself, that puts Sacramento all the much closer to being relevant once more. 阿班跳的高,國王才會好。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Kings/M.1438155166.A.7B6.html ※ 編輯: Iau2 (, 07/29/2015 15:38:39

07/29 15:40, , 1F
07/29 15:40, 1F

07/29 15:49, , 2F
07/29 15:49, 2F

07/29 15:51, , 3F
07/29 15:51, 3F

07/29 17:04, , 4F
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07/29 17:15, , 5F
07/29 17:15, 5F

07/29 17:35, , 6F
07/29 17:35, 6F

07/29 17:36, , 7F
沒事 繼續練球好嗎
07/29 17:36, 7F

07/29 19:31, , 8F
07/29 19:31, 8F

07/29 19:48, , 9F
糸柬 王求 女子 口馬
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07/29 19:57, , 10F
Are you pizza guy?
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07/29 20:46, , 11F
認真說 要排五人 我會排DMC CW4 Gay Rock Bibby
07/29 20:46, 11F

07/29 20:47, , 12F
Rondo如果能回到Boston受傷前的強度 可以在討論
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07/29 20:48, , 13F
三號位很難選 Peja強但吃戰術 阿泰打馬刺那年根本鬼神
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07/29 20:50, , 14F
加板凳就好選了 Vlade BM KM DC JWill BJax IT
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07/29 20:51, , 15F
相信板友都會選Peja 但他是國王所有三號中 最幸運的
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07/29 20:53, , 16F
有一堆老大哥罩 不用扛內線 不用當鎖 當時體系又好
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07/29 20:53, , 17F
題外話 我玩2K每次快攻 ben跟gay常常跑超快 alley oop
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07/29 20:53, , 18F
07/29 20:53, 18F

07/29 20:55, , 19F
Gay要負責守LBJ 要扛前鋒卡位 又要當終結者 簡直累死
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07/29 20:55, , 20F
07/29 20:55, 20F

07/29 20:56, , 21F
07/29 20:56, 21F

07/29 21:02, , 22F
題外話 有沒有人有興趣寫國王隊中文版wiki?
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07/29 21:05, , 23F
說來慚愧 我之前有去編太陽隊wiki XD
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07/29 21:06, , 24F
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07/29 21:10, , 25F
H大把Oscar Robertson忘了嗎..
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07/29 21:28, , 26F
喔我沒有算皇家隊 我那時根本沒出生XD
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07/29 21:30, , 27F
07/29 21:30, 27F

07/29 21:37, , 28F
我是覺得 國王不同於其他隊的地方不是排出每個位置最強
07/29 21:37, 28F

07/29 21:37, , 29F
07/29 21:37, 29F

07/29 21:37, , 30F
的人選 而是國王擁有最強的5人組
07/29 21:37, 30F

07/29 21:37, , 31F
Divac Webber Peja Christie Bibby
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07/29 21:40, , 32F
板凳就表弟 大米 阿泰 甲 阿縫 馬丁 磐石 J-Will好了
07/29 21:40, 32F

07/29 22:20, , 33F
07/29 22:20, 33F

07/29 23:06, , 34F
Kayte Kayte Kayte Kayte Kayte
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07/29 23:28, , 35F
國王還有 Richmond喔!
07/29 23:28, 35F

07/30 00:22, , 36F
07/30 00:22, 36F

07/30 00:54, , 37F
07/30 00:54, 37F

07/30 14:56, , 38F
ben 體能好 外線手感讚
07/30 14:56, 38F

07/30 15:31, , 39F
可惜jw跟bb沒有一起同隊過 不然國王應該更加可怕
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07/30 16:06, , 40F
後場防守也會很可怕 不是嗎
07/30 16:06, 40F

07/30 21:08, , 41F
我們不打防守啦 (摔杯子
07/30 21:08, 41F

08/08 20:30, , 42F
推 國王最關注的球員 沒有之一!!
08/08 20:30, 42F
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