[專欄] 選秀後,看國王的季外補強

看板Kings作者 (浪費青春時光萬歲)時間9年前 (2015/06/29 01:23), 9年前編輯推噓15(15026)
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http://goo.gl/wdacHJ After draft, hints at Kings’ offseason changes rise to surface With the Kings’ streak of losing seasons now at nine, the offseason theme in Sacramento remains the same. Each summer since 2007, the Kings have looked to revamp their roster. The latest process began Thursday with the drafting of Kentucky big man Willie Cauley-Stein to help defensively. But more is necessary for the Kings to improve drastically after a 29-win season. 在連續失敗的球季來到第9個年頭,國王季外的狀況看起來完全一樣。 自從2007年起,國王每年夏天都在重整球員名單。 最新的是從選秀會選進WCS來加強防守。 但是更需要的是超越一個29勝的戰績。 The Kings have not had a 30-win season since going 38-44 in 2007-08. Cauley-Stein appears slated to play backup minutes in the frontcourt rather than start at power forward next to DeMarcus Cousins. The Kings got bigger with the 7-foot-1 Cauley-Stein, but the plan remains to play at a fast pace. 國王自從07-08的38-44之後就沒有超過30勝。 WCS應該會吃下前場的替補時間而不是跟DMC一起先發打PF。 國王雖然選了7-1的WCS,但是還是計劃要打快節奏球風。 THE FUTURES OF JASON THOMPSON AND CARL LANDRY ARE UNCERTAIN. BOTH ARE UNDER CONTRACT FOR TWO MORE SEASONS. “We know exactly what we need,” said Vlade Divac, the Kings’ vice president of basketball and franchise operations. “We definitely need somebody who can help us defensively at the three position (small forward) because Rudy (Gay), most of the time, is going to be playing the four (power forward).” JT跟洗衣店的未來就很不確定了,即使他們兩個的合約都還有2年以上。 國王的籃球營運副總裁Vlade Divac說:「我們知道我們需要什麼,我們需要有人可以來 防守三號位,因為Gay大部分的時間要去打大前鋒。」 That’s an indication Cousins will not be traded and coach George Karl will not be fired. Speculation has grown about a change because the chasm between Cousins and Karl has widened in the offseason. The All-Star center reportedly has been put off by word that Karl had independently shopped him in trade scenarios. This could make Cousins more amenable to a trade if it means not playing for Karl. Divac said it remains to be seen how Cauley-Stein and Cousins might complement each other, but the rookie’s defensive versatility and running ability are needed in the frontcourt. 這訊息代表表弟不會被交易,而囧卡也不會被炒掉。 之前有傳言說因為表弟跟囧卡不和所以會有變動。 這位全明星中鋒之前被報導說囧卡私下正想辦法把他交易掉,如果他真的不想為囧卡打 球,這可能會讓表弟想被交易。 Divac說要觀察WCS跟表弟的配合如何,WCS的防守多工性跟活動能力都是前場所需要的。 Karl experimented with Gay at power forward as part of his plan to play with a smaller, faster lineup last season. If that’s what Karl wants at power forward, the futures of Jason Thompson and Carl Landry are uncertain. Both are under contract for two more seasons. Thompson, who was tabbed by Karl as a backup center, and Landry, who hasn’t fit in under the coach and is recovering from wrist surgery, figure to lose playing time to Cauley-Stein. Either Thompson or Landry could be traded if it means bringing in a defensive-minded wing player, preferably one who can make three-pointers. The other two players in the frontcourt rotation, Omri Casspi and Derrick Williams, will be free agents. 囧卡讓Gay去打PF是是他打小球陣容的計劃的一部份。如果這是囧卡對PF的要求,那麼JT 跟洗衣店的立場就很尷尬,而他們都還有兩年以上的合約。 JT被囧卡當作替補C使用,而洗衣店則是沒辦法融入陣容,而季後又接受手術,很可能被 WCS給吃掉時間。 不管JT或洗衣店都可能被交易來一個有防守的側翼球員,最好同時也是一個三分射手。 另兩位前場的輪替球員,卡卡跟DW都將會成為FA。 By selecting Cauley-Stein, the Kings passed on addressing another need: point guard. Darren Collison was last year’s big free-agent addition, but the Kings have made it clear they need another point guard. Andre Miller, who was acquired in a trade in February and whom Karl leaned on heavily, is a free agent. He said during the season he was open to returning to Sacramento and playing for Karl. Even if the 39-year-old Miller returns, the Kings want to add another facilitator. 在選了WCS之後,國王還有一個需要補強的位置:PG。 DC是去年從FA選來的,但是國王還是需要其他PG。 A米去年2月被交易過來之後是囧卡很倚重的人,現在也是FA。 他也說過他對回來國王為囧卡打球持開放態度。 即使這位39歲老將回來,國王還是需要其他人。 “Obviously, Darren needs a little help at point guard because Coach likes to play sometimes two point guards,” Divac said. The only other point guard under contract is Ray McCallum, but the team doesn ’t think that’s enough. For the second consecutive summer, there will be a search for help at the position. Divac will explore free agency and trades to add another point guard. 「很明顯的,DC需要在PG上還是需要一些協助,因為囧卡喜歡擺雙PG。」Divac說。 國王剩下還有合約的PG是Ray,但是球隊不認為這樣就夠了,他們還是會繼續找PG。 Divac會透過交易或是自由球員市場去找其他PG。 One free agent the Kings are expected to contact is Rajon Rondo. The former All-Star with Boston was banished from Dallas during the playoffs after clashing with coach Rick Carlisle. That would seem to make adding Rondo under Karl a tricky proposition, as both, like Cousins, are strong-willed. But Rondo might be interested in a short-term deal for a chance to rehab his image. One rumored suitor for Rondo, the Los Angeles Lakers, seems less likely after they drafted guard D’Angelo Russell on Thursday to go with All-Rookie first-team guard Jordan Clarkson. 國王很想接觸的一個FA是軟豆。這位前全明星從普賽被交易到小牛,卻在季後賽跟卡帥 發生衝突後被冰在板凳上。 這顯示把他加入囧卡手下會是個棘手的問題,他跟表弟都是意志很堅定的人。 但是軟豆應該會對一個短約很有興趣,這樣可以讓他重新挽救身價跟形象。 而另一個與軟豆有關的傳聞是湖人,但是在他們選了DLO之後,再加上JC的組合可能會對 軟豆興趣缺缺。 The Kings also need depth on the wing and will consider veteran guards such as Danny Green and Wesley Matthews. 國王也需要增加側翼的深度,可能會追逐一些老將,像Danny Green和Wesley Matthews。 ======================= 國王隨隊記者Jason Jones的專欄,原來我們有這麼缺PG嗎?中間一大段都在講PG。 卡卡、DW、A米如果都能便宜簽回來多好.... 另外我很討厭毒豆,翻外電的時候我不想把個人情緒放進去所以寫軟豆,但是他好毒。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Kings/M.1435512223.A.BD7.html ※ 編輯: strayfate (, 06/29/2015 01:26:49

06/29 01:44, , 1F
06/29 01:44, 1F

06/29 01:49, , 2F
雙PG @@
06/29 01:49, 2F

06/29 02:27, , 3F
在公鹿的時候 雙PG有成功過 但前提另一個是Payton
06/29 02:27, 3F

06/29 02:27, , 4F
否則外圍防線潰敗 內線犯規累積一樣很快
06/29 02:27, 4F

06/29 08:22, , 5F
明星賽前的戰績很重要 如果能打出成績 表弟跟Karl或許可相
06/29 08:22, 5F

06/29 08:23, , 6F
容 成績不如預期的話又是另一波腥風血雨了...
06/29 08:23, 6F

06/29 08:23, , 7F
另外亂源廢根去吃屎吧 !
06/29 08:23, 7F

06/29 12:02, , 8F
缺PG主要是扣除DC外不安定因子太高 A米畢竟很老了而Ray
06/29 12:02, 8F

06/29 12:02, , 9F
06/29 12:02, 9F

06/29 12:03, , 10F
06/29 12:03, 10F

06/29 12:04, , 11F
我個人是覺得不需要 如果JT和Landry暑假處理不掉
06/29 12:04, 11F

06/29 12:04, , 12F
我們續約卡卡後剩下的錢已經不多了 若DW不簽回 Gay又要
06/29 12:04, 12F

06/29 12:05, , 13F
支援PF 那側翼深度確實會是問題 補太貴的PG就難補側翼
06/29 12:05, 13F

06/29 12:07, , 14F
而若JT或Landry處理的掉 砸一個高價PG其實風險也很大
06/29 12:07, 14F

06/29 12:08, , 15F
奇怪為什麼我們一直傳軟豆 不來傳一下抓雞
06/29 12:08, 15F

06/29 12:13, , 16F
毒豆降價求洗白 抓雞成績不錯應該會要大約
06/29 12:13, 16F

06/29 12:13, , 17F
06/29 12:13, 17F

06/29 12:22, , 18F
David Wear跟Sim Bhullar都會打夏季聯盟
06/29 12:22, 18F

06/29 12:28, , 19F
06/29 12:28, 19F

06/29 12:47, , 20F
Lin其實真的是不錯的選擇阿 檔拆是真的打得不錯
06/29 12:47, 20F

06/29 12:48, , 21F
他有得分的爆發力 帶板凳也是不錯 重點是有轉播
06/29 12:48, 21F

06/29 14:20, , 22F
06/29 14:20, 22F

06/29 14:20, , 23F
06/29 14:20, 23F

06/29 14:30, , 24F
今年再打一年冠軍阿 不用ben看能打多遠 Ray去年冠軍賽很威
06/29 14:30, 24F

06/29 15:10, , 25F
06/29 15:10, 25F

06/29 15:16, , 26F
06/29 15:16, 26F

06/29 22:34, , 27F
有布雷獸要被交易的傳言 如果可以把他盤來 表弟應該
06/29 22:34, 27F

06/29 22:34, , 28F
會更願意留在這吧 我也滿喜歡布雷獸的
06/29 22:34, 28F

06/29 22:42, , 29F
好多菜 但是我覺得我們很難買到菜 通常都是沒啥拿到
06/29 22:42, 29F

06/29 22:44, , 30F
06/29 22:44, 30F

06/29 23:29, , 31F
06/29 23:29, 31F

06/29 23:44, , 32F
對阿 記得他們三個在大學很好所以才這樣說~~
06/29 23:44, 32F

06/29 23:49, , 33F
太陽到底在幹嘛 三衛玩一季就全部交易光光
06/29 23:49, 33F

06/30 01:06, , 34F
sport news有乳摸說我們還真的有在布雷獸交易摻一腳
06/30 01:06, 34F

06/30 01:07, , 35F
06/30 01:07, 35F

06/30 01:08, , 36F
06/30 01:08, 36F

06/30 08:06, , 37F
06/30 08:06, 37F

06/30 08:08, , 38F
國王有意思續DW,但FA市場會先瞄準控衛 (小卡呢)
06/30 08:08, 38F

06/30 16:44, , 39F
布雷獸過來 好像先發有點強
06/30 16:44, 39F

06/30 16:56, , 40F
可惜沒什麼菜能換布雷獸 如果能跟表弟搭配 這先發很猛
06/30 16:56, 40F

06/30 17:08, , 41F
06/30 17:08, 41F
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