[綜合] The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Week 3

看板Kings作者 (BnLou)時間12年前 (2012/11/19 02:12), 編輯推噓2(201)
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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Week3 原文:http://0rz.tw/OUuN3 第一次翻譯,有錯誤請指教。 The Good: 1. Jimmer Fredette See Player of the Week 2. Chuck Hayes Hayes continues to be professional throughout this mess, playing defense and rebounding and acting as a leader. He was the one to call the players-only meeting after the blowout loss to the Hawks, a game in which he should have gotten more playing time. Hayes is literally the only player on this entire team who isn't thinking shoot first, and his teammates could learn a lot from him. 海爺在混亂中持續在防守端貢獻,並像是我們的Leader。在主場慘敗給老鷹後招開球員 會議。海爺是我們隊伍中唯一不是「出手第一」的球員,其他人應該多向他看齊。 3. Ball movement If one good thing came out of this week is that the team is sharing the ball more. All three of the Kings highest assist games of the year occurred this week, capped off by 25 in the Atlanta loss. In that loss DeMarcus Cousins had 7 assists, something I was glad to see and hope to see more of. For how often DMC has the ball, he has under-utilized the passing part of his game. If he keeps using it, I think we'll see some higher efficiency out of Big Cuz, better offense and happier teammates. 本季球隊三場最高助攻都發生本周(@湖人20, vs.拓荒19, vs.老鷹25),這是本周唯一能 拿來說嘴的事,這支球隊開始分享球了。 在敗給老鷹的比賽中,DMC傳出了7次助攻。以他持球的時間來看,若他能繼續使用他傳球 的天賦,或許我們能看到DMC有更高的進攻效率,球隊會有更好的進攻,隊友們也將隨之 起舞。 4. JT In Big Cuz's absence, JT stepped up and had some good games. The best part was that he grabbed 10 rebounds in every game this week. JT still infuriates me at times with how often he complains (he might do it more than anyone on the team, DMC included) but he's a very underrated offensive big. That's just one of the reasons I'd rather see him play off the bench and have Chuck Hayes in the starting lineup. Currently, the bench doesn't have a guy they can really go to down low but being able to sub in Jason Thompson at Center or PF would fix that. Meanwhile you'd also get Chuck Hayes more playing time against the opponent big men who are actually threats. 在DMC禁賽下,JT跳出來扛住了禁區重任,在本周三場比賽都抓下了10+籃板。 (@唬人10, vs.拓荒11, vs.老鷹10) 作者認為,JT擁有不錯的進攻能力,或許能讓他從板凳出發提供一些進攻火力, (與高度 Hayes 6-7 + T-Rob 6-9),並讓海爺有更多時間能鎖住對方禁區大將。 5. Brooks and Thornton Hopefully Recovered from Shooting Slumps Another good thing out of the Atlanta game was that Marcus Thornton and Aaron Brooks rediscovered their shooting strokes. Both players had been awful from the field over the past week or so, but they almost single-handedly led the Kings back into the Hawks game. Now we just need them to be able to shoot like that on a consistent basis. AB與MT在與老鷹的比賽中找回他們冰冷的手感,並幾乎隻手遮天的將比數扳平。 需要他們保持穩定的長程砲火。 The Bad: 1. Rebounding Sacramento was outrebounded in every single game this week, twice by double digits. Yes, DeMarcus Cousins' absence hurt them, but so did Keith Smart's weird rotations and the lack of another elite rebounder on the roster aside from Cousins. 缺乏籃板似乎是本周最大的罩門,甚至有兩場籃板輸到雙位數。 (@唬人 39:50, vs.拓荒 33:44, vs.老鷹 37:42) DMC與T-Rob的禁賽或許能當作理由,但聰明哥奇怪的調度似乎才是主因。 (各位觀眾:五小陣) 2. Defense The Kings have gone from "Good to Bad to Terrible" on defense faster than you can say "5-2 in preseason!". The effort that was so great early on has all but disappeared as the focus instead went to the offense. While the offense has been a bit better, the defense has been a shambles. In particular the team fouls way too much leading to a lot of Free Throw attempts for the other team. So far this year, Kings opponents have made 206 free throws and had 260 attempts. The Kings on the other hand are at 129 of 172. That's almost 10 points a game difference just at the line. That doesn't take into effect other consequences like players in foul trouble either. 防守上的專注力不夠,在比賽剛開始或許有一定強度,但在進攻端有點起色後,防守 卻消失了。 另外犯規太多了,本季打到現在對手罰球是206-260,國王是129-172,平均每場在 罰球線上輸了10分。更不用說犯規過多所造成的犯規麻煩對我們有多少影響。 3. James Johnson James Johnson actually had his best game as a King this week against Portland, when he scored 16 points on 7-13 from the field. He actually led the team in scoring. This might be one of the reasons the Kings lost the game by a lot. James Johnson is shooting waaay too much. On the season, he's at 31.8% from the field and he has yet to hit a three pointer. As of right now, I'd demote Johnson to the bench full time and only play him when there are other shooters on the floor and we need some defense. That's where he excelled in preseason. Johnson still has plenty of time to redeem himself, but not as a starter. 雖然JJ在對拓荒的比賽打出了本季代表作:16分、7-13,但他真的出手太多了,本季他的 命中率只有31.8%,而且還沒投進過任何一顆三分球。應該要把JJ丟到板凳去,並且只有 在我們亟需防守時,讓他搭配一個射手才能上場。 4. Damian Lillard I love Thomas Robinson, and still think he will be a very good player in this league once he figures out the pace. But man does Damian Lillard look like an absolute beast right now. Would he look as good in Sacramento? We'll never know that. 拓荒新人Lillard目前表現就像是一頭野獸,T-Rob在找到自己定位後會有不錯的成績, 但若我們選了Lillard,他在國王會有一樣的表現嗎? The Ugly: 1. Elliot-Cousins There was a lot of discussion on this topic this week, but the bottom line is that whether the punishment is warranted or not, DeMarcus needs to grow a bit of a thicker skin, especially when he has a bright red target on his back. Whether he likes it or not, he has a reputation, and he can't keep doing things that cement that reputation. I disagreed with the two game suspension given to him by the NBA but if it stops him from confronting an idiotic announcer like Sean Elliott again, then it was worth it. DMC禁賽事件希望能帶給他一點警惕,學著控制自己,畢竟對手總是會針對你的。 2. Rotations, Rotations, Rotations While this week isn't a great example for rotation issues due to T-Rob and DMC's suspensions, there are still some inexplicable decisions being made each and every night by Keith Smart. For starters, 11 men play almost nightly despite the Kings being one of the least deep teams in the league. Tyreke Evans never even hit 30 minutes in a game this week, and actually saw less time than James Johnson in two games. Speaking of James Johnson, he needs to be out of the starting lineup immediately. Whatever defense he brings his lack of an outside shot or offensive awareness costs the Kings so many offensive possessions. Sacramento routinely performs better with shooters on the floor, yet the only time that happens is when the bench comes in. Keith Smart also tends to make wholesale substitutions for the bench instead of mixing and matching. Wouldn't it be better if starters and bench players played together? Wouldn't Tyreke Evans and DeMarcus Cousins look like much better players if they were paired with shooters (who are primarily bench players on the Kings) more often? Smart is desperate to find something that works but he's not consistent enough with his rotations to give any one of them a chance to work. The only one that he has been consistent with so far (the starting lineup) has been proven to be terrible. No spacing, no offense and it leads to holes being dug early. 雖然我們幾乎每晚都用多達11人的輪替陣容,並看起來像是全聯盟板凳最深的球隊之一, 但聰明哥的調度值得拿出來討論。 TE本周沒有一場比賽上場超過30分鐘(what?),甚至有兩場還比JJ少(WHAAAAAAT?)。 JJ應該立刻丟到板凳,不管JJ能在防守端提供什麼,但他沒有遠距離的投射能力, 並缺乏進攻威脅性。 TE與DMC都在與射手們搭配時表現得更好,但這些人似乎都在板凳上。 聰明哥似乎傾向把先發與板凳完全分開使用,而非混合搭配。 聰明哥需要立即找出能用的陣容,目前球隊跑不出東西,進攻容易當機,造成提前崩盤。 3. Fan Apathy The play of the team right now is doing its best to kill any and all fan momentum. It's really hard to keep people interested in keeping the team here when year after year the team absolutely stinks. That's not because of the fans, it's because of management and ownership. But there are still some who will blame the fans for not coming out as to why the team wants to leave. Just ask Portland's tv crew. Player of the Week: Jimmer Fredette 11 PPG, .500 FG%, .300 3P%, 2.7 AST, 1 RPG Jimmer's statline for the week was dragged down a bit by his relatively low amount of playing time in Friday's game against the Hawks. But in the other two games of the week, he was phenomenal. Against the Lakers, he came in and scored 18 points on 9 shots in just 10:45 of playing time. Then against Portland he helped lead a first half comeback, making both shots and plays as he finished with 13 points and a then season-high for the team 6 assists. Jimmer is definitely deserving of playing time, but I'm not sure he'll see it consistently with the way the roster is currently constructed and with how Keith Smart is handling rotations. 寂寞在平均14分鐘內繳出此成績單!在唬人主場他只上場了10分鐘就得了18分, 接著在主場迎戰拓荒時得到了13分外帶本季最高6次助攻。 如此表現值得更多的上場時間,但一切如何還是得看聰明哥的調度了。 Highlight of the Week: http://youtu.be/BJzKeImRScY
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