[外電] 選秀觀察:Derrick Favors

看板Kings作者 (I love Man Utd!!!!!!!!!)時間14年前 (2010/04/21 21:33), 編輯推噓21(21017)
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選秀觀察:Derrick Favors http://tinyurl.com/y4m4g4c Derrick Favors ‧18 years old 十八歲 ‧6'10"; 246 lbs. 六呎十吋;兩百四十六磅 ‧Georgia Tech, Freshman 喬治亞理工,大一 Runs like a deer, jumps out of the gym. I really hate that trite cliché, but in the case of Derrick Favors, it fits. He has that combination of size, strength, skill and athleticism that makes General Managers drool. I've said this about other players before (John Wall), but Favors has "freakish" athleticism. Now combine the physical tools with a person that is reportedly a hard worker, with good grades, great character, leadership ability, with a high intensity motor, a tremendous work ethic and a fine young man to boot. The tools and the intangibles are all there. Derrick Favors could be special. 「跑起來像頭鹿,隨便一跳就比體育館還高。」我討厭用這種陳腔濫調,但放在Favors身 上卻再適合不過。集結身高、體型、技巧和體能於一身的Favors讓各隊GM都對他哈的要命 。之前我曾用過相同的形容詞在John Wall身上,Favors誇張的體能也到了病態的程度。 除了身材條件外,他的刻苦訓練、優良的成績、稱職扮演球隊所賦予的角色和領袖魅力也 一再被媒體報導,另外他的熱情和敬業態度對他未來的發展也是極為有利的條件。這就是 Favors的條件與潛力,他的未來備受期待。 高中影片 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQUK8alaqh4&feature=player_embedded
大學高光 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHld4VItav0
39秒那球是不是會讓人有一種錯覺 Favors was mostly used as a PF or Center in High School, using his size, strength and athleticism to get to the rim. As a result, he was the #1 prospect in the 2009 high school class. But at Georgia Tech, he has been asked to play the high post. Unfortunately, unlike other big men in the top of this year's draft (cough, Cousins, cough), Derrick Favors does not have the luxury of an elite, pass-first Point Guard to get him easy shots. Georgia Tech's half court Offense is, to be kind, awful. Favors plays the high post, and Gani Lawal (also a projected first round pick) plays the low post. Since none of the GT guards can hit an outside shot, most teams just pack the lane, double team Favors or Lawal, and dare the Yellow Jacket guards to shoot from outside. Needless to say, that has depressed Favors' (and Lawal's) statistics. He is averaging a very pedestrian 12.5 ppg, 8.5 rpg and 2.1 bpg. Hardly numbers that you would expect from a top-5 pick in the draft; but everyone knows that Favors will be a much better pro player than he has shown in College; because he needs to play in the low post where he can dominate, as opposed to standing in the foul circle surrounded by two or three defenders. 高中時,Favors多數時間擔任中鋒或大前鋒的角色,利用自己強壯的體型和爆發力得分, 2009年高中新秀排行Favors獲得了第一位的評價。但加入喬治亞理工後,他被要求擔任高 位的角色,很不走運地,Favors並沒有像今年一同參選的長人一樣,有一個以傳球優先的 天才控衛幫他製造輕鬆得分的機會﹝沒錯,就是在說Cousins﹞,喬治亞理工的半場進攻 非常的糟,Favors負責高位,Gani Lawal﹝被評為今年首輪新秀﹞負責低位,自從被發現 隊上後衛外線能力薄弱後,絕大多數的球隊都把防守集中在禁區,專心包夾Favors和Lawal ,而喬大的後衛卻沒人敢在三分線出手。Favors的平均成績非常平庸,12.5分8.5籃板2.1 封蓋,這樣的成績讓你很難期待他會是前五順位的新秀,但大家都知道Favoers成為職業球 員後表現絕對會比大學時期好,因為他真正的長處在低位,低位才是他能統治的地方,他 能在免責區內力扛二到三名防守者。 Foul trouble early in the year, limited his minutes and his numbers. In his first 7 games, he was averaging a very high 5.2 fouls per 40 minutes. Since then, Favors has learned to play defense without fouling, cutting almost 1.5 fouls per 40 minutes off his foul rate. Offensively, I didn't see enough of Favors in the post, especially early in the year, to come up with a full analysis of his game. However, something changed in the last 8 games or so, as Georgia Tech Coach Paul Hewitt had Favors in the paint more. He responded by increasing his productivity. Over the last 8 games, Derrick Favors has averaged 17.1 points on 65% shooting, 10.8 rebounds and 3.5 blocks. Now THOSE are numbers that are worthy of a top 5 pick. 球季初期Favors飽受犯規麻煩的困擾,也因此限制了他的上場時間和數據,頭七場大學比 賽,以平均40分鐘論,他的犯規高達5.2次,但此後Favors學會了防守和犯規之間的拿捏 ,平均40分鐘的犯規數降到1.5次。進攻方面,我看到Favors背框單打的次數不多﹝尤其 在賽季初期﹞,因此沒有足夠的資訊去分析,然而到了球季末最後八場比賽左右,喬大教 練Paul Hewitt示意Favors多往禁區打,他的數據也有了大幅的成長,最後八場比賽的平 均成績,17.1分10.8籃板3.5火鍋,投籃命中率65%,這樣的數據就符合大家對一個前五順 位新秀的期待了。 The Yellow Jackets made a nice run in the ACC Tournament with Derrick Favors leading the way. Against defending ACC Champ North Carolina, Favors had 18 points, nine rebounds and five blocks. Next, he helped GT win against a very good Maryland club, with 11 points, 11 rebounds and three blocks. He had 17 points, eight rebounds and two blocks as Georgia Tech beat North Carolina State to get to the ACC Final, then followed it up with another terrific game with 22 points, 11 rebounds and two blocks as GT narrowly lost to Duke in the title game. 在Favors領軍之下,喬治亞理工在ACC聯盟的淘汰賽繳出不錯的成績,面對欲保衛ACC冠軍 頭銜的北卡,Favors繳出18分9籃板5封蓋的成績;下一場比賽,貢獻11分11籃板3封蓋, 幫助球隊擊敗強隊馬里蘭大學;接下來用17分8籃板2封蓋的成績幫助球隊力克北卡州大晉 級ACC決賽;決賽以微幅差距輸給杜克,但Favors一樣繳出22分11籃板2封蓋的傑出成績。 Offensively, Derrick Favors is a mixed bag. He is is explosive around the rim, and a fabulous finisher. He's super efficient, shooting over 61% from the field for the year. When he's not throwing down ferocious dunks, he shows a nice touch around the basket with both hands. He can spin either way, and put up a baby hook in the lane with either his right or left hand. He's got good, soft hands and catches everything thrown his way; whether it's a spectacular alley-oop pass, or a simple entry pass to the post. I guess, for Wizards fans, it's especially important to mention that fact. He has made some very dramatic improvement in his post footwork; showing off a variety of pivots, spins and drop steps; something he didn't show earlier this year. However, he does NOT handle double teams well, and he's not a very good passer - and therefore he turns the ball over. His ball handling is almost non-existant, unless he's dribbling in a straight line - and as a result, he can't always create his own shot. 進攻方面,Favors還蠻多變化的,他的爆發力驚人,在籃圈周圍得分易如反掌,他的得分 非常有效率,今年平均投籃命中率高達61%。當他不再轟炸籃框時,他的雙手在籃下也都有 很好的得分手感,他可以隨意左右翻身用左手或右手小鉤射,他有一雙非常柔軟的雙手, 能夠接住各種傳球,不管是第一時間灌籃的傳球,或是一般導給低位球員的傳球他都能穩 穩接住。有一件非常重要的事我想提一下,Favors的低位腳步在今年球季有相當夢幻的進 步,不管是翻身或下球的步伐都大幅進步而這些是他在球季初期沒有展現過的東西。但 Favors處理包夾仍顯慌亂,他的傳球也不夠好,所以他很容易失誤,另外除非你讓他直線 運球,否則他幾乎沒有帶球進攻的能力,因此他自行創造得分機會的能力也不佳。 As for his jump shot, Favors has a nice looking stroke out to 12 feet or so, but he has not been very good, hitting less than 30% of his jumpers this year. Fortunately, he does not take a lot of jump shots, but at the next level he will need to get better at hitting that shot. I don't see anything in his mechanics or release that looks wrong or broken. His shot looks consistent, with good form and a high release; but it is a bit flat and sometimes he looks rushed. I don't think there's anything there that cannot be fixed with practice and a good shooting coach. 跳投方面,Favors在12呎左右的手感還不錯,但仍稱不上好,他今年的跳投命中率不到三 成,幸好他知道自己的弱點所在,沒有過多的濫投,但到了下一個層級,他需要增強自己 跳投的能力,我覺得他的跳投機制沒有甚麼問題,整個出手感覺很順暢,放球點也高,但 他的投籃弧度有點平,而且有時候會匆忙出手,只要他遇到一個好的投籃教練,這些小問 題都能迎刃而解。 Favors doesn't seem to have a consistent offensive move, unless you count a dunk as an offensive move. In the NBA, he'll need to develop a pet move, something he can rely on to get his shot off. Also, although GT does not run much, Favors should be excellent in transition. He's a terrific finisher, and runs the floor better than most guards. He also looks like he'd be a very good pick-and-roll finisher, assuming he teams up with a talented shot-creating guard. 除非你把灌籃算進去,否則Favors沒有穩定的進攻方式,到了NBA,Favors勢必要找到自 己拿手的得分手段,能穩定得分的武器。雖然喬治亞理工很少快攻,但Favors絕對是個快 攻能手,他跑快攻的能力非常恐怖,跑起來甚至比大多數的後衛還要快。如果Favors能遇 到很會創造得分機會的後衛的話,那他也可以在擋拆戰術中擔任稱職的得分角色, Easily the best defensive big man in the early draft (especially compared to Cousins), Favors has good defensive fundamentals. In one-on-one situations, he establishes a solid base, gets into a crouch, and refuses to give ground. Very physical, Favors certainly doesn't shy away from contact; and as a result, he can still get into foul trouble from time to time. As already mentioned, Favors can really jump, and that, in conjunction with his tremendous wingspan (9'1" standing reach) and excellent timing makes him a special shot blocker. He doesn't usually bite on fakes - knowing that he's tall enough, and long enough to contest shots without jumping at every twitch. He has very good quickness, something he rarely uses on Offense... but on Defense, his quickness allows him to step out on the pick-and-roll and still get back to his man. He's even very good when switched onto a smaller player; with lateral quickness enough to stay in front of all but the quickest guards. He has a high activity level on Defense, putting as much effort on Defense as Offense. 選秀前段班中Favors是長人防守最好的﹝尤其和Cousins比的話﹞,他有很好的防守素養 ,一對一防守上,Favors的防守功夫做的很扎實,膝蓋彎的很低,而且不會讓對手擠出空 間。Favors不畏懼任何的碰撞,但有時也會因此陷入犯規麻煩。Favors非常會跳,配合誇 張的翼展﹝站立摸高達九呎一吋﹞和對時間差的精準判斷,讓他成為一個封蓋好手,他不 容易被假動作騙到,因為他知道自己夠高手也夠長即使不用跳也能干擾對手投籃。防守上 他非常敏捷﹝可惜他在進攻上很少利用自己這項特點﹞,面對對手擋拆時他也能緊黏著自 己的防守者不放,錯位守到較矮小的球員時他也不會吃虧,他的靈敏度讓他可以擋在大多 數的球員之前,當然面對那些最快的後衛就沒辦法了,他在防守端的活動範圍很廣,於防 守上的影響力可以媲美他在進攻上的能力。 Even if he's not touching the ball offensively, he can still impact every phase of the game. Favors is an excellent rebounder, utilizing not only his superior athleticism, but also displaying good fundamentals, timing and court awareness. Much like Blake Griffin last year, when a shot goes up Favors finds his man, puts a body on him and boxes out. He has a very good sense of how the ball will come off the rim and uses his superior leaping ability to go up (usually with two hands) to snatch the rebound. He rebounds in crowds. Because of his quickness, he also snags rebounds outside his area. If Gani Lawal (6'9") weren't there (grabbing 8.7 rebounds per game), Derrick Favors would be right up there with the leading rebounders in College - he's that good. 即使進攻上Favors碰不到球,他還是能持續貢獻自己的能力,他是個傑出的籃板手,他不 光只會利用他超人的爆發力,他扎實的卡位,起跳時機的判斷,對場上情況的警覺性都是 重要的因素。他很像去年的Blake Griffin,每一次投籃出手後,Favors就會找到他應該 負責的人,用身體將對方卡在外圍,他有非常好的嗅覺,預判球不進後的移動方向,然後 用他火星人的爆發力起跳﹝通常會高舉雙手起跳﹞把籃板抓下來,他能在人群之中把籃板 球穩穩抓住,同時由於他的敏捷,他也能去攔截不在他領空內的籃板球。要是他的搭檔不 是Lawal﹝六呎九吋,平均8.7籃板﹞,Favors將會是大學籃壇的籃板王,這方面是他的長 項。 Given his superior physical tools, and his coachability and work ethic, I see no reason why Favors won't be an impact player right away on the defensive end. Favors has not only the tools, but the mentality to become an elite defender in the NBA. 由於他的超於常人的身材條件和他的受教態度與敬業精神,我想不到有任何理由讓Favors 在防守端上無法展現自己的影響力。Favors不光只有天賦,他的心智也會讓他成為NBA頂 尖的防守者。 STRENGTHS 優點 NBA body: Long, tall, huge wingspan, Excellent hands Good size, strength and frame (can still add muscle) Strong Intangibles: Work ethic, attitude, unselfish, Coachable Freak athleticism Plays hard, all the time Quickness Strong finisher at the rim Good footwork Efficient scorer inside Can finish through heavy contact Can use both hands Excellent rebounder Excellent defensive fundamentals Contests shots Terrific shot blocker Potentially All-First team Defense in the NBA Tremendous upside Low bust potential NBA等級身材:長、高、巨大的翼展、媲美加藤鷹的雙手、體型優良、強壯、天生練武奇才 ﹝不過還要再多練點肌肉﹞。 無形的優點 :敬業精神、態度、不自私、受教。 夭壽的體能 總是很努力 敏捷 籃框周圍的得分終結者 禁區得分有效率 可以硬上得分 左右開攻 傑出的籃板手 傑出的防守技巧 懂得干擾對手投籃 封蓋能力粉可怕 有潛力成為NBA防守第一隊成員 進步幅度驚人 有成為低位怪物的潛力 WEAKNESSES 缺點 Needs a "go to" move Needs to improve ball handling Turnover prone Jump shot needs work Cannot create his own shot GT system makes him hard to evaluate fairly 需要可靠的得分手段 需要增強帶球進攻技巧 失誤偏多 跳投待加強 無法自行製造得分機會 喬治亞理工的系統讓人無法公平的評斷他 Envision Amare Stoudemire; but an Amare that can and will play excellent defense. Derrick Favors is still raw, especially offensively; and a long ways from being compared to Stoudemire; but with improvements to certain facets of his game - he could get there. In fact, I think he would be a better pick than Aminu or Cousins. Why? Because of his intangibles.. his work ethic.. his attitude... the fact that every Coach he's ever played for calls him a "great kid" and very coachable. And, he’s still only 18 years old. 有人把他比擬成Amare Stoudemire,不過是願意防守而且防守更出色的阿罵,但Favors還 很嫩,特別在進攻方面,他想要跟阿罵比肩還有一段長路要走,由他的進步幅度觀察,相 信他是可以做到的。我覺得選他比選Cousins或Aminu更好,為甚麼?因為他無形的資產, 他的敬業精神和態度,所有敎過他的教練都說這孩子很棒而且很受教。 對了,而且他才18歲。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kingpredrag 來自: (04/21 21:43)

04/21 21:36, , 1F
阿屁:39秒那個我也可以 不過我更喜歡自己投 XD
04/21 21:36, 1F

04/21 21:50, , 2F
04/21 21:50, 2F

04/21 22:02, , 3F
現在就要祈禱能抽到前三順位了。 再沒有前三真的要翻桌了
04/21 22:02, 3F

04/21 22:18, , 4F
04/21 22:18, 4F

04/21 22:27, , 5F
04/21 22:27, 5F

04/21 22:29, , 6F
04/21 22:29, 6F

04/21 22:31, , 7F
哈 所以不能只看一個人寫就定論 每個人有愛的球員不一樣
04/21 22:31, 7F

04/21 22:38, , 8F
04/21 22:38, 8F

04/21 22:38, , 9F
04/21 22:38, 9F

04/21 22:38, , 10F
04/21 22:38, 10F

04/21 22:45, , 11F
哈 的確 剛剛看了 不是很爽他的態度 XDDDD
04/21 22:45, 11F

04/21 22:45, , 12F
我也滿喜歡Turner的 科科
04/21 22:45, 12F

04/21 22:52, , 13F
好像沒人不愛Turner XD
04/21 22:52, 13F

04/21 22:55, , 14F
PUSH 多觀察多比較是好的
04/21 22:55, 14F

04/21 22:58, , 15F
04/21 22:58, 15F

04/21 22:59, , 16F
04/21 22:59, 16F

04/21 23:33, , 17F
04/21 23:33, 17F

04/21 23:45, , 18F
目前各大選秀預測大多1.Wall 2.Turner 3.Favor or表弟
04/21 23:45, 18F

04/22 00:02, , 19F
04/22 00:02, 19F

04/22 00:03, , 20F
04/22 00:03, 20F

04/22 00:17, , 21F
04/22 00:17, 21F

04/22 00:17, , 22F
我們的 front court (Lawal+Favors+Peacock) 可以說是今年
04/22 00:17, 22F

04/22 00:18, , 23F
NCAA 64強最威的 同時後場也是最鳥的 外線可能只有還有點
04/22 00:18, 23F

04/22 00:19, , 24F
嫩的 Glen Rice Jr. 總之 我覺得 Favors 會是個好選擇
04/22 00:19, 24F

04/22 00:25, , 25F
樓上強者? 喬治理工是不是很威的學校阿(指學術地位)
04/22 00:25, 25F

04/22 00:41, , 26F
04/22 00:41, 26F

04/22 00:44, , 27F
真假~ ~
04/22 00:44, 27F

04/22 00:44, , 28F
樓上 喬治亞理工超威 在美國理工科排前四強
04/22 00:44, 28F

04/22 00:47, , 29F
個人覺得 選Favors 讓小湯+阿屁 3人輪替4.5號是可行的
04/22 00:47, 29F

04/22 00:50, , 30F
04/22 00:50, 30F

04/22 10:28, , 31F
04/22 10:28, 31F

04/22 10:55, , 32F
Favors下半季表現越來越好? 有一部分應該是教練授意讓他
04/22 10:55, 32F

04/22 10:57, , 33F
04/22 10:57, 33F

04/22 11:01, , 34F
他自己本身進攻有什麼進步嗎? 看不太出來
04/22 11:01, 34F

04/22 13:30, , 35F
04/22 13:30, 35F

04/22 13:31, , 36F
04/22 13:31, 36F

04/22 19:56, , 37F
04/22 19:56, 37F

04/22 23:22, , 38F
04/22 23:22, 38F
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