[外電] Omri Casspi and Jewish masculine ide …

看板Kings作者 (I love Man Utd!!!!!!!!!)時間14年前 (2010/02/20 21:39), 編輯推噓17(1700)
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不要再管前任帥哥老大和暴牙reke之爭,來關心★㊣↖煞气a卡卡↘㊣☆ Omri Casspi and Jewish masculine identity 卡卡與猶太的雄性認同 http://0rz.tw/mVHhn Omri Casspi: "vigorous and strong, nimble and powerful" 他精力充沛而且雄壯威武,機智靈巧卻又力霸山河 Ever since Omri Casspi hit the scene, I've had two general conversations with people I know: ●The first is with Jewish family and friends, few of whom follow pro basketball very closely. They've heard about this Israeli kid playing for some team in California. This is the greatest thing ever! Have you met him?! When is he coming to my city? What's the best way to invite him to Shabbos Dinner? Is he observant? ●The second conversation occurs with non-Jewish friends, each of whom appreciates that Casspi carries great symbolic importance for Jewish folks. But, in the politest way possible, they want to better understand why the fervor over Casspi in the Jewish community is such a phenomenon. After all, there have been Jewish ball players before and, fifty years ago, they had a major presence in the league. Today, current Laker Jordan Farmar is a rotation player for the reigning NBA champs. There are a number of Jewish NBA owners and the league's front offices are filled with Jews. So -- and we mean this in the least offensive way possible -- why are NBA arenas packed with ecstatic Jews every time the Kings show up? 自從卡卡加入NBA後,我知道大家最常談論兩件事: ●首先是關於猶太族群的討論內容,他們之中只有少數人是職業籃球的忠實粉絲,但他們 都知道有個以色列小孩在加州幫某一隊打球。「喔!這真是太棒了!你見過他嗎?他甚 麼時候到我們這裡打球?有甚麼方法可以邀他共進猶太晚餐?他有沒有甚麼禁忌?」 ●另外則是關於非猶太族群的討論,他們都很感謝卡卡為猶太族群帶來重要的依託。 但是,他們更想知道為甚麼猶太族群對卡卡如此瘋狂,畢竟十五年來NBA並不乏猶太裔球 員,他們在聯盟中都有不錯的表現,湖人的Jordan Farmer更是現任冠軍隊伍重要的輪替 球員,有不少老闆和聯盟的行政人員是猶太裔。我們的問題是─為何國王到各地比賽總 能帶來大票熱情的猶太人? This second question is a good one. Casspi, of course, is the first Israeli to play in the NBA, which explains a lot of the exuberance. Israel has long been a basketball-crazy land, and sending a native son over to the NBA is the ultimate realization of that passion. Noam Schiller of Jerusalem Sports wrote a celebratory piece over at Cowbell Kingdom describing the devotion to Casspi in Israel: ●[R]egardless of how Casspi’s career unravels from this point forward, he will always be the first one who made it. And all words and all the articles and all the TV pieces that have aired in the American media since that night late in June – and some of them are really really good – can’t even begin to describe the impact this has had in Israel. Kings games have become a matter of national importance – except nobody cares if they win or lose. David Thorpe’s rookie rankings are monitored on a weekly basis by every major sports website in the country ... New Casspi interviews and analysis pieces are published by the hour, and nobody is sick of it, because all they want is more and more information of how their promised son is doing in the scary outside world. So the next time you watch a Kings game, and the camera glosses over an Israeli flag in the crowd, don’t think to yourself “boy, these people are really over doing it”. Because the truth of the matter is, you ain’t seen nothin’. That camera isn’t showing you the people back in Israel who wake up in the middle of the night to watch the Kings play the likes of the Pistons and the Knicks and the Bucks, despite having school or work the next day. It doesn’t show the “Omri Casspi scored 15 points!…and the Kings lost ” headlines. It doesn’t show how all of a sudden, the Rookie-Sophomore game and the All-Star HORSE contest have, at least for one year, at least for one nation, stepped out of obscurity and into the spotlight. It doesn’t show how all these corny new headlines – such as the suddenly over used “Omri, King Of Israel” – are indeed corny, and sappy, and stupid, and true. 這是個好問題,首位以色列人登陸NBA的球員,這答案就能解答大多數的疑問。以色列很瘋 籃球,能夠送出第一位自家養大的孩子進入NBA更是激起他們無比的熱情。耶路撒冷運動報 的作家Noam Schiller在Cowbell Kingdom寫了一篇文章慶祝這件事,其中描述道卡卡在以 色列受熱愛的程度: ●不管卡卡未來的生涯如何,他就是以色列第一位進入NBA的球員,所以的平面和電視媒體 自從六月的選秀會之夜後都開始緊盯著美國媒體,即便如此仍無法描述這對以色列的重 要性,國王的比賽升級為國家大事﹝即使他們不在乎國王輸贏﹞;David Thorpe的新秀 排行成為各大運動媒體每週的報導重點;卡卡新的訪談和球員分析每小時播送,而且沒 有人感到厭煩,因為他們渴望知道他們的應許之子在外面那個恐怖的世界的每一件事。 所以下一次觀賞國王的比賽,當鏡頭轉到高舞著以色列國旗的觀眾時,請不要在心理責 怪他們做的太過火,因為你並沒有看到真正的情況,鏡頭並不是要秀給你看的,而是要 秀給那些在深夜起床守在電視機前的以色列人,他們觀看國王對戰活塞、尼克或公鹿, 即使隔日要上課或工作仍樂此不疲。至少他們沒秀出「卡卡得15分,但國王卻輸了比賽 」,至少他們沒秀出卡卡在新秀挑戰賽和明星週H.O.R.S.E.的一切細節,至少在這一年 ,至少在這一個國家,他們關心卡卡的一切,而且他們還沒秀出很誇張的標題「卡卡, 以色列之王」我知道這很鄉愿、很笨、很蠢但很真實。 Most American Jews have a visceral connection to Israel. They consider the prosperity of Israel their prosperity too. They also feel the nation's hardship, even if that burden isn't present in their daily lives. But there's something else about Casspi that speaks to the American Jewish psyche. Some of it is familiar -- old jokes like, "there's a book about Jewish athletes...it's a pamphlet!" But beneath the surface lurks something very real and raw that taps into why American Jews are so crazy about Casspi. To understand the modern origins of this dynamic, we have to look to the late 19th century and a Hungarian intellectual named Max Nordau, one of the founders of the Zionist movement at the turn of the century. Nordau believed that Jews were the victims of persecution in part because they were, at the risk of simplification, wimpy. Nordau espoused a theory called Muskeljudentum, or "Muscular Judaism." 多數的猶太裔美國人至今仍與以色列有很深的羈絆,以色列的榮耀就是他們的榮耀,以色 列的苦難即使與他們無關,他們也感同身受。 關於卡卡我們可以牽扯到猶裔美人的內心認同。有一個老笑話─這是一本關於猶太運動員 的巨作,但只有薄薄幾頁。由此我們可以大概得知為何猶裔美人會對卡卡如此瘋狂。 要了解他們真正的動力來源,我們必須談到19世紀晚期一位匈牙利智者─Max Nordau,他 是世代交替之時,猶太復國主義的發起人之一。Nordau相信猶太人是迫害下的犧牲者,這 全都是因為他們過去太懦弱,鑑於此Nordau主張「猶太人自強」主義。 Franklin Foer, in his book "How Soccer Explains the World," described Nordau's dogma: ●Nordau argued that victims of anti-Semitism suffered from their own disease, a condition he called Judendot, or Jewish distress. Life in the ghetto had afflicted the Jews with effeminacy and nervousness ... To beat back anti-Semitism and eradicate Judendot, Jews didn't merely need to reinvent their body politic. They needed to reinvent their bodies. He prescribed Muskeljudentum as a cure for this malady. He wrote, "We want to restore to the flabby Jewish body its lost tone, to make it vigorous and strong, nimble and powerful." Jews, he urged in articles and letters, should invest in creating gymnasia and athletic fields, because sport "will straighten us in body and character." Franklin Foery在他的書《如何用足球闡述世界》中提到了Nordau的信念: ●Nordau主張猶太人的災禍來自於反閃族主義,他稱這種情況為「猶太之難」,生活在貧 民區的折磨讓猶太人變得柔弱與神經質,為了反擊反閃主義以及解決猶太之難,猶太人 不該僅是只顧著自己,而應該要為全體猶太人的福祉奮鬥。他認為猶太自強主義是解決 苦難的直接方法。他寫道「我們應該擺脫過去的軟弱,重建精力充沛而且雄壯威武,機 智靈巧卻又力霸山河的猶太精神。」他在文章和信件中宣導自己的理念,認為可以透過 體育和競技重建這種精神,因為體育能強化我們的身體以及世人對我們的印像。 Now, how does this relate to Omri Casspi? Nordau's credo became part of the fabric of 20th Century Zionist ideology. The juggernaut we know as Maccabi Tel Aviv is a product of this movement, born in 1906 as the Rishon LeZion Club in Jaffa, Israel. Initially, gymnastics was the focus of the club, but basketball was introduced in the 1930s, a full decade before the founding of the state of Israel. The nation got its first real basketball league in 1954 and, sure enough, Maccabi Tel Aviv was the first champion. About 50 years later, and nearly a full century after the formation of the first organized athletic club in Israel, Casspi suited up for Maccabi Tel Aviv at the age of 17. Nordau might be heralded as a hero of Zionism, but his "Muscular Jew" doctrine was a little too close to the European anti-Semitic critique of the modern Jew for my taste. What Nordau essentially put forward was the idea that Jewish men, while learned professionals, smart with money and bookish, are traditionally lousy at the more primal duties of manhood -- things like defending their tribe against aggressors, sports and manual tasks. 而這一切與卡卡的關連? Nordau的理念成為20世紀猶太建國主義的理論,我們都知道強隊Maccabi Tel Aviv就是這 時候成軍的,1906年在以色列的Jaffa以Rishon LeZion俱樂部的方式誕生,剛開始俱樂部 的重心放在體操方面,籃球在1930年才引進,十年後以色列建國,國內的真正成立籃球聯 盟於1954年,Maccabi Tel Aviv是第一屆冠軍。五十年後,俱樂部成立一世紀的時間,卡 卡穿上Maccabi Tel Aviv的制服,這年他17歲。 Nordau被視為猶太建國主義的先驅者,但他的猶太自強主義在現代猶太人眼中也成為當時 反閃主義的攻擊目標。當時的猶太人成年後就開始學習經商,聰明的賺錢以及各種知識, 而Nordau所推行的理念就是要猶太人學習如何對抗侵略者,如何在競技上獲勝,以及克服 各種考驗。 By virtue of mandatory conscription, fighting wars and toiling the land for more than 60 years, Israeli Jews (and certainly Omri Casspi) have largely fulfilled Nordau's vision of the muscular Jew and have escaped this rap. For American Jews who have flocked to NBA arenas to get an up-close look at Casspi, the narrative is a little bit different. Many American Jews -- who are more like their European forebearers than their Israeli counterparts in their general way of life -- still internalize some of this Judendot. Their attachment to Israel is a largely tribal allegiance, but there's an element of wonder there too. One of the funnier snippets of Philip Roth's "Portnoy's Complaint" is American Jew Alexander Portnoy's arriving in Israel toward the end of the novel, in absolute awe of the virile Israelis: ●And that's the phrase that does me in as we touch down upon Eretz Yisroel [the land of Israel]: to watch the men. I love those men! I want to grow up to be one of those men! There's a little bit of Alexander Portnoy in the American Jewish men who can't wait to watch this Israeli man fly around the court, shoot 3s, harass ball-handlers and run the break. Yes, some of that fascination is a simple expression of nationalism, but Casspi personifies something deeper for American Jews. The fact that he's not a slight, cerebral point guard but a rangy, explosive -- sometimes even careless -- young swingman makes him all the more appealing. Casspi is just like everyone else out there ... which makes him special. 憑藉著強制徵兵,60年來以色列人靠著戰爭和開墾土地實踐了Nordau的理想終結自己的苦 難。猶裔美人進入球場看卡卡比賽的故事又有一點不同,多數的猶裔美人都很懷念自己歐 洲的祖先更勝於喜愛以色列的同胞,所以他們心中多少仍潛藏了「猶太之難」的情結,而 這種聯繫轉化成對以色列擁戴,但也因此產生了一種自我定位的懷疑。在Philip Roth的書 《波特諾伊的怨言》﹝Portnoy's Complaint﹞有一段猶裔美人波特諾伊在以色列旅程的盡 頭是這樣描述﹝對於以色列人的強健感到敬畏﹞: ●這是當我們到達Eretz Yisroel﹝以色列地名﹞所說的話:注視著那些人,我愛他們! 我也想要在這裏成長,成為他們的一份子。 猶裔美人心中都有一點波特諾伊的情懷,因此他們等不急要看卡卡在球場上奔馳,投三分 球,不斷地干擾持球者以及跑快攻。沒錯,有些對卡卡的迷戀的確是出於純粹的國族主義 ,但卡卡也在猶裔美人的心中留下深刻的印象。他並不是矮小只能靠頭腦打球的控衛﹝婊 農夫?﹞而是身形瘦長,體能勁爆的年輕搖擺人,也因此吸引更多的目光。 離開球場的卡卡與一般人無異,但就是他特殊之處。 -- 為了卡卡我居然翻了一篇關於猶太民族的文章...orz 不要吵了,給個推好嗎^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/20 21:43, , 1F
02/20 21:43, 1F

02/20 21:43, , 2F
02/20 21:43, 2F

02/20 21:53, , 3F
能翻出這樣的文章 不給推像話嗎 XD
02/20 21:53, 3F

02/20 22:00, , 4F
推 用心
02/20 22:00, 4F

02/20 22:05, , 5F
02/20 22:05, 5F

02/20 22:40, , 6F
剛回家 推
02/20 22:40, 6F

02/20 22:42, , 7F
推好翻譯 卡卡現象好眼熟…如同MLB賽季時的台灣
02/20 22:42, 7F

02/20 22:44, , 8F
02/20 22:44, 8F

02/20 22:59, , 9F
很能感同身受 曾經有段時間 都了Wang在爆肝...
02/20 22:59, 9F

02/20 23:01, , 10F
首位土耳其的NBA球員也是國王選的 很有昔日的感覺
02/20 23:01, 10F

02/20 23:03, , 11F
推!!這樣的文章不推行嗎? ★㊣↖煞气a卡卡↘㊣☆
02/20 23:03, 11F

02/20 23:05, , 12F
02/20 23:05, 12F

02/20 23:05, , 13F
02/20 23:05, 13F

02/20 23:07, , 14F
02/20 23:07, 14F

02/20 23:12, , 15F
推 當初選秀前看了他的資料我就很愛他!
02/20 23:12, 15F

02/20 23:23, , 16F
02/20 23:23, 16F
※ 編輯: kingpredrag 來自: (02/20 23:31)

02/21 01:16, , 17F
以色列王葛格 :P
02/21 01:16, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1BV-OAfe (Kings)