Re: Kings have reservations about Rubio?

看板Kings作者時間15年前 (2009/06/16 14:58), 編輯推噓4(402)
留言6則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《pennykidd (回到青蘋果的年代)》之銘言: 小弟英文不夠好 標題的翻譯應是:國王預定Rubio嗎?還是國王對Rubio有所保留? 國王對Rubio持保留態度 -Ricky Rubio will keep his name in the draft, his agent Dan Fegan told DraftExpress. Clearly the rift between Rubio and his Spanish team DKV Joventut is too deep to mend at this point, and with the team strapped for cash and not playing in next year’s Euroleague, that does not appear to be a situation that Rubio is interested in returning to. Rubio的經紀人Dan Fegan提到,Rubio會繼續參加今年的選秀。由於老東家DKV缺錢,又 不會參加明年的Euroleague,看起來Rubio不太可能想回去。 Rubio lands in Los Angles today and will begin to evaluate his options regarding who he may work out with. At this point, the Sacramento Kings are the only team that are certain to get a visit. Memphis and Oklahoma City are not on the agenda as of now, and it’s not yet clear whether they will be added. Other teams who are looking to move up in the draft may get a chance to visit with Rubio, depending on their interest level and the likelihood of them brokering a deal with a team like the Grizzlies or Thunder. Rubio今天抵達洛杉磯,並開始評估參加各隊試訓的可能性。國王隊是目前唯一確定他會 拜訪的隊伍。灰熊和雷霆目前不在他的名單上,未來也不一定會被排進行程。其他試圖 在選秀中往前推進順位的隊伍都有機會和Rubio見面,當然,取決於他們的好感度以及向 灰熊雷霆談辦的手腕。 Chad Ford: Not a sure thing the Kings would take Rubio #4 "Rubio has been pretty adamant that he doesn't want to play in Memphis. Although he doesn't have the same objection to Oklahoma City, it sounds as though the Thunder are leaning toward drafting either James Harden or Stephen Curry. So, if neither team makes a trade, Rubio would be there at No. 4. But sources in Sacramento say that the Kings have reservations about Rubio and that it's far from a done deal that they will take him if he is on the board." Chad Ford: "國王在#4不一定會想要Rubio。Rubio對於他不想在灰熊打球這件事非常堅定 。而雷霆他則沒有表示明顯的拒絕,不過雷霆似乎比較傾向於James Harden或Stephen Curry。因此,如果這兩隊都沒有賣掉他們的選秀順位,Rubio就會掉到#4。根據國王內部 的消息來源指出,就算到時Rubio真的掉下來,也不一定會是他們的第一選擇。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/16 08:13,
最後一段是說: Kings對他持保留態度(即使他沒被前三隊選走)
06/16 08:13

06/16 08:18,
06/16 08:18

06/16 08:53,
06/16 08:53

06/16 09:14,
說真的 Boooooo意外 ~ Petrie過去的選秀幾乎都是要試過才
06/16 09:14

06/16 09:16,
考慮選 而且以過往老是讓我們嚇一跳的經驗來看 若不是選
06/16 09:16

06/16 09:17,
Rubio 或建寧這兩個聲勢前二位的控衛似乎也不必太吃驚 (只
06/16 09:17

06/16 09:18,
是有機會選跳過 我們會很不爽就是)
06/16 09:18

06/16 09:20,
電腦分析:百分之21 是因為Petrie喜歡試訓過的
06/16 09:20

06/16 09:22,
06/16 09:22

06/16 09:23,
06/16 09:23

06/16 09:25,
Rubio:要嘛是真的 要嘛是虛招 不然就嘴炮? 開個六給國王
06/16 09:25

06/16 09:26,
06/16 09:26

06/16 10:11,
當然要這樣說啊 不然被別隊來個攔胡不就糗了
06/16 10:11

06/16 11:40,
根據近幾年的傳統 感覺還是會選白人控衛 XDD
06/16 11:40

06/16 11:49,
哈 近幾年有選過後衛嗎...只有Jwill是白的吧
06/16 11:49

06/16 13:54,
如果得到RUBIO的代價太高 相當然爾不要跟啊 ....
06/16 13:54

06/16 13:55,
這個應該沒人會反對吧 尤其後面的人選潛力其實並
06/16 13:55

06/16 13:56,
沒有太差 不必一定要RUBIO不可
06/16 13:56
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/16 15:13, , 1F
到洛杉磯第一站一定是順路到我們這吧 ...
06/16 15:13, 1F

06/16 15:14, , 2F
06/16 15:14, 2F

06/16 15:15, , 3F
06/16 15:15, 3F

06/16 17:15, , 4F
你錯了 據內線消息 他其實是去談魔戒4的合約啊(大誤)
06/16 17:15, 4F

06/16 17:31, , 5F
06/16 17:31, 5F

06/16 21:22, , 6F
06/16 21:22, 6F
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