Re: [情報] J媽和MJ小孩們對AEG提出告訴

看板KingofPop作者 (很難想)時間13年前 (2010/09/20 09:07), 編輯推噓9(904)
留言13則, 10人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多) J媽和三個小孩起訴AEG的完整法律文件如上連結 代表律師的聲明 據國外歌迷查的結果 這家律師事務所好像很厲害 打贏過很多民事官司,,20427138,00.html 這篇是訴訟的大意 我大概瀏覽了一下PDF檔 雖然這個不是出自CNN等大媒體 但內容的確是第一個連結大意 MJ的母親Katherine Jackson還有MJ的三個小孩Michael Joseph Jackson Jr Paris-Michael Katherin Jackson Prince Michael JacksonII起訴了AEG 還有AEG執行長Randy Philips TII導演Kenny Ortega等多人 大概翻一下 J家的起訴重點 With his sold-out concert series only four weeks away and a sickly Michael Jackson missing yet another rehearsal, the promoter gave the star an ultimatum: Start taking drugs from a new doctor to keep you going, or we'll sue you for millions. 在MJ距離演唱會開始還有四個禮拜 MJ又錯過了一次採排 主辦方告訴MJ把藥吃了繼續 準備演出 不然我們就告你上百萬 This dose of "tough love" administered at Jackson's house is alleged in a lawsuit filed this week that provides a new account of the days before Jackson died from a dose of a powerful anesthesia. 上週起訴AEG的法律文件 展示了MJ死前幾個禮拜可能發生的事 In the suit by Jackson's mother Katherine and his children, Jackson is not portrayed as the rejuvenated King of Pop on the comeback trail, as seen in the movie This Is It, but as a tired, drug-addled 50-year-old barely able to rehearse – much less embark on a high-stakes concert series. J媽和MJ小孩的起訴書中 MJ並沒有像TII電影中這樣活力四射 而是個疲累 用了很多藥 而無法參與彩排的人 To protect its huge investment and the potential for even bigger profits, the lawsuit alleges, promoter AEG Live drove the entertainer – once so out of it that he was disoriented and shivering in a hot arena – into a premature death through the poor medical care from the physician hired by the promoter: Dr. Conrad Murray. 文件中指控 AEG為了要保障他們巨大利益收入 AEG把一個在悶熱採排場地中卻還發冷的 人 直接送到了Murray醫生匱乏的醫療照顧之下 An AEG spokesman would only say that the Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit "is inaccurate, unsubstantiated and meritless. Dr. Murray was Mr. Jackson's longtime personal physician. AEG did not choose him, hire him or supervise him." AEG發言人表示 這項指控不是真的 Murray是MJ長期的私人醫生 並非AEG雇用他的 他們也 沒有指示Murray The lawsuit, which alleges breach of contract, negligence and fraud, provides a detailed narrative of what it claims were AEG's heavy-handed tactics in the weeks prior to Jackson's U.K. concerts, when Jackson was faltering during rehearsals. 法律訴訟文件中表示詳細的描述 AEG是怎麼在MJ死前違反合約和中操控他 According to the suit, the promoters went to Jackson's Los Angeles house on June 18, 2009, and insisted he stop seeing his personal physician, Dr. Arnold Klein, and stop taking Klein's medications, because they "made him sleepy and prevented him from rehearsing," says the legal papers. 文件中表示 6/18/2009 主辦方去了MJ洛杉磯的家裡 禁止MJ再去見MJ的皮膚科醫生Arnold Klein 而且不可再使用Klein的藥物 因為那些藥物導致MJ昏昏欲睡而不能採排 "Tough love," the promoters allegedly called it: Just take the drugs from Dr. Murray and don't miss another rehearsal, the promoters allegedly said, or we'll call off the tour and sue you. 主辦單位說 這是他們對MJ"嚴厲的愛" 他們表示 只需要使用Murray的藥物 而且不可錯過 另一個採排 否則我們會取消演出而且告你 "Rather than act reasonably and relax the rehearsal schedule to Michael Jackson could recuperate from his physical problems, AEG insisted that he attend every rehearsal in a grueling schedule," according to the lawsuit. 文件中也表示 主辦方沒有選擇讓MJ有時間休息來恢復他身體的健康 AEG仍是堅持要他 參與每一次密集的日程表 A month earlier, the suit also says, AEG had contracted Murray, a Las Vegas cardiologist, to be Jackson's "personal concierge physician." For $150,000 a month and a rental house near the London concert venue, Murray would make sure Jackson got the sleep he needed and that he made every rehearsal. 一個月前另一個起訴書中也提到AEG和Murray簽了合約 支付他每個月15萬美金 還有提供 他在倫敦場地附近的駐所 而Murray會保證MJ獲得所需要的睡眠才能來參與彩排 Only Jackson's health worsened, the lawsuit says, as Murray pumped him full of such sedatives as Valium, Ativan, Versed and the drug Propofol, an anesthetic for minor surgeries. Under his contract, Murray was also supposed to receive from AEG a nurse and CPR equipment, but these were never furnished, the lawsuit says. Murray為MJ打了各式鎮定劑 合約中原也說到Murray應該從AEG得到一個護士 CPR急救裝備 但是這些要求從沒被滿足 At 9:30 p.m. on June 18, hours after the "riot act meeting," Jackson showed up at rehearsal "visibly shaken" and "not himself that day," the lawsuit says. At home that night, Murray administered the usual sedative cocktail, including Propofol, still without the resuscitation equipment and nursing support. 6/18晚上9:30 在一場激烈爭辯的會議之後數小時 MJ出現在彩排場地 並且顫抖著 文件中說他在當天的彩排中完全不像他自己 當天晚上Murray為他注射了多種鎮定劑 包括Propofol 而當時也沒有任何急救設備和護士在旁 Back at rehearsal the next day, "Jackson was upset, not coherent, and seemed drugged and disoriented," the lawsuit says. 文件中表示 第二天MJ非常的憂慮 無法專注 而且似乎用藥而意識不清 After a Father's Day weekend break, Jackson returned to rehearsal on June 23 "freezing cold," the lawsuit says. "His assistants had to give him several shirts to wear under his long, heavy coat. Although it was warm in Staples Center that day, and although the rehearsal was vigorous, Jackson had to have a heater." 在父親節休息後 MJ在6/23回來採排 文件中說他感到冷死了 雖然Staple Center那天很 溫暖 而且採排很激烈 他的助理卻必須給他無數件衣服讓他穿在他的長大衣下 而且MJ 要求要有暖氣 The lawsuit says: "AEG was well aware of his condition but did not postpone any rehearsals, nor did AEG relent in its demands that Jackson continue to maintain the grueling rehearsal schedule." 起訴書中表示AEG非常知道MJ的狀況 但沒有延後採排 還一直要求MJ繼續很繁忙的日程表 The suit says Jackson was in bad shape on June 24, too, shivering and seeming disoriented. This is in stark contrast to the picture of Jackson painted by other witnesses, who said he seemed enthused and healthy that night as he ran through classics like "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'," "Billie Jean," "Smooth Criminal" and "She's Out of My Life." He and his dancers also performed "Thriller" in full costume. They worked until midnight. 文件中表示6/25 MJ的情況也很糟 一直發抖而且搞不清方向 這和之前其他人所聲稱的內容 很不符合 其他人說MJ當天很健康和有活力 他採排了數首歌曲 According to various accounts, Jackson arrived home fatigued but had trouble sleeping that night. Murray has told police that he gave into Jackson's demands at 10:40 p.m. on the morning of the 25th, pushing 25 milligrams of Propofol into the IV. Soon, Jackson stopped breathing. Murray, still without the heart resuscitation machine he was supposed to get, was unable to save Jackson's life. 根據多方證辭 MJ當晚回家非常疲憊 但是卻睡不著 Murray告訴警方他是在MJ的要求下 注射了25mg的Propofol 不久MJ停止了呼吸 但Murray 因為始終沒有得到應得的救生器材 所以無法挽救MJ的生命 The coroner conducted an autopsy the following day and concluded that Jackson died from acute Propofol intoxication and that he had a "polypharmacy" of drugs in his system. 法醫在驗屍報告中表示MJ死於急性Propofol中毒 而且他體內有多重用藥的情況 Charles Peckham, a civil attorney for Murray, declined to discuss the case in detail, citing civil and criminal litigation. The doctor has been sued by Jackson's father, Joe. Katherine's attorneys may go after him as well. Murray also is awaiting preliminary hearing on an involuntary manslaughter charge brought by the Los Angeles DA. 代表Murray的民事訴訟律師拒絕對此起訴書發表評論 Murray已經被MJ的父親起訴 很有可 能MJ母親的律師也同樣會起訴他 Murray也正在等待LA法院對他過失殺人的刑事起訴聽證會 "Dr. Murray has a great deal of respect for Katherine Jackson and for Michael Jackson's children and wants to give them all the peace that they deserve as they grieve the loss of their son and their father," Peckham says. "But for Dr. Murray, it's just another day and another lawsuit." Murray的律師只表示 Murray非常尊敬J媽和MJ的孩子們 希望他們能獲得平靜 因為他們 痛失了他們的兒子和父親 但是對於Murray來說 每天都又多了一項起訴 -- In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. In a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. ~~~~By Michael Jackson -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/20 11:17, , 1F
09/20 11:17, 1F

09/20 11:39, , 2F
09/20 11:39, 2F

09/20 11:55, , 3F
09/20 11:55, 3F

09/20 12:02, , 4F
我覺得這篇才是實話 前面恐怕是很多人被威脅利誘說謊的
09/20 12:02, 4F

09/20 12:06, , 5F
其實之前就很多這些風聲了吧Karen Faye Michael Bush都這
09/20 12:06, 5F

09/20 12:07, , 6F
樣講 還有那些每天一直跟著MJ的歌迷從去年就這樣講了
09/20 12:07, 6F

09/20 14:00, , 7F
09/20 14:00, 7F

09/20 16:38, , 8F
真相只有一個 究竟MJ身體狀況如何 希望司法可以調查清楚
09/20 16:38, 8F

09/20 16:39, , 9F
如果這篇所說的是事實 那AEG就太超過了
09/20 16:39, 9F

09/20 18:35, , 10F
09/20 18:35, 10F

09/20 22:50, , 11F
好可怕 如果這是真相
09/20 22:50, 11F

09/20 23:46, , 12F
上帝會看見的 願正義得以彰顯
09/20 23:46, 12F

09/21 01:34, , 13F
真的太過份 竟然這樣對待大家心愛的MJ T__T
09/21 01:34, 13F
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