Re: [火大] 莫瑞抗辯:麥可打麻醉劑 害死自己

看板KingofPop作者 (oldtrafford)時間14年前 (2010/04/06 23:13), 編輯推噓5(508)
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這篇是之前TMZ在聽證會前的報導 說是秘密消息來源 但並非昨天法院內的實際狀況 目前只是秘密消息 可能辯護律師採取的辯護策略 原文如下 (4-4-2010) According to TMZ, Dr. Conrad Murray's legal defense is that Michael Jackson gave himself the fatal dose of Propofol. Multiple sources familiar with the strategy told TMZ the defense argument goes like this: Murray對當天事發的描述 * At around 10:50 AM, Dr. Murray gave Jackson 25 mg of Propofol from a 20 ml bottle -- that's only about 1/8 of the bottle. 早上10:50 他給25mg的propofol大概是1/8瓶的量 * The dose Dr. Murray administered would keep someone asleep for only 5 to 10 minutes, But the Propofol, along with the Ativan and Versed that was already in Michael Jackson's system, had a synergistic effect that put Jackson to sleep for a longer period of time. 這個量只能讓人昏迷5-10分鐘 但其他藥物的互相作用 會讓他睡更久 * For the next hour, Dr. Murray stayed in the room and was on the phone for much of the time. Dr. Murray didn't leave the room to make the calls because Michael liked activity in the room, regularly sleeping with the lights on and cartoons blaring on the TV. 接下來一個小時 他待在房間裡講電話 因為MJ喜歡房間裡有聲響 像是他會開燈睡覺 電視還會放卡通 (老實說 這樣不是好的休息方式吧= = ) * At around noon, Dr. Murray left the room for approximately two minutes to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, the defense believes Jackson suddenly awakened and was frustrated he had spent nearly 9 hours trying in vain to sleep. The defense theory -- Michael Jackson took the 20 ml bottle of Propofol and self-injected the remaining contents through the IV, causing a massive overdose that stopped his heart. 中午的時候 Murray離開兩分鐘去廁所 這段時間裡MJ突然醒了 而且覺得他花了九個小時 都沒睡著很抓狂 辯方律師理論 MJ拿了20ml的Propofol瓶子 然後整罐打進點滴裡 所以他自己用藥過量 導致心臟停止 (驗屍報告不是說 IV是在他腳上 這很難自己打吧 而且最好他能控制昏迷的剛好躺平) * Dr. Murray walked back in the room and saw Michael with his eyes open and pupils dilated. Dr. Murray dropped the phone (he was speaking with his girlfriend) and began administering CPR. Murray回到房間發現MJ眼睛睜開 瞳孔渙散 他丟了電話 他正跟他女友講電話 開始CPR (兩分鐘又要上廁所 還可以講電話 真忙阿) * The defense will argue Michael Jackson was a long-time Propofol addict -- something TMZ first reported shortly after the singer's death. As one source said, Jackson liked the sensation of Propofol being administered by IV, adding, "Michael liked to push it." 辯護律師會說MJ長期對Propofol上癮 這個消息是TMZ在MJ剛去世就發過的新聞 L.A. County Coroner's investigators took a picture in the room, showing an empty Propofol bottle on the floor, underneath the nightstand by Jackson's bed. The defense will argue Michael Jackson grabbed the bottle from the nightstand, injected himself and then dropped the bottle. LA調查報告有張房內的照片 有一張顯示Propofol在MJ床旁桌子的地上 辯方認為 是MJ抓了床旁的Propofol自行注射 然後瓶子掉到那裡 As you may recall, law enforcement officials believe Dr. Murray hid bottles of Propofol before paramedics arrived. The defense will argue ... if Dr. Murray was really hiding Propofol, he would have removed the empty bottle under the nightstand that caused Michael Jackson's death. 檢察官認為Murray想在救護車來前藏匿證據 辯方會聲稱如果他想藏的話 他應該會藏這瓶 (查一下指紋好了) Michael Jackson's father says he is "horrified" by the prospect Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team will argue that Michael Jackson accidentally killed himself by pumping a lethal dose of Propofol into his body. J爸聽到這個MJ自己注射的辯護理論傻眼 Joe Jackson tells TMZ, "I don't believe it. It's not true. Why would he [Dr. Murray] hide all the bottles if such a story were true?" Joe Jackson added, "The Coroner's report shows the story is not true," adding, "This really upsets me to hear this." Joe Jackson plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Murray. While Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, says, "His [Dr. Murray's] story is medically inconsistent with the autopsy findings, he says before knowing for sure, "I would need to see the photographs of the scene in order to assess his story." J家律師表示他的故事和驗屍報告顯示的完全不合理 However, Dr. Conrad Murray’s team is attacking a new report that claims to know his defense strategy in the coming Michael Jackson homicide case. Murray辯方律師表示 這個辯護理論不知哪來的 “We do not know what sources to which TMZ is referring,” a Murray rep told Access Hollywood in a statement on Sunday. “We only know it didn’t come from [attorney] Ed [Chernoff] who has the final word.” TMZ的消息不知是哪來的 這並非從首席辯護律師來的 The rep added that they “will not be trying the case in the press,” and were waiting to see how the prosecution intended to approach the case. 他們說他們不會利用媒體來試驗辯護的理論 “In any case, it is premature to discuss defense strategy,” the rep said. “ Dr. Murray’s defense will depend on the People’s theory of prosecution, which has not yet been made available to the defense team.” Murray is due in court on Monday, April 5, 2010. 目前來說討論辯護的方式還太早了 他們要看檢察官要怎麼起訴再說 昨天實際進展如下: Michael Jackson Case Assigned To New Judge 昨天的聽證會進展緩慢 原先是要討論是否吊銷Murray的行醫執照 但目前的進展只有 這個案子的法官換人了所以要下一場才會知道是否吊銷Murray行醫執照 Michael Jackson Case Moves Slowly Through Courts 所有相關討論要下一場才會討論 預定是6/14號 昨天J爸J媽 Janet Jermain Randy等親屬都有出席 順便補Randy Jackson昨天Twitter Inside the courtroom... The press is getting preferential treatment and seating over us. They seem to have forgotten that we are a family. The court informed us there's nothing they could do. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/07 01:33, , 1F
老天爺 快讓這個冷血殺人的廢物 得到報應
04/07 01:33, 1F

04/07 01:34, , 2F
好難過~~好邪惡的人心~Kill Murry!I will spit on him
04/07 01:34, 2F

04/07 01:41, , 3F
馬的 害死麥可的畜生全都下地獄吧 你們也休想得到麥可的原
04/07 01:41, 3F

04/07 01:42, , 4F
諒 因為妳們只能下地獄 沒辦法到天堂碰到麥可~~!!!
04/07 01:42, 4F

04/07 23:28, , 5F
04/07 23:28, 5F

04/07 23:29, , 6F
04/07 23:29, 6F

04/07 23:30, , 7F
04/07 23:30, 7F

04/08 09:01, , 8F
這段間裡MJ突然"醒了" 而且覺得他花了九個小時都沒"睡著"很
04/08 09:01, 8F

04/08 09:02, , 9F
抓狂? 這句好矛盾= =
04/08 09:02, 9F

04/08 09:34, , 10F
04/08 09:34, 10F

04/08 09:47, , 11F
多謝翻譯整理 CM根本邏輯不通啦~~~
04/08 09:47, 11F

04/08 22:30, , 12F
04/08 22:30, 12F

04/08 22:32, , 13F
樓上說的是 阿花一堆錢是請他來幹麻? 講電話???= =
04/08 22:32, 13F
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