[情報] 遺產公司和錢尼簽下歷史性新合約!!!!!!

看板KingofPop作者 (很難想)時間14年前 (2010/03/16 12:40), 編輯推噓22(22011)
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http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/16/arts/music/16jackson.html Michael Jackson’s Estate Signs Sweeping Contract !!!!!驚歎號不夠用 翻個大意 印象之前是說MJ跟錢尼合約是到今年還明年 Nine months after Michael Jackson’s death, his estate has signed one of the biggest recording contracts in history, giving Sony, Mr. Jackson’s longtime label, the rights to sell his back catalog and draw on a large vault of unheard recordings. MJ遺產公司 在MJ死後九個月 跟MJ長期的唱片公司錢尼簽下音樂史上最驚人的合約 $ONY能發行MJ所有沒發行過新歌的權利 Michael Jackson during a concert in Vienna in 1997. Mr. Jackson, who died in June at 50, was the top-selling artist in the United States last year. MJ是去年全美銷量最好的歌手 The deal, for about 10 recordings through 2017, will guarantee the Jackson estate up to $250 million in advances and other payments and offer an especially high royalty rate for sales both inside and outside the United States, according to people with knowledge of the contract who spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to speak about it publicly. 這合約將簽到2017年!! 包括十張專輯!!!! 保障了MJ遺產公司兩億五千萬的預付款!!!!!!! 而在美國和國際版稅還會另外有高額收入 (遺產執行人抽成賺死) It also allows Sony and the estate to collaborate on a wide range of lucrative licensing arrangements, like the use of Jackson music for films, television and stage shows and lines of memorabilia that will be limited only by the imagination of the estate and the demand of a hungry worldwide market. 同時同意$ONY能夠和各項產業合作 像是把MJ的歌用在電影 電視 舞台劇 紀念品 因為全世界現在都瘋狂想要MJ相關的東西 “We think that recordings will always be an important part of the estate,” John Branca, an entertainment lawyer who is one of the estate’s executors, said in an interview on Monday. “New generations of kids are discovering Michael.” John Brance在本週一的訪問說 那些新專輯是遺產中很重要的一部分 新一代的小孩 將會重新發現MJ “A lot of the people that went to see ‘This Is It’ were families,” he added, referring to the Jackson concert film released in October. “ ‘This Is It’ was one of the few films allowed into China. So we think there are growing and untapped markets for Michael’s music.” 去看TII很多是家庭 也是少數殺入大陸市場的電影 我想MJ的音樂市場價值水漲船高 The first recording covered by the new contract is the “This Is It” soundtrack, released last year, and Sony plans a new album of unreleased recordings for November. 第一張合約包含的專輯是TII的原聲帶 去年發行的 錢尼打算在今年十一月發行新專輯!!! Sony’s contract is a bet on the continued appeal of Mr. Jackson, whose sales spiked after his death in June at the age of 50. With overall record sales on a decade-long plunge, mega-deals like this one have become rare, and Mr. Branca said the deal “exceeds all previous industry benchmarks.” Five years ago Bruce Springsteen signed a deal with Sony worth a reported $110 million, and in 2008 Live Nation and Jay-Z struck a $150 million deal for recordings, concert tours and other rights. 錢尼的賭注是看好 MJ過世後瘋狂的CD銷量 像這樣的好交易可是很少見的= = Branca說 這次的交易是打破音樂史紀錄 五年前Bruce Springsteen跟錢尼簽了一億一千萬 08年Live Nation和Jay-Z簽了一億五千萬的唱片合約和巡迴演唱權 Demand for Jackson music has leveled off after the initial rush — in the weeks after his death Sony scrambled to replenish retailers’ stock of any and all Jackson titles — but remains high. Last year Mr. Jackson was the biggest-selling artist in the United States by a wide margin, with 8.3 million combined album sales and 12.4 million downloads of single tracks, according to Nielsen SoundScan. Mr. Branca said that since his death Mr. Jackson has sold more than 31 million albums, about two-thirds of them outside the United States. 這段 MJ唱片去年賣翻 美國賣了八百三十萬張 一千兩百四十萬次下載 Nielson統計在去年就賣了三千一百萬張 2/3是在美國境外賣的 But as record sales have tapered off over the last decade, licensing has emerged as the biggest growth area for revenue from recorded music. And given the success of the Beatles and the Elvis Presley estate in reissuing and repackaging old albums as well as finding new uses for their music — like “ Love,” the Beatles’ hit theatrical show by Cirque du Soleil — it is not hard to imagine the direction that the Jackson estate might take in using old recordings in new ways. 有鑒於像貓王和披頭四重發專輯都賣很好 披頭四還在太陽馬戲團有秀 MJ遺產公司也考慮拿舊唱片做新用途 “It’s not just a record deal,” said Rob Stringer, chairman of the Columbia/Epic Label Group, a Sony division. “We’re not just basing this on how many CDs we sell or how many downloads. There are also audio rights for theater, movies, computer games. I don’t know how an audio soundtrack will be used in 2017, but you’ve got to bet on Michael Jackson in any new platform.” 錢尼底下Epic分布的老闆說 這不只只是個唱片合約 我們不只是關心唱片賣多少 下載量有多少 我們還有權利把音樂用在電影 電動遊樂器材 我不知道2017年音樂會被怎麼使用 但你可以猜想MJ到時絕對有新的平台 看完新聞不知該喜還該悲 喜的是果然是King 幹甚麼都破紀錄 Branca真的很會生財 不要把MJ招牌給砸了倒是 悲的是又被MJ討厭的錢尼分好大一杯羹阿~~~~~ 今年有新專輯!!! 也不知該喜還該悲 七年出十張會不會太誇張阿~~~精選滿天?? -- In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. In a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. ~~~~By Michael Jackson -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ChesterB 來自: (03/16 12:49)

03/16 13:15, , 1F
7年10張 MJ都變孫燕姿了 不是批評孫 而是這樣會被搞爛
03/16 13:15, 1F

03/16 13:17, , 2F
03/16 13:17, 2F

03/16 13:22, , 3F
03/16 13:22, 3F

03/16 13:23, , 4F
每首歌都堅持親力親為的老大 現在作品卻要任人處置發行
03/16 13:23, 4F

03/16 13:40, , 5F
03/16 13:40, 5F

03/16 13:41, , 6F
03/16 13:41, 6F

03/16 13:58, , 7F
03/16 13:58, 7F

03/16 14:31, , 8F
03/16 14:31, 8F

03/16 15:09, , 9F
03/16 15:09, 9F

03/16 17:06, , 10F
耶!! 不要又來精選集了啦... ><
03/16 17:06, 10F

03/16 17:28, , 11F
只能說服自己:MJ用心創作 生前不能如願 死後總算可以了
03/16 17:28, 11F

03/16 17:37, , 12F
03/16 17:37, 12F

03/16 17:43, , 13F
03/16 17:43, 13F

03/16 20:42, , 14F
03/16 20:42, 14F

03/16 20:43, , 15F
是25億嗎?million不是百萬? 250million是兩億五千吧?
03/16 20:43, 15F

03/16 20:49, , 16F
03/16 20:49, 16F

03/16 20:52, , 17F
03/16 20:52, 17F

03/16 21:06, , 18F
03/16 21:06, 18F

03/16 21:17, , 19F
本以為等PPB長大後可以自己做決定 不大懂降算好不好?
03/16 21:17, 19F

03/16 22:45, , 20F
MJ30年來出六張 現在七年十張? 真的有點誇張
03/16 22:45, 20F

03/16 22:47, , 21F
希望Branca好好管理阿 錢尼大概是必要之惡 唉
03/16 22:47, 21F

03/16 23:07, , 22F
我看到這個新聞心裡只有怒 = =###...
03/16 23:07, 22F

03/16 23:10, , 23F
03/16 23:10, 23F

03/16 23:43, , 24F
03/16 23:43, 24F

03/16 23:45, , 25F
03/16 23:45, 25F

03/16 23:55, , 26F
哪有人精選輯出得比正規專輯還多的啦??!! 死錢尼!!!
03/16 23:55, 26F

03/17 01:29, , 27F
不要又來精選集了 +1 死錢尼 超該死的
03/17 01:29, 27F

03/17 12:31, , 28F
6/30 vs. 10/7
03/17 12:31, 28F

03/17 20:25, , 29F
果然是King 幹甚麼都破紀錄
03/17 20:25, 29F

03/17 21:38, , 30F
03/17 21:38, 30F

03/18 09:06, , 31F
03/18 09:06, 31F

03/19 15:21, , 32F
03/19 15:21, 32F

03/21 18:07, , 33F
03/21 18:07, 33F
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