[情報] 93年指控MJ的原告父親自殺

看板KingofPop作者 (confusing)時間14年前 (2009/11/18 10:14), 編輯推噓35(35016)
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http://0rz.tw/iuGUI (17-11-2009) Evan Chandler, the dentist father of the boy who accused Michael Jackson of child molestation in the early ’90s, is dead. 90年代指控MJ性騷擾兒童案件的原告父親去世 Reports from various sources say that Chandler, 65, committed suicide at his luxury condo in Jersey City, New Jersey. 他今年65歲 在紐澤西的家裡自殺身亡 Sources also say that Chandler, whose real last name was Charmatz, had been on the outs with his son, Jordan, since an incident in 2006. 他和他兒子Jordan 在06年後就沒有聯繫 Jordy Chandler accused Michael Jackson of molestation in 1993. The result was a settlement in which Jackson paid the Chandlers more than $20 million. The case never went to trial, but it forever tarnished Jackson. It did cause a rift between Jordy and his mother, June, from whom he was estranged until recently. Jordan在93年指控MJ性騷擾 MJ據報付了超過2000萬美金的和解金 這個案子從未經審判 但這個案子永遠損害了MJ的名譽 同時也造成了Jordan和他母親June的不合 In 1996, Mary Fischer, a journalist for GQ magazine, published a story refuting many of the child molestation claims. Fisher gathered evidence that Evan Chandler and Jordy’s stepfather conspired to shake Jackson down by drugging the boy and suggesting answers to him. 96年 GQ雜誌的記者 報導了對於這個性騷擾案件的反駁證明 在這個報導中 GQ的記者 收集了很多證據說Evan Chandler和他兒子的繼父合謀陷害MJ 他們對這男孩下藥 還有告訴他 要講些甚麼 In 2005, Ray Chandler (nee Charmatz) self published a book detailing his account of witnessing his brother Evan finding out about Jordy’s relationship with Michael Jackson, and how he proceeded from there. The book, “All that Glitters,” caused a stir, but its veracity could never be proved. 05年Evan Chandler的兄弟發表了一本書 描述他是怎麼看見他的兄弟在發現了他兒子 和MJ的關係之後 所做的事情 這在當時的確掀起了漣漪 但真相從未被証實 Still another book, also published in 2005, by Jackson’s long time press aide Bob Jones — since deceased — questioned the closeness of Jackson in 1993 to the 12-year-old boy. Jones — who was angry with Jackson for firing him without notice or a word after almost three decades — said he observed inappropriate behavior between Jackson and Jordy. 而同時 05年MJ的30年的長期助理Bob Jones 因為火大MJ在未告知的情況下開除他 也發行了一本書 質疑MJ和Jones在93年時的關係 他表示他有看到MJ和那男孩不適當舉動 Right after Michael Jackson died, the Internet was overwhelmed with rumors that Jordy Chandler had recanted his story. Alas, it was just an urban myth. To this day, Jordy Chandler has never commented on the case. His mother, June, testified at the 2005 trial — in which Jackson was accused of molesting Gavin Arvizo– that she believed Jackson was guilty of harming her son. 在MJ死後 網路上有瘋狂流傳Jordy Chandler承認了當年撒謊 但這基本上是都會奇聞 到今天為止Jordy Chandler從沒談論過這個案子 他的母親June在05年的案子中有出庭 而她表示她認為MJ的確傷害了她兒子 他是有罪的 Evan Chandler always had a basic problem in his story about Michael Jackson. His first instinct upon hearing that his son had been allegedly in a sexual affair with Jackson was not to beat the tar out of the singer. His basic reaction was to try and get money and a movie deal out of Jackson. The money proved to be his undoing. For many years, Chandler oversaw Jordy’s finances. They even bought a house in the Hamptons. But in later years he lost that control. By 2005 it was said that father and son weren’t speaking, and that Evan was ill. Now he’s dead, just five months after Michael Jackson. And the only person who really knows the truth of what happened in 1993 is Jordy Chandler. 雖然Evan Chandler對於MJ的故事一直頗有問題 他第一次聽到兒子可能被性侵害 的反應不是衝去揍MJ 而是去想從MJ那裏獲得一堆金錢和拍電影的協議 多年來 Evan Chandler一直掌控著他兒子的財政 他們甚至一起在漢普頓買了房子 但是近幾年 他失去了掌控 在05年這對父子彼此不講話 而Evan病了 而現在Evan在MJ過世後五個月去世了 而唯一知道93年真相的只剩下Jordy Chandler -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Lconfusing 來自: (11/18 10:16)

11/18 10:20, , 1F
11/18 10:20, 1F

11/18 10:21, , 2F
11/18 10:21, 2F

11/18 10:24, , 3F
11/18 10:24, 3F

11/18 10:25, , 4F
11/18 10:25, 4F

11/18 10:31, , 5F
http://0rz.tw/0u7Iz NJ local news
11/18 10:31, 5F

11/18 10:33, , 6F
http://0rz.tw/4UPrx New York Post
11/18 10:33, 6F

11/18 10:49, , 7F
11/18 10:49, 7F

11/18 10:52, , 8F
11/18 10:52, 8F

11/18 10:56, , 9F
11/18 10:56, 9F

11/18 10:58, , 10F
11/18 10:58, 10F

11/18 11:00, , 11F
11/18 11:00, 11F

11/18 11:02, , 12F
不送了 X!
11/18 11:02, 12F

11/18 11:05, , 13F
我真的很想說 真的是死有餘辜...
11/18 11:05, 13F

11/18 11:29, , 14F
所以喬迪到底有沒有承認他當年撒謊阿@@? 物颯颯了
11/18 11:29, 14F

11/18 11:37, , 15F
11/18 11:37, 15F

11/18 11:38, , 16F
11/18 11:38, 16F

11/18 11:40, , 17F
11/18 11:40, 17F

11/18 12:00, , 18F
他拿到了錢但他要得到了什麼 失去的比得到的還多吧....
11/18 12:00, 18F

11/18 12:40, , 19F
真希望他能勇敢承認 畢竟他當年只是小孩沒人會怪他阿
11/18 12:40, 19F

11/18 12:45, , 20F
11/18 12:45, 20F

11/18 13:00, , 21F
11/18 13:00, 21F

11/18 13:01, , 22F
我也記得承認說謊的新聞是假的 說是捏造的假新聞
11/18 13:01, 22F

11/18 14:05, , 23F
說是手裡拿槍 頭部中彈 但是不是自殺呢??
11/18 14:05, 23F

11/18 14:29, , 24F
11/18 14:29, 24F

11/18 16:14, , 25F
11/18 16:14, 25F

11/18 16:15, , 26F
11/18 16:15, 26F

11/18 17:53, , 27F
死的也太晚了 但希望他真的是自殺死 代表他有某種壓力
11/18 17:53, 27F

11/18 17:53, , 28F
一顆子彈真是便宜他了 跟十幾年的痛苦相比 死不足惜
11/18 17:53, 28F

11/18 17:57, , 29F
那個小孩現在也長大成人了吧 為什麼不肯出來陳清呢 真討厭..
11/18 17:57, 29F

11/18 19:19, , 30F
雖然說不要充滿仇恨 可是這些人早就該死了 我好恨他們
11/18 19:19, 30F

11/18 19:21, , 31F
justice comes too late, and he died too early,
11/18 19:21, 31F

11/18 19:22, , 32F
'cause i think he should live with guilt till forever
11/18 19:22, 32F

11/18 21:56, , 33F
我書也還在遙遠的家裡沒看 所以05年法院 媽媽是說相信
11/18 21:56, 33F

11/18 21:57, , 34F
MJ? 我的確印象之前新聞他是相信MJ 結果這篇這樣寫害我
11/18 21:57, 34F

11/18 21:58, , 35F
想說我記錯了 真是這樣這篇的記者太過分了 還在偷抹黑
11/18 21:58, 35F

11/19 02:16, , 36F
這些殺千刀的接下來會一個個去地獄接受約談的!!! +1
11/19 02:16, 36F

11/19 02:24, , 37F
11/19 02:24, 37F

11/19 10:41, , 38F
11/19 10:41, 38F

11/19 10:58, , 39F
11/19 10:58, 39F

11/19 11:11, , 40F
據報他死前健康狀況欠佳 所以也是有折磨到啦 住他祖媽
11/19 11:11, 40F

11/19 11:12, , 41F
的豪宅 最後把錢都花在看病上也不錯 美國醫藥費無敵貴
11/19 11:12, 41F

11/19 12:05, , 42F
小孩的媽媽說 93事件後,沒再見過兒子 哈!!沒有母愛!!
11/19 12:05, 42F

11/19 12:06, , 43F
老爸自殺!殘破的家庭!報應!! 拿錢去買棺材吧!
11/19 12:06, 43F

11/19 12:08, , 44F
11/19 12:08, 44F

11/19 12:11, , 45F
也許骯髒的靈魂最大的懲罰是罪惡感 所以連家人之間也無話
11/19 12:11, 45F

11/19 12:12, , 46F
11/19 12:12, 46F

11/19 18:52, , 47F
11/19 18:52, 47F

11/19 19:54, , 48F
11/19 19:54, 48F

11/20 21:52, , 49F
本來想說叫他去另外一個世界跟mj賠罪 後來發現沒辦法
11/20 21:52, 49F

11/20 21:52, , 50F
MJ在天堂 這個雜碎鐵定下地獄
11/20 21:52, 50F

11/21 01:49, , 51F
死得好! 這種以傷害別人而牟取利益的人渣 應該下地獄
11/21 01:49, 51F
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