[勃起] 「台妹很好把」Google搜尋第一 網友轟

看板Kids_Sucker作者 (橫衝直撞‧西西波)時間14年前 (2010/03/24 10:23), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板] 作者: Proc (期待世界末日:)) 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [新聞] 「台妹很好把」Google搜尋第一 網友轟 時間: Tue Mar 23 23:09:45 2010 台男至少不會以針對白洋屄為志向 每當我去了一趟卡內基跟銅猴子(哈洋屌著名夜店) 我就覺得鄉民的賭爛PUMA不無道理 當你親眼看到台妹跳起了我命名的為 →"哈洋屌求偶舞"時 你會發現腦袋裡的一些東西打開了 「很多事都找到解釋 真是喪國辱權到一個不行 好丟臉。」 台北市之前做過千人以上的調查 以比例換算 有超過10萬年輕女性 有跟外國人的性經驗 老外在台北市也沒有破萬吧 所以等於一個老外 pk 10個台妹XD 女性喜歡帥哥 有錢人 社會地位高的職業…等等 這在全世界都算較普遍的現象 沒啥戰點 但是關於台女那麼哈洋屌這件事 卻真的是一件很畸形的社會現象 為啥台女會那麼哈洋屌? 哈的到的一直哈 哈不到的很想哈? 去CCRomance板(吸吸洋屌板)看看 絕大多數都是女板友 你會看到有很多女板友的自介裡 交過很多男友中 幾乎都是各國籍的白人 (有很多板友的自介,都是交過數個白人,但是台男一個都沒交過) 很多西餐妹都是沒有離開過台灣 站在台灣這片土地上 卻一定非洋屌而不哈 事實在於 台男看到一大堆台女有哈洋屌的現象 心裡會有種屈辱感 女人較不會這麼想 男人會 白人因為近代逼迫全世界全盤西化 而造就白人自身有著種族上的優勢 白人跟亞洲人 相對比起來 白人吃的開很多 在歐美也不時會有白人男性針對亞洲人種族歧視的現象 而這一點相對照台女那麼哈洋屌的現象呢?? 就會變得非常耐人尋味了 我看過不少白人因為來台灣尬台妹無往不利而趾高氣昂 對待女性想要自以為就算了 重點在於他們會把這點自豪轉移在對待台男身上 非常自以為 一付「老子幹你們亞洲種族的妹都幹不完」 對台男態度差 出言不遜 我自己就在夜店看到台男被老外嗆過 一個很醜但很高的白人老外 對著一個台男嗆China monkey~ (monkey就算了 還china的咧…XD) 剛好旁邊就兩個台女站在白人老外旁邊 在那邊訕笑輕視該台男 我看了真的很感嘆 台灣男性真的很哀洨 哈洋屌又不是我們在哈的 在自己的國家 卻要受到白人這種對待 那麼台男會哈白女嗎? 台男頂多就是哈日本妹 韓國妹之類的 外籍新娘也是以亞洲人為絕大多數 會對洋女那麼有興趣的是少數中的少數 你去A片店裡面看 歐美片型放在那麼小的櫃子裡 幾乎全部都是日本A片 不過 如果台灣有一間女性取向的A片店 我看裡面大概都是歐美片吧XDD 這就是差異所在。 如果台妹是針對日韓男人 東南亞等等 社會上就不會有那麼多聲浪 至少同樣是亞洲人 較不會讓人有種自我種族的受辱感 因為白人對亞洲人的歧視攻擊事件 根本就是當地很平常的社區大小事 台男跟台女的差別在於 台男就算有錢 英文好 條件很好(ex竹科工程師) 有把洋女的本事 但台男絕大多數還是會傾向於同種族的女性 台北市有白人女姓數千名 你也很少會看到她們跟台男配的例子 不要以為洋女不要台男 事實上就我所知 白女實在沒有多少人有著非白男不交的情形 只是有很多白女對黑人敬謝不敏而已 東亞人對他們來說 根本就沒差 可以想想看 她們來到台灣那麼長時間 白男大多對台妹比較有興趣 本地男性又對白女沒啥興趣 那他們的需求怎麼解決? 去一些外國人在台灣的英文網站上 例如Forumosa 不時都會看到白人女性大嘆 台灣根本就是洋女的約會沙漠 被台男追求難之又難 所以 台妹哈洋屌 跟台男會取中國、東南亞新娘這件事情 是完全不同情形的 去美國的YAHOO知識 你可以搜尋:taiwan、girl、pick up、easy、white fever 你會看到很多"有趣"的文章 一大堆白男就專程來台灣找亞洲砲打 然後不時新聞就報出一些白男在台灣的性犯罪事件 講到這個,就必提這篇萬年不敗的警世文章, 是一個台女千人斬,把台女太容易,自己爽到號召白人同胞們一起來爽, 台女才不在乎什麼被歧視看低, 僑體位跟白人X都來不及了 ~揪咪^_< http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Kaidevir/12103558 文章蠻有趣的 避免有人怕中毒不敢點 替大家轉貼來 -- ASIAN SEX HANDBOOK 亞洲性愛指南 I have lived all over Asia and have been accused of going Asiatic. Maybe. I have fucked over a hundred Asians, and I have talked to other guys who have done the same (no big deal for a foreigner living over there). Here is the straight shit about Asian girls broken down by country. Not what they eat or their religion or the best museums. We're talking bedroom acrobatics. How do they fuck, do they give head, how do you know they want you, what turns them on? A virtual 1-2-3 on sex with them. Flips are different from Thais who are different from Japanese chicks. To each his own, but you need to know the score if you are going to score. No bullshit, no macho crap, just the straight scoop. Check out the sample section, Taiwan Chicks. 我在亞洲住過很多地方,甚至還被人家說我太亞洲化。或許吧。我幹過的亞洲妹已經超過 一百多個,而且我也和其他百人斬聊過(對住在這邊的外國人來說,要達到百人斬是易如 反掌) 我不拐彎抹角,而且以國家做分類教你如何來搞上她們。不講她們吃啥、信啥或哪 裡的美術館最棒,我們講的是床上功夫! 怎麼幹她們、怎麼讓她們點頭、怎麼知道她們 要你,和怎麼開發她們。非常實際的上妹3部曲。對不同國家的妹來說,戲法千變萬化, 幹泰國妞和幹日本妹的方法都不一樣。不管怎樣,想上床得分前,你至少要知道怎麼上床 得分吧?不鬼扯也不講我多屌,總之是講一竿進洞。快來看看我講台灣篇吧。 TAIWAN BABES 台灣寶貝 (or, you got to play the game) 有機會你一定要來玩玩 Taiwan, Republic of China, is a combination of the old China of the Tang Dynasty and the modern, commercial world. Traditional customs coincide with modern high-tech industry. Taiwan girls (I'll call them TG's from now on) reflect this aspect of their culture. 台灣,中華民國,基本上是中國古代唐朝和西方現代文化結合的社會,一個商業化的世界 。在高科技的現在化工業中融合著傳統習俗。台灣女孩就(以下簡稱她們台妹)反映了這樣 的文化。 TG's are very modern in their pursuit of carnal happiness. They like sex, and they demand it. But they also have the centuries-old tradition of the dainty, foot-bound maiden whose only desire is to serve her man. The old ideal of a proper women who doesn't enjoy sex, who eats like a bird, and who has no "un-genteel" habits such as shitting, farting, or bad breath has survived throughout the ages. Modern TG's handle this disparity of desires and cultural ideals by game playing. And if you want to succeed in getting a TG in the sack, you've got to understand the rules of these games. 台灣妹在追求肉慾滿足上非常前衛。她們喜歡性愛,她們就要得到性愛。然而,幾世紀以 來的傳統觀念,無時無刻牽絆著她們:就像過去裹小腳的女人,服侍著丈夫的形象那樣。 那些傳統觀念很深的婦女,總是享受不到性的快感,例如要學著像小鳥一般,禮貌地啄食 著食物,還有就連大便、放屁、呼吸都要講究禮俗,到現在也還是如此。也因此,台妹在 追求肉慾中,會顧慮到傳統價值。所以如果你想和台妹衝回本壘,一定要先把這些傳統價 值搞懂。 In every physical relationship with a TG, there are two stages: getting there and after the first fuck. First, though, we'll go over a few idiosyncrasies about life in general which can affect your efforts to get laid. 和每個台妹打炮都有兩個階段:一,幹到第一次前;二,幹了第一次後。首先要講在台灣 生活所要注意的生活細節,請注意,這會影響到衝本壘的速度。 The population of Taiwan is one of the most superstitious peoples in the world. Much of their life revolves around the supernatural. For example, the Chines month which occurs at about the same time as August is sometimes known as the month of ghosts. This is a bad time to be walking around with some young thing after dark. University graduates, acknowledging that this is base"un-genteel" habits such as shitting, farting, or bad breath has survived throughout the ages. Modern TG's handle this disparity of desires and cultural ideals by game playing. And if you want to succeed in getting a TG in the sack, you've got to understand the rules of these games. 台灣妹在追求肉慾滿足上非常前衛。她們喜歡性愛,她們就要得到性愛。然而,幾世紀以 來的傳統觀念,無時無刻牽絆著她們:就像過去裹小腳的女人,服侍著丈夫的形象那樣。 那些傳統觀念很深的婦女,總是享受不到性的快感,例如要學著像小鳥一般,禮貌地啄食 著食物,還有就連大便、放屁、呼吸都要講究禮俗,到現在也還是如此。也因此,台妹在 追求肉慾中,會顧慮到傳統價值。所以如果你想和台妹衝回本壘,一定要先把這些傳統價 值搞懂。 In every physical relationship with a TG, there are two stages: getting there and after the first fuck. First, though, we'll go over a few idiosyncrasies about life in general which can affect your efforts to get laid. 和每個台妹打炮都有兩個階段:一,幹到第一次前;二,幹了第一次後。首先要講在台灣 生活所要注意的生活細節,請注意,這會影響到衝本壘的速度。 The population of Taiwan is one of the most superstitious peoples in the world. Much of their life revolves around the supernatural. For example, the Chines month which occurs at about the same time as August is sometimes known as the month of ghosts. This is a bad time to be walking around with some young thing after dark. University graduates, acknowledging that this is base superstition, will still adhere to this kind of belief. 台灣人們是世界上最迷信的人們之一,生活中充滿了超自然力量。如中國農曆中的鬼月, 大概在西曆八月開始。這段期間,在晚上不管做甚麼事都要小心點;即使是研究所的學生 ,雖然知道這是迷信,還是一副寧可信其有、不可信其無的態度。 Timing is critical. Certain days and even the time of day has a critical impact on what a person does. Contracts might not be signed one a certain day because that would be bad luck. Getting laid on a certain day may be the best thing or the worst thing that can happen based on the astrological signs. This obviously can work for or against you. 看日子對她們來說是非常重要的,在某日某刻做甚麼事前都要先看看日子。某些時候不能 和人簽約,因為日子沒選好會帶來霉運。在某時某地跟馬子上床是好是壞,某種程度上和 天象也有關係。顯然水能載舟亦能覆舟。 Coupled with timing is the belief in Chinese astrology. Based on in which Chinese year you were born can go a long ways in a TG's determination on whether or not to fuck you. This may be more prevalent on deciding on marriage, but it can relate to a roll in the hay, too. 中國占卜認為相親的時間點也很重要。台妹會觀察你和她的生辰八字合不合,再決定要不 要幹你。要決定終身大事時,對生辰八字就要更慎重了,其實這跟擲骰子差不了多少。 There is also a heavy reliance on the use of fortune tellers (blind fortune tellers are considered particularly accurate). A TG may ask her fortune teller if she should take matters up to the next level. Depending on the fortune teller's response can make the difference between success or jerking off. I once met a beautiful, rich TG. When we finally fucked, I thought it was because of my suave and debonair attitude coupled with my tremendously sexy and manly physique. Then she had to pop my bubble by letting me know that her fortune teller had told her that within a week, she would meet a man from outside Taipei and from 173 cm to 175 cm tall whom she should get to know as he would bring her wealth. I am 173 cm (5'8"), so she used sex to attach me, having fun and ensuring her access to business at the same time (throwing out my dreams I was somehow turning into a ladies' man, sad to say.) 她們也很依賴算命。(看不見的算命仙搞不好更準)台妹會問她的算命仙,是不是要再繼續 和某男走下去。算命仙講的話會決定她和某男能不能在一起。有次我認識一個又正又有錢 的台妹,我原本以為是我豪邁的體格、文雅斯文的態度和超棒的性技巧,才吸引她願意和 我幹炮;結果她竟然跟我說,算命仙從水晶球裡看到,她會在一個禮拜之內,在台北以外 的地方遇到一個身高約173到175的男人,且這男人會為她帶來財富。我173,所以她不只 是因為要找樂子才幹我,更為了確保她生意上的一帆風順。(媽的,戳破我自以為是淑女 殺手的白日夢,有點小難過) The point of these preceding paragraphs is that logic and desire may not result in consummation. If the cards are stacked against you, there might be nothing you can do and you would be better off throwing in the towel and finding an easier target elsewhere. 前面的例子,就是你幹炮能不能成功的邏輯。如果起手東南西北中發白一副爛牌,那你大 概不管怎樣努力都胡不了了,不如花時間去找下一個簡單點的目標。 On the other hand, once a TG sets her mind to it, she isn't going to let go. She will do anything in her power to get it done. If she wants to fuck you, she will arrange for it to happen. I taught a TG here in the US how to give blowjobs because she wanted to snag another guy who didn't like her. It was surreal. I'd go over to her apartment and give her instructions while she was going down on me. Yea, she was "using me," and didn't give much of a shit for me, but I got a half-dozen blowjobs out of it, so who cares? 另一方面,如果台妹一旦決定和你在一起,她就絕不會輕易放棄。她會想盡一切方法得到 你。如果她想幹你,她就會想辦法設計你。我在美國認識一個台妹,還教她怎麼口交。因 為她為了要和一個不喜歡她的男人在一起,要學口交來幹他。聽起來超誇張的,我到她的 公寓教她怎麼口交,她就這樣乖乖下去幫我吹喇叭,一點也不在乎。是阿,她把我當工具 又怎樣?教她口交我至少也射了6、7次。 GETTING LAID FOR THE FIRST TIME 第一次打炮 OK, you have met a TG, and you are anxious to score. How do you get to the sack? 好吧,你遇到了一個台妹,而且你迫不急待想幹她。要怎麼進她小穴呢? If you are a foreigner, particularly a white man, you've got a very good advantage. She has heard much about your prowess in bed, and she wants to try. If you are black, you may or may not have an even greater advantage. The idea of "jungle fever" is not lost on TG's, although the attitude encompasses all foreigners. While they are more prejudice than many people, if they think they can get away with it without anyone back home knowing about it, most would love to have an experience with a black man as well as a white man thinking that both would be the penultimate in sexual pleasure. 如果你是外國人,還是白人,那你就贏在起跑點了。因為她聽過很多洋屌很猛的事績,所 以她會想試試看。假如你是黑人,可能就沒那麼幸運了。儘管黑人在其他國家不會遭受到 歧視,有些台妹對那種"非洲人很落後"的形象還無法抹滅。台妹們算是台灣人中較容易有 偏見的一個族群,還很愛面子。所以如果你低調點,不讓別人知道她和黑人上過床,其實 很多台妹都願意和黑人打上一炮的,因為洋屌的快感就是不一樣。 The key is that you are a foreigner. As a "waigwo ren," you somehow fall The key is that you are a foreigner. As a "waigwo ren," you somehow fall outside the conventions of "polite" society, read "Chinese" society. There would be no or less loss of face for getting down and dirty. If you think she is a tramp, well, frankly your opinion doesn't matter as you are not Chinese. 重點就是你是外國人。身為一個"歪郭仁",你沒有傳統中國那種禮義廉恥的概念,所以她 在你面前表現淫蕩一點也不會沒面子。就算你認為她是賤貨,嗯,其實她根本不在乎你對 她的觀感,因為你不是中國人。 Get pissed off at this thinking if you want, or use it to your advantage by getting laid. 你要不爽是你家的事,不過若這麼想能讓你打到更多炮的話,何不試試? Appearance does not matter nearly as much to a TG as it does to girls from other countries. The almighty dollar does, though. If you are rich, that means you are powerful, hence, sexy. You don't necessarily have to spend it on them, but you must at lest act as if you have it. Or if you don't have it, you soon will. Don't go overboard in trying to impress them with kindness. Be a little aloof. Make the decisions. Don't be a jerk, though; consider her feelings, but you make the decisions. 和其他國家比起來,台妹對外表是很不Care的。不過錢是萬能的。你有錢的話,就代表你 有權力,權力就是最強的春藥。其實你也不一定要用錢,但是至少裝出你有錢的樣子;不 然也要裝出一副雖然現在沒錢,但沒多久就會有錢的樣子。而且不要對她們裝出一副頻頻 獻殷勤的好人樣,要壞一點裝做若即若離不在乎的樣子,重點是該衝就要敢衝,不要像膽 小鬼一樣只會打打嘴砲。一方面你在乎她的感受,一方面你要表現主動。 This should be common sense, but don't criticize Chinese culture! Don't condescend to them. Remember, they think they are superior to you. Unless they are trying to hook a husband because they think women are more free in Western nations, they are with you for a good time only, not because they think you are from an advanced culture. 不要批評中國文化!記得這是常識。別以為自己比她們高貴多少,台妹以她們的文化為榮 ,僅記這一點。她們認為西方世界的婦女是很自由,所以除非她們想和妳結婚,不然她們 和你只是玩玩而已,不是因為你的文化比較優越而和你在一起。 OK, now for the game playing part. TG's almost never say what they mean when it comes to sex and relationships. I've had it explained to me as the "Three No Rule." That is, a girl must say "no" three times before she means it. 好吧,好玩的要來了。台妹對性和交往關係有種難以啟齒的害羞感,以至於不太敢開口。 所以我要解釋這個"三不"原則,三不原則就是,你一定要聽到台妹說出三次"不",說三次 才代表她真的"不要"。 You are kissing her and slide your hand up her shirt. She takes your hand and removes it. That is only one "no." You are expected to try again. By saying "no," she has saved her reputation. As an American, I know "no" means "no." With my first TG in Taipei, we were getting hot and heavy when I stuck my hands down her pants. She took my hand out and said she couldn't. Pretty frustrated, I quit, and shortly later took her home. The next day, her friend asked me why I didn't like her. When I told her I didn't understand, she said the TG was rather disappointed that I didn't find her attractive enough to go for it harder. 假設你正在親她,而且把手伸進她上衣裡。她把你的手移開。這是第一次不。她希望你再 試一次。總要裝裝矜持,才不會讓人以為她很賤。身為一個美國人,我以為不要就是不要 。我在台北認識我第一任台妹,那次我和她愛撫到渾身發燙時,我把手伸進她小褲褲裡, 她把我手移開而且說不行。我很沮喪,所以我停下來,而且帶她回家。隔天她朋友問我為 什麼我不喜歡她,我就跟她說我不懂,她跟我說那個台妹很失望,因為我沒有因為她很性 感而多努力一點。 TG's will also say "no" while you are doing it. You've got your hand down her pants, and she might say "no," all the while holding your hand so you can't get it out. Or you are going down on her and she keeps saying "no" while holding your ears in a vise lock so you couldn't get away if you tried. 當你幹她的時候,她也會說"不"。當你把手伸進小褲褲,她可能會說"不要",但是一方面 她又自己抓住你的手不讓你移開。當你要幫她口交時,她也會一邊喊" 不要",一邊還緊 抓著你的耳朵要你繼續舔。 Although this is changing somewhat, you'll probably not get laid on the first opportunity. If she is a teenager out to have fun at one of the expensive opportunity. If she is a teenager out to have fun at one of the expensive nightclubs, or if she is married, then you might. Usually, though, a TG must be a "good" girl and not actually fuck that fist time. The second opportunity is fine, though, because she has already proved that she is a "good girl." 其實這有點漸進式的感覺,所以你和她嘗試第一次時可能還幹不到她。如果她是那種夜店 的玩咖或已經結婚了,那可能第一次就幹到。通常的情況是,第一次幹不太到,因為台妹 要裝出一副她們是"良家婦女"的樣子。第二次做就比較容易幹到,因為她們已經證明過自 己是"良家婦女"了。 Where can you do it? If you are home, wherever you normally do it is fine. But if you are in Taiwan, you've got some problems. Many TG's live with extended families. It's hard to fuck "syaujye" while "fuchin" and "muchin" are in the next room. If you've already got a relationship going, you can check into one of the many short-term hotels that are everywhere. Colorful fronts, dark lobbies where she can stand out of site from the desk while you select which kind of room you want, and a dozen or so choices of rooms, most with frilly beds, mirrors on the ceilings, and porn on the tube. Four hours costs about $20-30. 那要在哪裡做?如果你在外面住就沒差,因為可以帶回家幹。但是很多台妹都和家人一起 住,這就很麻煩了。要幹到"小姐"不容易,因為"母親"和"父親"就在隔壁房間。如果你和 她交往了,那你可以帶她去外面的賓館QK,台灣有很多這種賓館。外面有閃亮的招牌,裡 面有陰暗的大廳,她會躲在櫃台後,讓你選擇房間,有很多情趣房間可以選擇,通常天花 板會有鏡子、床也裝飾得很漂亮,電視還有A片可看。一般來說四小時約台幣600元到900 元。 For the first time, your best chances are at an MTV. This isn't our MTV, but a place where you can go to rent videos and watch them in small, cozy rooms. Each room can be darkened and has a large couch in it. It is quite easy to lie down together, and go on from there. Although this is supposed to be for anyone, mostly couples seem to use them. If you're invited to one of these, especially if she recommends that you watch two movies, you're in. 第一次而言,你最好的機會在MTV。但是和美國的MTV不一樣,那是一個陰暗的小房間,你 先租好影片,然後可以在裡面觀賞。每個房間都很暗,裡面還附有一個大沙發。躺在上面 很舒服,一看就有那種情侶在上面幹過的感覺。如果台妹邀你去看MTV,還特別強調要看 兩片,你就卯系阿。 Pay attention to the "friend." Just like in high school, TG's often use friends to pass along the hint. If she tells you you are handsome, it's coming from the TG. She can say things without regards to face because she isn't the one hopping in the sack with you. 對台妹的"朋友"要特別留意。台妹很喜歡用朋友來暗示你。如果一個台妹說你很帥,那大 概不是她講的,而是另一個喜歡你的台妹想要對你說的。如果她和你講話時不會遮遮掩掩 的,就表示她的小穴對你沒興趣。 Don't pay too much attention to her tits the first time if they are small. Don't pay too much attention to her tits the first time if they are small. TG's have somewhat of an inferiority complex about them. Don't ignore them, but don't focus on them. 如果她胸部很小,記得別一直叮著她的貧乳看。很多台妹對於自己的胸部都有一種自卑的 情結。別輕視這個情結,但是也不要哪壺不開提哪壺。 Finally, don't forget the older woman. Successful Taiwan men almost always have a mistress. Now, their wives are fighting back. If you don't mind a married women out looking for fun, give them a shot. Usually, they will pay for everything, too, even to presents and gifts. Nothing seems to make them more satisfied than to get laid while spending their husbands' money to do it. 最後,不要忽略老女人。成功的台灣男人幾乎都會養情婦,現在他們的老婆要報復了。如 果你不介意和結過婚的女人找樂子,你可以去試試看。通常她們會支付所有開銷,甚至還 會買禮物送你。世界上大概沒有比拿老公的錢養小白臉更爽的事了。 AFTER THE FIRST FUCK 幹過一次後 Once you've fucked, the rules have changed. She has gotten over that hump (pun intended), and any face to be lost has already been lost. Now she wants to get fucked as often as possible. And she wants to be your best fuck ever. Keep telling her that. 當你幹過她之後,遊戲規則就變了。她嚐到了甜頭,而且該丟的臉都丟光了,沒啥好害羞 的。現在她只想一直被你幹。記得要一直讓她知道,她是你幹過最棒的女人、她是你唯一 想幹的女人。 She will take over your scheduling, arranging trips, MTV, taking you to hotels. She probably won't say much until you both are naked and in the room, but she'll lead you by the hand. She isn't afraid of asking for more. Most importantly except for the hershey highway, she'll try anything. 接下來不管你想幹嘛,她都會一直跟著你,而且幫你安排行程:到處旅遊、到MTV或到賓 館做。脫光光前她大概也不會說啥,總之她會用手帶你進去。她不怕要求更多,除了在高 速公路上做不方便外,她大概甚麼都會想試試看。 Oral Sex 口交 Damn straight. She'll do it at the drop of the hat. They are pretty good at it, and will be proud of her ability to make you cum. She isn't going to swallow, though. 講直接點,她會邊舔龜頭邊幫你吹,台妹真的蠻強的,還會因為讓你射出來而引以自豪。 不過她不會吞精就是了。 Fucking 做愛 Pretty good at it. She'll squeal and moan, though, so watch where you do it. She wants to cum, so don't leave her stranded if you beat her to it. A TG likes any position, and with a foreigner, wants to experience them all. 台妹很強。她會邊做邊叫春、呻吟,所以幹她時要記得好好欣賞。她也想高潮,所以你射 出來後不要不理人家。通常台妹甚麼體位都OK,尤其是和歪郭仁做,她會甚麼體位都想來 一發。 Anal Sex 肛交 Not too many of the TG's just wanting to get laid. If she is trying to hook a husband, she may do it for the "see how much I love you?" act. 不是所有台妹都只想上床。肛交的情況大概會發生在她想釣老公的時候,"看我多愛你, 連肛交我都OK"。 Masturbation 手淫 She will do you, although she thinks it's a waste if you cum that way. But she'll do herself to get ready for you or to get you up one more time after you are sure you've done all you can. She wants you to watch her do it. you are sure you've done all you can. She wants you to watch her do it. 她會幫你打出來,雖然認為這樣很浪費。她也會自慰給你看,讓你快點和她來一發或讓她 早點準備好。通常自慰時也會要你好好看她做。 Pictures/Video 慾照和錄影帶 I've never been turned down, nor has anyone else that I know. She will say "no" again, but will "give in" very quickly. After you take them, she will want to play director. If you've got a camera which you can hook up to the TV and see what you are doing real time, she's going to pay more attention to placing and the composition of the shot than the actual fucking. As soon as you are done, she's going to want to watch it, all the time exclaiming either how god or bad a certain angle makes her look. 我沒拒絕被過,認識的台妹也幾乎都能接受慾照和錄影帶。她一開始可能會說"不要",不 過她很快就會投降了。當你拍她時,她會想當導演。特別是當你有攝影機可以連到電視時 ,她更會特別注意電視上的自己,看自己怎麼被幹,甚至會忘記自己正在和你做愛。當你 拍完時,她會想看replay,然後和你討論這個姿勢她看起來好看還是難看。 One Night Stands 一夜情 Not bloody likely. She wants more than that. She's also going to want to show you off, like some prize pet. 沒啥好說的,這滿足不了她。她會有那種想趁機炫耀的虛榮心,就像某種自以為高貴的寵 物。 Overall Attitude 整體評論 Anything goes. Sex toys, bondage, videos, whatever. The lights stay on; she wants to see. Once the door closes, there is no holding back. And there is no such thing as too much. Expect her to say "no" the first time for most things, but don't be afraid to push the issue. 甚麼都能玩。跳蛋、繃帶、攝影機等等。你打開她那潘朵拉的盒子後就沒退路了,沒有甚 麼是不能玩的;我們都知道她一開始可能會說"不要",所以別怕,多要求幾次就好。 One last thing. The Chinese believe that eating animal parts will affect a person. Tigers are strong, so eating Tiger bones will make a man strong. Since a rhinoceros horn is long, hard, and upright, eating the powder of one will make a man stay harder longer and get hard more often. So if she gives you some shit saying it helps the sex, don't take offense, it is normal practice. If you are an environmentalist, you've got to decide if saving endangered species is more important to you than getting laid before you react to her offer. 最後一件事,中國人相信吃甚麼就會補甚麼。老虎很猛,所以吃老虎的骨頭會讓人變壯。 例如犀牛角又長又硬又邱,男人吃了犀牛角磨製的粉就可以讓小弟弟又硬又屌。如果台妹 跟你說吃甚麼可以助性,不要譏笑她,因為對她來說這是常識。如果你是環保人士,你就 要在拯救地球和拯救小弟弟間做個選擇。 Understand the rules and don't get pissed off about their feeling of superiority, and you'll do fine with a TG. Play the game and have some of the best sex you're ever going to have. 把遊戲規則搞懂,別因為她們的"感覺"而不爽,那你要把台妹應該沒啥問題。好好去玩, 享受你難以忘懷的絕美性愛吧! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Proc 來自: (03/23 23:13)

03/23 23:10,
03/23 23:10

03/23 23:10,
這其中一定有什麼誤會 顆顆
03/23 23:10

03/23 23:11,
03/23 23:11

03/23 23:11,
03/23 23:11

03/23 23:11,
e04 太長篇
03/23 23:11

03/23 23:12,
03/23 23:12

03/23 23:12,
正的白女高傲到不行 亞洲人 你想都別想
03/23 23:12

03/23 23:13,
她們就是想被玩阿 老實說她們就算得病 被幹到死
03/23 23:13

03/23 23:13,
屄是她們的 想給誰肏不關別人的事吧
03/23 23:13

03/23 23:13,
03/23 23:13

03/23 23:13,
03/23 23:13

03/23 23:13,
什麼!銅猴子是喔 在我辦公室旁邊每天經過我竟然不知道
03/23 23:13

03/23 23:13,
屄是她們的 臭名是台灣的 爽到她們 我們背臭名
03/23 23:13

03/23 23:14,
03/23 23:14

03/23 23:14,
看完了 你應該會被放大決XD
03/23 23:14

03/23 23:14,
恩 大概是把台灣女生當成只有"台灣男生"才能擁有的吧
03/23 23:14

03/23 23:14,
03/23 23:14

03/23 23:15,
03/23 23:15

03/23 23:15,
話說男女有別阿 角色互換 一個被臭幹 一個被當神拜
03/23 23:15

03/23 23:15,
03/23 23:15

03/23 23:15,
03/23 23:15

03/23 23:16,
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:16,
可是我覺得銅猴子很不像耶 看起來就是很普通很小的一間
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:16,
幾乎完美的教戰守則....似乎命中率不低= =
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:16,
沒差啦 大不了台灣男人不要救她們了
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:16,
銅猴子就一般的SPORTS CLUB 不過洋人多了點 PUPU當然也.
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:16,
話說這類文通常都只有單身男子才會熱烈討論 (哭)
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:16,
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:16,
上次不也一哈到染病的還上新聞 被尬多次還不知道名字
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:16,
其實寫得還算不錯 @@
03/23 23:16

03/23 23:17,
03/23 23:17

03/23 23:17,
至少她們還肯找人類來XX 已經很給你面子了XD
03/23 23:17

03/23 23:17,
03/23 23:17

03/23 23:17,
03/23 23:17

03/23 23:18,
台男可能去東南亞可以打砲打到爽 可是你要去嗎?
03/23 23:18

03/23 23:18,
03/23 23:18

03/23 23:18,
03/23 23:18

03/23 23:19,
03/23 23:19
還有 261 則推文
還有 12 段內文
03/24 01:08,
03/24 01:08

03/24 01:09,
不用 ccr可以三天內補交XD
03/24 01:09

03/24 01:10,
法西斯好像沒事?CCR我猜都八卦的在看XD 西斯好像有人高潮了
03/24 01:10

03/24 01:21,
03/24 01:21

03/24 01:25,
借轉FB !!
03/24 01:25

03/24 01:32,
03/24 01:32

03/24 01:35,
這是博碩論文級數的 不得不推
03/24 01:35

03/24 01:45,
03/24 01:45

03/24 01:56,
03/24 01:56

03/24 02:03,
03/24 02:03

03/24 02:08,
事實還怕別人說? 幫推回來
03/24 02:08

03/24 02:11,
03/24 02:11

03/24 02:12,
03/24 02:12

03/24 02:14,
論述詳盡搭配實例說明 超有說服力 想必原作閱歷極為豐富
03/24 02:14

03/24 02:32,
雖然不是很推 但說實在的 摸的還蠻透的
03/24 02:32
※ 編輯: Proc 來自: (03/24 02:44)

03/24 02:45,
03/24 02:45

03/24 03:03,
雖然想推你的辛苦寫這篇 但人家愛哈is your business?
03/24 03:03

03/24 03:20,
to kikku 人家po文 is your business?
03/24 03:20

03/24 03:32,
烙英文喔 利害喔 (笑)
03/24 03:32

03/24 04:17,
03/24 04:17

03/24 06:24,
這是超級洋屌 雖然杜爛他 但還是必須推
03/24 06:24

03/24 07:09,
03/24 07:09

03/24 07:21,
03/24 07:21

03/24 07:23,
這篇應該M起來 台灣目前最真實的社會現象 我看到都快手槍了
03/24 07:23

03/24 07:35,
其實分析的蠻有道理的,除了一堆x字之外= =
03/24 07:35

03/24 08:07,
幹 認識的女生都說想跟歪國人結婚 痛恨啊 野花哪有家花香!
03/24 08:07

03/24 08:21,
03/24 08:21

03/24 08:34,
起手東南西北中發白 那就做『十三么』呀
03/24 08:34

03/24 08:37,
03/24 08:37

03/24 08:39,
03/24 08:39

03/24 08:41,
03/24 08:41

03/24 08:43,
03/24 08:43

03/24 08:43,
03/24 08:43

03/24 08:58,
03/24 08:58

03/24 08:59,
03/24 08:59

03/24 09:56,
03/24 09:56

03/24 10:23,
03/24 10:23
-- 男子漢遇上以下三種情況,就算是來鬧的,也要奮戰到底: 第一,男子漢在緊要關頭要當仁不讓! 第二,現在正是緊要關頭! 還有第三!我!還有我們!都是男子漢! __不屈鬥志<Gyakkyo Nine> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1BgNUbZB (Kids_Sucker)